Just in Time Chapter 7

Translated by Sylver

Chapter 7: Combined Class

After the physical education class was the chemistry class. The chemistry teacher surnamed Li, was a tall and attractive woman, very popular among the students.

Teacher Li, holding her textbook, entered the classroom, “Class, we are going to have a combined class with Class 5 today.”

A noisy discussion broke out in the classroom.

Having a combined class was considered a diversion for the monotonous high school life.

The students from Class 5 came to Class 1 with their books and stools. Those who knew each other found their friends and whispered at the same desk. Those who didn’t know anyone sat with their classmates in the aisle or at the back of the classroom. The classroom was still in chaos until the bell rang for class.

Yun Fang always sat in the last row by himself. It seemed that many people knew him, but they didn’t dare to approach him because of his reputation as a top student.

A chemistry book was placed on his desk, with ‘Song Cun’ written boldly on it.

“Old classmate, we meet again!”

Yun Fang looked up and saw the person who had swiped his card for him at the supermarket not long ago.

“What, you don’t recognize me after a while?” Song Cun looked at him with a teasing look in his eyes.

Yun Fang nodded at him. The chemistry teacher was already furious on the podium.

Song Cun dragged his stool and sat next to him, tilting his head to look at him, “You’ve changed a lot recently.”

Teacher Li had a habit of spot-checking during class. Yun Fang was busy memorizing the periodic table of chemical elements and didn’t pay attention to him.

Song Cun looked at him in surprise and then listened to the class seriously.

As expected, Teacher Li called Yun Fang. He stood up and recited the designated part. He stuttered a bit in the middle, but in the end it was a close call.

Being afraid of the teacher was indeed a psychological disease that couldn’t be overcome whether you were fifteen or thirty-five.

While listening to the class, Yun Fang copied the parts he hadn’t memorized onto paper. At present, he found physics and chemistry a bit difficult, but he could barely keep up with math. He suddenly felt grateful that he was only in the first year of high school. If he were in the third year, there would be no room for struggle.

Song Cun, sitting next to him, was absent-minded, always looking at him. Unfortunately, Yun Fang was busy studying and didn’t notice.

When the bell rang for the end of class, Song Cun finally couldn’t hold back, “Yun Fang, don’t you have anything to say to me?”

Yun Fang, who had been tortured by chemistry for a class, was listlessly writing equations on his draft paper. When he heard this, he lifted his eyelids to look at him, “Hmm?”

When Song Cun was looked at by him like this, he instinctively straightened his back. The original words were stuck in his throat, “No, nothing, I’m leaving.”

Yun Fang’s gaze fell back on the draft paper, and the hand holding the pen waved at him perfunctorily.

When Song Cun left the classroom, he inexplicably let out a sigh of relief. It was strange, just now Yun Fang’s look at him was so scary, it was very much like the cold eyes his father had when he was scolding him.

Pooh pooh!

Yun Fang didn’t know that Song Cun was randomly recognizing fathers. He took advantage of the break to do ten multiple-choice questions on the test paper that had been handed out. Wu He and Chen Qianyang in front of him were already comparing answers.

“Yun Fang, what did you choose for question twelve?” Wu He turned his head to ask him.

Yun Fang glanced at the options full of words and said slowly, “I haven’t gotten there yet.”

“Your speed is not good.” Wu He muttered, “You don’t have the style of a top student at all.”

Yun Fang tugged at the corner of his mouth, pushed his head back, “Don’t disturb my study.”

The original owner could do a set of papers in one class, and he considered it a huge progress to do ten multiple-choice questions in one class. Who really thinks everyone’s brain is so good?

Yun Fang had a clear understanding of his current level. He was not a genius, his IQ was no different from ordinary people. It was basically impossible to maintain Yun Fang’s original level in a short time, but diligence could make up for clumsiness. And thanks to Yun Fang’s habit of writing diaries, the original owner recorded many useful learning methods.

So Yun Fang decided to patiently make up for the lessons first, at least to catch up with the progress of ordinary students, see how his current level was, and then make targeted remedial lessons.

Yun Fang used an attitude ten times more patient than doing tasks to study.

In the future, he would wash his hands of his past deeds, be a good person, and set a good example for children–specifically referring to Yi Chenliang.

Thinking like this, Yun Fang looked at the chemistry test paper in his hand with both love and hate, and threw himself into studying.

Days always pass quickly in study. Yun Fang listened to classes desperately during the day and did make up for classes desperately at night. The whole person was shrouded in low pressure.

This evening at dinner, Tang Yi suddenly said to Yun Fang, “Sugar, have you lost weight?”

Yun Fang paused in gnawing at his ribs, looked up at her inexplicably, “No?”

“Stinky boy, eating meat every day and not getting fat.” Yun Heyu laughed when he heard this, “Don’t learn from those little girls to lose weight.”

“…” Yun Fang was speechless for a moment, “I’m not a little girl.”

Yun Heyu gave a sheepish smile, “Right, right, our family’s Sugar is a man.”

Yun Fang gnawed at his ribs fiercely, muttering, “Don’t call me Sugar anymore.”

He could bear Tang Yi calling him that, but this old fellow calling him Sugar always made him want to fight.

“Okay, okay, Dad won’t call you that anymore.” Yun Heyu had no bottom line, and gave him another piece of rib.

Forced to accept his old father’s feeding, Yun Fang reluctantly forgave him.

After dinner, Yun Fang very consciously sat at his desk and began his great cause of self-study. Now he was finally about to finish the physics of the third year of middle school. When he turned to the last chapter, he saw a photo sandwiched in the book.

It was a photo of two people.

In the photo were two boys, dressed in black and white middle school uniforms, standing under a big tree. Yun Fang slightly tilted his head, his gaze falling on the face of the boy who was hugging him, the corners of his mouth slightly curved.

The boy hugging Yun Fang was smiling brightly, making a ‘yeah’ gesture above Yun Fang’s head. It was Song Cun from Class 5, who claimed to be his old classmate.

He really was an old classmate.

Yun Fang picked up the photo and turned it over, seeing a line of small characters written on the back.

Song Cun and Yun Fang.

There was a hesitant protrusion at the ‘a’, as if he originally wanted to draw a heart but was forcibly pulled back by reason.

Just like a teenager’s cautious liking.

It was quite in line with Yun Fang’s character.

Yun Fang stared at the photo in his hand, reaching out to pull out the suicide note written by the original owner from the drawer.

A proud son of heaven who ranked first in his grade from middle school to high school, had no bad habits, was loved by his parents, friendly with classmates, and even had a “crush”. Because he thought his grades were slipping, he came out to his parents, couldn’t stand his parents’ scolding, and chose to commit suicide by taking sleeping pills.

Yun Fang frowned.

Staring at the suicide note, he finally knew where the strong sense of dissonance came from.

Committing suicide for such a far-fetched reason was not in line with the behavior logic of a top student.

During this period, he had read Yun Fang’s diary over and over again, and knew that the original Yun Fang was a person with meticulous thinking and rigorous logic. He could even vaguely feel his pride from between the lines.

He naturally put himself in the situation, the impact of coming out to his parents might not be as big as not being the first in the exam.

So why did the original owner commit suicide?

Yun Fang had a bit of a headache. He usually thought about how to kill others, and it was really hard for him to investigate how others died.

He pinched the photo in his hand and looked at it for a long time without result, then pulled out a physics test paper and started working on it.

If the IQ was not enough, it must be because not enough questions have been done.

“Next Wednesday is the monthly exam!” Wu He, in despair, waved his notebook full of classical Chinese, “Why can’t I memorize it!”

Chen Qianyang, holding a bottle of fruit milk, took several sips, “Comrade Wu He, keep memorizing, this relates to whether you can stay in Class 3.”

“If I leave, I will definitely take you with me!” Wu He crumpled the paper in frustration.

Yun Fang, with his head down, was copying annotations onto the classical Chinese, and said, “You get sorted into classes after two monthly exams?”

“It’s not really class division.” Chen Qianyang took out a stack of test papers from the file bag to look at, “It’s just that if someone in the class falls out of the top fifty, they will be divided into the regular class. If they want to come back, they have to get into the top fifty in the next monthly exam. But as a top student, you don’t have to worry about this problem.”

Yun Fang’s hand, which was making annotations, paused, thinking that this was exactly what he was worried about.

“Which class will they be divided into?” Yun Fang asked.

“It depends on the ranking.” Wu He said, “Class 3 and Class 9 are experimental classes. The top hundred are all in these two classes. The rest are scattered. It depends on which class has someone who gets into the top hundred. Whoever goes out will be replaced. I have to say, this move is really ruthless, it’s simply making enemies.”

Yi Chenliang was calculating math problems on the draft paper. He wrote a whole page but didn’t solve the answer. He crumpled the paper into a ball in frustration and threw it into the trash can behind him.

“Yi Chenliang, someone is looking for you.” Someone shouted at him.

Yi Chenliang looked up with an unpleasant expression, and saw Yun Fang standing at the back door.

It didn’t cause any exaggerated onlookers, but there were still many people quietly watching him. After all, the title of being the first in the grade was very attractive, and naturally, people would pay attention to the person he came to find.

Yi Chenliang didn’t like being watched by others. He stood up and pulled Yun Fang to walk out. Class 10 was just on the sixth floor, and above was a locked rooftop door. Few people came here.

“What are you looking for me for?” Yi Chenliang subconsciously looked at his left hand.

“It’s been a long time, I came to see you.” Yun Fang was holding a paper bag in his right hand, “And to bring you something.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him suspiciously, “What?”

“Study materials.” Yun Fang pushed his glasses and handed him the paper bag, “The monthly exam is coming soon, you might need it.”

Yi Chenliang was a bit irritable, “Even if the teacher told you to help me study, you don’t have to take it seriously. The teacher might have just said it casually.”

Yun Fang said seriously, “Students should help each other and make progress together.”

Yi Chenliang grabbed the paper bag from his hand, “Alright, you’ve delivered the stuff, now hurry up and leave.”

Yun Fang earnestly instructed, “Study hard.”


Yi Chenliang cursed silently, turned around and walked away, as a result, was grabbed by the back collar.


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Just in Time Chapter 8


Just in Time Chapter 6