Gourd Farm Chapter 60

Translated by Etherna (ko-fi)

Chapter 60: Purchasing a Tractor




Li Yi clearly understood the current market situation, but the price was just a bit hard to accept.


"Hey, raw material prices have gone up, so why don't you adjust your menu prices?"


Seeing Li Yi's distressed expression, it was really hard to watch.


"Sigh, it's not that easy for us. We're not a single-item store; we have standardized prices in our chain."


Listening to Li Yi, I realized I didn't fully understand the situation.


"What about these tomatoes?"


If the restaurant couldn't accept the prices, they would have to temporarily halt deliveries.


"Let's use today's stock for now. We won't deliver tomorrow until the prices come down a bit."


After much consideration, Li Yi made the decision to sell out the existing menu items.


As the end of the month approached, Li Yi realized that if the gross profit margin didn't meet the target, his bonus for the month would be gone.


Unexpectedly, just a few days after he made the decision to sell out the existing menu items, the restaurant received complaints that not only cost him his bonus but also led to a scolding from the big boss.


Meanwhile, Yang Feng and Xia Ying rode around town and stopped at a relatively large tractor dealership.


The signboard was impressive, "Shi Feng Tractor Dealership." In front of the dealership, there were neatly parked more than a dozen brand-new tractors of various models.


As Yang Feng and Xia Ying approached the entrance, they saw the owner busy with a middle-aged man in his forties negotiating prices.


"Boss, can't you lower the price a bit more?"


"This is really the lowest price. I'm not earning even a penny from this deal. If you wait until the spring, the peak season, this machine will cost at least another five hundred bucks."


The bespectacled owner wore an expression of pure loss, engaged in a heated discussion with the middle-aged man.


"Fine, I'll go with your price of six thousand five hundred, but you have to throw in two good belts," the middle-aged man said.


"Alright, your single purchase really isn't profitable for us. Come back if it works out well."


Just by looking at the owner, one could tell he was experienced in the business, easily leaving the tractor buyer in a daze. It was clear that the buyer was a straightforward and honest person, hesitating for a while before mentioning the belts.


With the deal concluded, the owner's face lit up with a smile, indicating he had made a good profit.


"Hey, you two, who are you?"


Just moments ago, he was busy and hadn't paid much attention to the two young people. Now that he had some free time, he noticed the pair still lingering around the tractors.


"Oh, we're just here to check out the tractors."


Yang Feng responded when the owner called out to them from behind.


"Sure, which model are you interested in?"


Seeing potential business, the owner adjusted his glasses and eagerly approached them, his face beaming with enthusiasm.


"Take a look at this one. It's a genuine domestic product, the Shi Feng Chāng Fā model. It comes with a one-key start and has a horsepower of 12."


Yang Feng was quite interested in this model himself. The entire machine looked sturdy, and there was a battery attached to the front, presumably for the one-key start feature.


Having this battery would make tasks like pumping water much more convenient.


"Hmm, it looks good. What's the price?"


"Are you interested in the whole tractor, or just the front part?"


"I want the whole tractor."


Yang Feng had thought this through; he didn't just need it for farming but also for various other hauling tasks.


"You seem to know your stuff, young man. I won't beat around the bush. It's a fixed price: nine thousand eight hundred."


Upon hearing the price, Xia Ying, standing beside them, visibly recoiled. She seemed startled by the cost. She had consulted a guy previously about tractor prices, and he had mentioned that a normal 12-horsepower tractor should be around eight thousand. Now, hearing the owner's quote, it was apparent that they were being overcharged.


"Xia Ying, let's go," Yang Feng said without hesitation, and they were ready to leave.


"Young man, what are you doing? If you like the tractor, we can still negotiate the price," the owner hurriedly approached, trying to stop Yang Feng. He seemed to recognize a potential big spender. If he could close this deal, it would mean not having to shut down for at least half a month, especially in the current off-season when competition in the industry was fierce.


"Boss, you're not showing any sincerity here. What's the point of continuing this discussion?" Yang Feng frowned and gestured dismissively at the owner.


"Tsk, young man, you're being too harsh. I assure you, I'm sincere and guarantee your satisfaction," the owner hastily responded, employing all his persuasive skills. In a matter of moments, he had launched into a lengthy spiel.


In reality, Yang Feng had only pretended to leave. In situations like this, owners usually tried to retain customers unless they were uninterested in the deal.


"Well, then, tell me, what price are you willing to offer?"


Caught in the owner's web of persuasion, Yang Feng found himself back at the discussion about the tractor.


"My words might not hold much weight, but what price would you find acceptable?"


The owner, a cunning old hand at negotiations, deftly tossed the hot potato back into Yang Feng's court.


"Hmm, I did my research before coming here. A tractor like this usually costs around eight thousand," Yang Feng calmly stated.


"Pff, young man, you must be joking. Take a closer look; this one comes with a big battery and one-key start."


The owner's eye twitched involuntarily upon hearing Yang Feng's price.


"I genuinely came here today to make a purchase. I won't play mind games with you. I'll offer eight thousand five hundred, take it or leave it."


"Young man, I can't possibly agree to that price."




After stating his final offer, Yang Feng directly hopped onto his three-wheeler. The extra five hundred had been added earlier because of the additional batteries on the vehicle. Seeing the owner's hesitance, he was prepared to leave.


"Wait, brother, I'll add a little more. I'll consider you my friend and throw in a second one for you," the owner said, hoping to salvage the deal.


Seeing that Yang Feng was truly about to leave this time, the owner dropped his tough act.


"Boss, look, there are other tractor dealers right across the street and over there. Frankly, at this price, if you don't sell, someone else will."




The owner was well aware that there were two or three other agricultural machinery shops on the same street. In this cutthroat business, they had to charge high prices to make a profit for others.


"Alright, consider this my way of advertising. If you find the tractor useful, remember to refer customers to me."


With a reluctant sigh, the owner reluctantly agreed, clearly a master of theatrics.


"Brother, you're young, but you're quite shrewd," the owner remarked while counting the money.


"Hehe, despite being shrewd, I still ended up giving the money to you, didn't I?" Yang Feng retorted with a smirk.


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 61


Gourd Farm Chapter 59