Limited First Love Chapter 44

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 44 Retreat In Order To Advance

Time left for self-preparation was running out!

Guo Wei lay in bed, gripping his phone, his whole body tensed tightly.

Oblivious to his panic, Ruan Yiyun's voice in the subsequent voice message was still cheerful.

"Husband, what are you doing? Can you talk on the phone?"

After listening once, Guo Wei quickly repeated the message to himself. The phone kept emitting Ruan Yiyun's gentle and sweet voice: "Husband, husband, husband, husband, husband, husband."

Unfortunately, such self-deception did not bring him much confidence. He sadly thought to himself, how long could he still enjoy such a beautiful address?

Seeing no immediate response from him, Ruan Yiyun quickly sent another message.

——Are you busy?

Guo Wei hurriedly replied.

——I'm free! Sure!

Just as he hit send, the phone rang.

"I was a bit worried during the examination, but unexpectedly, the results turned out to be excellent! The doctor said I'm one of the smoothest cases he's ever seen in terms of redifferentiation!"

Ruan Yiyun's joy overflowed. While this outcome somewhat worried Guo Wei, he genuinely felt happy for Ruan Yiyun from the depths of his heart.

Smooth redifferentiation meant Ruan Yiyun's body was exceptionally healthy, sparing him much suffering. That was undoubtedly a good thing.

"That's fantastic," he exclaimed, then added casually, "Could it be because of me? Don't I have the ability to promote your redifferentiation?"

The hint of smugness in his tone made Ruan Yiyun laugh upon hearing it.

"Yes, thanks to you. Having you around is really great."

"Hehe," Guo Wei ran his hand through his hair, "I'm honored to be of service to you!"

"Well then... should we make the service even better?" Ruan Yiyun asked, "We haven't spent quality time together in ages."

Their last meeting was just yesterday. After having lunch together, they took a stroll in the small grove near the cafeteria, and before parting ways, they shared a kiss.

But in Ruan Yiyun's eyes, this hardly met the standard of "spending quality time together." As their relationship deepened and their intimacy grew, they became increasingly greedy, craving more and more.

Guo Wei rolled over in bed, pondering for a while, then with a heavy heart, he said, "But, I need to study after resting for a while."

"Are you in your dorm?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"Yeah," Guo Wei nodded, "I just finished an exam this morning, and I have another one the day after tomorrow. I need to review."

"Didn't you say yesterday that it's easy to get distracted while studying in your dorm?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"There's no choice. The study halls are too hard to get into," Guo Wei sighed, "they're all taken, people even put stuff on empty seats. I don't want to get into conflicts over this, so I have to make do with studying in the dorm."

"...There are clearly better options," Ruan Yiyun said, "quiet and undisturbed."

"Are you talking about the library?" Guo Wei asked, "The seats there are even harder to come by. It's impossible."

"Silly," Ruan Yiyun laughed, "come to my place."

Guo Wei was taken aback.

"Quiet, spacious, air-conditioned, undisturbed," Ruan Yiyun continued, "you can rest anytime if you're tired, and if you're hungry, I can make supper for you. Isn't it perfect?"

It did sound really good. What Ruan Yiyun didn't know was that Guo Wei had secretly considered this proposal a few days ago. The reason he silently vetoed it in the end was because he feared it wouldn't be efficient.

Ruan Yiyun himself admitted that he became impulsive when alone with Guo Wei. He wasn't a very strong-willed person. He lacked the confidence to decisively refuse and immerse himself wholeheartedly in studying in such a situation.

With exams looming ahead, he couldn't indulge in lust any longer.

"Why aren't you saying anything? Is this idea not good?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

Blushing, Guo Wei replied, "No. You haven't taken your medicine, it will affect me."

Ruan Yiyun fell silent.

Both of them held their phones quietly for a while. Guo Wei faintly heard a shallow sigh coming through his earphones.

"It's okay," Ruan Yiyun spoke again, his tone calm and gentle, tinged with a smile. "I promise."

Sensing Guo Wei's hesitation, he added, "Just being able to stay under the same roof with you makes me content. I have exams too, I need to study. I missed so many classes recently, I haven't even had time to do my assignments. I really need to catch up."

Guo Wei was immediately thrown into turmoil.

"Then... then I'll..."

"Come," Ruan Yiyun said, "let's study together."

Guo Wei nodded. "Okay!"

With his backpack and a nervous heart, Guo Wei once again arrived at Ruan Yiyun's apartment.

Upon entering the room and closing the door, of course, they had to kiss first.

Just as Guo Wei was hesitating whether to call it off, Ruan Yiyun took the initiative to release him and gently took his hand, giving it a light shake.

"Choose one, do you want to study in the bedroom or in the living room?" he asked.

Guo Wei's mind was instantly filled with a mess of thoughts. "Huh? Wh-what for?"

"To study," Ruan Yiyun said, "we'll each stay in a different room, so we won't distract each other."


Guo Wei lowered his head in shame. "I'm fine with either."

He ultimately chose the living room.

The last time he came, he and Ruan Yiyun did some quite embarrassing things in the bedroom. He was worried that if he looked at the bed again, he would subconsciously associate it with those memories, which would distract him.

There was no desk in the living room, but there was a coffee table. There was also a sofa on the side, where one could rest if tired.

Ruan Yiyun fetched an extension cord for him to use for his laptop. After Guo Wei had arranged his study materials, Ruan Yiyun quickly returned to the bedroom, conveniently closing the door behind him.

After that, the whole house fell silent.

Indeed, it was a good place for studying, Guo Wei thought.

In this environment, better than his dorm, he found his efficiency improved significantly with the same amount of time spent.

Guo Wei diligently studied his books for an hour and a half, reaping a rich harvest but gradually feeling a bit fatigued.

With his focus depleted, he needed a short break before continuing.

He stood up and paced around the living room, his gaze involuntarily drifting towards the closed door of the bedroom.

Ruan Yiyun seemed to be busy with his assignments, as the sound of typing faintly reached Guo Wei's ears as he approached the bedroom door.

Not wanting to disturb, Guo Wei walked a few more rounds before obediently returning to his desk, picking up his books once again.

He had only read a couple of lines when suddenly there was a sound behind him. The bedroom door was being opened.

Despite Ruan Yiyun's careful and quiet movements, Guo Wei immediately turned around.

Their eyes met, and Ruan Yiyun smiled at him before turning and walking towards the bathroom, carrying a change of clothes.

Ruan Yiyun, probably feeling tired from studying, seemed to want to take a bath as a way to relax and unwind.

After the bathroom door closed, the sound of rushing water soon echoed from inside.

Ruan Yiyun's house had a gas water heater installed in the kitchen. With the kitchen door open, it was very close to where Guo Wei was sitting. As Guo Wei lowered his head to focus on his books again, aside from the faint sound of flowing water, he could also hear the noise of the water heater running.

It wasn't particularly noisy, but it was enough to distract him.

He glanced at the bathroom door from time to time, and as time passed, a faint anticipation welled up inside him.

When the sound of water suddenly ceased, his heartbeat accelerated in response.

A few minutes later, the bathroom door opened. Guo Wei immediately looked up, his gaze meeting Ruan Yiyun's once again.

Ruan Yiyun, now freshly bathed, had changed into a loose-fitting T-shirt. It revealed his flawless, fair skin on his shoulders and neck. His hair was still damp, casually swept back, exposing his gentle facial features that Guo Wei first fell in love with.

Guo Wei unconsciously licked his lips.

Ruan Yiyun narrowed his eyes and flashed a smile at him.

Just as Guo Wei was about to get up, Ruan Yiyun quickly turned his head and quietly walked towards his own room, opening the door and disappearing inside.

After that, he, just like before, quietly closed the door behind him.

Guo Wei froze in place.

The entire living room fell into silence, as if nothing had happened.

After a while, unable to resist, he got up and tiptoed to Ruan Yiyun's room. He could hear the crisp sound of a keyboard typing.

What Ruan Yiyun had said on the phone was true. He had to study, time was tight, and he wouldn't do anything else.

...He was too trustworthy.

Guo Wei frowned, feeling downcast.

He returned to his desk, trying to convince himself to focus on studying, but before long, his thoughts drifted uncontrollably.

Even if they didn't waste time on intimacy, just exchanging a few words occasionally wouldn't have much impact, would it?

Ruan Yiyun had just passed by him. Taking a slightly longer route to come and give him a kiss wouldn't take much time, right?

Guo Wei pressed his lips together.

They should have just kissed earlier. It would have taken a minute, two minutes, or even five, ten minutes. It wouldn't have affected their progress much, but would have lightened the mood and made studying more efficient.

Ruan Yiyun was being too extreme, inflexible, which wasn't good. He didn't need to be so rigid about it.

Just as he was thinking, Ruan Yiyun's door opened again.

Guo Wei quickly turned around, only to see Ruan Yiyun swiftly emerge from the room, head to the kitchen, pour himself a glass of water, and then hurry back.

A minute later, the door closed again, and the whole house fell silent once more.

Guo Wei solemnly buried his face in the book in front of him, thinking to himself that this time, Ruan Yiyun didn't even spare a glance for him.

...He felt a bit sad and a bit angry. In short, he was just unhappy.

After stewing for a while, Guo Wei suddenly stood up, took a deep breath, and marched to Ruan Yiyun's door, raising his hand to knock forcefully.

Half a minute later, the door opened.

"What's up?" Ruan Yiyun stood inside, smiling at him. "Do you need something?"

Guo Wei looked into those crescent-shaped peach blossom eyes, and all his momentum vanished, leaving him deflated.

He quickly lowered his gaze and nodded.

"What is it?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"Nothing," Guo Wei stuttered, "I just... I just missed you."


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 45


Limited First Love Chapter 43