Gourd Farm Chapter 103

Translated by MissQ (ko-fi)

Chapter 103 Contracting Fish Ponds

"Brother Feng, what secret ingredient did you put in this fish?" Xia Tian inquired, intrigued by the exceptional flavor.

Yang Feng looked at Xia Tian in confusion. "I didn't add any secret ingredients, it was just made normally."

Pointing to the fishes on the plate, Xia Tian insisted, "Try it. It tastes different from the fishes you usually make."

Puzzled by Xia Tian's exaggerated expression, Yang Feng wondered what could be causing the unique flavor since he had used his usual spices. Curiosity piqued, he picked up a piece with his chopsticks and took a bite. The fish meat was remarkably smooth and possessed an indescribable umami flavor that wasn't from artificial chicken essence or MSG; it tasted entirely natural.

Yang Feng frowned, puzzled by the strange discrepancy. These fish were caught while he was pumping water, and they were cooked in the same manner as usual, yet their taste and texture were noticeably different.

"Ah~" Suddenly, a realization dawned on him. He recalled pouring some golden liquid from the gourd a few days ago. Could it be...

Yang Feng suspected that the changes in the fish were likely due to the effects of the gourd water. To confirm his theory, he spent the next few days catching fish, feeding half of them with gourd water and keeping the other half as usual. Upon comparison, his suspicions were confirmed.

It appeared that following the recent transformation, the gourd now had the same remarkable effect not only on fruits and vegetables but also on certain poultry and aquatic products.

Excitement surged through Yang Feng as he contemplated this discovery. It seemed imperative for him to hasten the process of digging a pond to raise crayfish and other aquatic creatures. After all, these ventures promised much higher profitability than vegetables alone.

In the village, many people were returning to rent land and dig ponds for fish and shrimp farming. However, due to their lack of experience, the survival rate was typically not well controlled, resulting in only a few achieving success.

During this period, Yang Feng hired a few more temporary workers and cultivated all the available land. With the greenhouse temperature under control, he didn't have to worry too much about the winter harvest.

Returning from the fields, Yang Feng reached into his pocket and realized he was out of cigarettes. While he could skip meals, the absence of a cigarette left him feeling lethargic and unwell. Determined to remedy the situation, he decided to ride his bicycle to a nearby small shop to purchase cigarettes.

Every day, the entrance of the shop resembled a bustling market, with idle villagers gathering there punctually for a chat.

"Young Yang, you seem quite free today?" greeted some old men as Yang Feng arrived at the shop's door. Unable to ignore their presence, he nodded and offered a polite smile.

"Have you heard? Erdan's family lost over 200,000 yuan in shrimp farming today." 

"I heard, but it's not much at all. Then the Ole Li’s family from next door took out a loan and lost a total of 300,000. And this is not counting the land rent."

Yang Feng listened for a while. While the story seemed somewhat exaggerated, he knew there must be some truth to it.

After purchasing his cigarettes, Yang Feng prepared to leave when Aunt Hua patted his back and said, "You naughty child, you saw me, didn't you? Why didn't you come to say hello?"

In truth, Yang Feng had noticed Aunt Hua as soon as he entered the shop. However, knowing that she tended to engage in lengthy conversations, he had intentionally avoided her. Nevertheless, it seemed his attempt to evade her notice had failed.

"Oh, I didn't notice you," Yang Feng replied with a smile, offering a excuse.

"Little Feng, have you ever considered raising shrimp?" Aunt Hua inquired, aware of Yang Feng's success with his greenhouses.

Yang Feng had indeed entertained the idea of raising shrimp, but his land was currently fully planted with garlic, and he lacked the funds to dig a pond. The last time he inquired, it would cost at least 20,000 yuan to dig one.

"Ah, I'm already swamped with work as it is. I don't have the time to consider anything else," Yang Feng lamented.

"Little Feng, let me tell you something," Aunt Hua continued, "You heard the news just now, right? It's the Ole Li family who borrowed money to start shrimp farming. Now, in order to recoup some of their losses, they're looking to sell their ponds at a discounted price. Their ponds are in good condition, without any issues."

Yang Feng was familiar with those ponds; they were not far from his greenhouses. When they were being constructed, he had visited them. There was one large pond and one small pond. He had heard that hiring the excavator alone cost more than 30,000 yuan. It was surprising to hear that they were being sold right after completion.

Raising shrimp fry was akin to gambling. Without proper knowledge and experience, it was best to avoid getting involved. While one could sometimes make a significant profit from a successful batch, the potential losses were equally daunting.

"Aunt Hua, what's their current selling price?" Yang Feng inquired.

Upon hearing Yang Feng's interest, Aunt Hua pulled up a stool and sat down. "The package price for the whole deal is now 30,000 yuan," she explained. "You know, his property is 30 acres. Considering the rent and the cost of land preparation, this price is quite a significant loss."

Yang Feng also found the price incredibly cheap, indicating that the family must be in desperate need of money. With half of the families currently operating such ventures facing losses, very few were willing to take risks at this time, hence the low price.

“Little Feng, if you want to haggle, I can help you.”

Yang Feng hesitated for a moment. Truth be told, he was feeling a bit tempted. With the gourd in hand, he shouldn't have any issues. Moreover, his greenhouses were relatively stable.

"Okay, can you find out the lowest price they're willing to accept?" Yang Feng resolved to give it a try, gritting his teeth.

Seeing Yang Feng's agreement, Aunt Hua hurriedly departed for Ole Li's house with a smile, not bothering to bid farewell as if she feared Yang Feng might change his mind. If the deal went through, she stood to benefit greatly.

Xia Tian glanced at Yang Feng with a hint of concern on his face. Xia Ying, standing nearby, also gazed at Yang Feng. "Brother Feng, have you really decided on raising shrimp?"

"Hmm, how about we start by raising a small batch to test the waters?" Yang Feng suggested.

"Brother Feng, many shrimp farmers in our village have lost so much money that they can barely afford proper clothing. You should really reconsider this."

If Yang Feng hadn't known about the gourd's function, he wouldn't have dared to touch it, even if he were an adventurous person. Things lurking in the water were invisible and intangible, but with the gourd in hand, there was nothing to fear.

During lunch, Yang Feng heard Aunt Hua's loud voice from a distance.

"Oh, Little Feng, you're only eating now?" Aunt Hua exclaimed as she walked in.

"Aunt Hua, would you like to sit down and join us for something to eat?" Yang Feng extended a polite invitation, gesturing to the empty stool.

Aunt Hua waved her hand. "You guys go ahead and eat. I just had a meal at Ole Li's house."

Aunt Hua then turned to call out, "Why are you still standing outside the door? Come on in."

Yang Feng hadn't noticed another person outside the door. His house wasn’t that spacious, so with so many people inside, it felt a bit cramped.

"Brother Feng, I'm finished eating. You guys can chat!" Xia Tian hastily finished the last of his rice and dashed out of the house.

Yang Feng offered Ole Li a cigarette. Although they were from the same village, Yang Feng wasn't very familiar with him. All he knew was that Ole Li used to be a chief labor contractor and had a significant amount of money.

"Little Feng, now that we're all seated, let's not waste time beating about the bush. What is the most you can offer?" Ole Li got straight to the point.

Yang Feng frowned. With no experience in this matter, he wasn't sure how much money to offer. Ideally, he would have preferred Ole Li to give it to him for free.

"Aunt Hua, I think it’s pointless to ask, so just tell me the lowest price you can negotiate."

Aunt Hua pursed her lips and replied, "Here's the deal: Ole Li's price is 30,000 yuan, and the maximum discount he can offer you is 500 yuan."

Yang Feng hadn't initially considered the price to be expensive. He understood that excavators were costly. However, Aunt Hua had hinted that the price could be negotiated lower. Even if it was just a fraction of the price, any discount was better than nothing.

Observing Yang Feng's prolonged silence, Ole Li gritted his teeth and made a bold offer. "Little Feng, if you're truly interested, I'll be generous! I'll lower the price to 29,000 yuan. And as a bonus, you can keep the numerous shrimp seedlings in my pond. How does that sound?"

"Great, I’ll take it!" Yang Feng exclaimed without hesitation. This deal was a fantastic opportunity, and he didn't need much time to consider it.


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 102