Limited First Love Chapter 16

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 16 Screw Let's Just Fall In Love First!

Explaining everything to his roommates wasn't difficult.

They had been living together for a year and a half, so they knew each other very well and had a good relationship. Although Eldest Brother Jin had been dissing Guo Wei these past few days, he still had a good understanding of his character and trusted him.

After Guo Wei explained the general situation, Eldest Brother Jin stopped doubting and even felt a bit nostalgic.

Pointing at the photo of Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun kissing, he sighed. "I want to request a song, 'Awakening from a Dream,' and dedicate it to myself."

"From your description, Ruan Yiyun's relationship with Chen Zui is similar to ours, right?" Wang Tong asked.

"Kind of," Guo Wei replied. "But they've known each other longer. They used to be neighbors."

This was what Ruan Yiyun had mentioned during dinner.

He and Chen Zui had been living next door since the fourth grade, all the way through high school. Although they attended different schools, being the same age, they often played together during vacations.

"They've been getting along for almost ten years. If they get along well, what concern is it of mine?" Guo Wei said, "Chen Zui is a good person. After recognizing me, he even specially escorted me back to school."

Half of what he said was for his own ears, and after hearing it, he indeed felt much more at ease.

"I understand now," Eldest Brother Jin exclaimed, slapping his thigh, "He must have stared at Chen Zui's face for too long, got tired of the aesthetics, became numb to the handsome vibes, and then started appreciating some unconventional beauty!"

"You're the unconventional beauty!" Guo Wei retorted loudly, "Can't he appreciate my inner qualities?"

Eldest Brother Jin chuckled, about to mock, when the silent Third Elder Brother suddenly sighed. "Our Comrade Xiao Guo does indeed have a good personality. It's easy and relaxing to be around him. A stunning beauty like Ruan Yiyun had seen all kinds of bootlickers. It's not surprising that he would want to return to a simpler life."

Guo Wei nodded repeatedly, arms crossed. "Hmm, not bad, makes sense!"

Wang Tong looked concerned. "Shouldn't you go explain then?"

After careful consideration, Guo Wei used his own account to comment on the latest post related to him on the Confession Wall.

——I am Guo Wei. Today's events were a complete misunderstanding. Chen Zui and Ruan Yiyun were just joking. They are good friends.

After posting, no one responded for a while.

It wasn't until an hour later that he finally received a reply from a stranger.

——Guo Wei? Who's that?

Guo Wei felt very sad. His legends echoed throughout the school, yet he himself seemed to be nameless.

This wouldn't serve as clarification. He considered whether he should also submit a serious article. Before starting to write, he decided to ask Ruan Yiyun for his opinion.

Just as he sent the link to the Confession Wall to Ruan Yiyun, almost simultaneously, Ruan Yiyun sent a small screenshot.

Before Guo Wei could open it, a text message quickly followed.

——Hahahahahahaha, less than nine centimeters, hahahahahaha. Let me look at my pinky finger.

In the short half-second when Guo Wei blinked, the screenshot and text message were swiftly retracted, leaving behind only two lines of grey system prompts.

Guo Wei sent an emoji of scratching his head in confusion, and Ruan Yiyun quickly replied.


——What did you send me? Let me take a look.

Guo Wei recalled the thumbnail he had seen earlier and connected it to the accompanying text, quickly reaching a conclusion.

——It's the one you just screenshot. You've seen it, right?

——Who were you originally intending to send it to?

Ruan Yiyun fell silent for a long time, no response.

——Chen Zui?

Guo Wei asked again.

After waiting for a few more minutes, Ruan Yiyun finally began to type, and a new message appeared shortly after.

——Those submissions are nonsensical. People are just so diverse. Why bother about them? Each one with such rich imagination, can't stand it.

Guo Wei strongly agreed.

——Yeah, it's so helpless.

——Were you trying to send it to Chen Zui just now?

Ruan Yiyun remained quiet for a few more seconds, then sent an incredibly cute and adorable expression.

——Just teasing him

Guo Wei's mood became a bit complicated.

His Omega partner making jokes related to reproductive organs with his childhood Alpha friend seemed somewhat out of bounds.

Despite trying hard to ignore it for the past few days, he now had to admit that he was a bit jealous of Chen Zui.

It was strange. He completely trusted Ruan Yiyun and had a good impression of Chen Zui, yet he still cared about these trivial matters. He didn't like this aspect of himself, but unfortunately, he couldn't control it, and his emotions inevitably sank.

Guo Wei stayed silent for quite a while, and Ruan Yiyun sent another message.

——That guy is so annoying, always trying to provoke me. I'll mess with him too.

——I'll chat with you. Ignore him!

Guo Wei took a deep breath, forced a smile at his phone, maintained it for a few seconds, and then started typing.

——Hahaha, that reply was really outrageous. He's truly undeserving of this misunderstanding.

Ruan Yiyun quickly replied.

——It's all his doing. He deserves it. We're the innocent victims.

While Guo Wei was still pondering how to respond, Ruan Yiyun sent another message.

——Can you take a call now?

Guo Wei hesitated for a few seconds, climbed out of bed, fumbled his way to the bathroom, and sat on the toilet seat to make the call to Ruan Yiyun in the dark.

"I can only speak very softly now," he whispered to Ruan Yiyun on the other end of the phone.

Ruan Yiyun mimicked him, keeping his voice low, "It's okay. I can hear you clearly. Nothing much, just missing you a bit."

"We've only been apart for two hours," Guo Wei said.

"Started missing you after two minutes of being apart," Ruan Yiyun said, "and it continues till now."

Guo Wei cradled the phone, lowered his head, and smiled. This time, it was a genuine smile.

Recalling the many kisses they exchanged before parting, sweetness and warmth once again surged from his heart, gradually relaxing his mind, and those minor annoyances dissipated with it.

He became genuinely happy.

"I miss you too," Guo Wei said.

"Miss what about me?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

This question was a bit peculiar. Guo Wei pondered for a moment before responding, "Miss you as a person, miss being with you."

Ruan Yiyun asked again, "Being together, doing what?"

In the pitch-black surroundings, Guo Wei blushed on his own.

"…Anything is fine," he said.

Ruan Yiyun persisted, "Like?"

"Sitting together and talking, having meals, holding hands while strolling," Guo Wei said, "…and such things."

"That's it?"

"…Can't say," Guo Wei replied.

Ruan Yiyun's voice carried a hint of amusement. "Why?"

Guo Wei mumbled, "If I say, I'll want to kiss you even more, but now I can't."

Ruan Yiyun laughed more pronouncedly. "I invited you in my room, but you refused. You could have stayed at my place."

Guo Wei immediately swallowed nervously. "Isn't that inappropriate!"

"No one would find out," Ruan Yiyun said enticingly, "Only we know. Who would say it's wrong? You? Or me?"


Guo Wei distinctly felt a strong inner turmoil.

If he had truly followed Ruan Yiyun into his room just now, they could still be together. They could talk face to face, easily touch each other, and embrace and kiss whenever they wished.

Guo Wei had even more extravagant thoughts in his mind, trying to suppress them but to no avail.

His body warmed slightly at the notion.

A delightful tingle danced on Guo Wei's tongue, a lingering reminder of the passionate kiss they'd just shared.

"What are you thinking?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"…I'm going to sleep," Guo Wei said.

"Together with me?" Ruan Yiyun asked again.


Guo Wei fell silent.

After a moment of quiet, Ruan Yiyun audibly laughed, "Well, it's late. Goodnight, sweet dreams."

"You too," Guo Wei said, "Goodnight."

As the words faded, both of them fell into silence, yet neither took the initiative to end the call.

Several seconds passed like this, and Ruan Yiyun's laughter echoed in his ears once again.

"What are you waiting for?" he asked.

Guo Wei touched his flushed cheek. "Can you kiss me like you did before?"

Soon, from the other end of the phone, came the soft and moist sound, ambiguous enough to evoke memories of Ruan Yiyun's lips and their texture.

"Thank you," Guo Wei said.

"Anything else," Ruan Yiyun asked, "anything else you want?"

More unspoken, embarrassing yet exciting thoughts surged in Guo Wei's mind.

"Tell me," Ruan Yiyun continued, "I want to do everything for you."

His tone was gentle, warm, pure, and sincere, momentarily leaving Guo Wei feeling immensely ashamed.

"Nothing else, I-I'm going to sleep. You rest early! Goodnight!" After saying this, he quickly hung up the phone.

Afterwards, he had to sit in place for quite a while.

Finally, when he stood up, he received a message from Ruan Yiyun.

——Goodnight, it would be nice if I could dream of you tonight.

Guo Wei, holding his phone, silently returned to his bunk, slipped under the covers, and wrapped himself tightly. After a moment, he picked up his phone again, lit up the screen, and stared at those words in a daze.

It would be nice if I could dream of you tonight.

After silently repeating it in his heart, he smiled like a fool.

Wanting to fall asleep immediately with the sweetness in his heart at this moment, hoping to dream of Ruan Yiyun, he put down his phone and closed his eyes.

Consciousness quickly became hazy.

In a daze, a small bubble of realization emerged in his mind, reminding him that he seemed to have forgotten something.

What was it?

He had originally sent a message to Ruan Yiyun, as if he had intended to say something.


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Limited First Love Chapter 17


Limited First Love Chapter 15