Just in Time Chapter 3

Translated by Sylver

Chapter 3

The handsome young man, dressed in a blue and white summer school uniform, had a look of impatience and intolerance written all over his face. His eyes were fierce and cold. “Can’t you watch where you’re going?”

“Clearly, you were the one who bumped the person first!” Wu He was immediately angered by this, but was stopped by Zhang Haize who was standing next to him.

Yun Fang looked at Yi Chenliang in front of him, feeling a strange sensation in his heart. So this was how others saw him.

“What are you looking at!” Yi Chenliang glared at him fiercely.

Yun Fang withdrew his gaze and walked away, pulling the eager-to-fight Wu He with him.

“What kind of idiot is this! A lunatic, right?” Wu He was quite upset and turned to vent his anger on Yun Fang, “He bullies people like this and you can still tolerate it?”

Yun Fang twitched the corner of his mouth. Hearing someone else scold his past self like this, he actually…felt it was very apt.

“Enough, Wu He.” Li Chang lowered his voice, “That guy is Yi Chenliang from Class 10.”

Wu He, who was still full of anger just now, immediately backed down, “Ah.” Then he got angry again, “Why didn’t you guys stop me just now!”

Zhang Haize was helpless, “We did stop you, but you insisted on going.”

Wu He patted his chest with lingering fear, “Damn, will he wait for me after school and stab me?”

“He probably won’t.” Yun Fang suddenly interjected.

“Why won’t he?” Wu He seemed to see a glimmer of hope.

Because he doesn’t remember stabbing a person named Wu He when he was in high school. 

Yun Fang thought silently. But of course, he couldn’t say that.

“He doesn’t have time.” Yun Fang said.

“Yeah, he definitely won’t.” Li Chang mysteriously said, “We’ve only heard that he stabbed someone in middle school, but if he really did, he would have been in a juvenile detention center a long time ago, not in our school.”

Yun Fang squeezed his mineral water bottle.

Yi Chenliang had indeed not been to a juvenile detention center before he turned fifteen, but he would be there soon.

Yun Fang vaguely remembered that the weather was still very hot at that time. He looked up at the big sun in the sky, and it was probably around this time.

“How long have we been in school?” Yun Fang suddenly asked.

“More than a month?” Zhang Haize quickly bit off the last piece of ice, “The bell is about to ring, hurry up, hurry up!”

Yun Fang threw the empty mineral water bottle into the trash can and squeezed into the crowd of students to go upstairs.

The first class was physics, and Yun Fang slept through it.

He simply couldn’t understand.

He could clearly understand the structure and principles of firearms, but he couldn’t understand this mg and what a timing device was.

The bell rang for the end of class, and Yun Fang was awakened by someone.

Chen Qianyang looked at him worriedly, “Yun Fang, are you feeling unwell?”

Yun Fang shook his head sleepily.

“Old He’s eyes were about to bore a hole through you just now.” Wu He turned around, “Are you trying to piss him off, our beloved physics class representative?”

Physics class representative Yun Fang: “What?”

“Yun Fang, Old He is looking for you!” Someone shouted from the doorway.

Yun Fang: “…”

Yun Fang thought he would be criticized, but as soon as he stepped into the office, he was met with several very worried looks. In the next few minutes, several teachers from Class 3 surrounded Yun Fang, all of them were concerned about his physical condition without exception.

“If you’re tired, take a leave and go home. Your classmates can bring you the class notes.” A female teacher gently patted his shoulder, “Don’t tire yourself out.”

Old He handed him a stack of test papers, and Yun Fang didn’t understand why. “This is the physics competition test paper you asked for last time. Do it according to your ability. I think it’s too difficult for you at this stage, but if you like it, you can do it.” Old He looked at him with satisfaction, “Take care of your health.”

Yun Fang returned to the classroom with the stack of test papers and sat down with a blank look in his eyes.

“Yun Fang, what’s wrong?” Wu He saw him like this, “Did Old He criticize you?”

“No.” Yun Fang put down the competition test paper, and there was a hint of probing in his words, “Are my grades…good?”

Wu He and Chen Qianyang both looked at him with strange expressions. “Yun Fang, are you mocking us?”

Yun Fang shook his head.

Wu He raised his eyebrows and shouted at the boy with glasses in the front, “Class monitor, Yun Fang is asking if his grades are good?”

The boy with glasses and had a square face was immediately angry when he heard this, “What’s so great about being first! Didn’t you regress last time!”

Yun Fang: “…” 

Was he the top of the grade?

Before Yun Fang could digest this terrifying fact, he heard Chen Qianyang say, “Don’t listen to Qi Xian’s nonsense, you were the first one in the city to be admitted to No.1 High School.”

Yun Fang held onto the last glimmer of hope, “I regressed in the last monthly exam.”

“Ha, that’s what you said yourself. You were the first in the grade in the last monthly exam, and you pulled the second place by more than thirty points.” Wu He smiled slightly, “To be able to show off to this extent, I, Wu He, am impressed.”

Yun Fang squeezed the physics competition test paper under his hand with some despair, “I haven’t been to school for two weeks, I must have missed a lot.”

“Didn’t you finish studying for the first semester of high school during the summer vacation after the school entrance exam?” Chen Qianyang asked in confusion, “You just need to review it a few times. I’m the one who’s in trouble, I only studied half of it during the summer.”

Yun Fang moved his gaze, “What was your rank in the monthly exam?”

Chen Qianyang pouted a little unwillingly, “Fifth in the grade.”

Yun Fang’s gaze fell on Wu He, who looked like a poor student.

“What the hell do you mean, Yun Fang? Just because I’m tenth in the grade, I’m not worthy to be your friend!” Wu He shouted angrily.

During the long break, Yun Fang finally understood that Class 3 of the first year of high school was a top class.

As the name suggested, the top fifty students in the school were all in this class, even the self-proclaimed poor student who was a sports committee member was ranked twenty-first in the grade.

Twenty years ago, there were still experimental classes and top classes.

Yun Fang finally realized that he had made a big mistake. He would only expose himself faster at school.

At home, he only needed to deal with Tang Yi and Yun Heyu, but at school, he needed to deal with nine subjects including Chinese, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Politics, History, Geography, as well as the top fifty students in the grade.

And the physics competition.

‘My kid is just good at studying.’ The words of Yun Heyu echoed in his ears.

He really wanted to say to Yun Heyu, you are really modest.

The last two classes in the morning were English and Chemistry. Yun Fang listened attentively to the two classes and went to the cafeteria to get food in a daze.

“What’s wrong with you, Yun Fang?” Zhang Haize, tall and big, waved his hand in front of him.

Yun Fang tugged at the corner of his mouth, “I’m thinking about how to create a miracle.”

Wu He smiled proudly, holding his forehead with one hand in a very ‘you’re foolish’ way, “No, you are a miracle.”

Chen Qianyang bowed to him, “May the study god bless and protect.”

This time, Yun Fang couldn’t even move the corner of his mouth.

Finally, after a terrifying day, Yun Fang was picked up early by Tang Yi and taken home.

“Are you tired, Sugar?” Tang Yi took his school bag, “I told your head teacher that you don’t need to attend evening self-study for these two weeks.”

“Hmm.” Yun Fang was a little languid.

“Are you feeling unwell?” Tang Yi looked at him anxiously.

“I want to sleep.” Yun Fang drooped his eyelids, looking very spiritless.

“Be good, eat and take a bath before you sleep.” Tang Yi rubbed his face, her face full of helplessness and heartache.

After Yun Fang took a bath, he stood in front of the bookcase, wiping his hair with a towel. The original Yun Fang was a careful and serious person. The textbooks from elementary and middle school were all kept in very good condition and neatly placed inside.

Yun Fang opened the bookcase and pulled out a middle school physics textbook from inside. Since he decided to live well for the original Yun Fang, he couldn’t possibly not go to school. He didn’t aspire to be the top student, but at least he shouldn’t be too miserable.

He sat at the desk for a while and realized a serious problem. Perhaps, he should start reviewing from the first year of middle school math.

In the following week, Yun Fang had a hard time. The only consolation was that he could barely understand what the teacher was saying in class, unlike before when it was like listening to a heavenly book. 

(TL: abstruse or illegal writing as a mystic book from heaven)

It was Monday again, Yun Fang was walking to the cafeteria while reciting physics formulas, and Wu He was chatting with Zhang Zehai on the side.

“Hey, Yun Fang, look over there, that Yi Chenliang who bumped into you last time.” Wu He nudged him with his elbow.

Yun Fang lifted his eyelids from the endless formulas and saw Yi Chenliang with a gloomy face and hands in his pockets, walking against the crowd.

“Damn, he looks like he’s going to kill someone.” Zhang Zehai rubbed his arm and hid behind Wu He.

Wu He looked speechless, “Brother Zhang, can’t you, a 1.9-meter-tall man, have some masculinity!”

Zhang Zehai raised an orchid finger and pinched his throat, “Disgusting~”

(t/n: orchid finger-The thumb and middle finger are bent in the palm, and the other three fingers are raised)

Yun Fang turned his head to look again, but Yi Chenliang was nowhere to be seen.

“What are you looking at, Ah Fang?” Zhang Zehai put one arm around him, pinching his throat and shouting, “Hurry up, hurry up, I want to eat five chicken legs.”

“Ugh——” Wu He made a vomiting face.

A few people made a ruckus and arrived at the cafeteria.

Lunch was fried rice with eggs and braised eggplant. Yun Fang ate two bites of fried rice and suddenly put down his spoon.

“What’s wrong?” Wu He asked.

“I have something to do, I need to go home. Help me ask for leave from Old He.” Yun Fang suddenly stood up and walked outside.

Wu He looked at his untouched food with a puzzled face, “Is the cafeteria food that bad?”

Yun Fang, who didn’t live on campus, had a commuting certificate. The security guard at the school gate didn’t stop him, and he easily hailed a taxi.

“Where is this handsome young chap going?” The driver asked with a smile.

“Dongyang Street, at the entrance of Xin Nan Alley.” Yun Fang accurately reported a place name.

The driver was surprised after hearing this, “This place is quite remote, not even locals may know it.”

Yun Fang responded absent-mindedly, “Please drive faster, mister, I have an urgent matter.”

Seeing his serious expression, the driver stepped on the gas and headed straight for Dongyang Street.

Yun Fang looked at the scenery outside the window with an expressionless face.

“Dongyang Street is really remote, it’s even worse than the urban village. And it’s so chaotic here, all kinds of people, you should be careful when you come here alone, if you’re not familiar with it, you’ll suffer a big loss…”

The driver was talking while driving, and he was really kind-hearted.

Twenty years ago, Dongyang Street was a notorious black street in Wu City. Tube-shaped apartments , black hotels, internet cafes, foot bath houses, game halls, black casinos… almost all the city’s dark and dirty things could be found here.

Yun Fang saw familiar buildings and green plants appearing in front of him, and he finally had a real feeling of returning to twenty years ago. 

Twenty years ago, Dongyang Street where Yi Chenliang lived. 

Twenty years ago, on a Monday afternoon, Dongyang Street where Yi Chenliang killed someone for the first time.


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Just in Time Chapter 4


Just in Time Chapter 2