Gourd Farm Chapter 69

Translated by Etherna (ko-fi)

Chapter 69: Land Transfer


After hearing Wan’Er's explanation, Yang Feng began to grasp the concept, although he still had some unclear details.


The village chief took out a piece of A4 paper from his briefcase and handed it to Yang Feng.


"Take a look at this. After reading it, you should understand," the village chief said.


Perhaps the village chief understood it himself, but he wasn't very articulate in explaining it. So he simply handed over the document.


As Yang Feng carefully read through the document, he began to comprehend the idea. In rural areas, many people had moved to the cities for work, leading to fewer people engaged in farming. There were vast areas of idle land, resulting in wastage of resources.


The new initiative aimed to support farmers like Yang Feng and aquaculture practitioners, encouraging them to consolidate the idle land into larger-scale operations.


This approach indeed maximizes the utilization of land resources and serves as a good method for poverty alleviation and wealth creation. In the past, if someone wanted to lease land, they had to host dinners, involve intermediaries, and build relationships. But now, things were different; many plots of land were left idle, making it difficult to find suitable tenants.




After reading through the document and understanding the rationale behind it, Yang Feng put down the file. "Village Chief, the document states that this initiative has already begun from today. Why haven't we seen any progress in our village yet?"


"Land transfer is a significant matter. It's not child's play. However, our village is a bit late in implementing this, but other places have already started," the village chief explained.


Wan’er gathered her messy hair and said, "First, we need to find people in the village who have a certain foundation and experience in this field. We'll discuss it with the village chief on our way back. We'll start with you."


"Indeed, Yang Feng, I've noticed your two acres of land are nearly fully utilized. Without expanding, you won't be able to form a significant operation," the village chief remarked.


Listening to the village chief and Wan Er, Yang Feng felt a bit intrigued. He had been planning to expand his operation, but he was held back by social conventions. Some neighboring plots were either cultivated or left idle, but he wasn't too familiar with those landowners. He had planned to invite the village chief after the Chinese New Year to mediate.


Now, with this opportunity, his long standing concern could be resolved.


"Village Chief, I noticed that the minimum land area for lease mentioned here is thirty acres. This is necessary to qualify for subsidies," Yang Feng said, feeling a bit overwhelmed. Thirty acres was a significant amount. Not to mention the expenses for greenhouse construction, the land lease alone was a substantial sum.


"Yes, there are two methods for land transfer. First, you can negotiate the price directly with private landowners, which means talking to the heads of the households owning the land. The other method involves the village council gathering opinions from the villagers. The council will then facilitate the consolidation of land and subsequently lease it to those interested," the village chief explained.


Hearing the village chief's explanation, Yang Feng felt that the second method suited him better. If he negotiated personally, there might be trust issues, and people could worry about potential losses if he walked away without returning the money. But if the village council was involved, it would provide more security, being a public entity.


"So, can we choose the location of the land ourselves?" Yang Feng asked.


"Yes, you certainly can," the village chief confirmed.


Feeling reassured after hearing this, Yang Feng decided he wanted to include his own two acres of land and expand like the surrounding areas.


Wan’er picked up her water glass. "Have you considered how much land you plan to lease, given the prices you saw for the land in the document?"


"I haven't thought about it yet," Yang Feng admitted.


At Wan’er's question, he remembered the figures he had seen in the document: 600 yuan per acre for dryland, with a subsidy of 50 yuan per acre for reaching thirty acres, and an additional subsidy of 100 yuan per acre for fifty to one hundred acres.


Calculating his current funds, Yang Feng realized he had just a bit less than 40,000 yuan. With the items in the greenhouse, he could probably earn another 20,000 yuan, although the strawberries couldn't be counted yet.


If he leased fifty acres, his funds would be sufficient, but he wouldn't have money left for subsequent expenses. He had to wait for the strawberries to be ready and sell them to make further purchases.


"Alas, I do want to lease fifty acres, but I don't have enough money," Yang Feng sighed.


Seeing Yang Feng's worried expression, Wan’Er continued, "Take a closer look. The first year exempts half of the rent."


"Where does it say that?" Yang Feng asked.


Wan’er handed him the document and pointed with her slender finger, saying, "Here, isn't it?"


Yang Feng walked over, following Wan’er's indication, and examined a line of small text within parentheses.


"Upon the implementation of the land transfer policy, considering the local conditions, half a year's rent can be exempted to encourage participation."


He had been too hasty earlier and hadn't noticed this line of small text.


Wan’er lifted her head. "See, this six-month period is also given to landlords to renovate the land."


This was self-evident. The land couldn't be used immediately after being acquired; uneven areas would require bulldozers and excavators to flatten them out.


It was relatively easier for setting up greenhouses, but if one planned to rear fish and shrimp, it would be more complicated. They would need to dig ponds, bury pipelines, and make other preparations.


"You young people are catching the right opportunity now. In the past, we couldn't even dare to dream of such things considering the conditions back then," the village chief sighed, his expression resembling someone reminiscing about their past, the life of their generation.


"This is a significant decision. Take your time to think about it carefully. After all, once signed, it's for ten years," Wan’er reminded Yang Feng, her tone cautious. She didn't want him to make impulsive decisions.


"Yes, take your time to think about it. When you've made up your mind, come to me, and I'll sign the document for you," the village chief added, kindly reminding Yang Feng. Starting a business as a young person was a good thing, but they couldn't let their children jump into a fire pit. This opportunity was both a chance and carried significant risks.


"I'm back. Let's wash up and have dinner"


 Xia Ying had already prepared the meal at home.


Yang Feng grabbed a steamed bun and started eating; after a whole day, he was starving.


"Xia Ying, have you heard about land transfer in your village?" Yang Feng asked.


"Yeah, people in our village are talking about land transfer and fish and shrimp farming every day. But I don't know the specifics. Why? Is it happening in your village too?" Xia Ying replied.


Yang Feng put down his chopsticks. "Yes, the village chief just talked to me about it. I'm considering how many acres to lease; it's a big decision."


"Well, it's not a small matter; you need to think it through. But with your excellent farming skills, you shouldn't worry too much," Xia Ying said, showing her admiration for Yang Feng's agricultural expertise.


She used to think her watermelon cultivation skills were good in the village, but since coming here and witnessing Yang Feng's abilities, her perspective had completely changed.


After dinner, Xia Ying headed home.


"Sis, come take a look. The village chief sent this today. Mom said to wait for you to come back and check it out."


Before even entering the house, Xia Ying's younger brother rushed out anxiously.


"How many times have I told you, a young man should be responsible. Look at you, what do you look like?"


At this moment, Xia Ying showed no signs of gentleness or shyness. She was completely a stern elder sister.


The young man chuckled, "I know, I know. Hey, take a look at this."


Xia Ying paid no attention to her playful brother. She took the contract and saw that it was a land transfer agreement.


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 70


Gourd Farm Chapter 68