Limited First Love Chapter 15

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 15 A New Storm

After sharing dinner, the two took a leisurely stroll. Guo Wei, like he did a few days ago, escorted Ruan Yiyun back to his dormitory.

As they neared the dorm, a pang of reluctance settled over both of them.

The school had regulations. Dormitories were prohibited to be entered casually by the opposite gender. However, strict enforcement was mainly for Omega dorms, especially at night, where Alphas and Betas would be intercepted.

Ruan Yiyun suggested a mischievous idea, "If you come in with me, maybe we won't be noticed."

Implicitly, it seemed like he was suggesting his appearance resembled an Omega, and administrators might not be able to distinguish.

Guo Wei disagreed, "Not a good idea. I clearly look like a Beta!"

As he spoke, he deliberately lifted his head and puffed his chest, attempting to appear taller.

Ruan Yiyun tilted his head with a smile. "Hmm, true."

"Also, it's late, not good to disturb your roommates," Guo Wei said, "We shouldn't cause trouble for others."

"No, I don't have roommates," Ruan Yiyun said. "Didn't I mention before? I live alone in a single room."

As he spoke, he turned and pointed. "I'm in the building right at the edge."

Guo Wei was extremely surprised. "Why?"

"I have health issues. Living with someone might affect them, so I applied for a single room," Ruan Yiyun explained. "If you sneak in, no one will notice."

Guo Wei only caught the first half. "What's wrong with your health?"

Ruan Yiyun hesitated for a moment, averting his eyes. "It's related to pheromones, but I take medication regularly. It's no different from a normal person."

Guo Wei was still concerned. "What kind of issue is it?"

"Why, do you mind?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"Of course, I mind," Guo Wei said earnestly. "Suddenly hearing that you're not well, how could I not take it seriously? I'm naturally worried!"

Ruan Yiyun smiled, leaning in and kissing his cheek. "It's okay, I'll tell you the details when we have the chance."

Guo Wei nodded with a furrowed brow.

"Won't you give it a try?" Ruan Yiyun glanced toward the direction of the dormitory behind him. "Maybe we can get in."

Guo Wei's face suddenly flushed. "No roommate... that's even worse, especially at this late hour."

"Why is it worse?" Ruan Yiyun asked. "What are you thinking?"

Guo Wei shook his head. "I'm going back."

Just as he was about to turn away, Ruan Yiyun grabbed his wrist.

Ruan Yiyun tilted his chin slightly, complaining, "What's going on? Can someone forget something so important?"

His voice dripped with playful petulance, and as the last word left his mouth, he pouted his lips in an unmistakable plea for a kiss.

Guo Wei understood the signal and chuckled foolishly, immediately leaning in to kiss him.

It was something he was already quite proficient at.

A beat of silence hung in the air for two, maybe three seconds. Just as Guo Wei started to step back, Ruan Yiyun's lips parted a fraction, the tip of his tongue peeking out to brush tantalizingly against his own lips.

Guo Wei was momentarily stunned.

He retreated back to his original position, staring at Ruan Yiyun in a daze. A faint yet intense sensation lingered on his lips. Warm at first, it quickly cooled in the night breeze. After a moment, he lightly licked his own lips.

They stood quietly at a corner near the dormitory area, not far from the courtyard wall, silently gazing at each other.

Guo Wei could feel his own heartbeat gradually intensifying.

With each contraction of his heart, anticipation and urgency swelled in his chest. As he took a deep breath and tentatively leaned in again, Ruan Yiyun closed his eyes with a gentle smile.

Then they exchanged a kiss, markedly different from the past—a kiss tinged with shyness, passion, yet careful tenderness.

The night breeze became damp at that moment.

"...This is a bit challenging," Guo Wei whispered to Ruan Yiyun after they separated.

"Practice more," Ruan Yiyun suggested.

Guo Wei nodded. "Okay."

After ample practice, Guo Wei made his way back to his own dormitory, lips slightly bruised.

He walked briskly, humming a tune as he pushed the door open. However, upon realizing the peculiar gazes from his roommates, he quickly froze.

"...What's wrong again?" he asked cautiously.

Eldest Brother Jin, who had been sitting at the table, stood up immediately upon his entrance. "Did you have a confrontation with that Chen Zui at the school gate today?"

Guo Wei was bewildered. "What do you mean by 'confrontation'? What did you guys see?"

The school forum had been quiet these days. Any gossip threads related to Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun were promptly locked down by moderators, making discussion impossible.

Besides the official forum, there were several unofficial platforms on campus. One such platform, named the "Confession Wall," was like a radio station of the internet age, accepting submissions from alumni. Initially focused on distant confessions and heartfelt expressions, it eventually evolved into a diverse collection of submissions, turning into a hodgepodge.

Guo Wei, blissfully oblivious, had no prior knowledge of this. Now, encountering it for the first time, he was quickly dumbfounded.

Starting from noon today, the Confession Wall continuously posted three submissions related to him, all of them anonymous.

The initial submissions included three photos alongside the text.

In the first photo, Chen Zui leaned against a motorcycle, slightly lowering his head. Ruan Yiyun stood in front of him, looking up and talking, while a bewildered Guo Wei stood a bit farther away, scratching his head.

In the second photo, Chen Zui remained in place, raising his hand and seemingly shouting something. In another corner of the photo, Guo Wei stood far away with his back turned, being pulled away by someone out of the frame.

The third photo was quite blurry but particularly provocative. In the distance, two people stood on the roadside, holding hands, faces close together, clearly kissing. Although facial features were indistinguishable, referring to the previous two photos, it could be inferred that it was Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun based on their clothing.

The person who submitted the content claimed to have passed by the school gate with a friend and accidentally witnessed the trio together. The atmosphere seemed extremely strange. Surprisingly, after taking a distant photo, they started arguing. Chen Zui appeared unwilling, accusing Ruan Yiyun of betrayal, while Ruan Yiyun remained unmoved, subjecting him to ruthless humiliation. In the end, Chen Zui could only watch as Ruan Yiyun led away "that Beta." The contributor, out of curiosity, discreetly followed them for a few steps, only to witness the pair entering the school gate.

Shamelessly, they began kissing in a manner that shocked onlookers, completely oblivious to their surroundings.

Judging from the tone and choice of words of the contributor, it was clear that they strongly sympathize with Chen Zui and believe that Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun's actions were excessively outrageous.

The comments section erupted into chaos, with many people speculating and engaging in conspiracy theories. Others expressed strong bewilderment, finding Ruan Yiyun's choices utterly perplexing.

Shortly after, the Confession Wall posted a second submission.

The new contributor, seemingly unaware of the first submission, immediately declared it breaking news. They accused Ruan Yiyun of betraying Chen Zui, with "that Beta" being a third-party intruder.

The photos provided were closer to the scene than the previous contributor's but were unfortunately chaotic and unclear. Both individuals, due to movement, appeared blurry, except for Guo Wei's bewildered face, clearly silly in each picture.

The contributor whined, unable to comprehend why Ruan Yiyun would abandon such an outstanding Alpha for an ordinary Beta, sparking suspicions of being under some spell.

The comments section widely endorsed the contributor's confusion, with some expressing a desire to consult and discuss with "that Beta," eager to learn a few tricks.

The third contributor didn't include any images, but the content was much more explosive than the previous two.

They claimed their friend was present during the argument, clearly hearing the details. It seemed Chen Zui had some issues in a certain department, unable to satisfy Ruan Yiyun, while "that Beta" apparently possessed exceptional talent in that aspect, driving Ruan Yiyun to ecstasy. Even during the argument, Ruan Yiyun insulted Chen Zui as if he were nothing, displaying a disdain that overflowed in words.

The content of this submission convinced many, who suddenly felt like they had a new understanding of the situation, reflecting on the idea that appearances can be deceiving.

Some made bizarre claims, stating that scientists had supposedly proven that the taller the Alpha, the smaller their alpha would be. With Chen Zui's height at 1.9 meters, according to this theory, it surely wouldn't exceed nine centimeters. This comment section sparked outrage among taller Alphas, vehemently rebuking the individual for spreading baseless and misleading information.

Many scrutinized Guo Wei, commenting on his appearance, claiming he looked unintelligent and dull. They said that no matter how good his skills were, it was useless. They themselves would never look twice at him, let alone give him a chance. Some speculated that Guo Wei might not only be exceptionally talented but also very rich, a wealthy second-generation heir. This had attracted a lot of agreement.

As for Ruan Yiyun, there were no kind words either. Some claimed he seemed unattainable, pristine like jade, but his private life was actually very promiscuous. Such an Omega, they argued, could only be dated for a while but should never be brought home. A few individuals used extremely vulgar and offensive language, only to be rebutted with, "Take a look in the mirror, Ruan Yiyun doesn't want to marry you at all."

Amidst the chaos, someone commented, "I was there too, they were talking and laughing. It must have been a joke, right?"

A lone reply underneath read, "Stop washing it off, can something like this be a joke?"

Guo Wei, mouth agape, finished reading these three submissions, utterly dumbfounded.

"What on earth is going on with you guys?" Wang Tong asked.

He knew the whole story of Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun's relationship, understood the bizarre nature of those submissions, yet couldn't fathom the real situation. He was even more curious than the ordinary onlookers.

"This is outrageous!" Guo Wei put down his phone and looked up, his face full of indignation.

"Don't be hasty," Wang Tong quickly reassured him. "We know it's definitely not as they say, it's..."

Guo Wei interrupted him, "I'm in almost all these photos, and yet I don't even have a name! What does 'that Beta' even mean!"

After saying that, he frowned again, glancing at his phone.

In those few photos, he stood next to a handsome Alpha and a beautiful Omega, appearing like a bewildered passerby who had accidentally wandered onto the set of an idol drama.

"...And they're shot so poorly," he said, looking frustrated.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 16


Limited First Love Chapter 14