Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 35

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 35 A Different Kiss

It had been several months since their first kiss.

Over this period, they had shared innumerable moments of intimacy — shy ones, fleeting ones, tender ones, euphoric ones.

During the two nights Guo Wei spent in Ruan Yiyun's dorm room, their kisses were fervent, driven by primal instincts and passion.

Those kisses were much more intense than this moment.

This kiss, initiated by Ruan Yiyun, seemed unremarkable.

However, Guo Wei couldn't shake the slight tension creeping into his body as Ruan Yiyun drew near, evoking unfamiliar sensations. His inexplicable nervousness made him forget to close his eyes, and he noticed that Ruan Yiyun hadn't either.

Ruan Yiyun gently pressed his lips against Guo Wei's, softly sucking, coaxing him to part his lips. Throughout, Ruan Yiyun kept his eyes half-closed, watching him closely from such a close distance.

Their breaths mingled, their gazes inevitably turned hazy.

Ruan Yiyun occasionally pulled back a little, his eyelids half-lowered, locking gazes with him for a few seconds before leaning in again to cover his lips.

Guo Wei, driven by instinct, passively complied. Having repeated this ritual too many times, his lips and tongue had grown accustomed to clinging with Ruan Yiyun's, understanding how to receive and please each other, conveying their warmth and affection.

The process still brought him enjoyment.

However, there was an indescribable unease gnawing at his heart.

Initially, he forgot to close his eyes, but now he dared not. This once pure interaction, capable of bringing physical and mental pleasure, made him subconsciously anxious.

His body pressed tightly against the glass door. With every touch of their lips, the initial faint chill gradually dissipated, the glass warmed by their touch, yet the sensation remained firm.

This subtle discomfort magnified his unease. He attempted to shift forward slightly, only to find himself unable to do so.

Ruan Yiyun's movements remained gentle throughout. When he sensed that Guo Wei seemed to want to break free, his attempts to restrain him felt calm and harmless. His hands exerted little force, softly pressing against Guo Wei's shoulders, then slowly moving downward, pausing at his waist. With gentle pressure, he pushed Guo Wei forward slightly, then immediately pressed his own body tight against him.

Without any force, he still managed to make Guo Wei unable to resist.

He was firmly held in place, unable to move, and could only obediently cooperate with the kiss that he himself had proposed, while enduring Ruan Yiyun's  scrutinizing gaze from above.

In a daze, Guo Wei asked himself if his discomfort stemmed from their height difference at the moment.

Then he reassured himself, telling himself it must be so, it had to be.

Ruan Yiyun remained gentle as ever. His current unease was unnecessary and unwarranted.

It wasn't until several hours later, as Guo Wei sat on the bus back to school, that the image of that kiss continued to involuntarily replay in his mind.

The infinite tenderness hidden in Ruan Yiyun's lowered gaze at that moment, the heartfelt affection for him, offered no grounds for discomfort.

Afterwards, Ruan Yiyun behaved no differently than before, still affectionate, speaking sweet words, eager to embrace and hold hands, with a subtle fragrance lingering whenever they drew close.

Before leaving, Ruan Yiyun didn't walk him to the door. Instead, he sat in a chair, tilting his head back, waiting for Guo Wei to lean down for a kiss.

His lips, curved in a smile, and the longer lashes visible after closing his eyes, looked all the more beautiful.

Aside from height, Ruan Yiyun hadn't changed at his core. Guo Wei reminded himself not to overthink. It was unfair to expect too much from Ruan Yiyun, who had endured pain and forced changes.

Ruan Yiyun was the person he chose to be with. If he wanted to be a qualified lover, he should be gentle and caring when needed. Everyone's appearance would change over time, and that was something that should be accepted.

Ruan Yiyun would grow taller now and age in the future. Therefore, every minute at present deserved to be cherished and treated with care.

Upon returning to the dormitory, he immediately opened the bag brought by Mr. Ruan, under the watchful eyes of his roommates.

Before leaving, he had briefly hesitated to accept it. It wasn't until Ruan Yiyun reminded him that the item was bought to fit his size and refusing it would be a waste.

Although Ruan Yiyun's size was similar to his own, it wouldn't be long before he'd outgrown it.

Guo Wei wasn't good at refusing, so after some thought, he decided to accept the kindness.

Inside the bag was a cardboard box containing a sporty yet suitable jacket for everyday wear. When he tried it on, it fit perfectly.

"Does it look good?" he asked the onlookers. "Do I look handsome in it?"

"It's okay," Wang Tong said. "Decent enough."

"Can't you say something nice," Eldest Brother Jin scolded him immediately. "You make it sound like our Fourth Brother is originally a monkey, and only by putting on this outfit can he barely pass as a human. Look at him now, at the very least, he's handsome, elegant, and charming!"

Guo Wei paid no attention to their mockery and walked to the bathroom mirror. "Seems like it suits me well! And it's quite comfortable to wear! Really nice!"

"Wow, I looked it up," Third Elder Brother, who had been staring at his phone since seeing the logo on the bag, exclaimed loudly, "It's the new model for this year, flagship store price is nine hundred and seventy-two."

Guo Wei blinked twice and then looked down at the jacket he was wearing.

On the way back to school, he specifically looked at the small characters on the packaging, confirmed the pronunciation in Chinese, and did a brief search. This brand was a newly emerging sportswear brand, with prices relatively affordable, mostly ranging from two to five hundred for sports shoes.

Objectively speaking, it wasn't very expensive, but considering he had only been dating Ruan Yiyun for a few months and his interactions with Ruan Yiyun's parents had been hasty, this gift seemed slightly extravagant.

Unexpectedly, the actual price was a bit higher than he had estimated.

This made him feel a bit awkward as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Not bad. Each gift will be more expensive than the last," Third Elder Brother remarked.

"Not bad? It would have been better to give something edible." Wang Tong shook his head. "You better remind your husband, let his mother pay more attention, and not send things like this that can't be shared. It's not conducive to dormitory unity. You'll end up isolated, do you understand?"

"Bah," Guo Wei retorted immediately, "He's not my husband! He's my..."

He stopped halfway through his sentence.

"He's an Alpha, if he's not your husband, can he be your wife?" Third Elder Brother asked with a laugh.

"What, is that... not possible?" Guo Wei said without confidence.

"Possible, our Fourth Brother have lofty ideals," Eldest Brother Jin laughed, "but it remains to be seen whether Ruan Yiyun himself is willing to compromise."

"You guys are so boring." Guo Wei's face flushed, and he took off his jacket, bowing his head to tidy up. "This is between the two of us."

"At this rate, I conservatively estimate that next time your mother-in-law will be giving you the family heirloom jade bracelet," Third Elder Brother said.

"That won't happen!" Guo Wei was outnumbered but hadn't given up resistance. "I specifically told him today, the sentiment is appreciated, but I won't accept any more gifts."

"So you've already accepted her as a 'mother-in-law'?" Wang Tong asked.

Guo Wei chuckled at these guys, tidied up his jacket, and was about to speak when his phone vibrated.

Ruan Yiyun sent him a message.

——Have you reached the dorm? Have you opened it? Do you like it?

Guo Wei immediately abandoned the meaningless struggle and prioritized replying to his beloved.

——I've seen it, and I love it! Your mom really has good taste! It fits perfectly!

"Oh, look at this little face, smiling like a flower. Whose message is it?" Third Elder Brother teased.

Guo Wei lifted his head confidently and said loudly, "From! My! Beloved!"

He said it proudly and openly, leaving the others unable to find a mocking angle.

Eldest Brother Jin clapped his hands. "Alright, break it up, don't disturb our Fourth Brother's romance."

Third Elder Brother muttered under his breath, "Who knows if he'll be pursuing a relationship or will be pursued."

Guo Wei pretended not to hear, as Ruan Yiyun had sent another message.

——Can you take a photo for me to see?

Guo Wei felt a bit awkward. He had just tidied up his clothes, and putting them back on now would surely invite more teasing from his friends. After a brief hesitation, he crouched down, swiftly retrieved the jacket from the closet, and hugged it to his chest before slipping into the bathroom.

After closing the door, he faintly heard his friends outside teasing him again. Since he couldn't make out what they were saying, Guo Wei pretended they didn't exist, changed back into the clothes, stood straight in front of the mirror, and earnestly pressed the shutter button to take a photo, then sent it over.

Less than ten seconds later, his phone rang.

"Honey," Ruan Yiyun's voice couldn't contain his laughter, "you look like you're not even four feet tall in this picture."

Guo Wei furrowed his brows and opened the photo album, carefully examining it. It did seem like his legs appeared a bit short.

"It's the mirror's fault," Guo Wei defended himself, "with this kind of half-length mirror, trying to fit the whole person in always results in odd angles..."

"Hmm, that makes sense, this mirror won't do," Ruan Yiyun agreed. "Next time, wear it and show me in person."

"Sure," Guo Wei replied, "I'll wear it next time I come over! Let me check my schedule."

"Stop looking, you have classes for the next few days," Ruan Yiyun said.

They used to spend every moment together, so Ruan Yiyun knew his class schedule, even better than he did. In the following days, his schedule was indeed packed, but that didn't mean there wasn't room for adjustment. Some less important or less strictly monitored classes could be skipped entirely.

"Wednesday afternoon!" Guo Wei looked at his schedule. "There's only one elective in the afternoon, and it's not mandatory. I can skip it."

After he finished speaking, Ruan Yiyun didn't immediately respond.

Guo Wei misunderstood, thinking Ruan Yiyun was worried about his attendance. He added, "Really, this class is quite popular. If I'm late, there won't even be seats left. The teacher won't notice if I'm absent."

"Hmm," Ruan Yiyun said. "If I'm still in the hospital by then, you should come."

Guo Wei immediately caught onto the underlying message. "Are you saying...?"

"I mean, it's also possible that I'll be out of the hospital by then," Ruan Yiyun said.

Guo Wei felt a wave of joy. That also meant he would get to see Ruan Yiyun every day again.

The next afternoon, Ruan Yiyun confirmed this good news over the phone.

"I'll be discharged on Wednesday morning, and my parents will accompany me to tidy up the rented apartment in the afternoon. Don't skip class, come over after your classes end. We'll almost be done tidying up by then, and we can have dinner together."

Guo Wei cautiously asked, "Is dinner just you and me, or...?"

"It'll be me, my parents," Ruan Yiyun said, "It's perfect because there's a kitchen with all the utensils we need. My dad mentioned last time that he wants to cook for you and show off his skills."

Guo Wei pursed his lips nervously and nodded. "Oh!"

Having dinner with his beloved's entire family, especially with his beloved's dad cooking, felt formal. Guo Wei secretly wondered if they would really give him the family heirloom jade bracelet.

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