Limited First Love Chapter 36

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 36 Rourou

Guo Wei considered skipping the morning class as well and rushing to the hospital early in the morning to pick someone up.

However, the class at ten o'clock was taught by the infamous Exterminator Nun. She would take attendance twice in every class, and she would also calculate a coefficient based on the number of absences for the usual grade. Without a legitimate excuse for absence, the total score would be directly reduced by 20%. Guo Wei did not dare to act rashly.

Since he couldn't pick up Ruan Yiyun from the hospital, there wasn't much difference whether he went early or late. Ruan Yiyun's parents would be with him all day, and they would leave only after having dinner. Guo Wei realized there wouldn't be many opportunities for them to be alone together, so there was no need to skip the afternoon class.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruan both seemed very easygoing and pleasant, but given their special status, Guo Wei would subconsciously tense up when facing them, which was quite tiring. Therefore, although he had a good impression of them, he did not want to spend too much time with them.

Ruan Yiyun was not a local. His parents currently lived in the nearby city. The university town was located in the suburbs, not far from where his parents lived. It took about an hour and a half by car, which wasn't much longer than Guo Wei's journey by public transportation. For these days, Mrs. Ruan had been staying at a hotel near the hospital. Mr. Ruan couldn't stay long due to work but took time off these past two days and stayed overnight yesterday, planning to help Ruan Yiyun get settled today, then rest in the hotel for a night before going back with Mrs. Ruan tomorrow.

Guo Wei was somewhat puzzled for a while.

At noon, Ruan Yiyun sent him a photo of his new place. At first glance, it seemed a bit messy, but it was more spacious than he had imagined. In addition to the bedroom, there was also a small living room with a simple sofa bed that could be unfolded into a bed. Ruan Yiyun's parents could easily stay there without needing to go to the hotel.

After all, Ruan Yiyun had just been discharged from the hospital, spending a whole night alone without anyone to look after him. The thought of it was unsettling.

When he broached the subject with Ruan Yiyun himself, he received the response, "There are no beddings."

This was indeed a problem that needed consideration. Guo Wei realized deeply that he still lacked life experience.

After class, he asked Wang Tong to take his backpack back to the dorm for him, then promptly made his way to Ruan Yiyun's place following the address.

Before parting ways, Wang Tong specifically reminded him that since Ruan Yiyun's parents were present, strictly speaking, this could be considered a housewarming occasion. He couldn't visit empty-handed for his first time. He needed to bring a gift.

Wang Tong proved to be reliable indeed, and Guo Wei praised him for his thoughtfulness.

Naturally, he couldn't find anything suitable to buy on campus. Guo Wei walked along the streets, pondering for a while, and finally bought a pot of lively and adorable succulent plant from a mobile stall by the roadside.

The old man manning the stall said that these plants were easy to care for, needing only to be watered once a week and placed in the sun to thrive.

Guo Wei really liked it. He held it in his hands as he walked, admiring it, and even taking several photos. However, upon reaching the entrance of the residential area, he hesitated, worried that the gift might be too cheap and inadequate. He felt embarrassed to give it.

Yet, there was nowhere nearby to buy anything else more suitable. In his moment of hesitation, he received a call from Ruan Yiyun.

"You should be arriving soon, right? The house numbers in this residential area are not in order. If you can't find it, I'll ask my dad to meet you at the entrance."

It seemed that Guo Wei had spent too much time choosing a gift, leading to this misunderstanding.

Guo Wei quickly declined the offer and asked around, soon locating the building where Ruan Yiyun lived.

Along the way, he found the chubby little plant adorable and endearing, but as he carried it upstairs, he inexplicably became dissatisfied with it. He felt it was too small, not symmetrical enough, and the soil looked dirty, lacking in grandeur.

Mrs. Ruan had gifted him such nice fruits and a jacket worth thousands, yet he had bought such a cheap little thing for her. Wasn't it too outrageous?

If only Ruan Yiyun were alone, he wouldn't have these worries. Guo Wei inexplicably believed that Ruan Yiyun would appreciate this simple and imperfect cuteness.

Fortunately, all worries dissipated five minutes after he mustered the courage to press the doorbell.

With a pleasantly surprised expression, Mrs. Ruan accepted the succulent plant and placed it on the windowsill in Ruan Yiyun's room, taking many photos and even considering giving it a name.

Not only did she like the gift Guo Wei brought, but she was also extremely satisfied with the jacket he was wearing, which she had given him. She praised it as suitable and dragged him to the kitchen to show her busy husband, asking if her taste was impeccable.

Mr. Ruan, holding a spatula, praised her eyesight. Though he was clearly praising his wife's good taste, Guo Wei stood by, his face turning red.

Ruan Yiyun chuckled outside the kitchen, seeing his awkwardness with nowhere to put his hands, and used "the heavy kitchen smoke" as an excuse to rescue him.

"Uncle and Auntie have such a good relationship!" Guo Wei sighed to Ruan Yiyun after entering the bedroom.

Guo Wei's parents also had a decent relationship, but in their daily interactions, they always displayed the typical bickering of an old married couple, rarely expressing love overtly and arguing every day. Unlike Mrs. Ruan, who, despite being over forty, would still call her husband "husband" and coquettishly seek compliments, eliciting sweet smiles.

Guo Wei secretly thought that in this aspect, Ruan Yiyun seemed to take after his mother.

Thinking of Mr. Ruan's gender and relatively ordinary appearance, it was indeed quite similar to many aspects of both him and Ruan Yiyun.

"So, I always feel superfluous at home," Ruan Yiyun stood by the windowsill, smiling as he sighed, "like a third wheel."

Guo Wei cheerfully ran to his side, pressing close to him tightly. "You have me!"

Ruan Yiyun shifted his gaze from the little succulent on the windowsill to Guo Wei's face, his smile growing even brighter.

At such a moment, it was only natural to lean in for a kiss.

They hadn't closed the door when they came in, and they could be seen by their parents at any moment, so they didn't dare to be too bold. They simply touched briefly before separating.

Guo Wei felt a slight dissatisfaction in his heart, wanting more closeness. He reached out and hooked his finger with Ruan Yiyun's. Ruan Yiyun immediately intertwined their fingers together.

Holding hands tightly, they stood close together, admiring the succulent plant together.

This little guy became endearing again in Guo Wei's eyes.

"What's the name of this chubby one?" Ruan Yiyun asked.

"Rourou," Guo Wei said, "Auntie just decided."

Ruan Yiyun suppressed a laugh. "I meant its scientific name."

"I don't know. I asked the old man who sold it, but his accent is too heavy. I couldn't understand even after he repeated it several times."

Ruan Yiyun finally chuckled. "Alright then, let's call it Rourou."

Guo Wei glanced up at him, asking, "How do you feel now? What did the doctor say? Is everything okay?"

Ruan Yiyun replied, "I can go back to school tomorrow. Is that good?"

Guo Wei was pleasantly surprised. "So soon! Then you won't feel as uncomfortable as before, right?"

Ruan Yiyun met his gaze but didn't immediately respond for some reason. After a while, as Guo Wei's expression gradually grew more uneasy, he finally spoke up.

"I still feel a bit uncomfortable at night, often waking up. It's a bit unsettling being alone."

Almost instinctively, Guo Wei blurted out, "I'll stay with you," just as Mrs. Ruan's voice came from outside the door.

"Come out and try the piping hot braised prawns!"

Mr. Ruan's culinary skills were so impressive that they could only be described as amazing.

"Uncle, are you a professional chef?" Guo Wei exclaimed loudly at the dining table. "It's so delicious!"

Mr. Ruan was quite pleased with this. "It's just a hobby. If you like it, come to our house during the holidays and stay for a few days. Uncle will cook for you every day."

"Okay, okay!" Guo Wei eagerly replied, only then realizing he might have been too forward. He quickly became awkward. "But... isn't it too much trouble? I feel really embarrassed."

"It's okay, really," Ruan Yiyun said. "He just loves cooking and hopes someone appreciates it."

Guo Wei secretly thought that since they were already making plans to visit, perhaps he should also take the opportunity to bring Ruan Yiyun home to meet his parents? His own parents' cooking skills were average, not as impressive as Mr. Ruan's, but they were very kind and gentle people. Ruan Yiyun would probably like them.

While he was pondering this secretly, the conversation at the dining table had already shifted.

"Living alone now might make it inconvenient for meals," Mrs. Ruan fretted. "Do you really not need me to stay and take care of you?"

"The school is so close, and there's still the cafeteria. How could it be inconvenient?" Ruan Yiyun laughed. "Mom, can you still cook for me? I wouldn't dare to eat it then."

"Picky eater," Mrs. Ruan said, then glanced at her husband. "Look at him!"

Mr. Ruan smiled. "Xiaoyun doesn't want you to be inconvenienced."

Guo Wei thought to himself, so Mrs. Ruan had suggested staying to take care of Ruan Yiyun before. That was obviously a good idea. Why didn't Ruan Yiyun agree?

But this was, after all, a matter within their family of three, and he didn't feel comfortable expressing his opinion casually.

After the meal, Guo Wei took the initiative to help clean up the dishes and utensils. He wasn't particularly diligent at home, usually only doing chores when his parents nagged him. His current enthusiasm was simply to leave a good impression on Ruan Yiyun's parents.

"I'm still worried about Xiaoyun being alone." Mrs. Ruan sighed at the sink. "But he insists on not letting me stay. Xiao Guo, can you persuade him for me?"

Guo Wei hardly hesitated and immediately said, "Sure! But Auntie, you don't need to worry too much. My dormitory is very close by, and I can come to accompany him frequently."

Mrs. Ruan glanced at him, hesitating to speak.

Guo Wei continued, "The location of this neighborhood is excellent. It only takes me about ten minutes to walk from my dormitory on the other side, even closer than where Ruan Yiyun used to live. I used to escort him back to his dormitory every day, so I'm used to it."

Mrs. Ruan was extremely surprised. "You escorted him?"

Guo Wei nodded, thinking, wasn't that expected?

However, Mrs. Ruan had a different opinion. She frowned and shaking her head repeatedly. "Xiaoyun, this child is really..."

"Anyway, I'll make sure to take good care of him!" Guo Wei assured her. "Auntie, you can rest assured!"

Mrs. Ruan smiled helplessly and after a moment sighed. "Xiao Guo, you really are a good kid."

After saying that, as if suddenly remembering something, she dried her hands and quickly walked out of the kitchen. "Right, Auntie has something for you."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "Hopefully it's not some heirloom jade bracelet."

After a while, Mrs. Ruan returned to the kitchen with a beautifully wrapped small box in her hands. "Xiao Guo, open it and see if you like it."

Guo Wei hesitated, not daring to accept it, so Mrs. Ruan opened the box herself and took out what was inside.

It turned out to be a jade pendant.

Guo Wei was stunned.

Just then, Mr. Ruan's voice came from outside, "Are we ready to go?"

Mrs. Ruan agreed and warmly held Guo Wei, then stuffed the jade pendant into his hand. "Then Xiao Guo, come with us. We'll drop you off at school since it's on our way."

Guo Wei didn't dare to accept it and repeatedly declined, "Please don't, Auntie, you're too kind... I... I..."

Ruan Yiyun popped his head into the kitchen. "Mom, you guys can go by yourselves. Guo Wei lives so close by, and you're not heading in the same direction. It's still early, he can stay and keep me company for a while longer."

After speaking, he noticed their awkward movements. He walked in, asking, "What are you guys up to?"


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 37


Limited First Love Chapter 35