Just in Time Chapter 36

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 36: Test Paper

“Doctor, what’s wrong with his leg?” Song Lili asked anxiously.

“Patellar fracture.” The doctor, wearing a mask, saw their confused faces and rephrased, “The kneecap is broken.”

Song Lili turned pale, “What…what can we do?”

“Hospital treatment.” The doctor lowered his head to write a prescription, “But relatively speaking, the hospitals in the city are better. The level in the town can’t keep up.”

“Let’s…let’s stay in the town…” Yi Mingzhi shivered from the pain, “Chenchen needs to get medicine this month, where is so much money to waste.”

Song Lili started crying out of anxiety, “You’re useless! How did this happen? How did a good kneecap break!?”

“I don’t know either!” Yi Mingzhi looked worried, “I was driving last night and suddenly flipped over. When I woke up, I was like this. If it weren’t for Third Brother passing by and seeing me, maybe…sigh.”

“It’s all that little brat’s fault!” Song Lili said resentfully, “If it weren’t for looking for him, you wouldn’t have to go out late at night!”

“That lock was taught to be opened.” Yi Mingzhi said, “I went to the small courtyard where he lived to find him, but there was no one.”

“Sooner or later, we have to find him. He will definitely go back to school then. I will call a few sisters-in-law, hold Chenchen, and make a fuss in his school!” Song Lili sneered, “I don’t believe he can continue to study! At that time, we must get him to the mine, dead or alive!”

As the two of them were talking, the doctor frowned, “Alright, go pay.”

Song Lili took the bill and exclaimed, “Why is it so much?”

“If you’re directly disabled, you don’t have to spend money.” The doctor’s tone was not good, “Hurry up, next.”

Song Lili didn’t dare to argue with the doctor, just quietly rolled her eyes and muttered, “What an attitude…”

“Hey, sister-in-law?” Just as Song Lili was helping Yi Mingzhi out, she saw several familiar faces. Several big men were bruised and bandaged, “What happened?”

“We came to find you!” A short-haired woman said aggressively, “Look at this mess, your third brother’s arm is broken! It’s all your family’s damn kid, you have to pay for the medical expenses!”

“What does this have to do with us!” Song Lili was anxious when she heard about medical expenses.

“Isn’t it because we followed Mingzhi to the city to catch people, anyone who went last night somehow got beaten up!” Another man shouted, “Zhuzi’s ribs were kicked and broken by someone!”

Song Lili turned pale, “Impossible, if Yi Chenliang was so powerful, could you guys have caught him?”

“I don’t care about these, anyway, you have to give an explanation!” Someone shouted, “We were originally helping out of kindness, but now it has become like this! You have to pay!”

“Brother, don’t worry first.” Yi Mingzhi spoke, “Did you see clearly who hit you?”

Several people fell silent at the same time.

“It was too dark at that time, I was walking back through the alley, that person, I didn’t know where they sprang from, they came up and punched me in the temple…”

“I came out to go to the bathroom at night, and suddenly someone twisted my arm and pressed it against the wall, a brick hit my arm, damn it!”

“…That person was also wearing gloves, wrapped in black from head to toe…”

Song Lili and Yi Mingzhi looked uncertain, Song Lili grabbed Yi Mingzhi’s arm, “Did someone tamper with your car!?”


After Yi Chenliang finished dinner, he patted his stomach and burped.

“Here are the notes for the past few days.” Yun Fang handed him the backpack, “You’re idle in the hospital anyway, do your homework.”

Yi Chenliang stared at the stack of test papers in the backpack with a look of distaste, not very willing to accept.

“You have to stay in the hospital for more than a week before you can be discharged, and the final exam is coming soon. I will come to tutor you at night.” Yun Fang ignored his resistance and stuffed the backpack into his arms, “Learning is like rowing upstream, if you don’t advance, you retreat.”

Yi Chenliang: “…Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” Yun Fang patted his head, unexpectedly he suddenly grabbed his wrist.

Yun Fang stared at him warily, “I’m warning you, if you dare to get sick again, I will really clean you up.”

Who knew that Yi Chenliang just rolled up his sleeve a little bit, pointed at the already purple bruise on it and asked, “Did you get into a fight?”

“Oh, this.” Yun Fang casually pulled down his sleeve, naturally said, “I climbed over the wall this morning and accidentally bumped it.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him suspiciously, “Bumped while climbing the wall?”

“People make mistakes, horses have missteps, Yi Chenliang, you have to allow me to make mistakes.” Yun Fang teased him with a smile.

Yi Chenliang pinched his palm, “Then let the nurse apply some medicine for you.”

Yun Fang’s scalp went numb from his pinch, and he slapped his hand away, saying seriously, “Don’t be so sticky.”

Yi Chenliang looked down at his hand that was slapped away, “Oh.”

“Well——” Yun Fang’s slap was a bit heavy, but he didn’t know what to say, finally he cleared his throat, “Then I’ll go first, you have a good rest tonight.”

“Hmm.” Yi Chenliang nodded.

The door of the ward was pushed open and then closed, and the footsteps gradually faded away.

Yi Chenliang threw the backpack at the foot of the bed, lay on the bed and sighed.

Until now, it still felt like a dream. He once thought that he might just die like this, or be thrown half-dead into the mine to work day and night, but Yun Fang saved him from the nightmare.

How could there be such a good person in the world?

I’m too bad. Yi Chenliang stared at the ceiling, thinking, I actually harbored ill intentions towards such a good person, taking advantage of his good temper and soft heart again and again, what if he gets angry?

But he couldn’t control himself.

Yun Fang had a fatal attraction to him, a sweet and clear taste, with an irresistible temptation, letting him know that even if it was clearly a knife’s tip in front, he was willing to kiss the honey on the knife’s tip.

Yi Chenliang raised his hand to cover his somewhat stinging eyes, he recalled that he pressed Yun Fang to bite his neck, licked his Adam's apple gently, and the tenderness when his lips touched. Yun Fang's forbearant expression when he turned his head, his ambiguous gasp in the dark, both hands clasped with ten fingers, and his shocked and helpless compromise......Over and over again, a delicate aftertaste.

When he was not aware of his own thoughts, he felt excited and trembling while doing all this. But once he realized what kind of purpose and mentality he was doing it with, he found that it was far from enough.

So he always couldn’t help but want to get close, want to touch, and tried his best to restrain himself from going too far, for fear that the other party would discover the burning desire hidden under every look and every conversation.

But in the end, it was like drinking poison to quench thirst, incurable.

Yi Chenliang felt like he was the evil wolf in the story of Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf, repaying kindness with enmity, greedy and cruel, wanting to tear Yun Fang, such a clean and obedient person, into his belly to satisfy his own desires.

(t/n: Mr. Dong Guo and the Wolf-tells the story of a kind person named Dong Guo who saves a wolf from a hunter. However, instead of showing gratitude, the wolf wants to eat Dong Guo to satisfy its hunger!)

The person lying on his back on the bed covered his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed, the large patient’s gown was loosely draped on his body, the beautifully shaped collarbone and the smooth legs were exposed, and his Adam’s apple moved slightly.

As soon as Yun Fang pushed the door, he was caught off guard and took in this scene. The words he was about to say were stuck in his throat.

Yi Chenliang moved his palm away, and the person in his mind who allowed him to do whatever he wanted was standing in front of him so vividly, just like a bad guy who had done something guilty and was caught by the victim.

The moment their eyes met, the two of them moved their gazes away at the same time, carrying an unknown guilt and unspeakable embarrassment.

“I…” Yun Fang still held two test papers in his hand. He unconsciously pinched the thin paper at his fingertips, moved his gaze back without changing his expression, and handed him the test papers, “I missed two test papers, I brought them back for you.”

“Oh.” Yi Chenliang sat up, took the two test papers, and pretended to look at the questions absent-mindedly, “I’ll do it in a while.”

“Okay.” Yun Fang withdrew his hand, paused, “Your patient’s gown is too big, let the nurse change it to a smaller one for you later.”

Yi Chenliang only felt that every word of his was like a feather scratching his heart, but it didn’t hit the spot. The images in his mind just now were playing in high definition like a movie, frame by frame. He had no ability to understand the meaning of Yun Fang’s words, and could only nod his head randomly, “Oh.”

Yun Fang coughed lightly, “I’m leaving.”

“Hmm.” Yi Chenliang looked at the test paper “seriously”, without raising his head.

Yun Fang turned around and left the ward, leaning against the door frame and sighed.

Yi Chenliang casually threw the test paper, and his propped up shoulders collapsed.

I must be crazy.

The two people inside and outside the door thought the same thing.


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Just in Time Chapter 37


Just in Time Chapter 35