Limited First Love Chapter 46

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 46 Stereotypes

In theory, Guo Wei could have devoted himself to reading as a great sage.

But he felt lazy and didn't want to move.

Ruan Yiyun's arm was still resting on his shoulder. It was a little heavy, but not uncomfortable. He liked the weight that Ruan Yiyun brought, and he also liked the warmth that came from Ruan Yiyun's skin touching his. It made him feel grounded and content.

"Are you hungry?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Initially not hungry, but upon hearing the question, Guo Wei's stomach rumbled as if in agreement.

"Do we have any late-night snacks?" Guo Wei asked.

"Yes." Ruan Yiyun smiled. "there are frozen steamed dumplings and wontons, two different flavors of microwavable chicken cutlets, three different flavors of instant noodles. If you want something sweet, there seem to be two cups of ice cream in the fridge."

"You have quite a rich supply!" Guo Wei exclaimed.

"Most of it was bought by my mom," Ruan Yiyun said, "See, living outside is convenient, isn't it?"

Guo Wei nodded. Stockpiling food at school was limited to buying biscuits and instant noodles at best, as anything requiring freezing or heating was out of the question, greatly restricting the options available.

"I kind of crave instant noodles, but..." Guo Wei hesitated.


"But you can also have instant noodles at school," Guo Wei said, "It feels like a wasted opportunity."

Ruan Yiyun chuckled. "You can have instant noodles here that you can't get at school."

The taste of instant noodles differed greatly between soaking and cooking.

In addition to what was mentioned earlier, Ruan Yiyun's fridge also contained numerous hotpot meatballs. He added a variety of flavors to each, cracked two eggs into the broth just before turning off the heat. One egg was broken and mixed with the noodles, while the other was left to cook slightly before being covered and allowed to steam.

In the end, a large pot was cooked, and the two shared it.

Ruan Yiyun carried the pot into the bedroom, set up a chair beside the bed, and brought Guo Wei a small bowl. This way, Guo Wei could sit on the bed and ladle the food from the pot on the chair into his bowl to eat.

Such attentive care was mainly due to Guo Wei's slightly inconvenient movement.

For two novices, experiencing setbacks was only natural. The once romantic atmosphere turned somewhat anxious through repeated failures, eventually even appearing somewhat comical.

Despite Ruan Yiyun's utmost care, Guo Wei still ended up being hurt. What was most frustrating was that not only did it hurt, but he also gave up halfway through.

The physical discomfort was more apparent than imagined, yet Guo Wei did not feel the anticipated aversion or resistance in his heart.

When they finally chose to give up, Guo Wei hugged Ruan Yiyun's shoulders and even laughed out loud.

A truly foolish experience.

He cried out in pain, at one point pounding the bed with his hands.

He was certain that he would remember these moments for a long, long time. When revisiting them in the future, there might be feelings of embarrassment and awkwardness, but there would also undoubtedly be sweetness and amusement.

It was like how nowadays he couldn't help but laugh whenever he remembered his past self struggling to figure out what to do with his nose during a kiss.

Indeed, practice was the best way to test theory. It turned out he wasn't afraid at all.

Ruan Yiyun also laughed, apologizing pitifully in his ear while simultaneously tentatively asking if they could try again next time.

"Is it okay, husband? Is it okay?" he asked.

Guo Wei felt a moment of dizziness in his heart.

Not long ago, Ruan Yiyun had said to him, "Husband, I'm going in."

He felt the urge to ask Ruan Yiyun why he still called him "husband." After hesitating, he decided to keep it to himself.

Things were fine the way they were now. If Ruan Yiyun suddenly realized something was amiss and wanted to change it, it wouldn't be good.

Guo Wei didn't see it as self-deception. An Alpha could also be a wife. He just happened to have a wife who was older than him and would eventually enter his body.

He could accept everything about his wife. That was what a great husband should do.

His wife was very gentle and considerate. He would cook noodles for him in the middle of the night and even feed him cold meatballs while watching him eat. How wonderful.

"It would taste even better with some vegetables," Guo Wei remarked wistfully.

"We don't have any at home," Ruan Yiyun said, "Vegetables don't keep well, and I don't usually cook, so I can only buy things that are easy to store. But if you move in, we can try cooking together."

Guo Wei chewed on a beef meatball, staying silent.

"I'll be a senior next year and will start looking for a job. I won't be staying at school often," Ruan Yiyun continued, "If you move in, we can still see each other every day."

Guo Wei swallowed the meatball, cleared his throat, and said solemnly, "I'll consider it!"

Moving out of the dormitory required applying to the school and obtaining parental consent. With the end of the semester approaching and the holiday season nearing, it would have to wait until next semester to be discussed.

However, when the time came, he would definitely have to split half of the rent, which would be considerably higher than the school accommodation fees. He wondered if his parents would agree to this additional expense.

Ruan Yiyun was delighted. He blew him a kiss across the room and said, "You're so good!"

He looked incredibly adorable, a sight Guo Wei had seen countless times, yet it still made his heart flutter.

"Will you still study after we finish eating?" Ruan Yiyun asked him.

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment, then said, "Forget it, I'll study earlier tomorrow morning."

It was already late now, and after eating, he would surely feel drowsy. Studying wouldn't be very effective. He'd rather cuddle with Ruan Yiyun and sleep.

"But when you do study, you have to focus, don't get distracted thinking about me all the time, and no playing with your phone." Ruan Yiyun put on a serious expression. "If you fail a course, you'll have to come back to school during the holidays for a makeup exam."

Guo Wei shuddered slightly, about to nod, when he remembered something.

"When I was resting today, I scrolled through my phone and saw someone on the Confession Wall claiming to be your high school classmate."

Ruan Yiyun raised an eyebrow slightly. "…What did they say?"

"It was outrageous, claiming that you were originally an Alpha or something, and saying it's impossible for someone to change from an Omega to an Alpha. Because their words were so irritating, they were mercilessly attacked in the comments section," Guo Wei said.

"Who was it?" Ruan Yiyun wondered, "How would a high school classmate know about my secondary gender? I began to differentiate near graduation, and I haven't been back to school since then."

"Yeah, that's what he said," Guo Wei replied, "His evidence was that you used to claim you were an Alpha."

Ruan Yiyun was taken aback.

Guo Wei chuckled at him. "You must have annoyed those who pursued you, that's why they said that, right?"

Ruan Yiyun opened his mouth to respond but remained silent for a moment.

"...Isn't it?" Guo Wei asked.

"Let's just say it's half true," Ruan Yiyun looked away, "Did you undergo testing during your physical exams in high school? My test results indicated I was an Alpha."

"No wonder," Guo Wei continued, "But didn't you say you always assumed you were a Beta?"

"It's not contradictory, is it? My psychological self-identification is as a Beta, but rationally, I believe in the test results," Ruan Yiyun explained.

Guo Wei felt a sense of unease, unsure of how to express his doubts.

Ruan Yiyun interrupted his thoughts, "But now... my self-identification seems to be different again... Perhaps the changes in my body also influence my psyche..."

Guo Wei quickly caught on, "You're starting to feel like you're an Alpha?"

Ruan Yiyun looked into his eyes and said, "Yes, I am!... It'll be official soon."

Guo Wei pursed his lips but remained silent.

Ruan Yiyun was dissatisfied with his reaction, frowned, and asked, "...You don't think I am, do you?"

After hesitating for a few seconds, Guo Wei nodded. "Hmm."

Indeed, he didn't seem like one. Ruan Yiyun's earlier theory could now be applied perfectly. While Guo Wei psychologically acknowledged and accepted Ruan Yiyun's Alpha identity, he still couldn't truly see him as one.

Ruan Yiyun nodded lightly, sighed, and smiled at him. "Hurry up and eat, the noodles are getting clumpy."

Guo Wei scooped up some noodles from the pot and placed them into the small bowl he held in his hands. He blew on them lightly, then cautiously glanced up at Ruan Yiyun.

After slurping the noodles into his mouth and swallowing them, he finally mustered the courage to ask, "Are you upset?"

"No, not at all," Ruan Yiyun replied quickly, "Why would I be upset? Lots of good things happened today, so I'm in a good mood."

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment, then lowered his head to eat the meatballs.

After chewing a few bites, he couldn't help but ask, "Do you really want to be an Alpha? Why?"

Ruan Yiyun didn't deny his previous question, responding, "Because I am indeed an Alpha."

Guo Wei set down his bowl and frowned. "Then what are we going to do?"

After all, he really didn't resemble one.

Guo Wei suspected he might have some gender bias. Everything about Ruan Yiyun that made his heart flutter had nothing to do with being an Alpha. Ruan Yiyun was too good to be an Alpha.

Ruan Yiyun smiled helplessly. "What can we do? If you think I'm not like one, then I'm not."

Guo Wei nodded. "Exactly, if I don't think so, then it doesn't matter."

If Ruan Yiyun really resembled the most typical Alpha in appearance and temperament, like Chen Zui, then he would be distressed.

"It doesn't matter what Alphas look like," Guo Wei continued scooping up noodles, "You're always my favorite no matter what."

After scooping up the noodles, he slurped them into his mouth with gusto.

Ruan Yiyun looked at him with a mixture of amusement and exasperation.

"...Because you like Omegas?"

Guo Wei's mouth was full of noodles, his cheeks puffed out, shaking his head. He wanted to speak but was afraid of spitting, so he exerted all his strength to swallow them down.

The noodles were still a bit hot, so he had to tilt his head back and make a "sss" sound as he swallowed.

"Be careful not to choke." Ruan Yiyun hurried to get him some water.

By the time he returned, Guo Wei had successfully swallowed the noodles. He took the cup of water and said, "No, I only like you."

After saying this, he tilted his head back and took a big gulp.

"You don't really seem like an Omega anymore." He grinned at Ruan Yiyun after finishing his drink. "Don't worry about whether you resemble one or not, just be yourself. Even if you did, you wouldn't get paid for it! Ruan Yiyun just needs to be Ruan Yiyun."

Ruan Yiyun was taken aback for a moment but then smiled.

However, he still had a different opinion. "But does this also mean that gender shouldn't have standards? Anyone could potentially be an Alpha."

"If you put it that way... then I can't definitively say I don't like Alphas in the future," he smiled at Ruan Yiyun, "I like you!"

Ruan Yiyun lowered his gaze, smiled for a moment, then asked, "Do you think you look like a Beta?"

"I do look every bit the Beta, right?" Guo Wei said, "The kind that's so standard you can't even find it buried in a pile of Betas."

But Ruan Yiyun shook his head. "I don't think so."

Guo Wei frowned in surprise. "You're not going to say I look like an Omega, are you?"

If he really looked like an Omega, it wouldn't have been so difficult and unsuccessful. He struggled so much that it hurt before only getting a little inside, with still a big chunk left to push in.

Ruan Yiyun still shook his head. "No, you look like an angel."

The chopsticks in Guo Wei's hand clattered to the ground. He wanted to bend down to pick them up but quickly froze due to discomfort in a certain area, gasping for breath.

By the time Ruan Yiyun picked up the chopsticks, Guo Wei was red-faced.

"So embarrassing," he complained, his face flushed, "Aren't you embarrassed?"

Ruan Yiyun couldn't stop laughing. "Why would I be? I mean it sincerely."

Guo Wei turned away. "…You're starting to look like an Alpha now."


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 47


Limited First Love Chapter 45