Gourd Farm Chapter 95

Translated by Etherna

Chapter 95: Dispute


Xia Ying, unable to tell a lie, found the group's behavior so appalling that she couldn't help but burst into laughter.


"Hmph," Yang Feng raised an eyebrow and said coldly, "Whether you play or not has nothing to do with me. But I must say, you're quite skilled at stealing. I'm curious to hear what you think I should do about it."


The middle-aged woman seemed to be oblivious to the sarcasm and said, "Well, it looks like you don't have much money. We need to hit the road, so just give us these few baskets of strawberries."


"Spit! I'll give you a basket, my foot! If you don't return the strawberries you stole from me, I won't let you leave this place," Yang Feng retorted.


Initially, Yang Feng had hoped to resolve the situation amicably, but the shameless behavior of these individuals had changed his mind.


The middle-aged man stepped forward with a stern expression and said, "Young man, mind your language."


Yang Feng sneered, "Now you want to talk nicely? When you were doing these despicable things, why didn't you think about being decent human beings?"


The middle-aged man was at a loss for words, realizing that he was in the wrong. His wife had been unable to resist the temptation of the expensive strawberries and had tried to conceal her actions.


Thinking that a tough stance would intimidate the young man, the couple had not expected him to stand his ground so firmly.


Seeing her husband falter, the woman threw a basket of strawberries to the ground. "You're bullying us just because you're a local. Son, take out your phone and record them. We'll expose them."


The young man seemed reluctant to comply with his mother's request.


Changing the subject, Yang Feng turned to Xia Ying and asked, "How many pounds of strawberries did they pick?"


"They picked a total of eleven pounds," Xia Ying replied.


Looking at the strawberries scattered on the ground, Yang Feng said coldly, "I don't have time for this. Pay for the eleven pounds of strawberries, return the stolen ones, and clean up this mess."


The woman retorted, "Hmph, what if I refuse to pay today?"


The woman's insolence finally wore down Yang Feng's patience. Pointing at her, he said, "If you don't pay today, just try it!"


The middle-aged man pulled the woman aside, signaling her not to escalate the situation further, as a crowd had begun to gather.


"Don't pull me. I don't believe this!" the woman exclaimed.


Turning to Xia Ying, Yang Feng said, "Xia Ying, call the police."


The middle-aged man's expression changed upon hearing the mention of the police. He approached with a forced smile and said, "Young man, we'll pay for the strawberries. You're still in business, so why make a fuss?"


Although the woman had been defiant, she knew she was in the wrong, and the strawberries were still in her pocket. She remained silent.


Yang Feng knew these people were cowards, likely causing trouble elsewhere as well.


"I've made myself clear. Pay for the strawberries, return the stolen ones, and clean up the mess," Yang Feng reiterated.


The middle-aged man's expression darkened. "Young man, that's enough. Don't push it too far."


"Who's pushing it? That's ridiculous!" Yang Feng retorted.


Xia Ying had initially thought they were willing to pay, so she had put down her phone. However, the situation was taking a turn for the worse.


"Yang Feng, should we call the police now?" she asked.


"Call the police. Today, not only do I want the money back, but I also want these troublemakers to spend a few days behind bars," Yang Feng declared.


Just then, two police officers in uniform approached. "Make way, what's going on here?" one of them asked.


Yang Feng almost forgot that there were so many security guards and police officers patrolling the area today. There was no need to call the police.


The father and daughter immediately ran over to the police officers. "You've arrived just in time. This picking farm is cheating people," they claimed.


The police officers ignored them and, seeing the chaotic scene, furrowed their brows. "Open the video camera, Xiao Wang, and record the scene," one of the officers ordered.


Taking advantage of the distraction, the middle-aged man shot a fierce glare at the woman, causing her to shrink back.


"Who is the person involved in this incident?" one of the officers asked.


"I am," Yang Feng stepped forward. At the same time, Xia Ying, who had been uncharacteristically assertive, spoke up, "And me."


The police officer brought the video camera over. "Please explain what happened."


Yang Feng had arrived later, so he wasn't entirely clear on the initial events. Xia Ying recounted the incident in detail.


The police officer then turned the camera towards the woman. "Come here and explain what happened."


Reluctantly, the woman shuffled over and mumbled incoherently.


"Speak up. Your voice needs to be louder," the police officer instructed.


The woman was startled by the police officer's reprimand.


After understanding both sides of the story, the police officer approached and asked, "Do you want to settle this privately, or do you want to come with us?"


The man quickly spoke up, "We'll settle this privately. We won't trouble you."


Yang Feng's voice turned cold. "While they're still here, explain what you mean by 'settling this privately'."


The middle-aged man patted his chest. "We’ll paid for the strawberries in full, not a penny less."


"And?" Yang Feng wasn't about to let the man off the hook, especially since several potential strawberry pickers had left during the commotion.


The man proposed, "We'll pay an extra fifty yuan as compensation."


Yang Feng raised an eyebrow. "I don't need your fifty yuan."


Seeing no other option, the middle-aged man looked to the police officers, hoping they could help resolve the situation.


The police officer, feeling helpless, said, "Please watch your tone, sir."


Yang Feng smiled calmly. "We'll settle for the exact amount owed for the strawberries. Return the strawberries from your pockets and clean up the mess on the ground."


The woman found herself in a difficult situation, with many onlookers and some even recording the scene on their phones. It would have been embarrassing to pull out the strawberries in front of everyone.


After a brief conversation with the nearby police officer, the woman's expression changed. A few minutes later, the police officer approached Yang Feng. "Yang Feng, the individuals have agreed to pay you the money owed and an additional compensation of three hundred yuan. Can we consider this matter settled?"


Considering the offer, Yang Feng responded, "The strawberries don't need to be returned, but they must apologize to us and ensure the area is cleaned up."


The police officer found this request reasonable. In the end, the woman had no choice but to apologize to Yang Feng and his team in front of the crowd. She then picked up the strawberries she had dropped and left, looking disheveled.


The onlookers were abuzz with discussions. However, despite the incident, the strawberry farm gained a significant increase in popularity. Many visitors from out of town were now interested in taking home some local specialties, and the high-quality strawberries had become a sought-after item.


Yang Feng planned to order some gift boxes the next day, as there was a high demand for them. Some were intended as gifts, and the gift boxes added a touch of elegance.


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 96


Gourd Farm Chapter 94