Gourd Farm Chapter 45

Translated by Etherna (ko-fi)

Chapter 45: Market Research 


"Xia Ying, I'm planning to go to the county tomorrow. Can you deliver the supplies the restaurant needs?"


Xia Ying, who was squatting on the ground, pulling out weeds, used her hand to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear and replied, "Sure, just give me the list later."


"Yang Feng, look how quickly these tomatoes are growing. Some of them already have blossoms."


"Yeah, I've noticed the same thing here."


"When I used to grow tomatoes at home, I remember they used to grow much slower. It hasn't been that long, and they're already starting to flower," Xia Ying said in amazement.


"Hehe, it might be due to different tomato varieties," Yang Feng replied.


Early in the morning, Yang Feng had risen and together with Xia Ying, they picked and organized the cucumbers.


"Alright, let's lock up, and I'll leave the keys with you," Yang Feng said.


"Okay, you're not planning to come back tonight?" Xia Ying inquired.


"I probably won't make it back tonight because I need to see how the wholesale market operates in the evening," Yang Feng explained.




After that, they rode their bikes and arrived in town in about half an hour. Yang Feng had to catch a bus, so he left first.


"When you get to the restaurant, just call someone from inside to help you unload, then double-check the weight when you sign for it. Don't worry about anything else," Yang Feng instructed Xia Ying.


"Alright, I got it."


They waited on the roadside for about fifteen minutes until an old and rickety minivan finally arrived, swaying as it drove.


Yang Feng waved his hand to signal the driver, and the van pulled up in front of them, kicking up a cloud of dust as its wheels spun.


"Pshh... Creak."


With a hiss of air, the worn-out van door popped open.


"If you need to get off, hurry and use the back door. Remember to take your belongings with you. We won't be responsible for anything lost," the bus conductor shouted.


"For those getting on, please move quickly and line up to buy your tickets."


"You, with all that luggage, move your big suitcase to the back. Can't you put that pocket of yours under the seat to save space?"


As soon as they squeezed onto the bus, the ticket conductor was yelling and directing passengers.


"Where are you heading, young man? Get yourself a ticket," she asked.


"I'm going to the wholesale market in the county," Yang Feng replied.


"Alright, that'll be eighteen yuan."


A middle-aged woman carrying a handbag and holding a wooden board with fare prices and a pen skillfully marked Yang Feng's payment.


"Move further inside, don't block the aisle near the door. There's still space in the back, right?"


The bus driver, who had just boarded, was urging passengers to cram themselves in. Sometimes, it was hard to believe how many people could fit into this seemingly small minivan.


"Who just stepped on my foot?" someone complained.


"Can you please drive slower? I feel like I'm going to shake someone to death," Yang Feng complained. 

He was squeezed into the aisle in the middle of the bus and had finally found a pull-down handle to hold onto. There were advertisements on it that said, ‘For male health, go to Peking University.’ With the constant stopping and starting of the bus, not holding onto something made it impossible to stand steadily.


The smell inside the bus was indescribable. It was a mix of sweaty feet, spicy snacks, and even the faint scent of a popular cologne. It was an unforgettable experience.


The minivan made several stops and swayed back and forth for an hour before finally reaching the terminal. The constant motion almost put Yang Feng to sleep.


They had originally planned to get off at the wholesale market, but due to road construction, the bus had to drop all passengers at the central bus station.


"Make sure you've checked your personal belongings and take your trash with you," the ticket conductor shouted from under the bus.


Yang Feng hadn't been to the county seat in a long time, and he felt a bit disoriented as he stepped off the bus.


"Young man, where are you headed? Get on the bus."


"Hey handsome, we're short of one here. Are you coming?"


As soon as they got off the bus, they were surrounded by tricycle taxis and regular taxis.




The bus station was not too far from the wholesale market, about a half-hour walk, but there was a convenient bus stop nearby. Taking a bus costs only one yuan to get to their destination.


As they arrived at the bus stop and were still getting their bearings, a bus pulled up. Regardless of the route, they all passed by the wholesale market.


The county's public buses were much better than the minivan they had taken earlier. There was more space, and today there weren't too many passengers. They found a seat and settled in.


After over an hour on the bus, their legs felt stiff. Just as they had sat down and were warming their seats, the electronic announcer on the bus announced that the next stop was the wholesale market, and they should get ready to disembark.


When they arrived at the wholesale market, it felt surprisingly empty with not many people around. As they walked toward the vegetable section, they encountered a bustling crowd of small vendors energetically calling out their products.


"Young man, how about some vegetables? Look at this fresh broccoli."


"Hey buddy, what are you planning to eat today?"


Watching these small vendors tirelessly at work, and an elderly lady in front of a stall, with a red face and thick neck, was engaged in a heated debate with the stall owner over a trivial amount of money.


When it came to buying vegetables, Yang Feng actually preferred shopping at markets like these. While supermarkets also sold vegetables, there was always something missing, that lively and noisy atmosphere.


"How much for these tomatoes?"


Approaching a vegetable stall with fresh-looking tomatoes, Yang Feng inquired about the price.


"Brother, they're all 5.5 yuan per kilogram. If you want me to weigh them, it's 5 yuan per kilogram."


Yang Feng thought to himself that the phrase "5.5 yuan per kilogram" must be repeated countless times a day by vegetable vendors, becoming like a mantra.


His purpose in coming here was mainly to check the prices. If tomatoes were being sold for 5 yuan per kilogram at retail, then the wholesale price shouldn't be more than 4 yuan.


After visiting several stalls and inquiring about prices, he found that they were all quite similar and mostly within this range.


Now, Yang Feng was waiting for the evening to see how fast the wholesale market over there would start selling and delivering goods, as well as to check the prices of different varieties of produce.


It was already noon, and he was starting to feel hungry. He found a small eatery for a quick meal.


"Boss, please give me a bowl of fried sauce noodles."


"Sure, please wait a moment!"


"Boss, some garlic for me, two cloves."


As the saying goes, "Eating noodles without garlic is like missing half the flavor."


To be honest, the fried sauce noodles at this small eatery were quite good. The taste was similar to the Beijing-style fried sauce noodles Yang Feng used to eat in Shanghai.


Sometimes, you have to look for these small restaurants. They might not look fancy, but their food could often provide unexpected delights.


These kinds of eateries were typically owner-operated, often run by couples. They didn't have many specialty dishes and usually wouldn't make their own noodles.


After finishing his meal, Yang Feng found a small motel. He knew he wouldn't be able to return home tonight. With several hours left until evening, he decided to take a short nap so he'd have the energy to visit the market later.


"Ah... *yawn*"


When the alarm clock went off, Yang Feng reluctantly opened his eyes. This budget motel had rooms separated by thin plywood walls. When he first arrived, he was kept awake by a noisy young couple in the adjacent room. Finally, he managed to doze off, and now it was already evening.


He sighed, "Well, once I have more money, I'll stay in a luxury suite during business trips and get a good night's sleep."


As night fell, the quiet night was disrupted by the noise of vendors and passing vehicles. This was the liveliest time at the wholesale market, with rows of vehicles neatly parked on the square.



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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 46


Gourd Farm Chapter 44