Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 48

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 48 Stir It Up!

Guo Wei, fearing that Ruan Yiyun might go all out in arguing with Chen Zui, immediately hugged him and initiated a French kiss to quickly interrupt their conversation.

"How come you're here? Are you also going to the cafeteria at this hour?" he asked loudly, tilting his head back.

This remark seemed to remind Chen Zui. Upon hearing it, he immediately smiled and reached out, placing his hand on Guo Wei's shoulder.

Just as Guo Wei instinctively cringed due to the pressure, Ruan Yiyun mercilessly raised his hand and slapped away Chen Zui's paw. "Don't touch randomly."

Chen Zui curled his lip but didn't mind, still smiling as he looked at Guo Wei and said, "The school is so big, and there are so many cafeterias. It's fate for us to meet here, isn't it?"

Guo Wei, puzzled, nodded dumbly. "Uh... yeah, haha."

"What are you up to?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"I'm talking to your... husband," Chen Zui said, "Don't interrupt randomly."

Ruan Yiyun had not yet reacted, but Guo Wei started to feel nervous. He looked at Ruan Yiyun with some trepidation.

Ruan Yiyun squinted, staring at Chen Zui, remaining silent.

"Um... what exactly do you want to say?" Guo Wei asked.

Chen Zui's expression grew even more amicable and friendly. "Do you remember last time you said you wanted to treat me to a meal?"

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment, then nodded. "Uh, yes."

"Our meeting here, it's probably fate, so why not seize the day?" Chen Zui suggested. "But I don't want cafeteria food, I want barbecue from that place outside the south gate."

Guo Wei was dumbfounded.

"Chen Zui, do you have any shame left?" Ruan Yiyun scorned mercilessly. "What kind of friendship is this, expecting a meal treat, and then being picky? Don't you even realize how awkward you look standing in front of us like a third wheel? Do you have some kind of twisted fetish, enjoying watching affectionate couples in front of you?"

"If you insist on putting on a show, I don't mind," Chen Zui replied with an attitude that suggested everything was fine as long as he got free meal.

The conversation took another dangerous turn, prompting Guo Wei to subtly shift a small step away from Ruan Yiyun.

After all, Guo Wei wasn't very familiar with Chen Zui. Even if he found the situation odd, he couldn't respond as bluntly as Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun was about to speak again, but Chen Zui exaggeratedly interrupted him.

"Seriously, are you still the gentle and considerate Little Sister Ruan I know?" Chen Zui glanced at Guo Wei. "Has this person always been so harsh in front of you?"

Guo Wei, unsure of what to say, glanced at Ruan Yiyun. It seemed that Chen Zui's words had reminded Ruan Yiyun of something, as he cleared his throat with a displeased expression and remained silent, pursing his lips.

"No, he's only harsh towards you," Guo Wei replied.

Chen Zui paused for a moment, taken aback by this overly straightforward answer.

"Um, I've never been to that shop outside the south gate. Can you lead the way?" Guo Wei added.

His implication was that he agreed to Chen Zui's request and intended to treat the two of them to dinner.

Ruan Yiyun clearly had some objections to this decision, and there was a hint of reluctance in his gaze as he looked at Guo Wei.

Guo Wei smiled at him. "It's a rare occasion, come on."

Ruan Yiyun hesitated for a few seconds, sighed, and with a disdainful glance at Chen Zui, turned towards the south gate.

Guo Wei watched, feeling a strange sense of anticipation in his heart.

He had a vague feeling that Ruan Yiyun wasn't just unhappy because their private moment was disturbed but also because he didn't want too much interaction between himself and Chen Zui.

It was somewhat strange. Since Guo Wei was so close to Chen Zui, it would be natural for him to want his lover and best friend to get along well, right?

Or perhaps Ruan Yiyun's possessiveness had become so strong that he couldn't bear the idea of him interacting with other Alphas?

Guo Wei couldn't accurately determine the reasons behind this, so he simply stopped overthinking it. Besides feeling awkward about rejecting Chen Zui and wanting to avoid any discomfort, he also harbored some curious thoughts that he himself found peculiar.

Ruan Yiyun's attitude towards Chen Zui was drastically different from how he treated him. This intrigued him and piqued his interest, making him want to see how Ruan Yiyun behaved in front of others.

To be blunt, he was looking forward to Ruan Yiyun scolding Chen Zui a bit, as it would add a fresh and interesting dynamic.

Naturally, Ruan Yiyun couldn't guess his thoughts, and he remained sullen throughout the journey.

In an attempt to cheer him up, Guo Wei took the initiative to hold his hand, keeping their bodies close together. Whenever Ruan Yiyun looked at him, Guo Wei would immediately tilt his head back and smile at him.

This repeated several times until the anticipated moment arrived.

In front of Chen Zui, Ruan Yiyun leaned down and kissed him. Although it didn't last long, it still left Guo Wei feeling shy and embarrassed.

After being kissed, Guo Wei discreetly glanced at Chen Zui. Chen Zui stood with his hands in his pockets, looking straight ahead with an air of indifference, seemingly only focused on the upcoming barbecue and paying no attention to the affectionate couple beside him.

The barbecue restaurant looked unremarkable from the outside, yet it was quite lively inside, with only four or five tables, all occupied. A few students stood outside, lacking tables, gathered around small stools, enjoying their meal.

"Good value for money," Chen Zui remarked. "Aren't I considerate?"

"...It's okay," Guo Wei replied.

Two out of the three of them were particularly eye-catching, drawing the attention of other patrons. Some recognized either Chen Zui or Ruan Yiyun and immediately started whispering among themselves.

Good-looking people always had privileges. After a brief exchange with the owner, they were surprised to see him bring out a small folding table from the storage room, politely asking them to make do. Guo Wei, who had never experienced such treatment before, was dumbfounded.

Once seated, Guo Wei generously gestured, "Feel free to order!"

Ruan Yiyun leaned close to his ear and whispered, "Don't let him go wild. This guy eats more than a pig. Be careful not to bankrupt us."

With Chen Zui's height and build, his basal metabolic rate was probably higher than average, and he surely had a big appetite.

Fortunately, Guo Wei's wallet was still full. A distant relative had visited his home recently while he was at school. His parents had connected him via video call, and after exchanging pleasantries, the generous relative had sent him a hefty red envelope, equivalent to a month's living expenses.

Restaurants near the school, with simple decor like this one, didn't charge exorbitantly. For Guo Wei at this moment, there was no difficulty in splurging a little here.

In comparison, what he was more concerned about was why Ruan Yiyun had been so discreet just now, whispering in his ear.

He really wanted to see Ruan Yiyun scold Chen Zui, saying, "How can you eat so much, you pig!"

He had hoped that once Chen Zui started ordering, Ruan Yiyun would criticize him a bit. But to his surprise, Chen Zui, who had been shameless since their encounter, was surprisingly polite when ordering. He started with ten portions of cheap and filling roasted flatbread slices before moving on to ordering meat skewers, showing great restraint.

After the three had finished ordering, Guo Wei secretly calculated the total bill in his mind, which was well within his budget. With a decisive wave of his hand, he added half a dozen scallops.

"The boss is generous," Chen Zui remarked appreciatively. "For such great generosity, I must repay it today."

"Today? That's right now, then?" Guo Wei asked curiously. "How do you plan to repay me?"

Chen Zui grinned and rested his elbows on the folding table in front of him, glancing meaningfully at Ruan Yiyun. "Remember that little story from last time? Would you like to hear a bit more?"

"Ahem!" Ruan Yiyun cleared his throat very deliberately.

"Gentle Little Sister Ruan, do you have something you want to say to me?" Chen Zui asked.

Following his lead, Ruan Yiyun also leaned forward, placing his hands on the table and smiling. "Do you remember the bounty notice from a few days ago?"

Before Chen Zui could respond, Guo Wei became curious. "What bounty notice?"

"Wasn't the school forum partially closed?" Ruan Yiyun explained. "Someone mimicked the forum's style and created a knockoff version. Since it doesn't require real names, quite a few people use it, and there's no post moderation. It's filled with all sorts of nonsense."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "Looks like I'm falling behind again." He could imagine that with such lax management, there must be plenty of posts about them on there. Perhaps the photos of the three of them eating skewers together today would be circulating there by tonight.

But those weren't the immediate concern.

"So, what's this bounty notice about?" Guo Wei asked.

"Someone is offering two hundred yuan to find Chen Zui's PeachTalk account," Ruan Yiyun replied.

PeachTalk was the most widely used messaging app nowadays, and they usually communicated with each other through it.

"Although the post is hidden, my friend is an admin. We can contact them to find out," Ruan Yiyun said.

The threat in his words was quite clear, which left Guo Wei oddly excited, wondering if the scene he had been anticipating was about to unfold.

Yet Chen Zui remained calm as ever, his expression unchanged. "Do you think his post got deleted due to violation of forum rules?"

Ruan Yiyun raised an eyebrow in response.

Guo Wei thought to himself, "Wow, does he also know the admins? Are the admins of this forum so easily bribed?"

Chen Zui gave a slight smile and continued, "He deleted the post himself because he got what he wanted."

Ruan Yiyun couldn't help but be surprised. "Someone really harassed you?"

"Nope," Chen Zui replied. "I created a fake account, shared my information with him, received the money after adding him as a friend, and then blocked him."

Guo Wei was shocked!

Even Ruan Yiyun, who was familiar with him, was dumbfounded and couldn't find words to respond.

Chen Zui grinned at Guo Wei. "Today, I offer special services, à la carte mode. If there's anything you want to know about Little Sister Ruan, just let me know, Boss Guo."

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