Just in Time Chapter 35

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 35 Dinner

Yun Fang's face turned pale, and there was hardly any blood on his lips. After Yi Chenliang finished kissing, he looked at him like this, extremely guilty.

“Yun Fang?” Yi Chenliang called out to him cautiously, then raised his left hand, which was with the needle, and touched him.

“I’m here.” Yun Fang held that hand.

The scorching warmth flowed back into his heart along with the cold blood, bringing the wandering and panicked soul back to the world.

Yi Chenliang’s careful and regretful expression fell into Yun Fang’s eyes. He softly said to his younger self, “Don’t be afraid.”

He finally began to feel relieved and scared. He was glad that he had returned to the beginning, became another person, and on a whim, ran to Xinnan Alley on that scorching afternoon.

But he was also scared. With a slight difference in thought, the person in front of him would have to go through everything he had experienced.

He thought he had become so cold that he wouldn’t have a shred of mercy for himself, but unexpectedly, he still scraped out the last bit of tenderness from the depths of his soul, all wrapped around the knife that Yi Chenliang was holding.

From then on, it was out of control. He couldn’t help himself, tried his best to keep his younger self firmly in his arms. From then on, the wind and rain, the bloody darkness, had nothing to do with Yi Chenliang.

All the past would become memories belonging only to him.

“I’m not afraid.” Yi Chenliang smiled with his eyes curved.

“Mm, it’s me who’s afraid.” Yun Fang also pulled the corners of his mouth with him. The surging emotions were suppressed back into the depths of his heart, and there was no ripple in his eyes.

"I just gave it a gentle kiss, didn't stick out my tongue again..." Yi Chenliang muttered a few words with a guilty conscience.

But Yun Fang was close to him, hearing everything clearly. His face instantly turned from white to red, and finally a faint green.

He had been struggling in a nightmare just now, and when he woke up, he didn’t realize what Yi Chenliang had done. Now, reminded of it, he just wanted to hold Yi Chenliang down and beat him up.

To hell with protection, even he could do such a thing to himself, what a jerk!

“If you don’t want your tongue, you can slice it and stir-fry it.” Yun Fang smiled at him faintly.

Yi Chenliang closed his mouth tightly, his face saying, “I don’t know what nonsense you’re talking about.”

The bell had been pressed several times, but no nurse came. The IV bag was already empty, so Yun Fang simply helped him pull it out directly, “Press it well.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him speechlessly, “Big brother, my other arm just got reattached, what do I press with?”

Yun Fang said mercilessly, “Then don’t press.”

Even though he said that, the hand helping him press didn’t move away.

Yi Chenliang reached out and grabbed his thumb, wanting to say something but stopping.

Yun Fang didn’t know why he was so fond of his own hand, “Speak up.”

Yi Chenliang rubbed his tiger’s mouth, wanting to say something but stopping, “I—”

The door of the ward was suddenly pushed open, and the nurse glanced at the bed number, “Bed 18, change dressing.”

Perhaps people who wanted to do bad things were especially guilty. Yi Chenliang suddenly let go of his hand, his eyes shifting, his face guilty, which made Yun Fang speechless.

What on earth are you feeling guilty about?

Yi Chenliang’s knee had been bandaged and needed to be changed regularly. The brown-purple wound looked particularly fierce. The nurse looked at Yi Chenliang sympathetically, “It might hurt a bit, little handsome guy.”

Yi Chenliang was always cold to unfamiliar people. Upon hearing this, there was no expression on his face, except that he frowned when the alcohol was applied.

Yun Fang watched the nurse change his dressing from the side, his gaze falling on Yi Chenliang’s knee. But he put his hand into Yi Chenliang’s palm, and the next second it was pulled into the quilt and held tightly.

After the nurse finished changing the dressing, she looked at Yi Chenliang appreciatively, “Really strong. Many adults can’t stand this pain.”

Yi Chenliang didn’t say a word, his face pale. Yun Fang smiled politely at the nurse, “Thank you, nurse.”

Handsome guys always make people happy. The nurse nodded and left with a smile.

Yun Fang tugged at his hand, but it didn’t move. “How did your knee get so ground out?”

“Somebody hit me on the head with a new stick, I was beaten senseless, and they stuffed me into a tricycle.” Yi Chenliang stared into space as he recalled, “I don’t remember much about what happened after that…”

As soon as Yun Fang heard his tone, he knew he was lying. “Tell the truth.”

Yi Chenliang choked for a moment, and mumbled unclearly, “I was in a hurry, so I jumped off the car, but someone grabbed my arm, and that was it.”

He was pounced on by Song Lili, who held onto his arm tightly. He heard a clear crack, and he didn’t know which hurt more, the severe pain of his arm being dislocated or his knee grinding on the gravel road. He was dragged a long way before the car stopped. Song Lili jumped down and slapped him hard. He was then pulled onto the tricycle, and Yi Mingzhi kicked him hard in anger.

After he was adopted, he was actually often beaten. Song Lili didn’t let him talk nonsense everywhere, and kept telling him that this was how it was in the village, where there were no children who weren’t beaten.

A five or six-year-old child didn’t understand so much, and over time, he got used to it. It was just a beating, he didn’t have to starve anymore, having a mom and dad was already very good.

He only found out later that not all moms and dads were called Yi Mingzhi and Song Lili, and not all moms and dads would beat their children. But without Yi Mingzhi and Song Lili, he wouldn’t even have a mom and dad.

“It doesn’t hurt that much.” Yi Chenliang smiled at Yun Fang.

Yun Fang looked down at him, and told him softly, “It hurts to get hurt, so it’s okay to hurt.”

Yi Chenliang tucked his head into the quilt, only revealing the tips of his hair. His voice was muffled, and although it was very small, Yun Fang still heard it.

“Yun Fang, it really hurts.”

Every time he was beaten, every time he had no one to call for help, and could only hold his head and take it, it hurt so much.

Yun Fang’s hand reached into the quilt, wanting to touch his face.

But he touched a handful of wetness.

“It won’t happen again.” Yun Fang said.


Yun Fang returned to school early on the third day. He hadn’t gone home for two nights, and Tang Yi couldn’t sit still, so she called and ordered him to come home tonight.

Yun Fang squatted on the school wall, his tone sincere and gentle, “Okay, mom, I’ll definitely come home tonight.”

Only then did Tang Yi give up.

Chang Ziqi looked up at him with his record book. It was the first time he had seen someone who could speak with such a gentle and obedient tone without any expression on his face. It was like a cold-blooded killer wearing a sheep’s skin, coaxing a worried old mother with a soft and gentle voice.

It was discordant and hateful.

Yun Fang hung up the phone call, and heard Chang Ziqi say coldly, “Yun Fang from Class 10, Grade 1, late and climbed over the wall, deducted one class point, self-criticism at the flag-raising ceremony next Monday for the whole school.”

Yun Fang jumped down from the wall, “No problem.”

Chang Ziqi delivered the notice and turned to leave, but heard Yun Fang ask behind him, “What did you do to Qi Huo on New Year’s Day? He’s been acting like he’s dying.”

Qi Huo, who was acting like he was dying, harassed him with messages every day, the main theme of which was to criticize Chang Ziqi’s insidiousness and accuse Yun Fang of not helping.

Chang Ziqi’s back visibly stiffened.

Yun Fang understood, “You really slept with him.”

“I didn’t!” Chang Ziqi suddenly turned around, his gaze suddenly stagnating, “Why is there blood on your school uniform?”

Yun Fang nonchalantly wiped off the blood with his hand, not caring, “Oh, I accidentally killed a chicken this morning.”

Chang Ziqi looked at him with difficulty, a strange intuition made him blurt out, “Even though you’re not an adult, murder is still illegal.”

Yun Fang: “…I know.”

He wouldn’t do something stupid for an insignificant person.

“Then Qi Huo—” Yun Fang looked at him suspiciously, “Raping a minor is also illegal.”

Chang Ziqi’s forehead vein jumped, “I didn’t!”


Qi Huo squatted at the door of Class 10, holding onto Yun Fang and not letting go, wailing, “What he did to me is no different from assault! He touched and kissed me!”

Yun Fang covered his mouth with one hand, “This is a school, watch your words.”

Qi Huo, a tough guy over 1.8 meters tall, struggled angrily, “In the final analysis, it’s because you’re irresponsible, sending your own brother, me, to that beast’s bed!”

Yun Fang looked at him meaningfully, “So you agreed?”

Qi Huo suddenly fell silent, his gaze looking distantly at the sky outside the corridor window, his tone melancholy, “I was originally determined to die rather than submit, but men—you understand.”

Yun Fang was expressionless, “I don’t really understand.”

“You and your little boyfriend are so sweet all day, it would be strange if you didn’t understand!” Qi Huo sneered.

Yun Fang frowned, “He’s not my—”

The words ‘little boyfriend’ were somewhat hard to say.

“Give me a break.” As a veteran of the school forum, Qi Huo probably knew more about Yun Fang’s emotional entanglements than he did, “Didn’t you come to Class 10 just for him? And you specifically came to help him study.”

Yun Fang: “…Where did you get that conclusion?”

Qi Huo took out his phone and opened the school forum, “Look!”

#Expose! The immortal love story between the first-grade study god and his little boyfriend!#

A high-definition picture suddenly appeared in Yun Fang’s vision: In the photo, he had one arm around Yi Chenliang’s shoulder, his gaze falling on his face. Yi Chenliang was wearing a new school uniform, one hand pulling the zipper, slightly turning his head to look at him.

It was like two people’s gazes meeting unexpectedly, and like an irresistible tacit understanding.

The sun was great during PE class that day, and the light and shadow in the photo were processed very cleverly. The warm sunlight sprinkled on their faces, and the subtle ambiguity spread and entwined, creating a great atmosphere.

If the people in the photo weren’t him and Yi Chenliang, Yun Fang would also think that there was something between these two.

But he clearly remembered that he saw Yi Chenliang shivering from the cold at the time, so he took off his school uniform and threw it to him, while mercilessly suppressing and mocking him.

This moment was captured just right—just right to mislead others.

There were thousands of comments and replies under the post.

1L: It is known that the study god was first in junior high school every year, the first in the city to enter No.1 High School, full marks in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. After getting the first place in the grade in the first monthly test, he conducted a deep self-reflection, thinking that pulling the second place by more than twenty points was his regression, which made the second place depressed for a while. Question: Under this circumstance, what made the study god just right to get exactly 540 points in the second monthly test and go to Class 10?

2L: It’s love! Love! It’s still damn love!

3L: Not to mention anything else, I admire his score control skills. I would be depressed if I were the second in the grade.

4L: Don’t dream, upstairs! But haven’t you guys really noticed that the guy called Yi Chenliang in Class 10 is really damn handsome! Why didn’t I notice before!!

5L: People from Class 10 answer. Yi Chenliang is extremely cold, he basically doesn’t talk to others much, he always goes alone, wants to talk but dares not wuwuwu QAQ.

15L: Same people from Class 10, what Floor 5 said is right, only dare to secretly adore him in the dormitory with roommates, that face, that waist, those legs! Damn it, I once had the good fortune to see his abs! Abs, sisters! Sizzling, I’m dead!

16L: Upstairs, be reserved. Please elaborate.

17L: Please elaborate in detail.

18L: Please elaborate in detail.

25L: Although, didn’t that Yi Chenliang stab someone?

26L: I love the violent cool guy!

27L: Can you have some principles! Is his character so bad!?

28L: On-site personnel come to debunk, he was saving people at that time! The gangster leader on the opposite side had a knife out, he snatched the knife!

29L: Good guy, I directly call him boyfriend.

30L: Get out, the handsome guy is mine!

31L: Girls should be reserved, don’t harass my husband LOL

38L: The study god is staring at you and has figured out your 306th way of death.

39L: Doesn’t anyone like the cold beauty of the study god? [Doubt]

40L: Thank you, I like the cold beauty uke × violent cool guy seme!

41L: Nonsense, it’s clearly the cold beauty seme × violent cool guy uke!

51L: Weakly insert a sentence, can’t it be a reverse?

52L: Get out of here.

53L: Fork out!

54L: Fork out, Fork out! Where did this enemy traitor come from!

Yun Fang scrolled down, and someone even dug up the past about Yun Fang’s graduation confession to Song Cun. The main building once tilted towards the debate of who deserved the title of “study god” more, the sunny and studious good student or the aloof and violent handsome guy. It was a bloody battle.

Yun Fang’s eyes hurt from looking, and he handed the phone back to Qi Huo.

Qi Huo patted his shoulder, “This is just one of the hottest posts, don’t worry, I stand with you and Yi Chenliang.”

Yun Fang looked at him speechlessly, “So?”

“So, help me think about how to get back at Chang Ziqi properly!” Qi Huo rubbed his hands together, looking at him expectantly, “The more I think about it, the angrier I get, just beating him up isn’t enough! You’re so smart, you must have a way!”

At that moment, Yun Fang remembered the fear of being dominated by Qi Huo — that year, this bastard had pulled him aside and talked about his love story with Chang Ziqi for a whole day and night, and had mercilessly mocked him.

‘With your poker face, you deserve to not find a wife haha!’

A kind smile appeared on Yun Fang’s face, “Since we’re brothers, I’ll help you out. You can do this…”

“Oh…oh? Oh oh!” Qi Huo listened very seriously, occasionally letting out a sound of admiration. After listening, Qi Huo patted his shoulder, “I knew you were reliable!”

Reliable brother Yun Fang patted his shoulder, “Good luck.”

Qi Huo left satisfied, and Yun Fang returned to the classroom for class, taking the opportunity to catch up on the notes he had missed. When it was time for evening self-study, he slipped out of school with a new backpack and went to the hospital to find Yi Chenliang.

After Yi Chenliang finished his IV drip, he was sitting on the bed watching TV. His eyes clearly lit up when he saw Yun Fang arrive.

“Have you had lunch?” Yun Fang placed the dinner he brought on the table.

“I have.” Yi Chenliang looked at the food he brought, “What is this?”

“Century egg and lean meat porridge, small crispy cakes, and stir-fried shredded potatoes.” Yun Fang placed the dinner on the small table of the hospital bed, “Eat it while it’s hot.”

Yi Chenliang looked at the amount, “Aren’t you eating?”

“I’ll eat at home.” Yun Fang said.

“Oh.” Yi Chenliang responded and began to eat his dinner.

He was sitting cross-legged, probably because he didn’t sleep well at noon, his patient gown was pulled messily, revealing a section of his slim waist, the bruise on it had not yet faded.

Tieba 15L detailed words suddenly appeared in Yun Fang's mind: That narrow waist is really strong, I want to pinch his waist and press people on the bed! –

Yun Fang stiffly looked away, reached out and pulled down his hospital gown, covering the small thin waist tightly.

"What's wrong?" Yi Chenliang sensed his movements, turned his head to look at him, his mouth still biting the spoon, his eyes blank.

–and then kissed him from the temple along the tip of his nose all the way to the Adam's apple, forcing his eyes to turn red at the ends and the cold eyes to shed tears, and to let him say in a muffled voice, begging me to spare him–

Yun Fang's face darkened, he pressed his head, turned the person around, and said in a deep voice, "Eat your food!"


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Just in Time Chapter 36


Just in Time Chapter 34