Limited First Love Chapter 51

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 51 Sunny and Energetic!

Guo Wei scanned the titles and found that his small wish had actually come true. At least on the first page, there were no topics related to them.

Based on the latest reply times on the homepage, the forum seemed quite lively, with a variety of topics, a thriving scene, more vibrant than the previous official forum of the school.

The hottest and most flipped-through post on the homepage was titled: Can't stand it anymore, can we manage it a bit?

Guo Wei clicked it out of curiosity and found the OP complaining about the forum being too primitive and lawless. He suggested abolishing anonymous posting and removing blatantly malicious incitement, personal attacks, and privacy-invading information. Without minimum standards, the bad would drive out the good, and peaceful and friendly people would gradually lose their space for discussion, leaving the forum entirely dominated by foul content.

The opinions in the comments were mixed, causing a huge uproar.

Some agreed with OP's viewpoint, believing that excessive freedom infringed on the rights of mild-mannered individuals, and there should be a clear bottom line.

Of course, there were also many voices of opposition, with people clamoring that if OP didn't like the atmosphere here, they should go back to the official forum for approval. It was not easy to have a place to speak freely without constraints, and they didn't want to see any more rules and regulations.

Some lamented the semi-dead state of the official forum, sparking another wave of discussion.

After Guo Wei carefully examined it, he roughly understood what had happened. The teacher who abused his position to sell reference books didn't have strong backing and received appropriate consequences afterward. The exposé that initially plunged the official forum into an era of scrutiny was entirely fabricated.

Many debated fiercely whether the official response was too harsh and if it was necessary to silence everyone indiscriminately. Some individuals, caught up in emotions, resorted to personal attacks. As the thread progressed, more than half of each page was filled with snide remarks and vulgar language.

Guo Wei felt dizzy and quickly retreated.

The page refreshed automatically, and a newly pinned post on the homepage left him momentarily stunned.

"Doesn't anyone think Ruan Yiyun has pretty good taste? That Beta of his just screams sophistication."

Guo Wei was dumbfounded, staring blankly for a while before clicking into the post. After reading the content, his face contorted in disgust.

The OP was evidently an Alpha who held little regard for Ruan Yiyun, even harboring some resentment towards him. They believed Ruan Yiyun was pretentious and arrogant, flaunting his decent looks and exuding an air of superiority, which rubbed people the wrong way.

However, OP clearly had a favorable impression of Guo Wei.

Guo Wei couldn't determine if that counted as a favorable impression because it was rather uncomfortable.

OP remarked that although Guo Wei had single eyelids, the corners of his eyes were slightly upturned, giving off a seductive vibe, making him quite attractive.

They also mentioned how Guo Wei looked particularly enticing when walking in jeans, with the fabric hugging his figure in all the right places. They expressed a desire to grab onto his slender waist from behind, leaving some green and purple marks.

He meticulously detailed his various fantasies, using explicit and crude language, which was quite juvenile.

In conclusion, this person remarked that Ruan Yiyun was truly fortunate.

Guo Wei looked on in shock, feeling a distinct discomfort in his stomach. It took him a while to suppress the waves of nausea.

It was utterly disgusting, sobering him up instantly. If this OP were to appear before him now, he would definitely grab a chair and smash it over their head.

Furthermore, he didn't even have single eyelids. He clearly had double eyelids.

Guo Wei instantly understood the OP of the other thread. Allowing such content to remain undeleted for discussion indicated excessive freedom on the forum, surpassing all limits.

Suppressing his discomfort, he scrolled down the page, intending to vent his frustrations in the comments. However, as his eyes scanned through several replies, he found himself increasingly at a loss for words.

It was rare for someone to publicly express an interest in Guo Wei in such a vulgar manner. The earliest replies mostly expressed disbelief and advised OP to stop. But as he scrolled further down, the thread quickly deviated.

Guo Wei never expected that there were quite a few people in the school who disliked Ruan Yiyun.

Starting from the first person who expressed, "I've been fed up with Ruan Yiyun for a long time," the entire thread swiftly turned into a condemnation session against Ruan Yiyun, with a group of people gathering to denounce his everyday misconduct.

In the mouths of those people, Ruan Yiyun was portrayed as a hot-tempered, arrogant, and conceited narcissist. His only redeeming quality seemed to be his "passable looks."

Upon closer inspection, the examples cited were merely instances of Ruan Yiyun being described as "ignoring people," "haughty attitude," "impolite," "uncompromising," and "using harsh language." Among these were interspersed numerous malicious speculations about Ruan Yiyun's gender redifferentiation.

Observing Ruan Yiyun's attitude towards Chen Zui, Guo Wei could already guess that this person, who always seemed gentle and caring in front of him, might not always be so soft and adorable to others.

However, what these people said was perhaps too exaggerated.

Guo Wei speculated that many of them were probably rejected pursuers who, out of anger and resentment, exaggerated the facts.

For instance, the person who posted the most offensive remarks claimed that their friend had coincidentally sat next to Ruan Yiyun in class for two consecutive days and, out of politeness, initiated a conversation with Ruan Yiyun. However, Ruan Yiyun's attitude was cold, and his expression grew increasingly sour each day. On the third day, he publicly raised his hand in class and requested to change seats, leaving their friend embarrassed.

The individual emphasized that they just happened to be sitting there by chance. It wasn't intentional. Who would even want to strike up a conversation with that guy? They had never seen someone so full of themselves.

Initially referring to the person as a "friend," they gradually switched to using "I." Despite sitting together for two consecutive days, Ruan Yiyun turned hostile on the third day. The narrative was convoluted and illogical, indicating that this person shamelessly attempted to cozy up to Ruan Yiyun but failed, so they resorted to smearing him instead.

Further down, there was a comment stating that their former classmate, as a class committee member, had added Ruan Yiyun as a friend for official matters. After sending several messages over several days without receiving any response, they finally complained, hoping Ruan Yiyun would adjust his attitude. Just as they were halfway through their complaint, a system prompt suddenly popped up, indicating that their messages couldn't be delivered because they had been added to the recipient's blacklist.

In Guo Wei's impression, Ruan Yiyun always replied to messages promptly, occasionally explaining sincerely if he couldn't. If someone found Ruan Yiyun unresponsive, they must examine themselves for issues. The so-called "official matters" seemed dubious.

The latest reply was also about messages. This person mentioned that their relationship with Ruan Yiyun used to be fine. They would occasionally exchange normal messages on chat apps. Heaven knows what got into Ruan Yiyun's head, suddenly going crazy and sending a bunch of distorted screenshots of their conversations, all packaged up and sent to their partner of two years, leaving them unable to defend themselves and heartlessly dumped. They suspected Ruan Yiyun harbored a secret crush and wanted to ascend, resorting to such despicable tactics, but they would never give in to such a cheapskate.

After reading, Guo Wei's mind echoed with one word: outrageous. If it was truly distorted, why fear explaining the original messages to their partner?

It became unbearable. He exited the thread, noticing several changes on the homepage.

This forum was indeed lively, but not with growth. Rather, it was fermenting like bacteria. Occasionally, there were interesting discussions related to life, but clicking into them sometimes revealed bizarre comments that stirred up one's anger.

Guo Wei began to loathe this place.

He decisively set aside his phone and focused on studying.

Despite being in exam week, Guo Wei still managed to meet Ruan Yiyun every day and share a meal together.

When his mind became muddled and dizzy from studying, Ruan Yiyun's smile seemed like a source of life, thoroughly nourishing his weary soul.

The next day at lunch, they didn't go to the cafeteria but bought some portable fast food and went to the central lake of the school, finding a bench to sit on and chat while eating.

Guo Wei casually mentioned the post he saw yesterday, giving a brief description. Ruan Yiyun furrowed his brows and took out his phone. After a short while, his expression turned unfriendly.

"What a load of garbage," he said with obvious displeasure in his tone. "Is he some kind of animal for publicly displaying his affections?"

Guo Wei's original intention was to mock the bizarre comments in the comment section.

Seeing Ruan Yiyun's fingers swiftly moving across the screen, he quickly added, "You don't have to bother with him. Even cursing at him would be giving him too much attention."

"Who cares about him? Just looking at him makes me want to vomit," Ruan Yiyun said. "I'll get someone to delete this post."

Guo Wei recalled that Ruan Yiyun had mentioned yesterday that he knew the administrator.

It was surprising that the forum still had an administrator, but it seemed to operate on a system of personal referrals, which was far too outdated.

Ruan Yiyun didn't delve further into the post. He quickly closed the page as if wanting to distance himself from something dirty, then set aside his phone.

With a stern look, he glanced at Guo Wei's lower clothing and asked, "So, is that why you change your pants today?"

Guo Wei nodded awkwardly.

He usually wore jeans more often because they were sturdy, resistant to dirt, and could be machine washed, which suited his laziness towards dressing up. However, this morning, as he picked up his jeans, he suddenly felt uncomfortable and opted for looser sports pants after some consideration.

Ruan Yiyun furrowed his brow, let out a shallow sigh, and lifted his hand to wrap it around Guo Wei's shoulder. His fingers gently brushed through the soft strands of hair at the back of his head. "Just because there are maggots in the gutter doesn't mean we stop living our lives," he said softly.

"Have you noticed? When I wear jeans, do I really look..." Guo Wei hesitated to articulate, pausing before continuing, "Very odd?"

"Not at all," Ruan Yiyun replied, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "It's... it's a very... healthy kind of... that kind of..."

"What kind?" 

Ruan Yiyun's gaze started to wander.

The lowbrow term that appeared in the post title popped into Guo Wei's mind. ""

Ruan Yiyun pinched the back of his neck lightly. "That's called sexy. It's a sunny and energetic kind of sexy."

A sunny and energetic butt didn't sound very convincing. 

Guo Wei frowned and pursed his lips. "You pay quite a bit of attention to it too, don't you?"

Ruan Yiyun instinctively pursed his lips.

This undoubtedly amounted to tacit approval.

"...Have you ever thought about those messy things?" Guo Wei asked.

Ruan Yiyun averted his gaze out of guilt and quickly complained, "How can I be like him?"

Indeed, they were not the same.

Guo Wei couldn't help but speculate inwardly about how he would react if Ruan Yiyun were to utter those filthy words that had made him feel so uncomfortable last night.

He would probably feel momentarily flustered, his cheeks flushing, experiencing a mixture of shame and uncontrollable ar0usal.

He wouldn't resent it.

The fundamental difference was that the vile guy could only talk big, but the adorable Ruan Yiyun could actually do it.

He wouldn't refuse. He would grant him admission.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 52


Limited First Love Chapter 50