Gourd Farm Chapter 75

Translated by Etherna

Chapter 75: Causing Trouble


These days, Yang Feng was busy preparing the land, the excavator is now really popular. Everyone was using it for land contracting.


Previously uneven and bumpy lands were now leveled, and those who were breeding fish, shrimp, and crabs had dug rectangular ponds.


To wait for this excavator, he went to a small shop to buy a pack of cigarettes and used some connections to arrange for it. The excavator was hired on an hourly basis, and today's size was acceptable. The negotiated price was 180 yuan per hour.


"Master, be careful when you work later. It will be easier when digging the greenhouse," Yang Feng said and handed over two packs of cigarettes from his pocket.


The excavator master took the cigarettes, nodded with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, I guarantee you'll be satisfied."




After the excavator master finished speaking, he directly turned the key, and the engine roared to life instantly.


Yang Feng took out his phone to check the time, noted the start time, and calculated that he would need to refresh with some snacks in an hour.


"Xia Ying, today's restaurant supplies, you go deliver them. I'll stay here to keep an eye on things. Some areas might be empty, and the excavator master might not know how to handle it."


"Okay, I'll take Xia Tian with me to get him familiar with it."


In the greenhouse, Xia Tian was seen watering the plants. After these past few days of getting used to the work, Xia Tian was becoming more skilled at it.


"Xia Tian, put down what you're doing and come with me to deliver the restaurant supplies."


"Alright we’re here, turn off the engine."


Then, the siblings chatted and laughed along the way. In no time, they arrived at the restaurant, parked the car, and Xia Tian hopped down from the vehicle.


"Sis, is this the place called Xiao Chu Liang?"


As soon as Xia Tian got down, he noticed a large and imposing sign above with the golden words "Xiao Chu Liang."


"Yeah, let's deliver the goods to this place first. There are a few more small shops with not many orders."


The siblings carried the ordered goods into the kitchen. The seafood delivery person in front was still unloading, so they had to wait for a while.


"Xia Tian, take a look at these people around your age. They earn five to six thousand a month."


Watching the busy chefs inside, Xia Ying hoped that Xia Tian could also work hard like them.


"Sis, I'm not just idling around."


After waiting for a few minutes, as soon as Xia Ying brought the vegetables into the kitchen, a chef who was checking the goods came over to strike up a conversation.


"Hey, Xia Ying, why are you the one delivering today?"


Xia Ying glanced up. She seemed to have seen this person before when she came with Yang Feng to deliver goods, but she didn't recognize him.


"Yeah, Yang Feng has something to do today."


Beside her, Xia Tian started moving the vegetables onto the scale.


The chef checking the goods chuckled, "Xia Ying, how old are you this year?"


Xia Ying frowned, hesitating to answer, but she realized it wouldn't be polite not to.




The chef continued, "Oh, you're two years younger than me. Can I add you on WeChat?"




Xia Ying looked at the careless chef in front of her, feeling a bit repulsed. She coldly squeezed out two words from her mouth.


"Don't be shy; just add me."


The chef checking the goods didn't feel embarrassed that Xia Ying wasn't interested. Instead, he continued to smile broadly.


On the side, Xia Tian put down the tomatoes in his hands, "Hey, are you done yet?"


The chef checking the goods glanced at Xia Tian and pursed his lips. "Just move your goods; put this basket of tomatoes over there."


Xia Tian clenched his fists and squinted his eyes.


The chef checking the goods took out his phone and handed it to Xia Ying, moving a bit closer.


"Just add me; it won't take much time."


Without realizing it, Xia Ying took two steps back. Before she could stabilize herself, Xia Tian quickly rushed in front of her.


At a height of over 1.7 meters, Xia Tian was significantly taller than the inspecting chef. As he stepped in to block, the chef lifted his head to look at Xia Tian.


"What the hell does this have to do with you?"


The chef, feeling humiliated by the young man in front of him, hesitated to save face. He was aware that if he didn't regain some dignity, it would be difficult to face Xia Ying in the future.


Xia Tian clenched his fists, glaring at the chef. "I warn you, watch your mouth."


Watching the situation take a wrong turn, Xia Ying hurriedly pulled Xia Tian, fearing that they might start fighting again.


The chef angrily threw the inspection sheet to the ground. "Damn it, you still want to teach me a lesson?"


As the chef's words fell, Xia Tian directly threw a punch. The chef stepped back a few steps, raising his head with blood flowing down his face. "Damn it, I won't let you get away with this."


Ignoring the blood on his nose, the chef charged forward, and the two immediately began exchanging punches and kicks. Grabbing tomatoes and cucumbers from the basket, they started smashing each other. Eventually, they wrestled on the ground, rolling over each other.


Despite Xia Ying's attempts to intervene, she couldn't pull them apart. Seeing the fight, a few kitchen staff rushed out and managed to separate them.




"Darn it, look at you. You even wanted my sister's WeChat."


With one eye swollen like a panda, Xia Tian's hair in disarray, he showed no signs of backing down. The chef on the other side looked even worse, with both eyes swollen like pandas, face puffy, and his chef uniform stained with blood from his nose, presenting a more miserable sight.


The current situation was not looking good. Xia Tian had a black eye, and his hair was a mess, resembling a bird's nest. However, his demeanor showed no signs of backing down.


On the other side, the chef looked even worse. Both his eyes were swollen, his face was puffy, and his chef's uniform was stained red with the blood from his nose, presenting a pitiful sight.


Seeing this, Xia Ying was on the verge of tears. She looked at the scattered vegetables on the ground, felt sorry for her brother, and didn't know what to do.


At this moment, the head chef arrived, learned about the situation, and while appearing to handle it fairly, his words suggested a bias towards his own staff. In the end, due to the need to resume business, he left Xia Ying and her brother on the sidelines.




Yang Feng was busy working in the field when his phone rang. Seeing it was Xia Ying, he answered, "Hello, Xia Ying, what's the matter?"


"Yang Feng, quickly come to the town, we're in trouble." 


Yang Feng rushed to the town after hanging up the phone, hearing the choked-up tone in Xia Ying's voice, he already knew something was wrong.


Upon arriving in the town, he saw Xia Ying and her brother by the roadside. Xia Tian had a swollen and bruised face, which startled Yang Feng. "What happened?"


Xia Ying approached and explained the whole incident truthfully.


"Yang Feng, it's all because my brother was too impulsive. I'll compensate you for the vegetables."


After saying this, she took out a lotus leaf-wrapped bundle, ready to hand over the money.


Yang Feng frowned after listening and noticed Xia Ying preparing to give him money.


"Xia Ying, what are you doing? Put the money away."


"But the vegetables..."


"It's just an order; this isn't your fault. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get justice."


Saying this, Yang Feng took out his phone and dialed Li Yi. After a couple of sentences, he angrily hung up.


"Damn it! Stupid Li Yi, you just wait for me!"


Taking a deep breath, Yang Feng comforted the brother and sister, "It's okay, we won't do business with this jerk anymore. He's just showing off!"


When Yang Feng made the call earlier, Li Yi was still trying to act tough, saying that dealing with his subordinates was his own business, and Yang Feng had no business interfering.


Xia Ying was a bit stunned, thinking that Yang Feng might blame her for this incident and maybe even terminate her employment. Losing this stable job would be a blow, but to her surprise, Yang Feng not only didn't blame Xia Tian, but he also decided to drop the big client altogether.


On the side, Xia Tian, with a swollen face, couldn't help but look at Yang Feng with a more peculiar expression. The hostility in his eyes seemed to diminish a bit.


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 76


Gourd Farm Chapter 74