Limited First Love Chapter 37

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 37 Husband, Don't Be Nervous

A flicker of surprise crossed Ruan Yiyun's face as his gaze landed on the jade pendant in Mrs. Ruan's hand.

Guo Wei felt a wave of panic, afraid that this might be something with special significance in their family's heritage. He was still just a student, after all. Even though his feelings for Ruan Yiyun were sincere and steadfast, he couldn't help but feel anxious about such a seemingly lifelong gift.

At least, he should wait until he introduced Ruan Yiyun to his parents before receiving such a grand gift, right?

He was feeling uneasy, but then Ruan Yiyun started smiling for some reason.

Smiling and shaking his head, Ruan Yiyun walked up to them and reached out his hand. "Mom, why don't you give this to me first."

"You want it now?" Mrs. Ruan didn't cooperate, turning her head away. "Too late, I've already decided to give it to Xiao Guo."

Ruan Yiyun looked at Guo Wei with a helpless expression and turned to him. "Do you like it?"

Since earlier, Guo Wei hadn't had the chance to carefully examine the style of this jade pendant. Now, he instinctively lowered his head to observe it and was immediately stunned.

The jade looked quite transparent and shiny, probably of good quality, but the shape was rather peculiar. It seemed to be a fish judging from the whiskers at the head and the shape of the tail, but the overall style was neither realistic nor abstract, but rather cartoonish. Especially the eyes, which seemed like Magikarp from Pokemon, blowing its beard and staring, looking like it was not going to die peacefully.

"It's a symbol of abundance and prosperity, an auspicious sign," Mrs. Ruan remarked. "The design is also cute, lively, not outdated, quite suitable for you young people!"

After she finished speaking and noticed the silence from the two youths present, she pouted in disappointment, then turned to look at Mr. Ruan, who was standing by the kitchen door. "Husband, what do you think? Isn't it rather lovely?"

Mr. Ruan immediately nodded. "Yes, indeed."

Ruan Yiyun sighed, reaching out to take the pendant from Mrs. Ruan's hand, then walked over to Mr. Ruan and handed it to him. "Since you like it, it's yours. Remember to wear it every day."

The father and son exchanged a quiet glance for a few seconds, then Mr. Ruan smiled.

"This is meant to be a gift for Xiao Guo," he said, turning to look at Guo Wei, his expression serene and his tone gentle. "Xiao Guo, please take it."

"Xiao Guo, you don't find it unattractive, do you?" Mrs. Ruan asked, widening her eyes innocently. "You just praised my taste earlier. Didn't you say the jacket I picked for you was very nice?"

The jacket was indeed nice, but this pendant was a bit... weird.

Guo Wei swallowed nervously, then glanced at Ruan Yiyun.

The jade pendant remained in Ruan Yiyun's hand.

Mr. Ruan glanced at the time and gestured, "It's really getting late. We have to get up early tomorrow, so we should head off. Xiao Guo, you should also head back soon. This place is remote, and it's not safe to walk alone at night."

Guo Wei nodded dumbly. "Oh, okay. Thank you, goodbye!"

After seeing off the couple, the space was now empty, leaving only the two of them.

Before Guo Wei could gather his thoughts, Ruan Yiyun lifted his hand, still holding the pendant.

"Here, take it," he said.

Guo Wei took a step back, hesitating, "...Isn't this very expensive?"

Compared to its bizarre design, this was what he was more concerned about.

"Indeed," Ruan Yiyun admitted, unable to suppress a laugh, "And quite ugly too."

The word lingered in Guo Wei's mind for a while, but he couldn't bring himself to say it. He hadn't expected Ruan Yiyun to be so straightforward and unreserved.

Seeing Guo Wei's lack of response, Ruan Yiyun simply took his hand, placed the jade pendant in his palm, and forced him to grip it.

"She has a particularly good eye for clothing, but when it comes to these things..." Ruan Yiyun shook his head helplessly. "If you want to make her happy, wear it next time you see her. Otherwise, just keep it somewhere casual when you're not wearing it."

Guo Wei finally came to his senses. "Auntie originally bought it for you, didn't she?"

Surely, she must have bought it and then realized her son didn't like it and refused to wear it, so she thought to give it to him instead.

Ruan Yiyun smiled at him. "Between you and me, there's no need to make such a clear distinction. What's given to me is given to you."

Guo Wei looked down at the weird little fish in his hand, feeling both helpless and amused.

"Then you can think of it as... her giving it to me, and then me giving it to you," Ruan Yiyun said. "I don't think I've ever given you anything before. Just think of it as a little souvenir from your first visit to my place."

Guo Wei hesitated for two seconds, then nodded slightly.

It was strange. Ruan Yiyun's words sounded implausible, yet they held a strange persuasiveness. This precious and oddly-shaped gift, because of Ruan Yiyun's earlier words, now seemed somewhat endearing.

Even though he knew it was a gift for someone else, Guo Wei couldn't help but feel happy.

"What are you smiling about?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"I'm happy," Guo Wei replied, pocketing the jade pendant and smiling up at him. "Thank you! I'm starting to like it now!"

Ruan Yiyun met his gaze and smiled too.

It was another familiar moment, suitable for a kiss.

Guo Wei narrowed his eyes and leaned in, kissing Ruan Yiyun gently, but as he tried to pull back, Ruan Yiyun chased after him.

Hence, what started as a brief kiss extended into a lingering and moist embrace, following the desires of both.

Guo Wei had some things he wanted to say.

Earlier, you mentioned needing help organizing something. What was it?

Do you know, it's actually closer for me to come here from my dorm than to go to your old dorm? So, I could still walk you home every day.

The dishes today were especially to my liking. Were you secretly observing what I like to eat and telling Uncle in advance?

After a while, would you like to visit my home too? My parents are very kind. I've mentioned you to them, and I'm sure they would like you.

But his mouth remained occupied.

Whenever he thought it was time to end the kiss and tried to retreat, Ruan Yiyun would persistently chase after him, making him instinctively comply once again.

This process repeated continuously, and when he snapped out of it, he realized he had unknowingly retreated to the wall. His body was once again pressed tightly against the hard surface, just like he was in the hospital ward a few days ago, unable to move.

Ruan Yiyun seemed quite satisfied with this, and in the gaps between kisses, he chuckled softly. The warm breath landed on Guo Wei's face, carrying a charming fragrance that made him dizzy.

"I think I'm a bit out of breath," he whispered quietly, seizing the opportunity.

Ruan Yiyun's hands, resting on either side of his waist, tightened, then slowly slid downwards, his lips pressed close to Guo Wei's as he spoke in a hushed tone, "Rest for a minute."

Guo Wei's eyes half-opened his eyes as he looked at him somewhat dazedly.

Ruan Yiyun's eyelashes drooped, casting a shadow on his lower eyelids. Being so close, his whole face appeared hazy, with his expression indiscernible.

"You smell so good," Guo Wei murmured.

"So do you," Ruan Yiyun lightly brushed his lips, "You're not just fragrant, you're sweet too."

Guo Wei thought to himself that what he and Ruan Yiyun were expressing didn't seem to be the same thing. He never used strongly scented toiletries, let alone perfume, and he didn't emit pheromones. Ruan Yiyun saying he smelled sweet was undoubtedly based on subjective feelings, stemming from his affection for him.

But Ruan Yiyun did indeed smell wonderful. Ever since that first embrace, Ruan Yiyun had always smelled so good. Compared to the faint scent back then, now, the fragrance had become richer, more enticing.

Guo Wei told himself that there was probably also a subjective emotional component to this, just like how he now felt Ruan Yiyun was becoming more beautiful with every glance.

He no longer leaned against the wall, instead, he reached out and hugged Ruan Yiyun, burying his face in Ruan Yiyun's hair, inhaling deeply.

Ruan Yiyun chuckled, pulling back slightly. "Tickles."

"It really smells amazing," Guo Wei said, "So pleasant."

"Then smell as much as you want," Ruan Yiyun replied, "You can stay and smell all night."

Guo Wei's puppy-like movements immediately came to a halt.

"...It's getting late," Ruan Yiyun whispered softly in his ear, "This place is remote, and it's not as safe outside the campus as it is inside. You should stay."

Guo Wei didn't respond.

Ruan Yiyun kissed his earlobe. "Stay. I don't want you to leave, just stay with me."

Chest to chest, they could clearly feel each other's heartbeat at this moment.

"Please," Ruan Yiyun pleaded.

Guo Wei pursed his lips and nodded slightly.

Ruan Yiyun stepped back slightly, satisfied, creating some distance between them, locking eyes with him and saying, "Thank you."

Guo Wei smiled at him.

Ruan Yiyun soon narrowed his eyes and leaned in for another kiss.

Half an hour later, amidst a flurry of chaos and sweetness, Guo Wei addressed a question that had been weighing on his mind for a long time in a very direct manner.

Thankfully, Ruan Yiyun, who had grown at warp speed, hadn't become any larger.

His lips were already sore now. The idea of Ruan Yiyun becoming a full-fledged Alpha in all respects would be unbearable.

It wasn't until he lay under the covers that Guo Wei remembered a crucial question that should have been brought up earlier.

"Are you sure it's okay?" he asked anxiously, "Won't this affect your redifferentiation?"

Ruan Yiyun squinted his eyes, pressing close to him, then lightly rubbed against him. "It might, it could have an effect."

Guo Wei was surprised. "Why didn't you say so earlier? Then..."

"The doctor said that being intimate with you is a good thing," Ruan Yiyun said, extending his arm, "Having you here makes my redifferentiation safer."

Guo Wei finally felt relieved.

He recalled reading on a website before that for someone transitioning from Omega to Alpha, certain behaviors that stimulated Alpha instincts were very helpful in the differentiation process. Therefore, having a stable relationship was crucial.

He was important to Ruan Yiyun.

This realization made Guo Wei very happy. "That's good!"

Ruan Yiyun also smiled softly. They were pressed too closely, his lips almost touching the skin on Guo Wei's neck, causing a tickling sensation.

"Husband," he softly called, "Have you noticed anything odd about me lately?"

Guo Wei instinctively wanted to say, "A little bit." He couldn't pinpoint exactly what was it, but he felt a subtle discomfort and unease subconsciously.

Just moments ago, when the lights were still on, every time he met Ruan Yiyun's gaze, he couldn't help but feel a bit awkward in the midst of the sweet atmosphere.

But he decided not to mention it.

"You're still you," Guo Wei said, "Your lips are still soft, not sharp."

Ruan Yiyun shook his head. "There's been a change, haven't you noticed? I've become more eager for you than before."

Guo Wei choked up, unable to speak for a moment.

"I've encountered a bit... a bit of a difficult situation," Ruan Yiyun sighed, sounding extremely distressed, "I can't use inhibitors now."

Beta Guo Wei blinked twice. "Huh? What do you mean?"

"I used to receive long-acting inhibitors for Omegas," Ruan Yiyun said, "But they don't work now and can even affect my redifferentiation. So, before I was discharged, I had to take neutralizing agents."


"The doctor prescribed me medication, but it only prevents my pheromones from affecting others," Ruan Yiyun's voice sounded even more pitiful, "It's just a temporary solution."

Guo Wei finally came back to his senses, cautiously stepping back. "But didn't we just..."

Ruan Yiyun fell silent for a while, sighing softly.

"Well," he said, "Don't worry, husband. I'll try my best to control myself."


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 38


Limited First Love Chapter 36