Limited First Love Chapter 52

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 52 Guo Wei's World

Seeing him blush and remain silent, Ruan Yiyun quickly jumped to the wrong conclusion and became even more aggrieved.

"I'm an Alpha, you know. Alphas tend to overthink when they see someone they like," he said, his fingers restless as they lingered on Guo Wei's body. "Am I not allowed to admire your beauty?"

Being praised by such a beautiful man in a coquettish manner made Guo Wei feel both embarrassed and amused.

The person who posted that was a disgusting and shameless pervert. But Ruan Yiyun was sweet and likable.

"Yeah," Guo Wei blushed and nodded, whispering softly, "I'm a Beta, and I tend to overthink when I see someone I like too. It's normal, human nature."

Ruan Yiyun turned his head to look at him.

Once their gazes met, it was hard to look away. Guo Wei caught the smile in Ruan Yiyun's eyes and found himself smiling foolishly too.

They naturally drew closer and exchanged a sweet kiss.

The atmosphere shifted, becoming light-hearted and pleasant once more.

"Did you initially give me your contact information because you thought I... I looked... like that?" Guo Wei asked.

Ruan Yiyun blinked and replied, "It's because you're sweet-tongued."

Guo Wei exclaimed in surprise, "Am I sweet-tongued? My mom often scolds me for lacking tact and being tongue-tied!"

Suppressing a laugh, Ruan Yiyun said, "...You mentioned back then that you wanted to give me good luck."

Guo Wei quickly recalled. "Do you still have that bottle cap?"

"Yes, of course," Ruan Yiyun said, "I'm keeping it safe."

"The redemption period must have passed, right?" Guo Wei asked casually.

Ruan Yiyun nodded slightly and said, "But the good luck you gave me won't expire."

Guo Wei felt embarrassed. "You're the one with the really sweet tongue."

"Really?" Ruan Yiyun leaned in once again. "Then why not taste it more?"

Guo Wei opened his mouth, gently kissed, and then licked. The air between them was sweet, and so was his heart.

Chuckling, he asked, "Are you only sweet-mouthed in front of me?"

Ruan Yiyun paused. "Hmm?"

"You're always so stern with Chen Zui and say very sarcastic things," Guo Wei remarked.

Ruan Yiyun's expression stiffened slightly. "Well, it's... fine..."

Guo Wei analyzed earnestly, "You must scold him often, that's why he doesn't take it seriously."

"That's because he has thick skin," Ruan Yiyun replied.

"Are you as gentle with everyone else as you are when you're with me?" Guo Wei inquired.

"Um..." Ruan Yiyun glanced at the lake's surface. "There's a slight difference."

Guo Wei started to laugh foolishly, exclaiming loudly, "You're two-faced!"

Ruan Yiyun was mildly surprised, smiling as he asked, "You seem quite pleased with yourself?"

"Yeah," Guo Wei nodded, "It means I have a VIP seat in your life!"

Ruan Yiyun nodded lightly. "But... 'two-faced' isn't a good term."

Indeed, it was a pejorative term. Guo Wei racked his brains, trying to find a more appropriate and positive alternative, but he couldn't come up with one right away.

Ruan Yiyun added, "It seems like... no matter what I do, you won't mind, will you?"

Guo Wei thought about it seriously and realized that this statement wasn't entirely wrong.

"Unless one day I discover that I'm actually living in a large reality show, and you're just an actor hired by the director," Guo Wei said, "then I'd be heartbroken."

"Your imagination is quite vivid," Ruan Yiyun chuckled, "What's the name of this reality show, Guo Wei's World?"

"Forget it, forget it. No one would want to watch such a show, I suppose," Guo Wei laughed, "But even if that were the case... I think I would gather the courage to ask you if you'd be willing to have a real date with me after work, once I get over the sadness."

"I would," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei got into the scenario. "Then how about..."

"Maybe next time," Ruan Yiyun interrupted him, "Don't you need to review?"

Guo Wei immediately deflated. "Oh..."

Ruan Yiyun chuckled at his antics. "Make sure to study hard when you get back to the dorm later. We have important things to do later."

"What things?" Guo Wei asked.

"Have you forgotten already?" Ruan Yiyun said, "We agreed before to hold a calf every day and strive to become strongmen."

Guo Wei's face instantly flushed red.

"C-Can we skip the video call?" he whispered, "I promise not to slack off."

"You already promised me, how can you go back on your word?" Ruan Yiyun said, "My dear husband, I love you, you're the best. How about we schedule a time now?"

He felt extremely embarrassed.

As the agreed-upon time drew nearer, Guo Wei found it increasingly difficult to concentrate, the words on his books gradually blurring.

He regretted telling Ruan Yiyun about it. He should have just worked on it secretly and surprised Ruan Yiyun with the results someday, shouldn't he?

Guo Wei half-lay on the desk, feeling restless.

Fortunately, he was the only one in the dormitory at the moment.

Third Elder Brother and his girlfriend went to the library to study, Eldest Brother Jin went out to enjoy himself, and Wang Tong was pulled away by a teacher to help temporarily, so none of them would come back for a while.

Guo Wei kept checking his phone. When he realized there were less than two minutes left until their agreed-upon time, he hastily placed his phone far away from himself.

He raised his textbooks as if trying to cover his own line of sight, like covering his ears to steal a bell.

The notification sound of the message abruptly echoed in the quiet dormitory, causing his entire body to jerk in fright.

He reluctantly retrieved his phone, confirming that it was indeed a message from Ruan Yiyun.

——It's time to take a break and relax a bit~

Guo Wei sighed heavily.

He wanted to reply to Ruan Yiyun, telling him that he had changed his mind and decided to back out. But he also knew that as long as Ruan Yiyun pouted and acted cute, he would be unable to resist.

Since that was the case, as a brave Beta, he might as well face it boldly. Better to die early than live in fear.

He suddenly stood up, took a deep breath, and then pressed the voice message function, loudly saying, "Hold on! Let me take off my pants first!"

The message was sent with a whoosh.

Ruan Yiyun didn't respond for a while.

Guo Wei spoke with bravado, but deep down he was trembling with fear. As he entered the bathroom, he even stooped unnecessarily low.

Although there was no one else in the dormitory, he still locked the door deliberately and, feeling guilty as if he were a thief, placed the mop, which had been originally left in the corner, behind the door.

As he nervously fumbled with his belt, his phone, wedged in the crook of his arm, chimed again with the sound of a received message.

Guo Wei, startled like a frightened bird, involuntarily jerked, and his phone slipped from his grasp, plummeting to the hard bathroom floor with a sharp thud.

He hurriedly picked it up, only to find himself dumbfounded.

While the screen remained intact, the glass back cover had shattered into pieces upon impact. As he touched it, numerous shards fell off, pricking his skin.

He had bought this phone brand new just before the start of the semester, with a stylish design and a hefty price tag, nearly draining his New Year's money. The pain in his heart was unbearable.

The only silver lining was that the phone still seemed to function normally. Compared to a shattered screen, replacing the back cover would certainly be much cheaper.

Guo Wei sighed, his brows furrowing.

The phone chimed once again, and upon opening it, he saw that Ruan Yiyun, impatient from waiting for a response, had sent a reminder.

——Then I'll patiently wait for you 

——Is it still not ready?

Guo Wei took the initiative to send a video call request, which was promptly accepted half a second later.

Ruan Yiyun's face quickly appeared on the screen. Initially smiling, his expression turned somewhat puzzled after a quick scan up and down with his eyes.

Guo Wei cradled the phone in his hand, the camera only capturing his upper body, his clothing intact.

More importantly, Guo Wei had a pitiful expression on his face, clearly indicating that something unpleasant had happened.

Guo Wei had intended to immediately vent his frustrations. However, upon successfully connecting the video call, he was surprised to discover a crack in the bottom right corner of the screen. It was short and not very obvious, which was why he hadn't noticed it before.

Seeing Guo Wei staring silently, his eyes wide open, Ruan Yiyun asked cautiously, "Husband, what's wrong? Is it... very upsetting?"

Guo Wei immediately wailed loudly, "My phone is broken!"

Ruan Yiyun was taken aback.

Guo Wei quickly walked to the mirror, holding up his phone and adjusting the camera to the rear view. "Look! Look!"

"How did it break like this?" Ruan Yiyun expressed concern, "Be careful, don't hold it like that, watch out for your hands getting pricked."

As he spoke, Guo Wei hissed in pain.

Some small fragments had pierced his skin, not drawing blood but causing a sharp pain.

"Oh no," he muttered, looking down at his fingers, "It seems like it pierced through."

The sharp sensation of the foreign object, like a needle prick, could be felt, but nothing could be seen with the naked eye.

Ruan Yiyun, unable to see the injury through the screen and unable to offer assistance, grew anxious. "What's wrong?"

"I was in the middle of taking off my pants, and then you messaged me, and I accidentally dropped my phone," Guo Wei explained.

Ruan Yiyun was momentarily speechless.

"I need to go to the infirmary." Guo Wei placed his hand in front of the camera. "I got a piece of glass stuck here, and I'm afraid it might get infected if I leave it."

"Go quickly," Ruan Yiyun replied, then quickly changed his mind, "Wait, I'll accompany you."

It wasn't a serious injury, but Guo Wei was still very willing to have Ruan Yiyun accompany him.

When they met up, Guo Wei's phone was still shedding debris. He haphazardly wrapped it in tissue paper, looking rather disheveled.

Ruan Yiyun looked quite speechless. When they arrived at the infirmary, the school doctor helped clean Guo Wei's wound. Ruan Yiyun borrowed some wet wipes and carefully wiped Guo Wei's phone, finally getting rid of the tiny shards of glass.

"It's my fault." Ruan Yiyun appeared remorseful as they left the infirmary. "I startled you."

"That's not what I meant!" Guo Wei quickly waved his hand, "It wasn't your fault. I was just clumsy."

Ruan Yiyun didn't argue further and asked, "Are you planning to get a new phone or just a new back cover?"

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment. "I won't get either. I'll just buy a phone case and make do with it."

Just changing the back cover would only cost a few hundred yuan at most, and he had just received a red envelope from a distant relative, so he could afford it. But since the screen was cracked too, replacing the entire set would cost over two thousand yuan, which was too expensive and not worth it.

Since the screen crack wasn't severe and didn't affect usage, he decided to put on a case and make do for another six months, then use the New Year's money to get a new one.

Seeing Ruan Yiyun furrowing his brow in thought, Guo Wei hastily added, "You don't need to compensate me!"

Ruan Yiyun chuckled bitterly. "I can't afford it right now anyway."

After saying that, he muttered under his breath, "It's all that jerk Chen Zui's fault."


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 53


Limited First Love Chapter 51