Gourd Farm Chapter 100

Hooray for Chapter 100! I come bearing an announcement~ Unfortunately, our wonderful translator Etherna is unable to continue with the translation of this novel. Following Pure's request, I, MissQ, have decided to take up the mantle (however if anyone is interested in picking up this novel, I am completely willing to hand it over). While I may not be as fast as Etherna, I assure you of the translation's accuracy. If you notice any inconsistencies resulting from the change in translators, kindly inform me in the comment section below.

Additionally, I've been informed about mistakes pointed out by readers in the previous chapters. I'll address them as promptly as possible. Meanwhile, please enjoy the read!

Translated by MissQ (ko-fi)

Chapter 100 They’re All Talents

After completing the meal, he realized that these two girls and Liu Wan'er had been college dormmates.

Hua Xue set down her chopsticks and said, "Brother Feng, Wan'er mentioned that you have excellent gardening skills, especially with strawberries. Could you give us a tour when you have some free time?"

Yang Feng smiled casually, "Sure thing. The greenhouse is close by, you're welcome anytime."

Changing the topic, Hua Xue inquired, "Wan'er, is today a suitable day?"

Xing Yue's eyes shone, as if she was waiting for Liu Wan'er to nod.

Liu Wan’er ignored their longing looks and said, "Why do you girls like to get in on the action so much? Don't forget why I called you here today."

Hua Xue leaned in and whispered to Xing Yue, "Yueyue, what I told you on the way is spot on; she is so ungrateful. We stayed up for three nights for nothing."

"Tell me about it, my dark circles are still here to prove it."

Liu Wan'er watched the two of them echoing one another, shaking her head with a bemused expression. "You two are something else... Fine, you two can come back with me later, are you happy now?"

Before she could finish, Hua Xue and Xing Yue exchanged a triumphant high-five, radiating excitement.

"Can you share the information I need now?" Liu Wan'er gazed at the two proudly satisfied individuals and extended her hand.

Xing Yue retrieved a stack of papers from the side backpack. Yang Feng observed the densely packed, professionally presented content.

Liu Wan'er took the papers cautiously, unfolded them, and nodded in approval, "Thank you, both of you beauties, for your hard work. You've done a meticulous job."

Hua Xue playfully rolled her eyes at Liu Wan'er. "How could we dare to slack off when our esteemed village official entrusts us with tasks? Right, Brother Feng?"

Yang Feng, sipping tea on the side, was at a loss for words, so he just smiled.

Xing Yue expressed her curiosity, "Wan'er, why the urgency to gather information about these mushrooms?"

Yang Feng, overhearing the mention of 'mushrooms,' couldn't help but wonder. Wasn't this what he had been searching for all along? Why was Liu Wan'er also interested in these?

"I'm too busy to sort it out myself. I met a very diligent girl, so I just wanted to help her out."

After everyone finished their meal, Liu Wan'er went to settle the bill. However, at the counter, the cashier informed her that it was already paid for. Turning around, she inquired with her two best friends, both of whom shook their heads. No need to ask – it must be Yang Feng.

Liu Wan'er walked over, frowning, "Yang Feng, why did you secretly pay for the bill?"

Yang Feng smiled, "Well, it was conveniently on the way."

Hua Xue gave Yang Feng a thumbs up, commenting, "Our Brother Feng is quite dependable. If you encounter any issues with planting in the future, count on me for support."

Later, Yang Feng discovered that Hua Xue and Xing Yue were both postdoctorals. They had worked at the research institute after graduation, possessing profound expertise in agriculture.

Guided by Liu Wan'er, the group headed to the mushroom cultivation factory once again.

As soon as the car was parked, a cheerful young man in work clothes and glasses approached.

"Welcome to my humble abode, lovely ladies."

Liu Wan'er stepped forward and teased, "Senior Brother, are you always this chatty every time visitors arrive?"

Hua Xue chimed in from the side, saying, "Right? I'll go inside and see which girl you've tricked this time."

They entered the building, exchanging laughter and banter. As he continued to listen to their conversation, Yang Feng realized that the young man before him was Sun Xueyi, a highly capable student from an agricultural university. Shortly after graduation, he had independently established this factory. After two years of dedicated effort, it had gained some recognition.

“Wan'er, you mentioned needing mushroom spawns earlier today. What's the plan?”

Liu Wan'er, placing her water glass down, replied, "Senior Brother, I'm here to discuss a business proposal. We're interested in acquiring a thousand mushroom spawns."

Sun Xueyi adjusted his glasses and appeared unfazed by Liu Wan'er's request, as if a thousand was not a significant quantity.

While Yang Feng wasn't well-versed in this business, hearing Liu Wan’er mention a thousand did stir some surprise within him. However, he kept his thoughts to himself, trusting that Liu Wan’er had calculated things thoroughly.

"What variety are you looking to acquire?"

Hua Xue quickly added, "Senior Brother, have you developed any new varieties lately?"

Sun Xueyi waved his hand and replied, "The factory has been swamped lately, so I haven't had the time to delve into new varieties. We're still working with the same ones as before."

Yang Feng glanced at the business card on the table and picked it up to examine. It was filled with details about "wholesale of mushroom spawns," listing various varieties such as oyster mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, enoki mushrooms, and more.

Even though he was determined to start mushroom cultivation, Yang Feng wasn't sure which variety would suit him best.

Liu Wan’er turned to him and asked, "Yang Feng, have you considered which variety you'd like?"

Yang Feng found himself in a bit of a dilemma. How could he possibly know?

Sun Xueyi, observing Yang Feng, could tell he was still uncertain.

“Brother, if this is your first time venturing into cultivation, I recommend starting with a batch of oyster mushrooms. Once you're more experienced, you can consider introducing shiitake mushrooms in the next crop.”

Upon hearing Sun Xueyi's advice, Yang Feng decided to go with oyster mushrooms for now. It seemed his path to prosperity would take a bit of time.

“Boss Sun, what type of mushroom spawns do you provide?” While Yang Feng might not be well-versed in mushrooms, he was aware that there are generally two types in the market—one black and the other white.

“It primarily depends on the season. Typically, more black ones are cultivated in autumn and winter, while white ones are grown in spring and summer.”

Yang Feng hadn't paid much attention to this aspect before. In the past few days, he did notice that the predominant mushrooms in the vegetable market were indeed black. He even bought some for soup yesterday.

Hua Xue, smiling beside him, remarked, "Brother Feng, just listen to him. Now he's earned a nickname in this area—King of Fungi. Leave your contact information later; it'll be handy if anything comes up."

He followed Sun Xueyi to take a look and was impressed by the professionalism of the place. The scale was considerable, with over a dozen workers alone. In the end, he placed an order for a thousand mushroom spawns at a wholesale price of 5 yuan each.

After the purchase, he inquired about the specific details and precautions for planting. At that moment, Hua Xue and Xing Yue were eager to head back, urging him like a pair of impatient children. They were eager to return and pick strawberries.

The car sped along, music pulsating in rhythm. Xing Yue, in the passenger seat, frowned at the somewhat desolate village. "Wan'er, you mentioned how comfortable it is to stay in the research institute. Why opt for this place?"

Liu Wan'er smiled gently, "Everyone has different pursuits. I appreciate the simplicity of the countryside. Despite the slower pace, I find it fulfilling."

Hua Xue gazed out the window, commenting, "I envy Wan'er. I had similar thoughts before, but my family didn't permit it."

"Screech–" the handbrake was pulled, and the car came to a halt at the village square. Liu Wan’er and the others strolled to their residences, engaged in lively conversation.

“Yang Feng, wait for me a moment, I'll go change my clothes.”

Liu Wan’er usually paid extra attention to her appearance in the village, possibly due to her status. If she dressed like this in the countryside, she'd attract unwanted attention from women wherever she went.


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Pure Love

Just a average girl who wants to share the joy of Chinese novel to the English reading community!

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Gourd Farm Chapter 101


Gourd Farm Chapter 99