Gourd Farm Chapter 58

Translated by Etherna (ko-fi)

Chapter 58: Village Officials Offering Assistance


Liu Wan'er posed a series of questions and issues that were well-reasoned, but their implementation seemed challenging. While the suggestions made sense, putting them into practice was proving to be difficult.


Though they had a few additional greenhouses now, they had yet to establish a well-structured operation. With only two people, they struggled to manage the workload, especially with daily deliveries to be made.


"Xia Ying, let's go to greenhouse number three and start planting the strawberries. We've already wasted a day."


"Sure, I've prepared the water for irrigation this morning."


Xia Ying set aside her current task, picked up a small bucket, and was ready to head to the third greenhouse.


"Let me join you. I've been mostly desk-bound this morning, so it's a good opportunity for me to get some hands-on experience."


Upon hearing they were going to plant strawberries, Liu Wan'er was eager to participate. She thought to herself that since the villagers in Huangshi doubted her abilities, she would use this chance to demonstrate her skills through practical work.


"No, you don't need to. You might get your clothes dirty." 


Seeing Liu Wan'er's enthusiasm, Yang Miao hesitated. However, he knew that planting strawberries in greenhouse number three was a messier job compared to the tomatoes they had worked on previously. It would likely leave them all quite dirty.


Yang Feng looked at her clean sportswear.

Planting strawberries was dirty work, unlike his job for which he had work clothes. 

"It's alright. I'll have to wash it anyway," she said.


Liu Wan'er assured him, then linked arms with Xia Ying and headed towards greenhouse number three. Liu Wan'er was the type to be naturally outgoing. Xia Ying, who was typically reserved, became more lively under Liu Wan'er's influence.


"Yang Feng, can you pass me that shovel?"


Liu Wan'er was full of energy as she volunteered to help plant the strawberries. She had initially asked Yang Feng to hand over the seedlings, but she insisted on taking over the planting herself. Her once clean clothes were now covered in mud.


"Here, catch."


Yang Feng found an unused shovel and tossed it to her.


"Miss Wan'er, you look just like a city dweller. I never expected you to work so well in the field."


Xia Ying and Liu Wan'er had become close over the past few days, while Yang Feng had known Xia Ying for a long time but was not as familiar with Liu Wan'er. Women's dynamics are sometimes hard to understand.


"Yeah, I've been studying these topics for the past few years. Even though I haven't done much actual farming, I understand the theory," Liu Wan'er replied.


Hearing this, Xia Ying said, "Listening to you makes me regret not going to college."


She had been a good student in her school days, but due to family circumstances, she had to drop out. Now, listening to Liu Wan'er, she felt a strong desire for higher education.


"Well, there are adult education programs now. You can enroll in one when you have time," Yang Feng suggested. He recalled a colleague from his time in Shanghai who had quit her job to attend university as an adult learner.


"I hope so!"


Working together with an additional person made a significant difference in efficiency. The row of strawberry plants was quickly planted.


"Yang Feng, what kind of medium did you use for the nursery seedlings here?" Liu Wan'er inquired. She observed that the strawberry seedlings appeared robust, with very few weak ones, which differed from the standard nursery methods.


"Oh, we used fermented chicken manure mixed with rice husks."


"That's surprising. This is just a conventional method for nursery seedlings. How did you produce such excellent seedlings?" Liu Wan'er was curious.


The strawberry seedlings in front of them were not only thick and robust, but they also appeared to be in good health. Despite being seedlings, they were almost as large as mature strawberry plants, with true leaves already forming.


Liu Wan'er furrowed her brows, as if she were trying to recall something.


Yang Feng paid no attention to her, as he couldn't exactly tell her about the secret sauce for growing these seedlings.


The three of them worked diligently, planting until around 11 o'clock in the morning. The once-empty soil was now turning green, and in a couple of days, it would be a lush field of strawberry plants.


"Let's go have lunch; it's getting late," Yang Feng suggested, raising his voice. He looked at the two women, who seemed exhausted. They continued chatting while working, and if they kept this pace, they would complete the planting within two days.


"What time is it now? I don't feel very hungry," Liu Wan'er said.


"Yeah, I'm not that hungry either," Xia Ying added.


Xia Ying chimed in from the side, saying, "Yang Feng, it's already eleven o'clock. But we're not that hungry right now."


Yang Feng double-checked the time, and indeed, it was already eleven. He couldn't understand why the two of them weren't hungry. Had they already eaten secretly?


"Director Liu, how about we have lunch here today?" Yang Feng suggested.

He looked at Liu Wan'er, who was dripping with sweat. She had just arrived a couple of days ago and hadn't even settled in properly, yet she had been helping him with the work for half the day. He genuinely wanted to invite her.


"It's not necessary. I've been having lunch at the village head's house these past few days."


"Alright, suit yourself. I'll go back and prepare lunch; it'll be ready soon," Yang Feng replied.


He went back to his place, bought two pounds of meat, and picked up some cauliflower and other vegetables.


"Little Feng, have you seen Ms. Liu?"


As he arrived at his doorstep, he saw Mrs. Li, who was wearing an apron, bustling around in a hurry.


"Oh, Ms. Liu is in my greenhouse."


"I see, I was wondering why I couldn't find her anywhere after searching the village office."


Mrs. Li was on her way to the greenhouse as she spoke.


"Aunt Li, wait a moment. Ms. Liu is having lunch at my place. Look, I've already bought the groceries."


"You don't need to cook. Let's all go over and have lunch together."


Mrs. Li didn't even look at the vegetables he was holding. She spoke in a hurry.

“Aunt Li, Please, I’ve already prepared.

"You really are stubborn, Xiao Feng."


Seeing that Yang Feng was insistent, Mrs. Li decided not to argue further. 


Today, Yang Feng prepared cauliflower stir-fried with pork, braised pork, and a bowl of tomato and egg soup. He also picked some strawberries.


"Yes, absolutely."


Looking at the table full of dishes, Yang Feng felt a sense of pride. The meal looked really delicious.


It was now noon, and the chimneys of the houses were billowing with smoke. Yang Feng realized that during quieter moments like these, the countryside had a true sense of homeliness. After living in the city for a while, he had become used to the hustle and bustle, but he found that returning to the rural lifestyle was much more peaceful.


"Xia Ying, let's go in and have lunch."


Yang Feng called out to Xia Ying.


He arrived at the greenhouse, where both Liu Wan’er and Xia Ying were hard at work. Despite the time spent cooking, they managed to plant quite a few seedlings.


"Yes, we're here."


After locking the door to the greenhouse, they all climbed onto Yang Feng's tricycle.


"It smells so good."


As they opened the door, the savory aroma of the cooked dishes wafted out, and Wan’er couldn't help but praise it.


"Let's wash our hands before we eat."


Yang Feng fetched a basin of water and placed it on the sink.


"Wan’er, if it doesn't taste good, just bear with it."


"It's no problem, this is delicious, isn't it?"


They savored the meal while discussing various topics, ranging from village relationships to the future development of greenhouse cultivation.


"Yang Feng, what variety of strawberries are these? They taste amazing."


"They're just ordinary varieties."


Wan’er had always loved strawberries, but she had never tasted such delicious ones. As it entered her mouth, it exuded a delicate creamy aroma, truly delightful.


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 59


Gourd Farm Chapter 57