Limited First Love Chapter 41

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 41 Folk Remedies

Ruan Yiyun didn't stay in his dorm room for too long. After chatting with him for a while, he put on his hat and prepared to leave.

With others present, both behaved very restrained when parting ways.

After getting up, Ruan Yiyun raised his hand, kissed the tips of his index and middle fingers, and lightly pressed his fingertips against Guo Wei's lips.

While doing so, he smiled and looked at Guo Wei, pursing his lips lightly.

As he slowly withdrew his hand, Guo Wei involuntarily leaned forward, trying to chase after his fingers.

After Ruan Yiyun left, Guo Wei thought he would immediately face a storm of bullying in the dormitory, but to his surprise, the entire dormitory fell into a long silence afterward.

This was very unusual. Guo Wei wanted to ask his roommates what they were doing and why they weren't making any noise, but he was afraid of appearing too eager for a beating and would face violent suppression. He couldn't move now, couldn't fight back, and couldn't escape, which was very disadvantageous for him.

About ten minutes later, Wang Tong exaggeratedly stretched and stood up. "Did he grow taller?"

"Huh?" Guo Wei turned around and realized what was going on. He smiled sheepishly. "Uh, yeah..."

"When you two stood together just now, he was obviously taller than you," Wang Tong exclaimed, "Truly worthy of being an Alpha, growing so quickly."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "That's because I'm wearing slippers in the dormitory." Without the disguise of sneakers, the height difference between him and Ruan Yiyun was glaringly obvious.

It was too embarrassing to admit it.

Third Elder Brother also commented with emotion, "It's my first time seeing the person up close, and he's really... tsk tsk."

After finishing his remark, he turned to Guo Wei and asked bluntly, "How did this little rascal manage to charm such a handsome guy?"

Guo Wei finally understood why they had been silent just now.

Ruan Yiyun himself was too dazzling, his expression and tone filled with unmistakable affection for him. Wang Tong was fine, but this scene was too envious and hateful for the other two single dogs. Perhaps during that short period of time, they were struggling to process their emotions.

"That 'husband' of his made my bones turn to jelly," Third Elder Brother sighed heavily, "He's actually an Alpha, and an Alpha actually calls you husband. The more I think about it, the stranger it looks."

"What's so strange about it? You're just jealous," Guo Wei retorted, "It's not like he's calling you that. Stop dwelling on it, no getting jelly!"

"Damn, now you're showing off!" Third Elder Brother exclaimed, then quickly remembered something and turned to look at Eldest Brother Jin beside him. "Why are you suddenly so quiet?"

Eldest Brother Jin, who was usually in sync with Third Elder Brother, appeared absent-minded, taking two seconds to raise his head and ask, "Huh? You called me?"

Third Elder Brother hesitated for a moment, then shook his head. "No, nothing."

Eldest Brother Jin nodded, stood up, silently walked to the edge of the bed, lay down, facing the wall with his back turned.

The dormitory fell into silence once again.

Eldest Brother Jin undoubtedly experienced his first up-close encounter with his former crush, witnessing him being affectionate with another Beta, which shattered his composure.

Guo Wei felt a myriad of emotions, wanting to comfort him but fearing it might backfire. To preserve their relationship, he ultimately decided to keep quiet.

He knew he was truly enviable.

Yet, he wasn't without his own troubles.

Just now in the bathroom, while Ruan Yiyun inspected his injuries, he sensed something amiss. Even though he couldn't see clearly, he felt it — the warmth in Ruan Yiyun's gaze was different from before.

Many of Ruan Yiyun's actions confirmed what he had said last night — "I've become more eager for you than before."

Guo Wei nervously swallowed and recalled his confusion from last night when things escalated. Seeing tears welling up, Ruan Yiyun immediately apologized and gently comforted him. But afterward, he was reluctant to stop, pleading with him to continue.

Guo Wei felt flustered. Afraid of aggravating his injuries, he dared not even engage his pelvic floor muscles now.

Lying alone on the bed, Guo Wei pondered for a while, then had a sudden idea.

No matter how rare the condition, with the internet, one could always find many fellow sufferers. In the discussion forum he had recently followed, there were many people who shared Ruan Yiyun's condition, some of whom must be troubled by the inability to use inhibitors. Perhaps he could seek advice there.

Guo Wei searched for keywords in the discussion forum but found that after the system upgrade, only official members could use the search function. He promptly applied for membership and, upon approval, had another idea.

【Seeking Help】My boyfriend is in the process of transitioning from Omega to Alpha, and I have some questions for everyone.

In the post, he roughly described Ruan Yiyun's situation, mentioning that Ruan Yiyun, due to being unable to use inhibitors, "has a bit of trouble controlling himself," "is quite impulsive," and "looks very unhealthy," so he wanted to ask if anyone had any good solutions.

In addition to this most pressing issue, he also asked questions like "As a Beta, are there any specific things to watch out for during his transition?" "Can I trust him when he says the burden on his body isn't too heavy?" "How long does everyone generally take to transition?"

After hitting send, less than five minutes later, he received the first reply.

——Damn! I envy you so much. I want a Beta wife too.

A question mark popped up over Guo Wei's head.

This person didn't address any of his questions at all, completely going off-topic. After hesitating for a moment, Guo Wei chose to ignore it.

Several hours later, when Guo Wei opened the post again before going to bed, he found the comments section much livelier than he had imagined.

Surprisingly, more than one person expressed envy towards "the OP's boyfriend." One of them claimed to be going through the transition too, saying they dreamed of dating a Beta regardless of gender and asked if the OP had any friends they could introduce.

Guo Wei felt puzzled. For Alphas and Omegas, Betas were definitely an uncommon choice. How did they become so desirable in the mouths of these neither A nor O, but both A and O individuals?

He suspected he might have misunderstood. Perhaps those people envied his care and concern for his beloved rather than his ordinary gender.

Some offered advice, but most of it was useless information, and some even bordered on harassment.

The most liked reply suggested, "As the saying goes, instead of blocking, one should loosen. In such times, one should naturally offer up their body, intertwining intimately to achieve the great harmony of life. Everything will be resolved effortlessly. If once is not enough, then come again several times."

Beneath this somewhat lewd reply, someone earnestly commented, indicating it was indeed the correct answer. If one didn't have a partner, that was one thing, but if they did, engaging in such activities could help with the transition. Why not seize the opportunity?

Guo Wei stared at the four words "help with the transition" for a long time, utterly shocked.

Scrolling down to the very bottom, he finally found a sensible comment.

The person said that they had recently gone through the transition and faced similar troubles. They didn't have a partner to help alleviate the situation and even took a leave of absence from school. Later, they heard about a remedy, a common and inexpensive cold medicine found in most pharmacies, which had remarkable effects for cases like theirs. With a hopeful attitude, they tried it and found it significantly relieved their symptoms, allowing them to maintain a relatively normal life. Afterward, they consulted a doctor who confirmed the effectiveness of the cold medicine for some cases. If there were no adverse effects, they could use it in moderation as needed.

The kind individual emphasized at the end that taking medicine could never compare to the company of a lover. They expressed their deep envy for Guo Wei's boyfriend, who had a Beta like him.

There were also other well-meaning individuals in the post who shared their own experiences during transition. Unfortunately, their experiences varied greatly, making them less applicable. Some said their transition seemed endless, while others claimed it lasted less than two months. Some emphasized the unbearable pain and endlessness of the process, while others mentioned enduring a few days of discomfort before quickly overcoming it.

After reading all the replies, Guo Wei refreshed the page and found a new comment.

The commenter wrote a lengthy passage, detailing their own completion of the second transition at the end of last year. Their transition lasted for a year and was extremely painful. What struck them even harder was that shortly after the transition began, their Alpha partner couldn't accept their gender change and broke up with them. Fortunately, after enduring the transition for ten months, they met their current partner. This person was also a Beta, gentle and caring, providing them with immense support in life and love. Afterward, everything went smoothly, and now they had completely become an Alpha. The two of them got engaged last month and planned to register their marriage on an auspicious date in the second half of the year, with the wedding scheduled for next year. Seeing this post today, they were deeply moved and wished the OP and their partner a similarly happy and sweet ending.

Guo Wei was deeply moved. After expressing his gratitude to the commenter, he replied to each of the kind individuals who had offered advice. However, his account was soon automatically locked by the system for posting too frequently.

Nevertheless, this post had brought him great fulfillment.

He immediately sent the name of the cold medicine to Ruan Yiyun.

——I heard this medicine can alleviate your current symptoms!

Ruan Yiyun replied promptly.

——Which symptoms?

How could one describe that? Guo Wei pondered for a moment, his face reddening.

——The symptoms from last night

Ruan Yiyun replied with a row of ellipses.

Guo Wei hurriedly explained.

——Some people say this medicine can have the same effect as inhibitors for those undergoing gender reassignment. Why don't you give it a try?

Fearing Ruan Yiyun might misinterpret, he quickly added another sentence.

——If it works, you won't feel so uncomfortable anymore~!

Several minutes later, Ruan Yiyun sent a voice message.

Guo Wei pressed play and held the phone to his ear, immediately hearing Ruan Yiyun's slightly hoarse murmurs.

"It's indeed quite uncomfortable."

His tone was slow, and as Guo Wei listened, his throat involuntarily moved.

Another voice message came through.

"I miss you."

Guo Wei dared not speak aloud, afraid of being overheard by his roommates, so he typed instead.

——I miss you too

Ruan Yiyun still replied with a voice message.

"I miss the you from last night."

Guo Wei's face flushed under the covers. He raised his hand and rubbed his lips with the back of it.

Just as he finished listening, he received a new message.

"Let me hear your voice."

Guo Wei realized that his current method of communication was completely counterproductive.

He rolled over in his blanket, tiptoed off the bed, and quietly slipped into the bathroom.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 42


Limited First Love Chapter 40