Gourd Farm Chapter 44

Translated by Etherna (ko-fi)

Chapter 44: Yang Meng's Tough Life


Following the village head's instructions, Yang Feng filled out all the necessary materials.


Yang Feng had a conversation with the village head about some ideas for the future and potential directions for development, more or less just chitchat.


In the past, Yang Feng thought this village head with his reading glasses only dealt with minor household affairs. Today, after this interaction, Yang Feng realized he had underestimated him.  


Yang Feng used to have simple thoughts, just coming back to farm and making a living, but today, listening to the village head, he felt his thinking had become more open.


After finishing up, Yang Feng headed to the greenhouse. Since his electric bike had run out of battery,he had to push it back.


"Xia Ying, you're quite fast, huh?"


As soon as he entered the greenhouse, he saw that the strawberries in this section had been almost completely watered.


Xia Ying brushed her hair back and wiped off some sweat. "The water source is closer, so it's more convenient. Did you take care of your business?"


"Yeah, I signed a document about some subsidies, but I don't really understand the specifics."


I took a rough look and found varieties like "Zhongza 109, Golden Peng M6, Golden Peng M5, Golden Radiance No.1, Renault 102, Europe, Zhefen 701, Jin Fen 201, Jin Fen 202, Pink Rose M-2, Jin Peng No. 10, Jin Peng No. 11, Pink Peace, Beethoven, Dutch No. 8, Oumeijia, Pink Premium, Provence, Tomato 302, and Xianke No. 8."


"Dad, can you believe a small tomato like this has so many different varieties?" Yang Meng was dragged over by his father and was initially distracted. However, when he saw so many tomato varieties, he was stunned.


"Now you know, right? There are countless different specialties in every profession," his father said.


Looking at his son's dumbfounded expression, even his father didn't realize there could be so many varieties of tomatoes. In the past, they would just buy a few random ones from the market.


"Boss, we plan to plant them this season. Can you suggest which variety is more suitable?"


"Oh, in that case, you can choose Golden Peng M6. It's the most popular variety for this season and is well-suited," the seller advised.


The shop owner took out one bag of tomato seeds and asked, "So, how many do you need?"


"We're not exactly sure, but it's about one acre of land," replied Yang Meng.


"It depends on your planting density. Generally, around 3,000 plants per acre is the most efficient for maximum yield," the owner explained.


Listening to the detailed explanation from the shop owner, even Yang Meng, who usually took things lightly, was now paying full attention.


Father and son bought the necessary seeds and now it was time for cultivation.


"Yang Meng, go get the tractor from home. We'll head to the pig farm to collect some manure and let it ferment for a while before using it in the greenhouse."


As soon as Yang Meng heard they were going to collect manure, he wrinkled his nose and said, "I don't want to go."


He remembered a previous time when his father had asked him to irrigate the vegetable garden with manure. He couldn't handle it and ended up feeling nauseous after just digging a couple of shovels of manure, almost throwing up his guts.


"If you don't go, I'll make sure you do," his father threatened.


With a stern look, Uncle didn't give Yang Meng a chance to back down, and the two of them hurried off to the pig farm.


At the pig farm, Uncle found the owner and handed him a bag of cigarettes. Since they knew each other, the owner didn't say much.


"Can you get closer? You need to scoop up the manure like this," Uncle instructed.


Yang Meng plugged both of his nostrils with two crumpled pieces of paper. Even though it provided some relief, he still felt like gagging.


"I know, I'm doing it, aren't I?"


For over an hour, they labored away, shoveling manure. Yang Meng finally finished this agonizing task. As soon as they left the pig farm, he couldn't hold it in any longer.




Perhaps he had vomited too violently, tears welled up in his eyes.


"Look at your lack of fortitude. When we were poor in our childhood, we slept with cows, and if we weren't careful, they would defecate right in front of our beds," scolded Uncle.


Not mentioning it was fine, but once Uncle brought up those memories, it conjured up vivid images. Yang Meng, who had just stopped vomiting, started retching again.


Uncle dragged the manure to the spot where the greenhouse was to be built. Since it hadn't fermented yet, it couldn't be used immediately. They needed to cover it with plastic sheeting and let it sit for a few days.


"Come over and take the shovel to unload it. What are you standing there for?" scolded Uncle.


"Dad, even if you beat me to death, I won't unload it this time."


"You're really useless!"


While Uncle was stern on the surface, he felt pain in his heart when he saw his son vomit like this. After all, he had only one precious son, so he didn't insist any further.


Fortunately, the tractor had a self-unloading feature, so it wasn't too difficult.


"Yang Meng, what's going on with you? You look like you're drunk!"


Wang Qiang, a street tough, rode over on a motorcycle at that moment.


Sniffing the air, he noticed a strong stench of pig manure.


"Don't mention it. My old man drafted me to haul pig manure," Yang Meng replied.


"What's up? Why are you hauling that stuff for no reason?" Wang Qiang asked.


"I don't know what got into me. I suddenly had the idea to start a greenhouse," Yang Meng replied.


"Oh, I noticed you haven't been in town recently."


"Well, it's a long story."


"By the way, I got the gaming equipment you wanted last time. When are you going to pay me back?"


"Forget it, with my current situation, I don't have time to play games."


"You should have told me earlier. I had to use a few packs of cigarettes to finally convince the guy."


"Alright, I'll make it up to you with a few packs of cigarettes. I won't talk to you anymore; I'm going to take a shower."


Yang Meng and Wang Qiang, despite the age difference, were both part of the "still living with parents" group, so they got along well.



"Is Yang Feng home?" the Village Head asked.


"Yes, he's here."


As Yang Feng came out, he saw the Village Head and another person behind him.


"Hurry up and go to your greenhouse; take a few pictures for agricultural promotion."


"Wait a moment; let me change my clothes."


"Why change? You look fine like this."


Yang Feng was currently wearing a camouflage coat for convenience while working and Liberation shoes.


"Are you sure, Village Head? Won't this affect the image of our village?"


"Just like this, it makes you down-to-earth and appears authentic."


Without any preparation, the Village Head dragged Yang Feng to the greenhouse, making him hold a watermelon, then some vegetables, and finally, a crate of strawberries.


"Click, click, click!" The camera went off randomly.


Because of this impromptu photoshoot, Yang Feng became the subject of teasing by the villagers for some time and even earned himself the nickname "Big Coat Guy."


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 45


Gourd Farm Chapter 43