Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 61

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 61 Lucky Beta

Guo Wei only had a vague impression of what he said and did on the day of their first encounter.

When he tried to recall the details, the clearest image that came to mind was Ruan Yiyun's smiling face when they locked eyes.

Despite replaying it countless times, Guo Wei still felt his heart flutter.

"What were you thinking when you stopped me that day?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Guo Wei's memory of it was also fuzzy.

He speculated that at the time, he probably couldn't manage coherent thoughts, just dizziness, excitement, and euphoria.

Describing it in words would probably only result in embarrassing sentences like "He smiled," "He looked really beautiful," "So charming," or "How could someone be this beautiful."

Without speaking, Ruan Yiyun added, "I think my thoughts at the time were probably similar to yours."

Guo Wei immediately responded, "How is that possible!"

"Why couldn't it be possible?" Ruan Yiyun countered.

"I'm not the type to inspire love at first sight," Guo Wei said, "unless your taste differs from normal people."

Ruan Yiyun laughed. "It's not about appearance. In that moment, you seemed... very special to me."

Guo Wei vaguely grasped his meaning.

It wasn't himself that was unique, but rather the perfectly timed moment.

"For the first time in my life, I felt like things are meant to be," Ruan Yiyun said, smiling again, his tone tinged with undeniable sweetness and joy, "as if fate was saying to me, 'I am willing to favor you.'"

Guo Wei raised his hand and pressed it against his left chest. His cheeks were slightly flushed, but his words still carried an unusual awkwardness, "So, if it wasn't me who stopped you that day, but someone else, would you still have felt the same?"

Ruan Yiyun chuckled, a mix of amusement and resignation in his tone. "Where else would I find someone on the street handing out bottle caps sprinkled with luck?"

"...If I had approached you a day earlier or later, or in a different way, would you have ignored me?" Guo Wei questioned.

"You see, because everything was perfectly arranged," Ruan Yiyun said, "that's why at that moment, I genuinely felt that I had indeed received luck from the bottom of my heart."

What to do? It made so much sense, and it made people strangely happy to hear it.

He cautiously asked, "Were you smitten with me at first sight?"

Ruan Yiyun pondered for a moment before answering, "I felt a strong curiosity about you, wanting to talk to you again, wanting to understand you more. Every time I saw you after that, it brought me more joy than I had expected."

"But you told Chen Zui that I looked foolish," Guo Wei said.

"Did I?"

"Yes!" Guo Wei emphasized, "I don't remember the exact words, but it was something like that. You said I was easy to fool!"

"Um, I don't remember, maybe I said that because..." Ruan Yiyun's tone was slightly awkward, "I was a bit excited after you left, wanting to talk to someone immediately but afraid of being laughed at... If I told Chen Zui that I had just met a Beta, fair-skinned and cute, with a sweet and innocent smile that made my heart skips a beat, he would mock me for a year."


"That guy is such a jerk," Ruan Yiyun said, "he later realized I was serious about you and teased me relentlessly every day."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "Now my heart is the one skipping."

"Forget it," he said magnanimously, "I guess you were just talking nonsense. You even told him you were going to flirt with me, but you didn't do anything. It was all me chasing after you."

"Um..." Ruan Yiyun hesitated, then chuckled, "Uh, hehe."

"Good thing I was proactive!" Guo Wei remarked.

Ruan Yiyun's tone softened. "But you shouldn't doubt my feelings for you."

"Because the way you spoke back then, it seemed like you were just casually using me..." Guo Wei said.

"How could that be casual," Ruan Yiyun replied, "liking someone is never a casual matter."


"Could I have planned to fall in love with you?" Ruan Yiyun asked, "All I can fight for is your love for me.”

Love is an instinct, difficult to shape, impossible to force. Neither can anyone decide its arrival or departure.

Guo Wei certainly understood, he had experienced it, and was experiencing it.

"If it weren't for my feelings for you, I couldn't have completed redifferentiation so smoothly," Ruan Yiyun said, "It's not something that can be compromised."

Guo Wei couldn't help but smile, but soon remembered another crucial question, "Then you should have told me from the beginning!"

"...How could I say that I would turn into an Alpha right away because I like you too much? Are you ready for that?" Ruan Yiyun teased, "What if I scared you off?"

Guo Wei still remembered the hurtful words in their chat history and muttered, "Even if you did scare me off, there are Betas everywhere on the streets."

"No, I only have one husband," Ruan Yiyun said, "If you ran away, I would cry."

Guo Wei rubbed his nose. "I won't run."

At the moment when he was smitten with Ruan Yiyun, he didn't even consider Ruan Yiyun's secondary gender. If he had known beforehand, he would probably have been easily persuaded amidst shock and bewilderment. He was very certain that he had no resistance against Ruan Yiyun.

Just like now, he had completely lost his temper.

For Ruan Yiyun, the initial feelings might have been mixed with many other factors. The starting point of this relationship was due to the right time, the right place, and the right people.

Guo Wei suddenly laughed.

"Do you remember, I once told you," he whispered holding his phone, "If one day, I found myself living in a huge reality show, where everything around me was fake, and you were just an actor playing my lover, I would gather the courage to ask if you would like to truly go out with me for real."

"I remember," Ruan Yiyun said, "I would."

"That's great!" Guo Wei exclaimed.

From another perspective, he fell in love at the most appropriate moment, did not hesitate to approach, and in return, gained Ruan Yiyun's skipping heartbeat at that particular moment.

He was random, he was coincidental, but he was also inevitable, irreplaceable. He was the lucky Beta chosen by fate.

The more Guo Wei thought about it, the more he realized that his recent self was completely overthinking.

For those in need of promoting redifferentiation, what mattered was not the love of a Beta, but having a beloved Beta. Ruan Yiyun had struggled with redifferentiation for a long time in the past, agonizing over it endlessly, precisely because it was something that couldn't be forced.

The matter that Ruan Yiyun had once tried to conceal turned out to be the best evidence of Ruan Yiyun's intentions.

It proved that before meeting him, Ruan Yiyun had never been infatuated with anyone, and after meeting him, the long-standing agony dissipated with the budding of love.

Even if everything that he said before was mere sophistry, Ruan Yiyun's successful redifferentiation itself was a declaration of his love for him.

"You're really lucky to have met me!" Guo Wei proudly told him.

After laughing, Ruan Yiyun cautiously asked, "Are you not angry anymore?"

Guo Wei tried to show a little firmness. "I'm still quite upset that you deliberately hid from me the fact that you're differentiating."

"I'm sorry, I was wrong," Ruan Yiyun quickly apologized.

This time, Guo Wei wasn't easily fooled. "I don't hear any sincerity in that."

"How do you want me to make it up to you?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Guo Wei thought for a while and said, "Just don't hide things from me for reasons like this in the future. It won't change anything if you tell me."

"Hmm," Ruan Yiyun murmured softly, "Okay."

"If I had known from the beginning, I wouldn't have been so overwhelmed by preconceived notions and wouldn't have been so shocked," Guo Wei continued, "I'm a Beta after all, I can handle it."

"Betas are really great. Beta is the most perfect gender in the world," Ruan Yiyun said, "Guo Wei is the most adorable Beta in the world, rounding off to be the best person in the world."

Guo Wei felt embarrassed and awkward. "That's enough."

"It's not enough, but if my husband doesn't want to hear it for now, then I'll save it for next time," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei blushed, thinking, those who had been cold-shouldered by Ruan Yiyun in the past probably couldn't imagine this side of him.

There was simply no way anyone could resist.

"You still haven't told me how you want me to make it up to you."

Surprisingly, he didn't try to play dumb and had a rather dignified attitude.

Guo Wei couldn't come up with any ideas for a moment, so he simply asked, "Can you... tell me, when did you actually realize you liked me?"

After thinking for a while, Ruan Yiyun replied, "It seems like... it was the day of our first date, after we parted ways."

"That doesn't seem right!" Guo Wei exclaimed, alert.

At that time, they had already established their relationship, and Ruan Yiyun had even kissed his cheek voluntarily. The sequence was wrong, making Ruan Yiyun's romantic motives suspicious again.

"It's not wrong at all. At that moment, as I walked towards the dormitory, I couldn't help but think about you, wondering why I was already starting to miss you, why I couldn't control the urge to kiss you, why seeing you smile made me so happy. I had planned to take it slow, not to be too eager, to avoid scaring you away, but I couldn't do it," Ruan Yiyun explained. "By the time I reached the dormitory building, I had come to realize that liking someone feels like this, when they're right in front of you, you can't resist."

"Oh," Guo Wei nodded.

"Looking back now, it all feels very joyful," Ruan Yiyun said.

"Mhmm." Guo Wei nodded vigorously.

"After that, I started to worry again... whether you would mind my secondary gender," Ruan Yiyun's tone slightly darkened, "I couldn't sleep the whole night just thinking about it."

Guo Wei suddenly regretted it. He shouldn't have called Ruan Yiyun at this moment.

If only he got up early today and went to see Ruan Yiyun, to have a face-to-face conversation, then he could hug him and kiss him while Ruan Yiyun was saying these things.

Keeping conflicts bottled up inside and sulking unilaterally was truly the most foolish thing in the world.

People have mouths for expressing, and after expressing, they can also use them for kissing.

"Let's video chat!" Guo Wei suggested.

Unable to touch each other, at least they could see each other's faces. It might be self-deception, but he wanted to kiss him through the screen.

Naturally, Ruan Yiyun had no objections.

The video call quickly connected. Ruan Yiyun on the screen still had a bright smile, but Guo Wei keenly caught a hint of something unusual.

"...Do you have dark circles under your eyes?" he asked.

Ruan Yiyun immediately raised his hand to cover his eyes. After a few seconds, the brightness of the screen suddenly increased, and when he lowered his hand, nothing could be seen.

"Don't fool yourself!" Guo Wei said, "You really do have dark circles!"

Ruan Yiyun sighed helplessly, wearing a bitter smile. "So, if something bothers you in the future, just say it directly, don't keep it from me. I really won't be able to sleep."

Guo Wei's heart tightened, and he kissed the camera on his broken phone very hard. "I promise! I won't anymore!"

Ruan Yiyun nodded with a smile and said, "Okay. Let's not talk about this anymore, shall we start?"

"Start what?" Guo Wei was puzzled.

"You wanted to video chat with me, wasn't it for the thing we planned?" Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei blinked in confusion.

Ruan Yiyun said seriously, "Your parents are at home, right? Go lock the door."

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