The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse

Chapter 1

The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse Chapter One


Will be edited later~


Chapter 1: Rebirth


“That scoundrel! This elder shouldn’t have been so softhearted and bought that little bastard!” Luo Xun softly cussed. He made multiple left and right turns in the small alley following not too far behind a small, slippery, fish-like shadow. 


As one chased and the other ran. The people at small roadside stands and stalls pointed as they watched this entertaining show. Looking at the young boy running in the front wearing a burlap bag that could not cover his thighs, the spectators were made aware that the chasing man had unluckily lost his ‘goods’. Tsktsk, during these days, to be able to afford to buy a boy was a privilege of the wealthy. And what about them? For their own physiological needs, they were only willing to spend a few first level crystal nucleuses at the red-light district and find a random butt and take care of it that way.


A right turn followed a left turn, just as he turned at an intersection, the scene stunned Luo Xun ——a group of round waisted men were currently at a fiery war/fighting fiercely!


“Fuck! It’s Lieyan (Raging Flames) and Hundun (Primal Chaos)!” What was with his luck today? He had only wanted to use the crystal nucleus that he had saved over the past years to buy himself a present for his 32nd birthday, but encountered a human trafficker on the streets. That child’s black stubborn eyes coupled with the hideous scars on his body, an inexplicable impulse of wanting to buy him suddenly aroused in Luo Xun. However, right as he settled the bill, that child suddenly turned and ran! Now he encountered a gang fractions’ war! 


The moment the child ran, Luo Xun was 80% sure that this was a scam. Children were not like good, as long as they were not robbed, it was still theirs to keep. Most of the children and human traffickers were in it together. When the buy pays, the children will immediately flee and hide away until the chaser gives up. Then they go back to the trafficker and begin their next ploy.


In the past Luo Xun had heard of things like this, but he’d never experienced such a thing before--because he had never bought one before, how could he have known it was a scam? It was his birthday today, and he felt that that kids’ gaze resonated with him. The thought of having a son to accompany him throughout the second half of his life was much more attractive to him than anything else, after all, in this world, is there not the saying: ‘kindness will be repaid’! 


Suddenly charging into the midst of the fighting crowd, the boy started staring in place, incautiously standing without any thought of dodging. A massive fireball suddenly smashed towards him, no one knew where it came from. From the bottom of his heart rose a burst of fear; he had enough of those humiliating days of being treated as an unusual/rare commodity. That was why he ran away from his buyer, but now……. Was he going to die?


A massive force came from behind, and the boy’s big black eyes blankly looked at the person who pushed him. It was a thin and feeble looking man but his strength seemed to be not too little. 


Like a gasp of air, smashed against that man’s body, the two dark brown eyes of his suddenly lost its gloss. 



“I died, I didn’t die, I died, I didn’t die...” On an old wooden bed, Luo Xun’s lifeless eyes gazed at the ceiling as he muttered to himself.


After repeating this nonsense more than 20 times he finally stopped, and then let out a shout. Luo Xun suddenly got up, and with a few steps, reached the front of his closet. 


On the closet was a rectangular mirror, this was one of the old furniture his father and mother left behind. But now it served to give Luo Xun a very clear-cut answer to his situation. 


He absentmindedly raised his hand to touch his own cheek, the exhaustion accumulated from the stress of the end of the world, no longer did the wrinkles caused by toilsome work and past diseases exist. Gone was the dried, yellow and wizened skin caused from malnutrition…… this face…. Was at least ten years younger!


“I’ve really….returned?”  Bending his neck, he looked at his trembling hands. Although this pair of hands couldn’t really be considered soft and tender, (I can’t think right now) they were clean and slender. His hands which had been deformed by excessive manual labor and his black fingernails, these clean hands seemed to belong to another.


With silent tears running down his face, Luo Xun’s hands covered his face as he sat down powerlessly. 


He didn’t know what time it was, nor what happened to his body, but he could clearly feel a difference in the air. He clearly felt the difference in his environment, his surroundings and his own body.


This is F-city, where his old house was located, the only inheritance his parents left for him. It was before the end of the world, he had lived for no less than 22 years-------- his home.


He sat on the ground and only got up stiffly at dusk. In the kitchen, he cooked a pack of Kang Bo Shuai instant noodles… What a nostalgic taste! During the beginning of the end of the world, these kinds of these could still be found when scavenging the supermarkets, in the later parts of the apocalypse, these things no longer existed. 


And of the two human bases he’s been to, because of the changes in the vegetation, even if dry noodles were being sold, the flavor no longer tasted like this. 


Despite the fact that these instant noodles did not have the flavor of the original instant noodles, but to Luo Xun who had been reborn, they were a delicacy.  After downing a bowl of instant noodles he still had the stomach for more. For the slightly older than 20 years old Luo Xun, his appetite had never been small. Let alone the fact that he just returned from the _____ and the effects that had on him. A single packet of instant noodles had no way of satisfying his hunger. 


After confirming the current date, September 8th three more times, then Luo Xun grabbed his wallet and got up, walking towards the door. After hesitating behind the door for a minute, he sucked in a breath, pushed the door open and walked outside. 


At Luo Xun’s waist was a fruit knife, and his movements were cautious and slow as he walked down the hall, and until he walked to the gate and saw the people of the neighborhood coming to and fro, was he unable to control the feelings bursting up within his heart --- I’ve really returned! The current world was no longer the world that’d make people despair like the end of the world!


Sitting outside of a ramen shop in the small neighborhood, in his left hand was a piece of meat sandwiched in a baked sesame seed-coated cake, and in his right hand he was holding up a pair of chopsticks. Taking a bite out of the baked sesame seed-coated cake wrapped around a piece of meat, then he sipped a mouthful of the strong yet fragrant beef ramen; Luo Xun’s cheeks were nearly streaming with tears.


Even if Luo Xun had reached Base A City, it was still extremely hard to come by white flour, not to mention this Beef Ramen which he used to eat all the time in the past. These things had never been something he, as a member of the lowest rungs of society, could enjoy and consume. Or it would be better to say that even though he had crystal nucleuses to buy white flour, there would be no one who’d sell it. Foodstuffs like flour which had not undergone any sort of change were extremely precious in the apocalyptic age, so it was extremely hard to sell it in private. 


“Hey! Isn’t this Luo Xun? You’re not working today?” A voice sounded from his side, Luo Xun astonishedly raised his head; A benevolent looking uncle holding a black plastic bag was standing next to him --- the bag was probably filled with drinks. 


“Uh, Ah….. there wasn’t much work today.” Ten years ago he should’ve been working half-time right?


“Not much work?” The uncle was dubious as he thought about it, and soon after his face lit up with understanding and patted Luo Xun’s shoulder, “Don’t fret, worry not, if this kind of job is no good, you can just go find another, you’re still young, there’s still many opportunities ahead of you…….” He continued to prattle away, and when this uncle walked away Luo Xun still could not think of his name, only knowing that he should’ve been his neighbor… but was it just neighbors on the same street? Or was it 


Go to work? 


After he slowly finished the last mouthful of soup, Luo Xun slowly let out a breath of air, and then looked towards the streams of cars and pedestrians on the road --- there was still two more months before the apocalyptic ages would start, there was no way he could to go work anymore. 


Luo Xun got up, paid his bill, and turned around then walked into a nearby business agency. Even though he could buy stuff online and save a portion of money, he was currently very nervous, he must quickly sell his only property and rush to A City. Yes, he wanted to go to A City, it could still support itself in the midst of the Apocalyptic Ages for ten years, he himself lived there for eight years!


A few recycling garbage collectors were grinning from ear to ear as they dragged away the cheaply bought furniture and household appliances. The property was basically all ready and cleared up, the gate always wide open, and even when night arrived, nobody had come to take a look. Which led to the apocalyptic era's zombies' ease of traffic when they hunted for food.


On the second day his sign was hung up, someone came to check out the house, and the price Luo Xun had decided on was negotiated a second time. Yet, because Luo Xun wanted to quickly sell off his house, he purposely put the price a little below the market price, but he didn’t want to be a dumbass so he put his bottom line at 300,000. He still needed to spend a lot of money, so he couldn’t lower the price anymore. 


Sure enough, when the third wave of people came, the two sides finally came to an agreement and signed a contract, crossed the house, and paid the money. 


The act of selling and buying houses is a very time consuming procedure, it took Luo Xun no less than 20 days to complete all the procedures. Carrying all of his funds, Luo Xun then boarded a moving car headed towards A City. 


Looking out the car window at the familiar yet unfamiliar city, Luo Xun couldn’t help but feel greatly moved. Previously, other than when he was still in school and his parents going to A City for vacation once, until the apocalypse burst forth, in the very beginning where he stayed in H City until it was overrun by zombies, all the way until he had managed to flee to this place.


Luo Xun believed that he was a relatively cautious person, but sometimes he was a person who wasn’t afraid of danger. Otherwise, if he had no accomplishments, nor was the close relative of the base leaders, then how could he have survived danger time and time again in this apocalyptic world for a whole 10 years?


And now, he has been reborn somehow, he still doesn’t have any special ability nor does he want to hug the thigh of those he knows will become strong later on. He has confidence in being able to survive in the apocalyptic era. 


So that’s why, his first action was to sell off his house, as well as everything that’d be useless in the apocalypse, the things he couldn’t bring to A City. Next is to arrive at the southwest region of A City…...


Finding one agent after another, at long last Luo Xun found his goal of his search through a relatively large agency.


“.........this is a newly built neighborhood, this house was just furnished, no one has lived in it before. They are all penthouse apartments, the view is great, the air is also great…. Even though the price is a little high, the price is definitely worth it……”


The agent was unceasingly spouting out fancy words, introducing the place to Luo Xun. But Luo Xun was carefully studying the material and makeup of the house, and he determined that----this was exactly the house he was looking for. 


“Then take me there to see.”


“Sure! You come with me.”

Pure Love

Just a average girl who wants to share the joy of Chinese novel to the English reading community!

Here’s my my bio page

The Reborn Otaku’s Code of Practice for the Apocalypse


In Search of Love