Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 42

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 42 Indulging A Bit

Guo Wei's injuries healed very quickly.

Just overnight, he could walk more naturally, and after another day, he could move around almost freely, only feeling dull pain when the injury was pressed.

In these two days, he enjoyed a treatment he had never experienced before — being escorted back to his dormitory by Ruan Yiyun every day.

Since he wasn't feeling well, Ruan Yiyun naturally wouldn't let him go out of his way to escort him home again. The Beta dorms happened to be closest to the school gate nearest to Ruan Yiyun's apartment, so it wasn't out of the way to drop him off. Guo Wei couldn't find a reason to refuse.

Of course, he also hoped to spend more time with Ruan Yiyun.

On Saturday night, when Ruan Yiyun asked if he wanted to come home with him, Guo Wei hesitated for a moment but soon nodded in agreement.

With weekends approaching and many local students heading home, dorm checks would be lax. Guo Wei was fully recovered, navigating stairs with ease. Any external obstacles preventing him from visiting Ruan Yiyun's place no longer applied.

And in his heart, he couldn't wait to have a place to be uninhibited and stick to Ruan Yiyun, enjoying sweet intimacy.

Although they never really went all the way, having had a little taste of indulgence, they had sampled the forbidden fruit. Some things were impossible not to ponder.

Yet, worries lingered.

Walking hand in hand on the way to Ruan Yiyun's apartment, he tentatively asked, "Did you buy the medicine I recommended to you the other day?"

"Hmm, yes," Ruan Yiyun nodded, "There's a pharmacy near the school."

Guo Wei immediately inquired, "Have you taken it?"

"Yes," Ruan Yiyun nodded again, turning to him with a smile, "I didn't even know about this remedy. Where did you hear about it?"

Guo Wei boasted slightly, "I looked it up online."

He had completely relaxed. Ruan Yiyun appeared calm and collected now, without a trace of pressure. He believed that if not driven by strong instincts, Ruan Yiyun would surely respect his opinions and not do anything rash or forceful.

Ruan Yiyun pondered for a moment after hearing this, then said, "Online information can be mixed, some may not be reliable."

"I know," Guo Wei nodded, "I don't take the really outrageous ones seriously, just read them and move on."

Ruan Yiyun curiously asked, "For example?"

"Yesterday, I saw someone claiming that their distant relative's neighbor's colleague's second uncle had been undergoing differentiation for eighteen years because he drank a bowl of soy milk every day. So, they advise everyone not to drink soy milk if they want successful differentiation."

Ruan Yiyun laughed. "Eighteen years... That's absurd. Anything beyond three years is considered a failed differentiation. If it drags on longer, there's no hope."

Guo Wei was astonished. "There's such a thing? It fails if it takes too long? What happens if it fails?"

Ruan Yiyun seemed momentarily puzzled, then quickly shook his head. "I'm not sure either. Just heard a doctor mention it casually at the hospital some time ago."

As they conversed, they had already entered the residential compound.

Guo Wei casually asked, "Did you ask the doctor if you could take the medicine I recommended, and if it's effective?"

"Hmm," Ruan Yiyun nodded, "I did."

"What did the doctor say?"

Ruan Yiyun glanced at him quickly, cleared his throat, then said, "He said if there are no other adverse symptoms, then it's fine."

This echoed exactly what the person in the post had told Guo Wei about the remedy. Guo Wei was pleased. "That's good!"

"But..." Ruan Yiyun paused briefly, "After I took it, I broke out in hives and felt very itchy."

"Huh?" Guo Wei was taken aback.

"The doctor told me that allergies can be serious. If your body rejects something, it's best to steer clear."


"So, I didn't take it today," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei halted at the entrance of Ruan Yiyun's apartment building. "But you said you did..."

"Hmm, I did take it," Ruan Yiyun said nonchalantly, "But only after taking it did I realize I'm allergic."

Guo Wei's heart skipped a beat.

Holding hands, they ascended the stairs. As Ruan Yiyun unlocked the door, Guo Wei took a deep breath and asked, "Are you feeling okay now?"

"I'm fine," Ruan Yiyun replied, "Maybe because the differentiation wasn't complete, so most of the time it is no different from usual."

Guo Wei breathed a sigh of relief, following him inside. As he bent down to remove his shoes, he heard Ruan Yiyun continue, "It's just that the sensation is stronger when I'm with you..."

Guo Wei's movements froze, his head stiffly lifting up.

Ruan Yiyun closed the door and locked it, then added, "Especially when it's just the two of us alone like this."

Guo Wei lowered his head, looking at the freshly untied shoelaces, debating whether to quickly retie them.

Ruan Yiyun turned towards him, facing him with his usual gentle and sweet smile, tilting his head slightly. "What's wrong?"

Guo Wei slowly straightened up, his hands clenched into fists, his expression tense as he said seriously, "I... I'm afraid of pain."

Ruan Yiyun blinked.

Then, he reached out, lifted Guo Wei's chin, kissed his lips, and asked with a smile, "Husband, what are you thinking about?"

As it turned out, Guo Wei's suspicions were not unfounded.

What should have been a sweet and beautiful moment turned into a heart-pounding experience. Guo Wei kept zoning out, and the emotions stirred up by the kiss quickly dissipated due to Ruan Yiyun's restless hands.

"I just wanted to check on your injuries," Ruan Yiyun explained when he noticed Guo Wei had already ↘.

Guo Wei nervously told him, "It's fine if you don't touch it, but it hurts when you do."

The two looked at each other, both wearing pitiful expressions.

Ruan Yiyun quickly sighed, displaying a smile that was clearly forced. "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

After speaking, he reached out his arm and embraced Guo Wei, kissing his cheeks, earlobes, chin, and the skin of his neck.

"I like you," he whispered softly, "I like you very much. I want to touch every part of you."

He peppered kisses along Guo Wei's neck, tender and thorough, leaving no inch untouched.

"...The marks you left last time haven't faded yet," Guo Wei said.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't resist," Ruan Yiyun leaned against his shoulder, still speaking softly, "Please be tolerant of me, indulge me a bit."

Guo Wei closed his eyes and nodded. "Okay."

Okay, I can do this, I'm willing.

The sensation on his neck was different from before — warm, moist, yet no longer soft, but firm and slightly sharp.

Ruan Yiyun had a canine tooth on one side of his mouth, which looked ordinary but felt pointed when licked. Guo Wei would occasionally be pricked by it during their kisses — not very painful, but stimulating.

The sensation on his neck at this moment was quite similar.

Ruan Yiyun bit him. It was a gentle bite, teeth and skin rubbing together in the humid breath, leaving some marks that were itchy and slightly stinging.

Guo Wei felt a surge of anxiety again but resisted the urge to flinch. He extended his arm and embraced Ruan Yiyun's shoulder, allowing him to indulge in his antics on his neck.

He had just promised to indulge him.

Guo Wei keenly felt the turmoil within himself.

He began to wonder if he should prepare himself psychologically, whether he should buy some comforting items in advance. Before taking any action, he received a harsh reality check.

Lost in love for a few months, he neglected his studies, and the final exams arrived as scheduled.

Guo Wei's grades were as average as he was, neither outstanding nor poor.

In the past, he wasn't exactly a top student, but he could at least be considered a good student who didn't need to cram before exams. However, during this period, the time he used to study and complete assignments was severely squeezed. Even when faced with textbooks, he would easily get distracted by a message from Ruan Yiyun, and he was even more absent-minded during classes.

"This is karma, it's all karma," one of his roommates shouted in the dorm, "Did you ever think about today when you were all lovey-dovey with Ruan Yiyun? Did you consider the feelings of the onlookers when you were kissing each other at the dormitory entrance? You're going to be punished!"

"Shut up!" Guo Wei snapped, turning around angrily. "Stop disturbing me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the dormitory door was pushed open, and Eldest Brother Jin strolled in with a leisurely look on his face. "Oh, you're back so early today. Aren't you going on a date?"

He was asking knowingly. Guo Wei had been buried in his studies for several days in order to cope with the exams. As the finals approached, both the self-study halls and the library were packed, making it difficult to find a place to study. For the time being, he had to make do studying in his dorm room.

Eldest Brother Jin seemed carefree but was actually a solid academic achiever. Despite the approaching finals, he remained relaxed. Having recently bounced back from a setback, he harbored strong retaliatory desires and enjoyed making sarcastic remarks to Guo Wei while he studied.

"You can't go on like this. You're completely unfocused and inefficient." He plopped down next to Guo Wei's desk. "When someone is truly committed to studying, like me, even if you were to run bare-assed beside me, I wouldn't spare you a glance after opening my books."

Guo Wei raised his head fiercely. "Don't push me. Next time, I might actually run bare-assed while you're reading books."

Before Eldest Brother Jin could respond, Third Elder Brother chimed in, "Go on, run bare-assed, hurry up and run bare-assed. We'll record a video for your husband to enjoy."

Guo Wei suddenly felt guilty, but he remained defiant. "Didn't you hear last time? I'm the husband."

Third Elder Brother glanced at his neck and chuckled. "Your relationship seems quite unique."

Eldest Brother Jin shook his head with a sigh, got up from the table, and walked towards his own bed. "You're still stubborn, but I wonder if there's any other part of you as 'firm' as your 'wife.'"

"Nonsense." Guo Wei blushed, lowered his head, and returned his gaze to his books.

Wang Tong, who had been silent for a while, suddenly spoke up, "Speaking of which... my wife asked me today if it's true that Ruan Yiyun has become an Alpha."

Guo Wei froze.

"She's not even in the same campus as us," Wang Tong remarked with a sigh, "The news spreads so quickly."

Guo Wei remained silent, pretending to still be focused on his studies.

In fact, someone else had asked him too. A Beta girl whom he wasn't familiar with struck up a conversation with him during break today, casually mentioning the topic after a few words.

Since it was impossible to hide it, Guo Wei didn't try to cover it up. He nodded and admitted it.

The girl was indeed surprised, but soon, she sighed.

"It's a good thing you're a Beta. If he chose an Alpha as his partner like most Omegas do, it would have been a disaster."

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