Limited First Love Chapter 47

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 47 It's A Deal!

The next morning, when Guo Wei returned to the dormitory, he tried very hard to suppress any discomfort, wanting to appear as if he were walking with a spring in his step. Unfortunately, his roommates, who were observing his every move closely, soon noticed something was amiss.

"Have you noticed, comrades, there's something wrong with the house where Comrade Ruan lives." Third Elder Brother shook his head, with a meaningful expression. "Is it poorly designed or is there something unclean? How come every time our Fourth Brother goes there, he ends up falling?"

Eldest Brother Jin had completely moved on from the pain of unrequited love, and after scrutinizing Guo Wei up and down, he flashed a sly smile. "Falling is one thing, but always hurting the same spot each time, that's quite careless."

Wang Tong stifled a laugh, silently observing without saying a word.

"Who said I fell? You guys are setting up a target and shooting at it yourselves. It's ridiculous." Guo Wei couldn't stand it. "All of you only know how to be sarcastic, no wonder you can't find partners."

"Hey, you shouldn't say that," Third Elder Brother smirked, "I happen to have a girlfriend."

Just two days ago, a freshman girl had just confessed her feelings to him. She was also a Beta, with a bold personality and a capable appearance. She was funny and witty, and they got along really well. They always had so much to talk about when they were together.

At the time, Third Elder Brother pretended to consider it, but when he returned to the dormitory, he was bouncing off the walls with excitement. In the end, he couldn't contain his joy for even two hours before eagerly agreeing.

"I have a date with my sweetheart later," Third Elder Brother chirped, bouncing on his heels.

The dorm's last remaining single dog, Eldest Brother Jin, couldn't suppress a bitter cry. "Disgusting! I'm the only pristine soul in this dormitory, unlike you filthy, sour-smelling doggies. I exude nothing but purity!"

Everyone looked at him with sympathetic eyes.

Outnumbered, Eldest Brother Jin quickly redirected the conversation, attempting to rally the others against Guo Wei, who had not come home last night.

After all, in the realm of single dogs, envy and resentment held a certain priority.

"If you didn't fall, then why are you walking with a limp?" he asked. "Did their toilet seat scorch your butt?"

Guo Wei opened his mouth to respond but then closed it again.

It was a frustrating situation indeed. Their speculations, though fundamentally accurate, left him unable to explain. Yet, in reality, he wasn't as carefree as they imagined.

How could he put it? He had done it, but not entirely?

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you guys." Guo Wei hobbled to his desk, feigning nonchalance as he sat down and opened his book. "Especially not to you, Eldest Brother Jin. Let's talk when you have a partner in the future!"

Eldest Brother Jin instantly choked on his words.

Guo Wei appeared to be deeply engrossed in his book, a facade to deter any disturbances, but his mind was preoccupied with some rather embarrassing thoughts.

It was truly unfair. If everything had gone smoothly last night, he wouldn't mind these guys teasing him now. But he couldn't exactly tell them, "Things didn't go well with Ruan Yiyun, so we had to stop midway," could he?

In the past, when he told Ruan Yiyun he was afraid of pain, it was a lie, just to conceal the slight obstacle in his heart.

But now, he was genuinely afraid of pain. However, from the information he had gathered during this time, it seemed not insurmountable, just requiring a bit of time.

He told himself inwardly that since he had already made up his mind to take this step, he might as well be more proactive about it!

Ruan Yiyun said he would become a full-fledged Alpha in about half a month. Perhaps, he could use this time to make some preparations in advance.

...Wasn't this just great?

Perhaps he could spare some time each day to practice on his own, so that he could gradually become more accommodating in the future.

His mind was prepared to accept, but his body needed to catch up quickly.

With his willingness to make such sacrifices for his wife, wasn't he truly a considerate husband?

"What are you reading?" Wang Tong, beside him, squinted curiously and mumbled, "Your face is so red."

Guo Wei stiffly propped up the textbook in front of him and said, "Just a textbook!"

He didn't have lunch together with Ruan Yiyun at noon because he had exams in the afternoon.

Every minute available for cramming was precious. Having wasted time indulging in pleasures last night, Guo Wei now had to make every effort to cram knowledge into his brain.

Once inside the exam hall, as soon as the exam bell rang, Guo Wei immediately wrote down the knowledge he had just memorized, which he knew he would forget in about five minutes, on the scrap paper. After that, he looked at the unfamiliar questions and quickly felt dizzy and overwhelmed.

Guessing and bluffing his way through, he filled the exam paper to the brim, hoping that the teacher would give him a couple of extra points for his serious attitude and neat handwriting.

After leaving the exam room and comparing answers with classmates, Guo Wei was pleasantly surprised to find that his accuracy rate was actually quite good. After estimating on the scrap paper, he believed that passing should not be a problem. Even if the teacher graded strictly, theoretically, he should be able to get credits smoothly after considering his usual grades, without needing to retake the exam or repeat the course.

With a weight lifted off his chest, he eagerly contacted Ruan Yiyun and asked if he wanted to have dinner together.

Just finished with his class, Ruan Yiyun happily agreed immediately.

When the two met near the cafeteria and had walked a few steps hand in hand, Ruan Yiyun immediately noticed Guo Wei's awkward posture.

"Is it still hurting?" he asked nervously, lowering his voice.

Guo Wei quickly shook his head.

It wasn't exactly painful, just uncomfortable. Taking too large steps felt like there was something foreign there, as if being pressed against by something.

"You really do resemble an Alpha in this aspect," Guo Wei remarked, half nostalgic and half teasing.

Ruan Yiyun glanced at him. "How do you know what an Alpha is like? Do you have other comparisons?"

"Of course not!" Guo Wei denied hastily. "Just comparing to what suits me!"

As he spoke, he mentally checked off a note in his own notebook.

Strong possessiveness.

One of the well-known traits of Alphas.

"...It seems like you're not entirely satisfied with this aspect of mine," Ruan Yiyun muttered.

Guo Wei wasn't sure whether to deny it or not.

In theory, he should definitely say something like "No, I'm completely satisfied, I love it, it's fantastic." But in reality, it was actually a bit too much for him, causing discomfort and a sore throat.

After thinking for a while, he decided not to point out the problem directly, but to start with a solution. This was also a good opportunity to discuss it with Ruan Yiyun.

"Um," he lowered his voice, reaching out to pull Ruan Yiyun closer to him, "I've been studying a little bit recently, and I've mastered some theoretical knowledge. I'm practically an old hand now."

"What?" Ruan Yiyun was puzzled.

"Give me a little time," Guo Wei said, his face flushing. "Have you ever heard that story? There was a man in ancient times who lifted a calf every day since childhood. As the calf grew, he grew too, until he could lift a full-grown cow. I'm doing something similar every day, gradually improving..."

Ruan Yiyun was stunned. "...What are you talking about?"

He might have understood, but he wasn't sure at the moment.

"I mean, I'll work hard to prepare so that you..." Guo Wei blushed and stammered, "So that you'll find it easier to... come in the future."

Ruan Yiyun fell silent.

It wasn't yet dark, and they were outdoors. Guo Wei felt embarrassed for saying all this and closed his mouth.

In the fading daylight, he stole a glance and was surprised to see a rare blush on Ruan Yiyun's cheeks.

He seemed nervous, shy, and even a bit unsure.

It was a side of Ruan Yiyun that Guo Wei had never seen before.

He watched with fascination, feeling inspired and becoming somewhat excited, feeling less embarrassed.

"Don't worry. Although I haven't tried it yet, it shouldn't be too difficult," Guo Wei still spoke in a low voice, "Consider it... consider it a celebration for your successful redifferentiation, a gift from me..."

As he spoke, he felt he sounded absurd and inappropriate, his voice grew even softer, soon becoming completely inaudible.

The two of them walked hand in hand in silence, their faces flushed.

After a while, Ruan Yiyun gently shook the hand he held.

"How can I let you do this alone," Ruan Yiyun said as he sneakily observed him while speaking, "This is something between the two of us, how can I let you bear the burden alone? Of course, we should do it together."

Guo Wei blinked twice.

"Let me take care of it," Ruan Yiyun said.

Seeing Guo Wei's hesitation, he licked his lips and continued, "Come to my place, let me take care of it."

Guo Wei hesitated, feeling more embarrassed than doing it himself.

"We can also do other things," Ruan Yiyun said, "If you like, I can stock up on some easy-to-store vegetables at home, so we can have a more varied late-night snack."

"Eating late-night snacks every day, I'll soon become a chubby boy," Guo Wei said.

"A little weight gain is good." Ruan Yiyun laughed. "You're too thin right now, with such a slim waist, you need to eat more rice and meat."

The conversation unexpectedly veered towards a more positive and healthy direction.

Guo Wei patted his own belly, realizing there wasn't much flesh there, but he didn't seem particularly emaciated either. After a moment's thought, he said, "I really can't do it now. Let's talk about it next semester. If I come to your place and stay with you, I'll be too distracted by thoughts of you to focus on studying."

"But..." Ruan Yiyun sounded a bit reluctant, "I also want to feel involved."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "Why make a fuss about this? Everything I'm doing is ultimately to allow you to fully participate."

"How about this, I'll compromise," Ruan Yiyun said, "but you have to promise to call me when the time comes."

"......" Guo Wei stared at him wide-eyed.

"No, wait," Ruan Yiyun thought of a better idea, "let's do video calls instead!"

Just as the flush on Guo Wei's face started to fade, it flared up again instantly.

"Is that okay?" Ruan Yiyun shook his hand. "Promise me, please?"

"...Not really." 

Ruan Yiyun furrowed his brow slightly and shook his hand more vigorously. "Please, please, please, please."

Guo Wei could never firmly refuse this person.

He stopped in his tracks, took a deep breath, and nodded in resignation.

Ruan Yiyun immediately leaned in to kiss him. He started by kissing his cheeks, but when Guo Wei tilted his face up willingly, they began kissing each other on the lips.

Every time this happened, Guo Wei felt that everything he did for Ruan Yiyun was especially worthwhile, and every concession felt like gaining advantage.

When they finally pulled apart and resumed walking hand in hand, they only took half a step before stopping abruptly.

Just around the corner, less than five meters away from them, stood a tall, handsome Alpha lounging casually on the edge of a flowerbed, arms crossed over his chest, smiling ambiguously as he watched them.

"Hey," noticing their gaze, the man waved cheerfully at them, "What a coincidence."

With that, he stood up and briskly walked over to them.

"I was just debating whether to say hi to you guys, but it only took me less than five minutes to decide," he said with a grin.

Had they been kissing that long?

Guo Wei's forehead was practically steaming. "Uh, what a coincidence, uh..."

Ruan Yiyun's attitude was much more hostile. "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a loving couple before? Want me to put on another show for you?"

Guo Wei quickly shook his head, pleading in his mind, "Pease, no, no, no."


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 48


Limited First Love Chapter 46