Limited First Love Chapter 49

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 49 Listening To Zuibao's Stories of the Past

"He can just ask me directly, why ask you?" Ruan Yiyun questioned. "Would you understand me better than I do?"

Chen Zui didn't explain, wearing a smile as he shrugged at Guo Wei.

Guo Wei tried very hard to suppress his curiosity, holding it in for a while, but failed.

He looked at Ruan Yiyun and asked, "I've always been curious... with so many people pursuing you, there must be more than just Alpha, right?"

What he really wanted to ask was, among them, were there really no Betas who were better than himself?

Having this doubt wasn't about doubting Ruan Yiyun. He was very certain that Ruan Yiyun was sincere towards him. He felt secure enough in this relationship, even though he had once felt uneasy because of Chen Zui, he had never suspected anything.

It was just that he had heard people sigh with emotions too many times, so he couldn't help but feel puzzled and curious, wanting to know what makes him special in Ruan Yiyun's eyes.

When he first fell into the love trap, his brain was overheated and his mind was unclear. Now looking back, it seemed like Ruan Yiyun was also smitten with him at first sight. He was always optimistic and confident, but he also understood that he didn't have that kind of capital in appearance.

Today, with this sudden opportunity, why not just ask? If Ruan Yiyun refused to answer and got angry, then it was Chen Zui's fault. It would be a chance to watch him scold Chen Zui.

Indeed, Ruan Yiyun didn't cooperate. "I don't remember. I never cared about those things. I never thought about dating before I met you."

It was truly a reassuring answer. Guo Wei felt pleased, yet somewhat unsatisfied.

Upon introspection, he realized his current mindset might be similar to when he first got together with Ruan Yiyun. Back then, he didn't want to be bothered, disliked being watched, yet also craved to show off to the world.

At this moment, he wished to hear Ruan Yiyun recount how many talented young men had deeply pursued him in the past, while he disregarded them all, only having eyes for himself.

Simply put, Guo Wei hoped Ruan Yiyun could describe it more vividly, allowing him to experience the exhilaration of a protagonist in a popular novel.

Such thoughts felt shameless, hence he felt reluctant to voice them.

"How ironic, it seems I actually know a bit more about you than you do," Chen Zui remarked. "On this matter, I'm quite knowledgeable."

Ruan Yiyun immediately glared at him.

However, Guo Wei's eyes lit up, showing anticipation. "I want to hear!"

The three of them each occupied one side of the folding table, with Guo Wei and Chen Zui facing each other, and Ruan Yiyun sitting between them.

Excitedly, Guo Wei looked towards Chen Zui, his peripheral vision catching a glimpse of Ruan Yiyun seemingly raising his hand and gesturing towards Chen Zui. When Guo Wei shifted his gaze, Ruan Yiyun had already swiftly withdrawn his hand.

Chen Zui undoubtedly noticed. He grinned, smiling at Ruan Yiyun, revealing eight neatly aligned white teeth, his gaze clear, radiating innocence and friendliness, yet also hinting at something deeper.

Then, he turned to Guo Wei. "I didn't go to the same high school as him, so I'm not sure what he was like back then at school..."

"Then why say anything?" Ruan Yiyun interjected. "Do you have an insatiable desire for drama?"

Guo Wei looked on eagerly.

Chen Zui paid him no mind. "I should have been just a bystander, but some people insisted on using me, putting my safety at risk without my knowledge, ruthlessly placing me in danger."

Ruan Yiyun seemed to anticipate what he was going to say, appearing somewhat guilty as his voice lowered, "...What danger? Are you not okay?"

"Probably when he was differentiating from the first year to the second year of high school," Chen Zui shook his head as he spoke, "That summer, I had just arrived home when he called out of the blue to ask me out, saying he wanted to treat me to a meal," Chen Zui recounted, "I should have known then, anyone who's overly attentive without reason must have ulterior motives. We were walking along just fine, almost reaching our destination, when suddenly, without warning, he grabbed my arm, and I immediately sensed trouble."

Guo Wei faintly guessed what was coming.

Ruan Yiyun frowned. "When did I ever grab your arm? I don't remember doing that."

Chen Zui chuckled twice, then continued, "I was startled at that moment, looked up, and saw a big guy standing in front of me, with a shiny bald head, his body forming a perfect triangle, biceps bulging, looking like a powerhouse, his gaze sharp as knives."

"I think you're paranoid." Ruan Yiyun scowled. "He was just taller and stronger. Is it necessary to exaggerate so much? And 'sharp gaze like knives'..."

"Well, he was at least half a head taller than me at the time, standing there like a wall," Chen Zui said, "If he didn't look so intimidating, why would you pull me over to use me as a shield?"

Ignoring him, Ruan Yiyun leaned in close to Guo Wei's ear and whispered, "I just used him." After straightening up, he quickly remembered something and leaned in again to add, "I also don't remember ever grabbing his arm."

"What happened next?" Guo Wei was very interested in the story's development.

"He stared at me the whole time until we passed by him, then suddenly raised his hand and patted my shoulder, saying, 'Be careful,'" Chen Zui recounted.

Chen Zui's expression turned serious, and when he mentioned "be careful," he deliberately lowered his voice, which made Guo Wei even more nervous.

"A-and then?" 

Finally unable to contain himself, Chen Zui burst into laughter. "And then, and then this old guy pointed at this guy and said to me, 'This guy is a real player, not a good person,' hahaha!"

Guo Wei was stunned.

"That guy was a graduate from our school. I just wanted to borrow his reference books, so I approached him for a chat, but we hardly exchanged a few words," Ruan Yiyun explained helplessly. "I have no idea what he was thinking, but he was convinced that I was showing interest in him. He thought my refusal was just shyness or a test of his persistence. He was so big, it wasn't easy for me to be forceful. It just so happened that this guy came back, so I used the opportunity to welcome him and let that person know I wasn't interested, killing two birds with one stone."

He looked like he was afraid Guo Wei might misunderstand and added softly in Guo Wei's ear, "I've said it before, the people who pursue me are all strange, none of them are like you."

Guo Wei's train of thought was not aligned with his.

"Listening to you guys talk about the past is so interesting," he sighed, echoing his sentiment from last time, "I wish I had known you guys earlier."

Ruan Yiyun still stuck close to him, whispering, "It's not a pity, our future together will be longer than the past."

Chen Zui glanced away and shook his head. "Tsk tsk."

As they chatted, the skewers they had ordered started arriving one after another.

The taste was pretty good, and considering the price, it was definitely worth it. The owner was generous, giving them two extra bottles of drinks. Guo Wei discreetly observed and noticed that only their table received such treatment.

He sighed inwardly. Good-looking people lived such lives.

With food in front of them, Chen Zui spoke less. Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun watched as he quickly devoured half of the grilled flatbread, both wearing puzzled expressions.

Guo Wei remembered that last time they ate together in the cafeteria, Chen Zui had behaved quite elegantly.

"How long have you been hungry?" Ruan Yiyun asked. "Didn't you have lunch?"

"I did, but it wasn't enough." Chen Zui gulped down half a bottle of drink, exhaling deeply. "Damn, I feel alive again."

Ruan Yiyun frowned. "You didn't lose your phone and wallet again, did you?"

"No," Chen Zui said, placing his phone from his pocket onto the table. "Let me tell you, don't tell my family about this, or they'll nag me to death. Last week, I accidentally knocked over a pancake cart belonging to an old woman at the intersection outside the south gate."

Ruan Yiyun looked speechless.

Guo Wei finally understood. No wonder Chen Zui was willing to sell his account for two hundred yuan.

"That old lady was too strong, even though she was jaywalking," Chen Zui sighed. "I was no match for her. My savings were drained, and now I have to tighten my belt to repair my baby."

"Baby?" Guo Wei asked.

"My car," Chen Zui explained. "Her full name is Alexandra II. She got a huge scratch, and it's breaking my heart."

Guo Wei couldn't decide whether to mock the name of the car or admire the dedication of repairing it even at the cost of skipping meals.

"I can't take it anymore." Ruan Yiyun frowned, taking out his phone. "Couldn't you just tell me? Was it necessary to resort to deceit for a free meal?"

From Guo Wei's perspective, he could vaguely see the screen. Ruan Yiyun opened a payment app and navigated to the transfer function.

Indeed, the relationship between these two was truly solid.

"Good man, may you have a safe life," Chen Zui said with a theatrical expression. "May you always be together with your beloved little Beta, just like me and Alexandra..."

Before he could finish, Ruan Yiyun punched him. "Why don't you say I have nothing to offer now?"

Chen Zui chuckled and turned to Guo Wei. "I wasn't done yet. The number of people chasing after your wife is quite impressive, not just Alphas, even Betas and Omegas can't resist his charm."

"Hey, I haven't confirmed the transfer yet," Ruan Yiyun reminded him.

Chen Zui remained unfazed and continued, "But he disregards them all, giving no opportunity, refusing outrightly, completely crushing any fantasies."

"So there are Betas after all..." Guo Wei muttered.

"Of course there are, and among them, there are some who seem quite decent," Chen Zui said. "But in all the years I've known him, I've never seen him show any interest in anyone other than you."

This statement hit Guo Wei's hopeful spot directly, and he immediately showed a shy expression, chuckling foolishly.

The phone Chen Zui had placed on the table made a crisp sound indicating the transfer had been completed.

"Thanks," Chen Zui fist-bumped Ruan Yiyun. "I'll pay you back next month."

Ruan Yiyun sneered.

People were quick to forget favors and kindness. Chen Zui had both eaten and taken, so naturally he had to give them enough face.

"You know, when I first heard he had a partner, I asked him for a photo, but he refused," he told Guo Wei. "He said they were too cute, his exclusive collection, not to be shown to other filthy Alphas."

Guo Wei's face turned red. "Wh-what..."

Ruan Yiyun was also embarrassed, awkwardly saying, "That's enough."

Chen Zui seemed to be enjoying himself, pointing at Ruan Yiyun and telling Guo Wei, "Remember, a good Alpha like him is hard to come by, even if you search with a lantern."

Guo Wei suspected he was just using this opportunity to tease the two of them in various ways.

"He was as steadfast as a rock," Chen Zui took another bite of the barbeque, "because he was completely unmoved by worldly desires, it almost dragged on for too long and the differentiation failed, but luckily..."

Before he could finish, the entire folding table shook, causing Chen Zui to gasp and double over.

Guo Wei was startled and asked Ruan Yiyun, "Did you kick him?"

Ruan Yiyun's face was stern. "Just eat, why so many words?"

Chen Zui seemed to realize something was wrong too. He pursed his lips, glanced around, and smiled at Guo Wei. "No, I accidentally kicked the table leg myself."

He straightened up. "Anyway, for him, you are destined to be together, and he cherishes that."

Guo Wei blinked.

He couldn't shake the feeling that something was not quite right.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 50


Limited First Love Chapter 48