Limited First Love Chapter 50

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 50 Super Duper Ultra

Before Guo Wei could ponder, Ruan Yiyun lightly tapped the table and said to Chen Zui in a loud voice, "Right! Do you remember... it's about that... back then?"

Chen Zui quickly understood and nodded. "Oh! That, you mean that!"

Only Guo Wei was full of question marks. "Which one?"

Chen Zui glanced around and slapped the table. "It was when we just started university!"

"Yes, exactly." Ruan Yiyun nodded, signaling him to continue.

"Less than two weeks after starting school, someone secretly took a photo of Little Sister Ruan, posted it on the Confession Wall, claiming to have fallen in love at first sight with this Omega and wanting specific information and contact details. Initially, everyone condemned such behavior, but unexpectedly, that photo became popular in an instant."

Guo Wei finally understood why Ruan Yiyun had such high visibility at school.

The person who took the photo back then was quite talented in photography, at least capturing ninety percent of Ruan Yiyun's beauty, adding a hint of misty and mysterious allure. In the photo, Ruan Yiyun, with his face half-turned and his eyes downcast, looked pure and innocent.

After the photo circulated within the school, it soon found its way onto public social media platforms, spreading widely in a short time and instantly becoming a so-called "internet sensation."

Subsequently, numerous individuals from the entertainment industry attempted to contact Ruan Yiyun through various channels, seeking to talk to him. However, Ruan Yiyun's interests lay elsewhere, and he uniformly declined all such advances.

To this day, searching for "innocent Omega university student" as keywords on search engines often leads to encountering that very photo.

Online trends change swiftly, with topics fading away within a few months. Ruan Yiyun, being sufficiently discreet, quickly fell out of the limelight. For the vast majority who once saved that photo, it now likely existed only as a vague memory.

Yet within their school community, Ruan Yiyun had truly become a celebrity, maintaining an enduring popularity.

Just under a month after the photo's initial release, when it was still the talk of the town, someone captured a seemingly intimate moment between Ruan Yiyun and Chen Zui during an outing.

The stunning Omega and his tall, handsome Alpha boyfriend once again attracted attention, causing a stir.

"I got dragged into this mess," Chen Zui still felt resentful as he brought up the topic, "this guy, he didn't even bother to explain, clearly intending to use me for his own gain. He deserves to be condemned. If I can't find a partner, he should take full responsibility."

"If you can't find a partner, it's your Aristotle II who should take full responsibility," Ruan Yiyun remarked.

"It's Alexandra!" Chen Zui corrected.

"Um," Guo Wei raised his hand, "why is it the Second?"

Chen Zui's expression instantly darkened, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"Don't ask," Ruan Yiyun lightly nudged him with his elbow, softly reminding, "Beware, he'll order two bottles of beer and cry on your shoulder until midnight."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Zui abruptly raised his hand and shouted, "Boss, bring two bottles of beer!"

Fortunately, Chen Zui had barely begun, when Ruan Yiyun mercilessly intervened.

Afterward, they chatted animatedly over barbecue for over an hour, and Guo Wei found the tales of their past experiences thoroughly captivating.

As they bid farewell to Chen Zui, Guo Wei walked towards the school, head bowed, and began searching on his phone for "innocent university Omega student." In no time, amidst a heap of odd search results, he found the much-discussed photo.

"Wow, heavens, help!" he exclaimed loudly at his phone. "My heart rate just skyrocketed! This must be the legendary 'first love face,' right? One look and it steals your first love!"

Ruan Yiyun, resignedly, snatched away his phone and forcibly stuffed it into his pocket. "Your fast heartbeat is because you've had too much to drink."

"No, it's because of you," Guo Wei insisted, "You look too good, I want to save it!"

Ruan Yiyun held onto his hand. "Isn't having me in person enough?"

Guo Wei glanced at his face, then quickly lowered his head, chuckling softly.

"My grandmother always used to say I had fleshy earlobes, a sign of luck," he said. "I used to think it was just a superstition... but now, maybe it's true. How many people in this world envy me."

The sky had completely darkened. After walking silently for a while, Ruan Yiyun asked, "Do you want to come to my place?"

Guo Wei shook his head immediately. "No, no, I need to go back and study."

"Can you even study like this?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"I'm not drunk, really, just a little bit tipsy. I can feel it myself," Guo Wei said. "I'll be fine in a while."

He had an average tolerance for alcohol, but he was sensible and didn't overindulge. He hadn't drunk much just now, so he wasn't intoxicated. Based on past experiences, he knew he'd be completely fine in a couple of hours.

"I still have three more exams, I need to strive for a great summer break!" Guo Wei shouted, pumping his fist forward.

Ruan Yiyun couldn't stop smiling. "Great, good luck."

"Oh, by the way." Guo Wei lowered his hand. "I remembered something I've been meaning to ask."

"What is it?" Ruan Yiyun turned his head slightly, his gaze gentle as he looked at him.

"Why did Chen Zui say you almost failed to differentiate?" Guo Wei inquired.

Ruan Yiyun's expression stiffened slightly.

Guo Wei frowned slightly, a hint of displeasure evident on his face. "Are you keeping something from me? Why haven't I heard about this at all?"

This question had been bouncing around in his mind all night.

"He let it slip, so you kicked him, didn't you?" Guo Wei asked.

Ruan Yiyun didn't immediately answer his question. Guo Wei could clearly feel the unnatural movement of the hand that was entwined with his own.

After about ten seconds, Ruan Yiyun let out a shallow sigh. "Yes, I was afraid you'd worry. Do you remember when I passed out at school that day? My body had already started differentiating for a while, but I was completely unaware."

"That was actually quite dangerous, wasn't it?" Guo Wei asked.

"Well, I'm fine now, and there weren't any lasting effects, so there was no need to bring it up and make you worry," Ruan Yiyun said.

So that's what happened. Guo Wei nodded, feeling a surge of belated concern.

"Don't dwell on it, it's all in the past," Ruan Yiyun comforted him gently.

Guo Wei sighed and asked again, "But why did he say you took too long to differentiate?"

The air fell silent once again.

"...Did he really say that?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"Yes," Guo Wei recalled for a moment, "It seemed like he said, because you weren't dating, the differentiation took too long..."

"What nonsense, what does that have to do with dating," Ruan Yiyun said, "We were already together back then, don't you remember?"

"Exactly, that's why I found it strange!" Guo Wei said, "He made it sound like you started differentiating before we got together."

"Did he really say that? Are you sure you're not mistaken?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"I'm not sure," Guo Wei's tone gradually became less certain, "I think... I think not..."

"If you're not mistaken, then this person talks nonsense," Ruan Yiyun said, "You can't expect logic from someone who names a motorcycle Elizabeth, can you?"

"...It's Alexandra," Guo Wei corrected.

Ruan Yiyun laughed. "Impressive memory!"

Guo Wei laughed too. "It's quite entertaining to listen to."

"I've known him for so many years, I understand him too well," Ruan Yiyun said, "He's got a screw loose in his head. Believing all the nonsense he spouts will only lead to frustration. You just have to let it go in one ear and out the other."

Guo Wei laughed. "I actually think he's quite an interesting person."

He completely understood why Ruan Yiyun had been friends with someone as unreliable as Chen Zui for so many years. Chen Zui may have had a daunting appearance, but deep down, he was incredibly easygoing and friendly, with a humorous and witty personality. Occasionally spouting nonsense didn't bother anyone, and his good-natured temperament made joking around effortless and comfortable.

When he shared these thoughts with Ruan Yiyun, Ruan Yiyun seemed quite concerned. "Is he really that good?"

Guo Wei chuckled foolishly. "I quite like him."

Ruan Yiyun immediately furrowed his brow.

"Perhaps it's because you're so close to him, and we have a deep emotional connection, that I naturally have a favorable impression of him," Guo Wei said, "Birds of a feather flock together, after all."

"...But you shouldn't praise another Alpha in front of me like this."

"It's precisely because he's an Alpha that I'm praising him," Guo Wei said, "If he were an Omega and still got along so well with you, I might find myself silently criticizing him in my heart."

Ruan Yiyun quickly realized something. "Because I'm an Alpha too?"

Guo Wei felt embarrassed and nodded lightly.

"...But you said I don't resemble one."

"But you are," Guo Wei said, "And... sometimes, you even resemble one a little."

"Like when?" Ruan Yiyun asked curiously.

Guo Wei lowered his head. "Last night..."

As he lay awake that night, he thought back over the events of the day and realized that there were many details that confirmed Ruan Yiyun's current second gender.

That completely dispelled some unrealistic thoughts for Guo Wei, no longer expecting Ruan Yiyun to play the "wife" role at certain times. He even began to think it was inappropriate.

"Would you be repulsed?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Guo Wei halted. "How could you ask such an absurd question!"

Ruan Yiyun also stopped, quietly watching him.

"Of course not," Guo Wei tilted his head back and smiled at him, "I super duper ultra like you at all times."

After being escorted back to his dorm by Ruan Yiyun, Guo Wei's head still felt a bit hot.

He thought he might need to drink more water to fully metabolize the alcohol from his body as quickly as possible.

With his mind buzzing and his brain functioning slowly, studying at this time would be inefficient. Guo Wei checked the time. Seeing it was just past eight o'clock, he decided to rest for a while first, then study hard once he had fully recovered.

Guo Wei, with a belly full of water, lay on his bed with his eyes closed for a while. Unable to sleep, he took out his phone.

He was somewhat interested in the new forum mentioned by Chen Zui and Ruan Yiyun today, so he casually asked Wang Tong, who was also in the dorm. Soon, he got the website address.

After logging in, the interface was indeed exactly the same as the official forum of the school, with no difference in section division.

"Looks quite formal," Guo Wei thought to himself, hoping there wouldn't be too many posts related to him in the chit-chat section.

Then, he clicked on it.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 51


Limited First Love Chapter 49