Limited First Love Chapter 29

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 29 Digesting Hard

While on the way back to school, Guo Wei pulled out his phone and began researching similar medical cases.

Never before had he heard of such things, let alone encountered them firsthand. But once he got online, he discovered that such people were not uncommon. Many social platforms had discussion boards on the topic, with numerous participants, most of whom had personal experiences.

Guo Wei skimmed through some popular posts and gained a lot of knowledge.

The specific manifestations of secondary gender reassignment varied greatly, with a few being congenital functional disorders, while the majority, like Ruan Yiyun, were influenced by external factors. Some underwent changes voluntarily, while others were forced to change due to mistakenly taking medication, illness, or external circumstances.

Guo Wei even learned the name of the unprescribed drug that Ruan Yiyun had taken initially.

Many unsuspecting victims suffered gender reassignment due to that drug, and mentioning it made people grit their teeth in anger. Guo Wei also came across a post where someone was trying to gather victims from that time to sue the pharmaceutical company for justice.

Regardless of the reasons, everyone emphasized that the redifferentiation process was extremely painful and unbearable. Guo Wei read those descriptions with a trembling heart.

What made him even more uneasy was that the process of secondary gender reassignment was not safe. Many people were left with various complications, and there were even extremely rare cases where individuals died due to complications.

Guo Wei's brows furrowed with sweat, feeling an urge to turn the car around and confront Ruan Yiyun at the hospital, demanding a full account of his condition and any potential dangers.

The hospital wasn't too far from the school, but the limited time on the journey left him with only a cursory understanding, though the information he gathered was enough to leave him anxious.

Upon exiting the car, he nervously messaged Ruan Yiyun.

——Is the process of redifferentiation very painful? Are there any lingering side effects?

Ruan Yiyun replied swiftly, as he usually did.

——No, not at all!

Despite the relaxed tone, Guo Wei couldn't shake off his apprehension.

After all, it was evident from the posts of those with firsthand experiences that it was a process filled with extreme physical and emotional burden. Ruan Yiyun's casual dismissal in front of him seemed unreasonable. It was clear that he was trying to be brave.

Despite Ruan Yiyun's outward softness, he possessed an unwavering strength and a core of stubborn determination.

This only deepened Guo Wei's anguish.

He planned to delve into the matter more seriously once he returned to his dormitory after the lunch break. However, unexpected obstacles lay in his path.

Surprisingly, several of his roommates were present, showing genuine concern for him.

"Back so soon," Wang Tong greeted him immediately upon seeing him, "I thought you two would have a hard time parting ways after being apart for so long."

It had only been four days since they parted ways, strictly speaking, it couldn't be considered a "long separation." But for a couple deeply in love, who stole moments every day to meet despite their busy schedules, it felt unbearable.

On the way there, Guo Wei had entertained the thought of skipping class in the afternoon. After all, he had attended enough days to pass, and skipping a few more wouldn't affect his final grade too much.

The fact that he obediently returned to school was largely due to his inability to face reality. He had been scared away.

Seeing him standing at the door, motionless and silent, Wang Tong quickly sensed that something was amiss.

"What's wrong?" Wang Tong stood up, looking worried. "Is everything okay?"

The other two roommates also looked over.

The situation could be described as extremely dire. Whether it was the potential pain Ruan Yiyun might experience or his own uncertain future, Guo Wei felt a heavy weight on his heart.

"What happened?" Eldest Brother Jin got off his bed and walked over, extending a hand to pull him towards a seat. "Come, sit down, have some water."

"Didn't you say it wasn't that serious?" Third Elder Brother asked.

Guo Wei endured the journey in silence, but being suddenly showered with concern by others left his emotions in turmoil, his heart feeling fragile, his nose tingling with the onset of tears.

The three roommates were visibly shaken.

"Is the situation very dangerous?" Wang Tong inquired, "What illness does he have? Speak up, will you?"

"...It's nothing serious for now. He seems fine," Guo Wei sniffled, "But I've read online that there's still a possibility of danger. Who knows what might happen next."

The three exchanged looks of concern.

Third Elder Brother narrowed his eyes. "I see, you're just being overly anxious."

With his remark, the other two flashed knowing smiles.

Eldest Brother Jin was pouring water for Guo Wei, but upon hearing this, he shook his head and sighed. Even the way he set down the cup became noticeably rougher. "No surprise there. If I had such a delicate and beautiful wife, I'd be worried sick too. Always afraid he might break or melt in my hands. Tsk tsk, our Fourth Brother here is truly devoted."

Third Elder Brother chimed in with a laugh, "I told you so. This Ruan Yiyun has some sense after all. There are plenty of pretty faces out there, but sincere hearts like our Comrade Guo's are rare. They say treasures are easy to come by, but true love is hard to find."

It was clear that these two were deliberately teasing him for amusement. Normally, Guo Wei wouldn't mind joining in the banter. But now, he simply wasn't in the mood.

Wang Tong, being more familiar with him, sensed that things weren't as simple as they seemed. "What's really going on? You haven't told us what his illness is."

Guo Wei let out a long sigh, lifting his head to address the group, "Have any of you heard of secondary gender reassignment?"

As his words trailed off, the room fell silent. Everyone stared at him with confusion.

For Betas who had never experienced differentiation, this was undoubtedly uncharted territory.

"There are some people who may have initially differentiated into Omegas, but they are actually pseudo," Guo Wei explained with increasing sadness, "Deep down, they are Alphas, and they will eventually change back."

The three faces before him remained stunned, their eyes widening in disbelief.

Guo Wei wore a pained expression as he sighed deeply. "Ruan Yiyun is in this situation."

Eldest Brother Jin was the first to snap out of his daze. "Are you saying Ruan Yiyun is an Alpha?"

"Not yet," Guo Wei's voice trembled with tears, "but it's happening soon."

Silence enveloped the dorm room once more.

The three exchanged glances, their expressions shifting with a myriad of emotions. Guo Wei observed them, feeling as though he were looking at his past self not long ago.

"Damn." Wang Tong suddenly recalled something, slapping his thigh forcefully. "I remember now! I have said it before, but you didn't believe me! You even debunked it! The most dangerous place is often the safest, and the most improbable hypothesis is often the truth! Someone said it a long time ago, Ruan Yiyun is an Alpha!"

Guo Wei felt that the two couldn't be completely equated, but he also knew that distinguishing these details at this moment was meaningless, so he just remained silent.

Compared to the grieving Guo Wei, the others, after their initial surprise, became excited by the unheard-of and unbelievable illness.

"What did I say that day." Eldest Brother Jin shook his head in contemplation. "All signs indicated that he could very well be an Alpha. Unlike you, Wang Tong, who's just jumping on the bandwagon, I truly saw the truth from the start."

Wang Tong nudged him lightly with his elbow, signaling with his eyes to pay attention to Guo Wei's expression.

While they chatted animatedly, Guo Wei was completely immersed in sorrow, on the brink of tears.

Seeing this, Eldest Brother Jin cleared his throat and attempted to console, "Don't be so pessimistic... The difference between Alphas and Omegas isn't that significant anyway. Strictly speaking, neither of them is physiologically most compatible with us Betas. Compared to that, the most important thing is the relationship between two people."

"That's right," Wang Tong nodded along, spouting nonsense, "Rare to find a devoted lover like you, and rare to find one like him. Fate brought you together from afar, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Who cares whether the beauty is an Alpha or an Omega!"

Third Elder Brother lowered his head to the side and smiled with a twisted expression. Afraid that Guo Wei would see him, he discreetly turned away.

Guo Wei couldn't say anything. Eldest Brother Jin hurriedly stepped forward and said, "So you see, being a Beta is great and convenient. It's practically the most advanced and scientific gender. Look, if you were an Alpha, it would be a dead end, but now, it doesn't matter, right?"

Guo Wei weakly objected, "I still think it matters..."

"At most, he's just going from being your wife to being your husband," Eldest Brother Jin remarked, "You're still a harmonious family. Why fuss over internal roles?"

Guo Wei was almost amused by their attitude. "Are you guys enjoying my misfortune?"

"No way," Wang Tong's tone was much more sincere than Eldest Brother Jin's, "Just trying to comfort you."

"Could it be that you can't accept it and want to break up?" the usually quiet Third Elder Brother asked after a long silence.

Guo Wei paused, then lowered his head, "I... hadn't thought about it."

"If you really think that way, then that's a bit heartless." Eldest Brother Jin suddenly became serious. "He never once looked down on you for being a Beta."

Guo Wei realized that, while he was trying to appear composed and accepting in front of him, in Eldest Brother Jin's mind, Ruan Yiyun was still synonymous with beauty and goodness. Even after learning this dreadful news, not much had changed.

If even a distant admirer could maintain such admiration, how could Guo Wei truly waver?

To encourage him, Wang Tong recounted various positive examples of successful relationships between male Betas and Alphas that he knew. Guo Wei listened, but felt no resonance within his heart.

He could never see Ruan Yiyun as an Alpha.

But beyond gender, Ruan Yiyun was still the same person he liked.

Besides, there were priorities. He couldn't dwell on "Ruan Yiyun might be in danger, while I might face a perilous situation myself" forever.

"Alright, I understand the reasoning," he sighed, "As I said before, I'm worried about the potential risks of the redifferentiation process. I'm just concerned."

His words served as a reminder for everyone.

Third Elder Brother and Eldest Brother Jin began pondering how this miraculous change would occur. They had heard that a male Omega's size was very small. Perhaps it would rapidly expand during this process?

Guo Wei's face went pale.

No way, that was already astonishing enough.

Then, it dawned on him belatedly that losing in this aspect wasn't actually embarrassing.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 30


Limited First Love Chapter 28