The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse

Chapter 2

The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse Chapter Two


Will be edited later~


第二章 末世中的最佳避难所

Chapter 2: The Apocalypse's Best Refugee


The mediator (is it a name of someone?), led Luo Xun out the door.  Once they came out, he pointed to the nearby building and introduced it. “ This is the ___neighborhood, the southwest partition of the new district.  The other parts are not done yet. One portion of the place is used for housing, and the rest are for commercial use.  This house here is a golden spot, with the newest technology, quiet neighborhood, and a good sightseeing background.  Even Though there are not a lot of people and businesses at this center, eventually, it will turn into a great commercial plaza.  You see that big infrastructure in the middle? That will be used as the supermarket…….”


Luo Xin listened and smiled.  He remembered very clearly, only two of the buildings were completed, the supermarket that was promised will always be in their futuristic mind.  But here, it will become a golden space for the downtown area.


It is near the A unit, and the Artillery region, which were both at the Southwest district 


In the first days of the end of the world, during the  zombie outbreak.  The people established a total of two bases in this area. One is the rapidly southwest base cleared under the protection of the two forces and the other is the eastern base.


After the M district broke through all the way to the north,  fled to the southwest base.  And after the fire in the eastern district, I fled to the A district, but not long after, it was broken through by the mutants and zombies too.


Leading with the mediator, they entered the Macro district (again some fancy name could be here).  Luo Xin recalled the memories from the 3rd floor----the triangle basement, in which he landed after the escape to A district, where he called home in the basement for 8 years


But since life has a better choice, he naturally will not return to the basement - not to mention that now the cell basement will only be rented to those who store the goods business.


In the new building (a name perhaps), have been vandalized by spray paint, which phone numbers, advertisements, and big letters in “In constructions”, “Installing air conditioner”, “Bring water” etcetera. Not even the main elevator door was protected from these markings


As the two entered the elevator, it was also vandalized inside.


The mediator looked at Luo Xi, who was looking at these markings with a weird sight and bitterly laughed, “ The resident district has not received the upgrades yet, so the people came ahead for themselves”


It was truly a business’ thought, as he looked at the nostalgic markings, Luo Xin could not help but sigh.When he first came here, the walls had long been dirty and unspeakable. After the death of the zombies, the brain and pus soiled the walls and with the  splash of blood, what was left had no trace that any markings had ever been there.


As the two stopped at the 16th floor, the property manager took out the key and opened the door.  That’s right, it was this house……...


“The first floor is the living room, patio, kitchen, bathroom, and the storage room.  The second floor contains one big and one small bedroom, balcony, bathroom, and shower room.” The mediator introduced the house while showing him the way.


Their house was built very decoratively, even the thief protection was installed.  They were supposed to live here, but after a change in work they moved, since it was too far from the house, so they ended up renting a house elsewhere. So the house currently never have any electrical appliances installed 


Luo Xin slightly nodded his head, knowing the real reason this house was vacated.  Since the house had a balcony, a patio, and a wide space, it was a daughter’s house that was built for her elderly family.  But once the house was finished, and was missing just the electrical appliances, the elderly died from an illness, which is why the house is now empty.


The mediator, probably didn’t want to tell this story since no one will rent it if he did, told him about the other made up one.


Looking at the sunlighting flowing from the window, Luo Xin was excited, he went upstairs, and brushing past the bedroom, made his way to the balcony.  And as he expected, the balcony was covered by a thick piece of glass, in prevention and safety of the elderly, as the wind up high would be too strong.


Even more fascinating, the windows were all tempered glass! With this type of glass, at the price of $3,500 in the A district was a great deal.


Hmm, this house is not bad


Your decision?


I’ll rent it, when can the landlord come and sign the contract?


The mediator quickly smiled and called the landlord


$3,500 per month, with the security deposit of three times the rent, and the property manager’s fee of $3,500


The two sides signed the contract on the first of October, and Luo Xin got the key to his dream house


Standing in the empty room, Luo Xin felt the excitement of his future life.


He had admired this house in his past life. When he came to the southwest district, the center used an agriculturally designed landscape, with purified water and simple purification of minerals.


Afterwards, successive teams of explorers took the seeds of the mutated crops in the original farmlands near the A district. After analysis and identification by the research institute, some of them were large-yielding and short in planting cycles.  Providing the essentials for the communities, these crops were quickly planted.


At that time,  he was only living in  a basement  less than 10 square meters. The window was only a thin line, and also often  blocked around the building and as a result, the sunlight could be exposed. Unlike the residents who arrived earlier, they had a small piece of their own home on the roof of the building where they could set up solar panels for their own use. When Luo Xu needed electricity, he needed to get it from a high price.


Even so, he planted a lot of crops that did not need sunshine in a small basement, such as bean sprouts, chives, garlic,  and other non-mutated crops, as well as some large-yielding variations that could be kept in relatively dark places. At the end, the crops saved him a lot of money


Luo Xun's mind works so that  his hands-on ability is very strong. Even if the external conditions are poor, he could still find ways to survive. Perhaps he could also lead a better life in the new time?


____(name) district only has  eight buildings that were done, one part being the north central urban district, and the other six parts to be used as commercial standings.


This neighborhood had reached its cap in three months, and now his house had already been renovated in less than 1 month


Until the apocalypse,  the rest of the houses were still under construction.  Only four houses were built, and two of them have just been capped, with the remaining two not having the windows and doors. The two houses were finally completed under the supervision of the armed forces after the apocalypse as a safe area. The rest of the completed were not brought out when the apocalypse came, and no one knew who their original owners were.  Naturally, these houses were left for the survivors to live in.


The house I rented myself was a family of three living in the past life and only rented half a month before the end of the apocalypse. Although the decoration of the house is good, it is an empty house downright. There were no electrical appliances. Most migrant workers in the metropolitan area will choose to stay in the furnished houses. Who could care what decorational wood you used, or how high quality were your carpets, and how much you spent to renovate it?


This house has not been able to rent out in this district where the average rent is about $ 3,000. However, the landlord has not been able to rent any more because the elderly and several siblings have been engaged in domestic work. There has been no time to install the electrical appliances, until tenants came into the house.


Luo Xun knew the past life’s owner of the house, Wu.  Since his family was big and the house had two layers. And later, one could buy solar panels from the military, he hung them all around the house.  But Luo Xun during that time could not find any place to buy electricity, so he had no choice but to buy from him.


The one that is known as Wu woman's r is extremely sturdy, and loves cheap products. Coming e houses very often, there were always some discounts for some of them.  But he did not give him any.  As Luo Xin one time came to use his new rechargeable battery at their house, they replaced his new one with an old one.


 At that time, the two sides fought, but seeing the  husband, son, and her, standing on the doorway with three big waist-shaped akimbo, Luo Xin had to shut up before he got pushed down from the 16th floor.


As the place was a great one in the residential area, the family relied on selling electricity to live, unlike the others which grew crops to sell.  Their son was older than Luo Xin by a lot, but had never gone past the safe arena once! His mother would’ve never let him go out on expeditions to the outside.


Did the landlord of the house survive in the apocalypse and return to the southwest district?  Luo Xin didn’t know, but they should’ve died in the disasters. Even if they came back, they would’ve never come to this house, since they would be in organized homes for the refugees.


Luo Xun is not the Hero, as he is the ordinary people of his past life, and never thought about doing something great to the world.


Now, with the house he needs, he has a nest in which to live, he wants to build a fortress, one can make his life better than past life, one can make him feel relieved to spend that long and terrible apocalypse.


Now, only 57 days until the apocalypse 

Pure Love

Just a average girl who wants to share the joy of Chinese novel to the English reading community!

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Fix Smile Order / Love is All


The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse