Just in Time Chapter 2

Translated by Sylver

Chapter 2

Yun Heyu and Tang Yi were very frugal. Since Yun Fang was born, the three of them lived in a dormitory building that Yun Heyu’s unit had allocated earlier. The dormitory building from the 70s and 80s looked somewhat dilapidated compared to the new buildings around it. Inside was a simple three-room and one-hall layout, with a small living room and large bedrooms, a typical old-style building.

Despite the hot weather, Yi Chenliang still wore a coat, which was forced on him by Tang Yi. He followed behind Tang Yi and Yun Heyu and saw this “home” he had never seen before.

The living room was small but very clean. There were two Shiba Inu-shaped pillows on the wooden sofa. The cute dog heads were very pleasing and did not fit the simple and rustic style of the entire living room.

(t/n: Shiba Inu-Japanese dog breed characterized by its compact body, curly tail, and energetic personality)

“Old Yun, you go cook, I’ll tidy up the house.” Tang Yi closed the door and turned around to help Yi Chenliang.

Yi Chenliang almost subconsciously dodged, making Tang Yi miss.

Tang Yi was stunned for a moment, looking at him with a face of hurt and guilt.

Yi Chenliang was not the real Yun Fang, but he was still seen by her until his scalp went numb. He didn’t like others touching him, and he dodged just now purely subconsciously, but being stared at by Tang Yi really put a lot of pressure on him. So he stiffly, slowly, symbolically helped Tang Yi’s arm.

Then he was happily held by Tang Yi.

Yi Chenliang was expressionlessly “helped” into Yun Fang’s room by Tang Yi.

Yun Fang’s bedroom was larger than the living room, but the layout was very simple. A single bed was against the wall, a wardrobe was placed at the foot of the bed, and a desk was placed by the window. Next to the desk was a bookcase full of books. Simple and clear, the only item that could be called personal was the several colorful Rubik’s cubes and puzzles on the desk.

“You lie down and rest for a while, and I’ll call you when the meal is ready.” Tang Yi pulled the chair behind the desk and sat on the side, with a determined attitude that she would not leave if he didn’t sleep.

Yi Chen Liang thought he would not be able to sleep with others, but he fell asleep deeply after a while.

He was awakened by a burst of fragrance.

Yi Chenliang sat up from the bed, stepped on the pair of earthy blue slippers placed by the bed, wandered around the room, and sat behind the desk.

The bedroom door was half open, and Yun Heyu and Tang Yi were whispering outside, but Yi Chenliang heard it very clearly.

“The school doesn’t know about this yet. I just asked for sick leave from his teacher at the time,” Yun Heyu said in a low voice. “I think we should find a psychologist for our son, what do you think?”

“Let’s talk about it in a few days. At least he’s willing to talk to us now,” Tang Yi sighed. “How many days did you ask for leave for him?”

“Two weeks. He has to go back to school next Monday,” Yun Heyu said. “Or I could ask for another two weeks off so he can rest at home.”

“Let’s ask Sugar first. If he’s willing to go back to school, let him go. It’s also boring at home. High school is so stressful. If he falls behind too much, it will be hard for him to catch up later. This kid is too competitive and has poor psychological quality…” Tang Yi’s voice got lower and lower. “Do you think anyone at school knows about Sugar’s situation? Could it be that someone at school said something, and then we stimulated him, and he couldn’t think about it for a while?”

The voices outside gradually disappeared. Yi Chenliang was about to get up and go out, but he caught a glimpse of a corner of a piece of paper under the desk lamp. He was stunned for a moment and pulled out a piece of paper that had been folded several times from under the desk lamp.

It was as if he was afraid of being discovered, so he carefully folded it over and over again and pressed it under the base of the desk lamp. But he was also afraid that it would not be discovered, so he pinched a corner and let the paper show outside.

Yi Chenliang sat back in the chair.

This was a long suicide note.

Written to Tang Yi and Yun Heyu.

This was probably a simple and heavy story. An excellent student was admitted to a key city school, but he discovered his sexual orientation was different from ordinary people. The proud and competitive boy could not accept it and was very distressed. As a result, his grades dropped. After thinking about it over and over again, he confessed to his parents, and as a result, he encountered the scolding and accusations he had never experienced in his life. The boy’s emotions collapsed, and he wrote a suicide note and took a large amount of sleeping pills that night.

Later on, Yi Chenliang woke up.

This suicide note was sharp and collapsed, full of a teenager’s helpless accusations and anger. However, Yi Chenliang felt a sense of disharmony. Before he could think about it, he heard Tang Yi’s voice. “I’m going to call Sugar for dinner.”

Yi Chenliang casually stuffed the suicide note into his pocket.

“Sugar, are you awake? Go wash your hands and get ready for dinner.” Although Tang Yi had already poked her head in, she still symbolically knocked on the door.

Yi Chenliang washed his hands and looked at the unfamiliar face in the mirror.

Yun Fang probably looked more like Tang Yi, clean and delicate, wearing a pair of ordinary black-framed glasses. At first glance, he was a very obedient, good student.

Harmless to humans and animals. Yi Chenliang concluded.

“Sugar, hurry up.” Tang Yi called him from outside.

Yi Chenliang tugged at the corner of his mouth at the person in the mirror, and the unfamiliar face in the mirror also tugged at the corner of his mouth.

Since he’s here, he might as well settle down. Although he didn’t know why he became Yun Fang, since he came back to life with his body, he would repay this kindness by taking care of his parents for him.

Yi Chenliang only went to high school for a few months. He was not a good student or a good person. But considering that it would be more likely to be exposed if he stayed at home all the time, he decided to go to school.

Yun Fang had only been in high school for less than a month when something happened. He hadn’t been in contact with his classmates and teachers for too long, so the possibility of exposure was very low.

Yi Chenliang, or the new Yun Fang, came to Wu City No.1 High School.

He stopped at the door of Class 3 of the first year of high school. Yun Fang had this class written in his notebook. The class bell hadn’t rung yet, but many students were already sitting in their seats and starting to recite the text.

“Yun Fang, what are you doing standing here?” Someone patted him from behind.

Yun Fang turned his head and saw a buzz-cut boy smiling at him, “You finally decided to come back?”

Yun Fang nodded and followed him into the classroom.

There was a seating chart on the podium. Yun Fang glanced at it as he passed by, found his name, then walked to the last row by the window and sat down. He flipped through the textbook on the desk to confirm it was his seat.

“Yun Fang, you’re back? I heard from Old He that you were sick?” The girl in front of him suddenly turned around and leaned on his stack of textbooks, “Are you okay now?”

“I’m fine,” Yun Fang said.

The girl was obviously surprised, “Yun Fang, you actually talked to me!”

“Chen Qianyang, do you have a problem?” The buzz-cut boy who had greeted Yun Fang earlier shouted discontentedly, “Isn’t it just talking to you?”

“Tch, Wu He, you’re just jealous of Yun Fang!” Chen Qianyang gave him a glance, “If you have the guts, don’t copy his homework later!”

“You can forget it—” Wu He was bending over looking for papers in the desk hole, “Hey, where’s my physics test paper?”

“Old He is coming! Old He is coming!” Someone shouted in a whisper.

In the next second, the noisy classroom was filled with loud and passionate reading.

Yun Fang sat in the classroom, looking at the very unfamiliar textbook, his head aching from the reading noise of these brats.

He hadn’t touched a book in a long time.

He still remembered that twenty years ago, fifteen-year-old Yi Chenliang was also in high school at Wu City No.1 High School, although he dropped out very quickly.

I wonder if I will meet him.

Meeting oneself, but being another person, this feeling is too strange.

What did the fifteen-year-old Yi Chenliang look like?

Thirty-five-year-old Yi Chenliang, in the body of fifteen-year-old Yun Fang, thought seriously for a moment, and gave up the idea of finding his fifteen-year-old self in less than three seconds.

Even for Yi Chenliang himself, the fifteen-year-old him was really not a good thing.

No brains, impulsive and irritable, violent and resentful, smoking, drinking, fighting, and stabbing people with a knife when he got angry, regardless of right or wrong, he was a ruffian.

There’s no reasoning with him.

Now that he had become Yun Fang, he cherished this rebirth. After many years, he had long forgotten which class he was in when he was fifteen. With so many students in No.1 High School, he should not run into him.

The morning reading ended, and it was time to start the morning run.

Class 3 of the first year of high school was on the sixth floor. Yun Fang mixed in with the large group and went downstairs. The blue and white school uniforms swayed and made him dizzy.

There were too many students in No.1 High School, and the playground was not big enough for running. The first-year students ran around the school. Yun Fang, who was tall, was placed in the last row. He didn’t know where to stand, but Wu He pulled him over.

“Yun Fang, why have you been acting strange since you came back?” Wu He asked him.

“Hmm?” Yun Fang’s heart jumped, but his face showed no expression.

“You’ve become less sociable.” Wu He spoke while running, “And didn’t you decisively break off relations with Chen Qianyang and stop talking?”

Yun Fang: “…..”

“Getting sick really changes one’s personality.” Wu He found a reason himself and said in an exaggerated tone, “Young man, you have experienced vicissitudes and grown up!”

The students running next to them and in front of them heard and laughed quietly.

But Yun Fang could still tell that it was a kind of good-natured laughter.

“Don’t talk!” The sports committee member next to him shouted, and the team quieted down again.

The school occupies a large area. It took twenty minutes to run three laps around the school. It was the middle of summer and very hot. There were still ten minutes to go for the morning reading. Taking advantage of this time, Wu He dragged Yun Fang to the supermarket to buy water. Several other boys from the class, including the sports committee member, went with them.

The sports committee member was called Zhang Haize. He was very tall. Yun Fang, who was 1.76 meters tall, only reached his ears. Moreover, the half-sized boy hadn’t started growing yet. Zhang Haize and Wu He hooked their shoulders and asked with a grin, “What were you guys talking about just now? I didn’t hear.”

Wu He laughed slyly, “We were laughing that Yun Fang has recovered from a serious illness, has become vicissitudinous and mature, like a real man. He, has transformed!”

There was another round of laughter, and someone teased Wu He, “Then did you only transform halfway when you had a cold a few days ago?”

“Get lost, get lost!”

Yun Fang walked in the middle of a group of people, listening to their laughter and noise. It was noisy, but it was good.

Vibrant, clean and sunny, belonging to young people.

“Ah, the first class is physics, it’s so annoying!” Zhang Haize bit an ice lolly, “I didn’t do my homework.”

“I did it, hahaha!” Wu He laughed wildly.

Another short, round-faced boy looked frustrated. Yun Fang heard others call him Li Chang, “I did half of it during last night’s self-study, but then I fell asleep when I got back to the dormitory.”

As Yun Fang listened to them talk, he unscrewed the mineral water in his hand. Just as he was about to drink, his shoulder was suddenly bumped into, and the water spilled all over him.

“F***.” The other party spat out a curse impatiently.

Yun Fang frowned, raised his head to see the other party’s face clearly, and froze on the spot.

There were so many students in the school, but he happened to run into him.

The fifteen-year-old Yi Chenliang.


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Just in Time Chapter 3


Just in Time Chapter 1