Limited First Love Chapter 63 (End)

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 63 There Is Still A Long Future Ahead

Guo Wei thought Ruan Yiyun had long forgotten about this matter, believing he was the only one dwelling on it, but Ruan Yiyun remembered it a hundred times more than he did.

He only occasionally thought about it and grumbled in his heart, but Ruan Yiyun had always been thinking about how to get revenge.

Little did he know, Ruan Yiyun would visit that post every few days, counting down to the start of the school year and forcefully bumping it back to the top with the perpetrator's name in full view. He didn't aim for many people to see it, just wanted the pervert himself to know that someone was constantly plotting to settle the score with him, making him anxious throughout the holiday.

As for how to deal with him after school started, Ruan Yiyun had already formulated a specific plan.

The pervert's digital footprint was vast and easily exploitable. His internet addiction left a trail of incriminating evidence, providing Ruan Yiyun with ample ammunition.

Public disclosure of his harassment wasn't Ruan Yiyun's goal. After all, that would easily bring unnecessary attention and disturbance to Guo Wei, which would be counterproductive.

Upon learning his commonly used online handle and subsequently discovering his real name, Ruan Yiyun traced his steps and swiftly located his social media profiles across various platforms. After skimming through his publicly shared content, Ruan Yiyun, using his PeachTalk usernames, delved deeper and uncovered his private accounts on some platforms.

His presence on public platforms was glaringly evident, and the content was undeniably intriguing.

Ruan Yiyun organized some of it.

Clearly infatuated with Betas, the individual's alternate accounts not only followed numerous internet celebrities but also tracked many amateurs fond of posting daily life photos. He avidly critiqued their appearances, attire, and behavior, adopting an offensive tone and perspective. Even after being blocked, he would still publicly insult them on his own page.

More than one person had publicly called him out on their social media platforms, posting private message records that mirrored his harassment of Guo Wei.

After seeking and obtaining consent from the victim, Ruan Yiyun saved some screenshots.

But these were just supplementary. Ruan Yiyun found crucial information on a knowledge-sharing website that could deal a fatal blow to any Alpha.

While the pervert's mind was filled with obscene thoughts, indulging in lewd fantasies, his secondary account quietly amassed a wealth of knowledge posts on topics like "impotence treatment," "premature ejxcxlation prevention," and "○○ growth techniques." He even actively shared his own experiences in discussions on "what to do when it won't get hard".

When Ruan Yiyun showed these screenshots to Guo Wei, Guo Wei couldn't stop laughing after the initial shock.

On the first day of school, a collage combining this information with the pervert's real name and photos was submitted to the school's Confession Wall.

To avoid legal issues, the Confession Wall pixelated key information, but those familiar with the situation could still easily discern who it was about.

Fearful that his influence might not be sufficient, and concerned that some of the pervert's classmates might miss out on the exciting content on the Confession Wall due to limited access to the message, Ruan Yiyun went the extra mile by printing a stack of them and posting them on several bulletin boards around the school.

His family and friends were forced to discover that this seemingly upright Alpha was filled with foul language online, deeply entrenched in harassing behavior, and hardly humane in real life.

What was both despicable and amusing was that the images he used for harassment in private messages, even when pixelated, were easily recognizable as not belonging to the same individual. It was clear that his own images were unusable, so he resorted to theft.

The supposedly low-profile Alpha instantly became the hottest topic at the start of the new semester, forcefully catapulted under the spotlight as the shiniest star in the entire school, his reputation as the Ding Ding Thief spreading far and wide.

Some people, who had interacted with him, expressed disbelief that this outwardly honest and even somewhat dull individual could possessed such behavior in private.

"Indeed, he seemed like an honest person on the outside," Guo Wei sighed. "Looks can be deceiving."

From the photos, he had a crew cut, a round face, wore glasses, with no standout features or extreme ugliness, the kind of face that would easily blend into a crowd and be promptly forgotten.

"It still depends on the person," Ruan Yiyun remarked. "You're consistent inside and out."

"So, you're saying I have a smart-looking face!" Guo Wei lifted his hand, forming a figure eight under his chin, then intentionally raised his eyebrows twice.

Ruan Yiyun burst out laughing on the spot. "Hmm, indeed."

Guo Wei jumped up, wrapping his arm around Ruan Yiyun's neck and pulling him forcefully. "Your expression has already given away your true thoughts!"

Ruan Yiyun laughed as he embraced him, planting a kiss on his cheek. "Wow, so smart, can't fool you."

This became a paradox. Fortunately, Guo Wei wasn't really interested in dwelling on it. He quickly released his arm and asked, "But, what about posting it on the bulletin board? Will the school...?"

"It's fine," Ruan Yiyun waved his hand casually. "It was Chen Zui from the next department who posted it. We're not close with him."

Meaning it was no big deal if Chen Zui got in trouble.

Guo Wei couldn't be so callous. "But will he be affected?"

"Unlikely. At most, he'll face some verbal criticism if caught," Ruan Yiyun said. "Whatever the cost, I won't let this pervert off the hook."

"But you're throwing Chen Zui under the bus!" 

Ruan Yiyun chuckled and shrugged. "Don't blame me. He volunteered because he's broke."

Guo Wei was surprised. "It's been a whole holiday... Is his family really that strict with him?"

"Would strict parenting lead to his behavior?" Ruan Yiyun's expression turned somewhat helpless, shaking his head as he spoke. "I suspect he's gotten himself into some mess again, unable to explain it to his family, so he's tearing down the east wall to mend the west wall."

Curious yet concerned, Guo Wei added, "Hopefully, he's not so poor he can't even afford meals."

"Don't worry, he's shameless," Ruan Yiyun laughed. "Even in dire straits, I guarantee he'll show up on your doorstep, still picky about what to order."

Indeed, Guo Wei recalled past experiences and couldn't help but smile.

"Let's not talk about him." Ruan Yiyun took his hand and gently shook it. "Didn't you say you were planning to move in with me?"

There was a hint of complaint in his tone, making Guo Wei feel a twinge of guilt.

"My parents have some concerns..." he whispered. "I can't do anything about it."

"Just come over secretly," Ruan Yiyun urged. "They won't know."

"Yes, yes," Guo Wei reassured him. "I'll come to see you often."

"...Not just to visit," Ruan Yiyun said, "I mean, stop living in the dorm. I want us to go home together every day."

Guo Wei sighed in resignation. "My parents won't agree!"

Without parental consent, he couldn't move out of the dormitory. The school was responsible for the residential students and would conduct regular room checks. If caught staying out late without permission, he would face disciplinary action, and his parents might be notified, which would be very troublesome.

Ruan Yiyun looked displeased, pursing his lips and remaining silent.

"I'll try to convince them again," Guo Wei placated him. "Next semester! I promise, next semester for sure!"

"...You said the same thing last semester," Ruan Yiyun remarked.

This was somewhat a tantrum, but making his wife happy was the husband's responsibility. Without hesitation, Guo Wei grabbed him on the street, burying his head near Ruan Yiyun's shoulder and vigorously rubbing against it.

"I promise to try even harder! If they still don't agree, I'll throw myself on the floor and roll around!" he declared loudly.

Ruan Yiyun couldn't help but chuckle at his antics, rubbing his furry head affectionately and sighing. "Well... what if... I sign it for you?"

Guo Wei looked at him in surprise.

Ruan Yiyun raised his hand and gestured, "I'm very good at imitation."

"I-Is that a good idea?" Guo Wei hesitated. "What if we get caught? My parents would be furious and might cut off my allowance. It would be a disaster."

"Don't worry," Ruan Yiyun reassured him. "With me by your side, we'll budget together and spend wisely."

After seriously considering for a moment, Guo Wei shook his head. "It's not right."

"Anyway, we'll eventually live together and spend our lives together," Ruan Yiyun said. "There's no need to worry too much."

"Then why rush!" Guo Wei grabbed his hand again and pulled him forward. "After we graduate, we'll be going home together every day. By then, you won't be able to stand seeing me all the time."

"...It's hard to imagine," Ruan Yiyun said.

"It's not hard to imagine," Guo Wei said. "In two more years, we'll both graduate. Once we find jobs, no one will control us anymore. If we want to live together, we naturally can. Even if we can't go home together, we'll still be going to the same home."

"No," Ruan Yiyun said. "I mean it's hard to imagine there being a time when I don't want to see you."

Guo Wei chuckled. "Then stop imagining it!"

Ruan Yiyun joined in the laughter. "Yeah."

After walking together for a while, Guo Wei spoke again, "I plan to find some time this semester to get a job and save up a bit of money."

"Why?" Ruan Yiyun asked. "Is there something you want?"

Guo Wei shook his head. "I'm always spending more than I earn. Without any savings, I can't be tough when it comes to things that my parents don't agree with. I'll try to save up some money this semester, so I'll have more confidence when I bring it up with them again. Even if they do cut off my allowance, I'll be able to endure for a while. Then I'll be able to move out!"

Despite his earlier insistence, Ruan Yiyun now had objections. "Maybe it's better not to. What if they blame me, then it'll be over."

"Don't worry," Guo Wei smiled, "It's just my speculation. My parents aren't that unreasonable. My mom wouldn't bear to see me suffer. Anyway... living together is just a matter of time, no need to rush."

Ruan Yiyun sighed and nodded. "Okay."

As they talked, they had already arrived at the school gate.

"Which direction is that shop you mentioned?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Guo Wei glanced at his phone, then pointed with his hand, "That street over there, turn right after crossing the road. I heard the cheese ramen there is ten thousand times better than the one we went out of our way to try before!"

Ruan Yiyun nodded with a smile. As they were about to move forward, their steps halted simultaneously.

In the direction they were heading, a familiar motorcycle was parked by the roadside.

"It's Alexandra II!" Guo Wei exclaimed.

Ruan Yiyun sighed, "I'm impressed you remembered."

Standing next to the motorcycle was an even more familiar tall figure. Guo Wei was about to wave but was stopped by Ruan Yiyun's firm grip.

"Wait," Ruan Yiyun raised an eyebrow, "Looks like he's waiting for someone?"

As he spoke, a slender Omega hurried over to Chen Zui, and said something expressionlessly as he looked up at him. Chen Zui nodded with a smile, then reached for the helmet hanging on the handlebars. He tossed it into the Omega's arms, before turning around and straddling the bike.

As the Omega was about to put on the helmet, Chen Zui's large hand forcefully pressed down on his head, eliciting a complaint as the Omega recoiled. Chen Zui laughed heartily.

After the Omega settled onto the back seat of the bike, the two of them quickly disappeared from Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun's view.

Guo Wei blinked twice and then turned to look at Ruan Yiyun.

A mischievous smile crept onto Ruan Yiyun's face.

"You have no idea," he said, still smiling. "He was so arrogant when he used to mock me."


"A gentleman's revenge is ten years in the making. Finally, it's my turn."

Guo Wei still didn't understand. "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing," Ruan Yiyun said, taking his hand. "Let's go."

Guo Wei nodded in confusion and continued walking with him.

"Who was that person? Do you know him?" he asked Ruan Yiyun.

"He looked somewhat familiar, but I don't have much of an impression," Ruan Yiyun said. "Probably a classmate of Chen Zui's."

"He's so cute!" Guo Wei remarked.

"Is he?" Ruan Yiyun said, "He seems pretty ordinary to me."

Guo Wei conveyed his skepticism with his eyes. "...You have quite high standards."

"Hmm," Ruan Yiyun smiled at him, "That's why I like you."

Guo Wei was momentarily speechless.

The Omega had a palm-sized face, big eyes, and beautiful features. Anyone who saw him at first glance would think he was a stunning little beauty, far surpassing himself, an ordinary-looking Beta.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether Ruan Yiyun liked him because of his peculiar taste or whether he liked him so much that it caused a heavy filter to be placed over his eyes, making his taste peculiar.

"You're about fifteen times cuter than him," Ruan Yiyun said.

The specificity of the number caught Guo Wei off guard. He couldn't help but smile at Ruan Yiyun's remark, deciding not to argue with him. He raised his head proudly and said, "Well, you're really getting a bargain with me!"

As they chatted, they turned another corner.

Just as Guo Wei was about to point ahead, he noticed a stranger, a Beta, about five meters away from them, looking in their direction. The Beta was surreptitiously raising his phone, apparently trying to take a picture of Ruan Yiyun.

This wasn't the first time this had happened. Walking on the street with Ruan Yiyun, passersby would always consciously or unconsciously glance in their direction. A few, like this Beta, would want to capture the image of a stranger they encountered on the street.

Perhaps noticing Guo Wei's gaze, the person paused for a moment, looking somewhat embarrassed. But then his gaze fell on the hands of Guo Wei and Ruan Yiyun intertwined, and a hint of surprise appeared on his face.

Guo Wei pursed his lips.

What's there to be surprised about? This is my boyfriend.

With this thought in mind, a slightly mischievous idea suddenly popped into his head.

Guo Wei abruptly stopped in his tracks. Ruan Yiyun, holding his hand, immediately stopped as well and turned to him, asking in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Guo Wei gave him a smile, took a half step forward, rose on his tiptoes, and planted a kiss on his lips.

Though puzzled, Ruan Yiyun accepted it gladly and responded warmly.

Guo Wei quickly forgot about whether that person was still sneaking glances.

Ruan Yiyun was beautiful, radiant, and captivating. While everyone could admire him, only he could kiss him, and only he could enjoy the softest and cutest side of him.

From the moment luck descended to every moment of continuous happiness.

The end




T/N: Yay, story completed! I still enjoyed it even though a certain knight's armor might not have shone as brightly as expected. Anyway, it's a happy ending with resolved issues and all. It's just a bit disappointing that my little note in the first chapter went unnoticed. It was supposed to be a warning… or was it that vague orz. Now I know what it feels like to be an ignored “Do not touch. Wet paint” warning sign >o< 

Nevertheless, I'm so thankful for everyone who stuck with it to the end! You nice humans, have a very good day! Bye-bye for now. See you in my other translation projects, maybe? ^w^


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 62