Limited First Love Chapter 14

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 14 Don't Like Alphas

Guo Wei wanted to cooperate but couldn't help but be concerned.

Seeing Guo Wei furrow his brow in contemplation, Ruan Yiyun added, "I really can't stand these Alphas. Luckily, you're not one."

After saying this, he smiled at Guo Wei and deliberately remarked, "Betas like you are the best."

Though Guo Wei still had some reservations, he readily agreed with Ruan Yiyun, "Yeah, I don't like Alphas either."

Unexpectedly, Ruan Yiyun's expression stiffened upon hearing this.

"...Why?" he asked.

Guo Wei looked at his gentle smile and said, "Just don't like them. Oh, but normal interactions as friends are fine, it's just... not within my aesthetic preference."

After saying this, he took a shallow breath and wanted to add, "Except for you now, I don't like anyone else."

But before he could speak, Ruan Yiyun added, "Isn't this a bit of gender discrimination?"

Guo Wei was stunned. "Huh?"

"A person's character shouldn't be determined by their gender, right?"

Guo Wei was confused. "Didn't you say you didn't like Alphas either?"

"It's different," Ruan Yiyun explained, "I'm not against Alphas, I just don't like some of the common traits that most Alphas exhibit. These traits are somewhat correlated with gender, but they are not completely equivalent. So when I say I don't like Alphas, I'm speaking in a general sense, and I'm not really targeting Alphas specifically."

Guo Wei listened, feeling a bit perplexed. "So, you can actually accept Alphas?"

"I should put it this way," Ruan Yiyun said, "If you were an Alpha, I would still like you just the same. My feelings for you aren't influenced by gender."

Guo Wei felt a sweet warmth inside and nodded. "I see."

"How about you?" Ruan Yiyun asked, "If I were an Alpha, would you still like me?"

Guo Wei stared at his handsome face for a moment and couldn't help but laugh. "How could you be an Alpha!"

"Ahem," Ruan Yiyun's expression stiffened as he cleared his throat, "I mean, hypothetically."

Guo Wei continued laughing. "This hypothetical scenario is just too strange. The image of you and your friend together is clearly of two different genders. It's impossible for you to be an Alpha. I can't imagine it."

Ruan Yiyun fell silent.

After a few more steps, Guo Wei suddenly realized he misspoke. Ruan Yiyun probably just needed him to express himself, say some sweet words to show his feelings, and not delve into unnecessary details.

He hurriedly tried to amend, "Of course, I... I like you no matter what."

After saying this, he cautiously glanced at Ruan Yiyun, who showed no reaction. Recalling the words he failed to articulate earlier, Guo Wei hastily brought them up.

"It's not that I don't like Alphas, it's just that I don't like anyone other than you."

Unlike Ruan Yiyun, he always felt nervous and shy when saying such things, his face turning warm.

After a moment, Ruan Yiyun finally responded with a casual "Oh."

"Are you upset?" Guo Wei asked.

"No, not at all," Ruan Yiyun replied instantly.

Having said that, he turned to Guo Wei, grinned, and chuckled.

Guo Wei observed silently.

"What's wrong?" Ruan Yiyun asked. "What are you thinking?"

"I was thinking..." Guo Wei looked at his lips, his face burning even more. "We haven't... you know, had that celebration for two days."

Ruan Yiyun blinked, then halted in his tracks. He turned to Guo Wei, slightly tilting his chin, smiling, and closing his eyes.

Guo Wei leaned over carefully, using his meager experience from the past few days to tilt his head at an angle to avoid bumping noses, and gently pressed his lips against Ruan Yiyun's.

A few seconds later, as he reluctantly pulled away, Ruan Yiyun opened his eyes and whispered a reminder, "We're by the roadside now, and many people have seen us."

Guo Wei exclaimed, "Oh no," anxiously scanning their surroundings. The gazes that had been on them suddenly pretended to look elsewhere.

"Sorry about that!" Guo Wei apologized.

Ruan Yiyun laughed and shrugged it off, clearly paying no mind to the onlookers.

"By the way," Guo Wei, prompted by this gesture, recalled the person they had interacted with earlier, "you have a close relationship with Chen Zui, right?"

Ruan Yiyun became alert. "Why bring him up again?"

"You cursed at him," Guo Wei remarked, "It's the first time I've heard you talk like that."

Ruan Yiyun lowered his head, clearing his throat as if to conceal something. "......Can this be considered a close relationship?"

"Yes, it can," Guo Wei said. "Being able to joke with each other and say hurtful things without getting angry is proof of a close relationship."

"I don't have that kind of feeling for him at all!" Ruan Yiyun emphasized.

"I know," Guo Wei reassured. "Even though seeing you two together gives me a slight... uncomfortable feeling, I trust you."

He had indeed felt frustrated earlier, briefly saddened by the subtle bitterness in his heart. However, Ruan Yiyun's smile was too sweet, and his lips possessed a magical ability to heal, quickly dispelling the unease.

If Ruan Yiyun and Chen Zui had been unfamiliar with each other before they became a couple, it might have been a bit risky. But since Ruan Yiyun and Chen Zui knew each other first and had a close relationship, Ruan Yiyun still chose him after meeting Guo Wei. Didn't that prove that he was genuinely not interested in Chen Zui?

Guo Wei always found the most optimistic perspective.

"What do you mean by an uncomfortable feeling?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"If I were tall and handsome like him, maybe fewer people would think we're mismatched," Guo Wei said. "In the past, fewer people pursued you probably because they felt they couldn't compete with him."

As he spoke, he suddenly realized something. "Oh! That means I should thank him!"

Ruan Yiyun paused for a moment, continuously shaking his head with a smile. "You're quite something."

"Huh?" Guo Wei was puzzled.

"Nothing," Ruan Yiyun asked, "What do you want for lunch?"

"Anything is fine for me, how about you?"

"I've already eaten," Ruan Yiyun said, "Just wanted to accompany you."

Ruan Yiyun explained that he had originally planned to go to the nearby mall to buy some daily necessities. The bus route changed, and coincidentally, Chen Zui was at home, bored and looking for something to do, so he asked Chen Zui to give him a ride.

Guo Wei sat at the table, silently eating while listening to him talk. However, his mind was preoccupied with thoughts unrelated to the topic Ruan Yiyun was discussing.

Having emphasized that there was no ambiguity between him and Chen Zui, Ruan Yiyun didn't want to dwell on the matter. He earnestly looked at Ruan Yiyun's face, secretly thinking that upon closer observation, Ruan Yiyun's hairstyle did seem different.

The new hairstyle didn't differ much in length from the original but felt more lightweight and clean. Compared to the pure beauty of the past, Ruan Yiyun's face now exuded a slightly sharp and handsome aura.

"...What are you thinking about? You're so lost in thought," Ruan Yiyun complained softly, "It seems like you're not listening to me."

Guo Wei quickly swallowed the food in his mouth and said, "Your new hairstyle looks great!"

Ruan Yiyun chuckled. "You clearly can't see any difference."

"I can see it now," Guo Wei said, gesturing to his own cheek, "here, and here, both trimmed, right?"

"Is it nice?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"It's nice," Guo Wei nodded, "The more of your face that's revealed, the better."

Ruan Yiyun had a humorous expression. "Then I might as well shave my head bald!"

Guo Wei widened his eyes as he tilted his head back slightly. "...No need for that."

"Why? Didn't you say the more is revealed, the better?" Ruan Yiyun asked, "Now, you don't like it if I go bald?"

Guo Wei pondered for a few seconds with his chopsticks in his mouth and earnestly said, "Even if you're bald, I'll still like you."

Ruan Yiyun paused for a moment, unsure whether to laugh or cry. "Well, thank you for that."

After saying that, he lowered his gaze, seemingly lost in thought, and softly asked, "You'd like me no matter how I change, right?"

People in love tend to lack rationality, and Guo Wei scarcely hesitated before nodding, "Yes!"

"...I can believe that," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei beamed at him.

His first lovelife was excessively beautiful, and he only wished for this relationship to infinitely extend within his limited lifetime. He began to envision the future, eager to make promises of eternity.

After dinner, the two of them spent an entire afternoon at the library.

Of course, studying remained the primary task for students. Being glued together all day in sweet intimacy didn't automatically complete assignments.

Although they merely sat face to face, engrossed in their own tasks, lifting one's head to see the beloved's face made a significant difference in mood.

The downside was the lack of efficiency.

Guo Wei jotted down a few lines in the document, then peeked over the laptop screen at the person across from him.

After a few attempts, he received a new message on the chat software he was logged into on his computer.

——You're looking at me again.

Ruan Yiyun unexpectedly sent him a message.

Guo Wei lowered his head, smiled for a moment, then sneaked another glance before typing a reply.

——You're too good-looking!

Not feeling satisfied after sending, he added a heart emoji to complement it.

Ruan Yiyun did indeed smile.

Guo Wei, feeling elated, glanced at him. If not for remembering the need for quiet in the library, he would have burst into a song.

Ruan Yiyun smiled for a moment, lifted his head, and looked at him. The two exchanged smiles, quietly locking eyes for a moment. Ruan Yiyun tilted his head slightly, pursed his lips, and playfully gestured towards him. Across the desk, he gave the air a gentle peck.

Guo Wei's heart skipped a beat instantly.

Stunned for a couple of seconds, he quickly lowered his gaze back to the document, swallowing hard. Soon, unable to resist, he lifted his head to look at Ruan Yiyun again. Ruan Yiyun was still smiling at him.

Guo Wei lowered his head again, lifted his hand, and used the back of it to firmly wipe his lips.

He wanted to kiss him.

However, there were too many people around. It would disturb others, which wasn't good.

Guo Wei silently rested his head on the table. After a moment, he extended his right hand, grabbing Ruan Yiyun's left hand on the table. He pulled Ruan Yiyun's hand as close to himself as possible, then carefully scanned their surroundings. Confirming that no one was paying attention, he quickly leaned over, kissed the back of Ruan Yiyun's hand.

Sitting back in his seat, he didn't let go of Ruan Yiyun's hand, holding it as he looked into Ruan Yiyun's eyes, smiling with a hint of satisfaction.

Ruan Yiyun quietly withdrew his hand, lowered his head, and with a smile, pressed his lips against the small area of skin that Guo Wei had kissed just moments ago.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 15


Limited First Love Chapter 13