Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 8

Translated by Sylver

Chapter 8: Little Flower

“Did you get into a fight again?” Yun Fang’s tone was somewhat harsh.

That tone made Yi Chenliang think for a moment that this was his long-lost biological father.

Yi Chenliang twisted his head to glare at him, “I didn’t!”

Yun Fang strangely heard a hint of grievance in his words, and his gaze unconsciously softened a bit, “Really?”

Yi Chenliang, with anger attacking his heart, began to struggle, “Let go! I don’t want to fight with you!”

Yun Fang’s patience was limited. With a clever move, he twisted Yi Chenliang’s arm behind his back, pressed his neck with the other hand, and wedged a leg between his legs, firmly pressing the young boy against the wall.

Yi Chenliang hadn’t reacted yet when his face hit the wall. Despite using all his strength, he couldn’t move at all, “F*** you, let me go!”

Yun Fang unceremoniously lifted his school uniform, pointing to a large bruise on his back and asked, “First tell me what happened?”

Yi Chenliang was so angry that his ears turned red, “None of your business!”

“If you don’t tell me, I won’t let go.” Yun Fang lowered his voice and leaned into his ear, “I have plenty of time to waste with you.”

Yi Chenliang finally realized that he had provoked a madman. One second he was kindly giving him study materials, and the next he could turn his face and press him against the wall, threatening him with a murderous tone!

The most terrifying thing was that he couldn’t beat him!

After struggling for a while, Yi Chenliang realized that he was not a match and reluctantly said, “I accidentally bumped! Okay!”

“Bumped here?” Yun Fang frowned, pressing a spot on his hand, causing Yi Chenliang to groan in pain.

“I was picking up scrap metal and accidentally fell!” Yi Chenliang was both in pain and annoyed, the veins on his forehead popping out.

Before entering the juvenile detention center, he did indeed go out quietly at night to “pick up” scrap metal to sell. The money he made could fill his meal card and last for two to three weeks.

Yun Fang was momentarily dazed, and without paying attention, he let Yi Chenliang break free.

“You just wait for me!” Yi Chenliang pointed at him with a red face and thick neck, then turned and left.

Yun Fang squeezed his hand hard, but it was still shaking uncontrollably.

He was really angry just now, not holding back any strength in his anger.

He thought Yi Chenliang had gone to fight with Wang Youwei again. Scenes from the juvenile detention center kept flashing in his mind, the corpse staring at him with a terrified expression, the sticky, cold blood that couldn’t be washed away.

Yun Fang sat on the cold stairs, listening to the bell ringing for class.

He thought he could start over, but Yi Chenliang’s past had firmly adhered to his bones and blood, like an endless gloom that couldn’t be dispersed.

A dirty and ugly soul, hiding in a clean and harmless high school student’s shell, deceiving himself and others, trying to blend in.

It’s ridiculous.

But Yun Fang didn’t know what better way there was, maybe this was the punishment fate gave him.

Or a gift.

Yun Fang wiped his face and got up to return to the classroom.

Class still had to be attended.

But his mind was not on the class, Yi Chenliang’s last furious expression always flashed in his mind.

During the break, Zhang Zehai came over curiously to see that he wasn’t doing problems during the break, “Yo, study god, what’s wrong?”

Yun Fang twirled his pen, “Can I ask you a question?”

Zhang Zehai sat excitedly on the empty seat next to him, “Come on, as long as it’s not a question about studying, I guarantee I’ll give you a perfect answer.”

“I was impulsive…” Yun Fang pondered, “I misunderstood a friend and made them angry.”

Zhang Zehai’s eyes lit up, “Very angry?”

Yun Fang thought for a moment, “Very angry.”

“Male or female?” Zhang Zehai asked again.

“Male.” Yun Fang pointed at the textbook with his pen, “The same age as us.”

Although Yun Fang knew himself better than anyone else, after all, it had been over twenty years, and he didn’t even know how to coax himself who was fifteen.

After all, no one had ever coaxed him.

“Oh ho.” Zhang Zehai had a gossipy look on his face, “Really a male?”

Yun Fang nodded, “Really.”

“I don’t believe it!” Zhang Zehai winked at him, probably thinking the other person should be a girl, “You know, say a few nice words, buy a bouquet of flowers or write a love letter or something, or you invite her out for a meal, apologize properly and it’s fine.”

Yun Fang looked at him blankly, “I’m not dating him.”

“It’s almost the same.” Zhang Zehai said seriously, “Do you want the other person to forgive you as quickly as possible?”

Yun Fang nodded.

“Then treat the other person as your girlfriend!” Zhang Zehai slapped the table confidently, “I tell you, this trick works every time, think about it, even if it’s just a normal friend, you’ve pampered the other person like a girlfriend, would he still have the nerve not to forgive you?”

Yun Fang: “..…”

He always felt it was not very reliable.

Wu He, who had been listening by the side, joined in the fun, “I think Brother Hai makes a lot of sense, maybe turn the other person into a girlfriend.”

“He’s a man.” Yun Fang said through gritted teeth.

“A boyfriend?” Chen Qianyang added at the right time.

Yun Fang gave up the idea of learning from the brats.

It’s ridiculous. Even if the original Yun Fang was gay, he’s not the real Yun Fang, how could he possibly like men, let alone himself!

Just thinking about it made Yun Fang feel goosebumps all over his body. He’s not crazy!

Yun Fang usually didn’t attend evening self-study, because he needed to go home and quietly make up for his studies at night, so he usually did his daily homework during breaks or self-study or English class. Thanks to the task requirements, his English was really quite good.

Because of today’s accident, Yun Fang wasted a big break, and didn’t finish his physics homework. He rarely carried his backpack after school, but as soon as he left the school gate, he was suddenly hugged around the neck from behind. Yun Fang instinctively twisted the other person’s wrist and pushed it back.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch!” Song Cun cried out in pain.

Yun Fang let go of him, “What are you doing?”

Song Cun was rubbing his wrist while complaining, “I just wanted to give you a surprise, when did you get so strong?”

Yun Fang straightened his messed-up collar and looked at him.

Song Cun looked at him with a grin, “What’s wrong? Don’t you recognize me?”

Yun Fang shook his head, “I’m going home.”

Song Cun looked at him for a moment, then walked side by side with him, “Yun Fang, did you go to Class 10 to find someone today?”

“Hmm?” Yun Fang turned his head in confusion, only to find that the always smiling boy had a serious face. Although his tone sounded relaxed, there was no hint of a smile in his eyes. Yun Fang changed the subject and said slowly, “Is there a problem?”

Song Cun suddenly smiled brightly, “Of course not, I won’t stop you from making new friends, but…does what you said before still count?”

“What did I say?” Yun Fang felt a bit strange.

The boy in front of him suddenly blushed, “It’s what you told me when the results of the monthly exam came out.”

Yun Fang was confused. The two of them had already arrived at the bus stop. The No. 1 High School was in the suburbs, and at this time, there was no one at the bus stop except for the two of them. Song Cun looked around, his voice did not lower, but because of his excitement, his voice unconsciously raised.

“It’s about you saying that if I can rank in the top fifty in the grade, you agree to let me be your boyfriend!”

At this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, and Yun Fang almost punched Song Cun in the face.

Yun Fang looked at Song Cun, who was blushing in front of him, with a complex expression. Just two minutes ago, he unconsciously regarded Song Cun as a potential suspect in Yun Fang’s suicide.

“I will work hard to get into the same university as you! Yun Fang, do you believe me?” Song Cun looked at him sincerely.

Yun Fang calmly moved his gaze away, listening to the continuous thunder in the sky. He was about to say a few words of refusal, but before he could speak, Song Cun ran away with a red face.

Yun Fang: “…”

What a sin.

In this life, he is determined to be a law-abiding good citizen and will never harm the little flowers of the motherland.

He just hopes that the little flowers can be stronger and not be wilted by the storm of heartbreak.

Outside the bus stop, it started to rain heavily. Yun Fang sighed with some worry, sat on the bench waiting for the bus, and pulled out a physics test paper from his backpack to start working on it. As a result, he caught a glimpse of a very familiar pair of canvas shoes in the corner of his eye.

Yun Fang stiffly turned his head and met Yi Chenliang’s gaze, who was standing behind the bus stop.

Yi Chenliang’s expression was indifferent, his gaze was cold, and his pair of black eyes stared at him deeply.

Outside the canopy of the bus stop, the rain was pouring down, occasionally mixed with a few muffled thunders.

This little flower of the motherland looks like it’s going to eat people.

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