Gourd Farm Chapter 39

Translated by Etherna (ko-fi)

Chapter 39: Don't Move, You'll Face Legal Sanctions


Upon hearing that there was still a large quantity of watermelons involved, the middle-aged woman, whose face was already quite dark, turned even redder and purple.


By now, a crowd had gathered in the small courtyard near the entrance. In the countryside, where space was limited, any commotion would become known within ten minutes.


Moreover, the noise here was so loud that it seemed the saying "good news doesn't go beyond the doorstep, while bad news travels a thousand miles" was accurate.


"What evidence do you have that it was our eldest son who did this?" the middle-aged woman began to act stubbornly as things reached this point.


"What evidence do I have? Are your eyes not working, or is your mind slow? Take a look at your son's mouth and his clothes covered in watermelon juice."


"Let me tell you, don't make baseless accusations. The watermelon stain on his mouth, we ate it at home during lunch. We didn't even have time to clean up yet."


Watching the obstinate behavior of this woman, the anger inside continued to escalate.


"Well, it's really unfortunate for Xiaofeng to encounter such a shrewd and obstinate woman."


"That's right. Last time, her son stole our eggs, and when I chased after him, he didn't admit it."


"Who says it isn't true? We had a brand-new broom placed at our doorstep, and her son, without us noticing, took it home, and we still haven't gotten it back."


The villagers from the same village who had come to watch the commotion were quietly murmuring and discussing among themselves.


"Take out your watermelons. Let me see. Do you see the color of my watermelon?"


When the woman heard this, her heart skipped a beat. When she had opened the bag earlier, the watermelon seemed to be somewhat yellowish, a color she had never seen before.


"Well, I don't care what color it is. I want my money."


Although the woman knew the truth deep down, she remained stubborn.


"No money, huh? Alright, then I'll take your son to the police station."


"Do you dare to touch my son even once? You little brat, I'll show you what real courage looks like!"


The infuriated middle-aged woman jumped up.


"What the hell, try cursing at me!"


Yang Feng, seeing the woman jump up to curse at him, pointed his finger at her forehead and scolded her with a thunderous voice.


"I just cursed at you. What are you going to do? You've been acting like a ghost all day."


"You damn bastard! If you don't pay today, I'll make sure you don't sleep well even if you're missing a penny."


"Oh, my goodness, you scared me so much, you little brat who hasn't even grown a full set of hair."


The woman had a furious expression, and her eyes resembled a dead fish.


"Young Yang, maybe we should just let it go," Old Zhang suddenly appeared from somewhere, pretending to advise from the sidelines.


"This Old Zhang, he's quite old, yet he keeps sneaking into Big Mao's mom's room every day. I wonder if she's given him some love potion."


"You don't know? Just a couple of days ago, he even gave her our home's egg-laying hen."


"I saw Old Zhang at the bank the other day, and when I asked what he was doing, he didn't say a word. When he came out, I saw him giving all the money to Long Mao's mom."


"Yang Feng, if you dare to touch Da Mao today, I'll make sure you can't survive in this village."


Turning around, it was Da Mao's aunt, a rough and shrewish woman.


"This family is really a bunch of lowlifes, bullying others just because they can."


"Yeah, and they have the nerve to justify their own child's theft."




"What are you all looking at? What are you saying? Keep your eyes and mouth shut, or I'll make sure they rot."


The woman noticed that everyone around her was gossiping about her, and hardly anyone was taking her side. She didn't care about who was who and went on a rampage, indiscriminately scolding everyone.


"Da Mao's mom, I won't say this to insult you, but we haven't been spying on you in your house, so maybe watch your language."


At this moment, Zhang Fei, who was outside the door, spoke up.


"Whether I watch my language or not is none of your damn business. Don't act like you can let go of me all the time."




"I what? Why, do you want to come in too?"


"Forget it, what's the point in arguing with her?"


"That's right, it's not worth it."


Those who had come with Zhang Fei were all trying to calm things down.


"Fatty, can you still bite me today?"


Yang Feng looked at the stout and hefty guy who was not holding back and had already shown an unfavorable impression towards this individual.


"What the hell, who are you calling fat?"


The guy's excess fat had always been his Achilles' heel, and now, with it being brought up publicly like this and the surrounding gazes, he couldn't keep his composure.


"You little brat, say that again and see what happens."


The stout guy pointed with his hand, but his bulky body couldn't even jump, just his short and thick legs flailing around on the ground.


"What the hell, you're the fat one here, your whole family is fat!"


The stout guy turned into a rapid-fire insult machine.


"Huff, huff."


The stout guy's continuous tirade left him breathless. Being overweight and getting worked up like this made him pant heavily, gasping for air as if he might collapse with one wrong move.


"Girl, don't get agitated. Damn it, we need to show this little brat what's what today."


The woman, seeing the stout guy's condition, stepped forward to support him and said.


"Damn it, show me what? I'll see if you and Fatty can still cause a scene today."


"Ah, ah, ah."


After a momentary pause, the stout guy heard Yang Feng call him "Fatty" again. This time, he didn't continue the insults; he simply charged forward, dragging his nearly two-hundred-pound body with him.


"Oh, my goodness, call 911!"


Old Zhang had been standing nearby, pretending to offer advice all along, probably trying to make himself look good.


Unexpectedly, the stout guy charged directly, and because of his bulkiness, he couldn't control himself and collided with Old Zhang. Not only did he crash into him, but he also ended up on top of him.


Old Zhang was already halfway buried in the soil, and he couldn't withstand such a collision.




A voice rang out, and both Old Zhang and the stout guy ended up on the ground. At this point, Old Zhang couldn't be seen at all, but his yellowed false teeth were particularly conspicuous.


"They deserve it, what were they doing, trying to join in on the commotion for no reason."


"Yeah, at their age, they should behave properly."




The people around saw Old Zhang knocked down and showed no sympathy. He was an old bachelor who wasn't decent.


"Ah, I'll fight you!"


Seeing his sister being knocked down, another person came rushing over, hopping with his legs crossed.


"What are you all standing there for? Hurry up and pull them apart. Are you just going to watch them fight?"


At this moment, the village head, wearing reading glasses, rushed over. For some reason, this village head always seemed to arrive just in time.


Several onlookers, mostly men, rushed forward to pull Yang Feng away. The woman who had charged at Yang Feng and had been pulled away ended up sitting on the ground, her clothes covered in dirt and dust.


"I'm done for! Nobody cares when I get beaten."


She wailed loudly and grabbed onto the cuff of someone's pants nearby and refused to let go.


"What are you doing, you jerk? If you tear my pants, you'll have to pay for them."


One of the people who had intervened in the scuffle couldn't stand it anymore. He was the first to step in to break it up, but he didn't expect the shrewd and obstinate woman to grab onto his pants and refuse to let go. These pants were bought by his daughter, and he had heard they were quite expensive.


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Pure Love

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Gourd Farm Chapter 40


Gourd Farm Chapter 38