Limited First Love Chapter 28

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 28 Strength Inside!

Guo Wei had grown up hearing about incomplete differentiation, but it was the first time he had learned that someone's secondary gender could change after completing differentiation.

He remembered undergoing a test during his freshman year of high school. The doctor had him smell several liquids contained in glassware, then provide feedback based on intuition. Unable to smell anything, he was labeled as Beta early on.

At that time, his classmates were chattering in the corridor. Some said that the smell in bottle number one was sweet, while others said it was sour and astringent. A kindly old doctor nearby explained to them that the bottle contained a specially processed pheromone sample, which could roughly predict the future secondary gender of adolescents about to undergo differentiation based on their feedback.

It was also from that time that Guo Wei learned that the so-called secondary gender, although not manifested at birth, was actually something that was predetermined and engraved in the genes.

Over the years, he had also heard of cases where psychological gender conflicted with physiological gender. As a result, some have undergone medical interventions, which required a series of surgeries, followed by lifelong medication that could not be discontinued. However, despite undergoing these procedures, there still remained notable differences in bodily functions compared to those who were naturally born with the same gender.

Ruan Yiyun's words completely diverged from Guo Wei's understanding, leaving him instantly bewildered and unable to speak.

Seeing Guo Wei's reaction, Ruan Yiyun lowered his gaze with a hint of disappointment and slowly said, "I know it's hard for people to accept. I was extremely shocked the first time I heard about it too."

Guo Wei grasped his hand tightly and exclaimed, "Why is this happening?!"

"The hormones contained in that asthma medication stimulate Omega differentiation. Many Omegas would undergo premature differentiation after long-term use, and some Betas naturally become Omegas because of it," Ruan Yiyun explained. "I thought it wouldn't affect me since I differentiated late, only making my pheromones somewhat unstable... but I never imagined..."

Guo Wei suddenly realized something.

The hormones in this medication might be similar to those lifelong drugs he had heard about.

Ruan Yiyun had used it extensively before differentiation and was forced to undergo gender reassignment.

Seeing him still in shock and silent, Ruan Yiyun gently shook his hand and softly called out, "Husband..."

His tone was so soft, with a sweet clinginess that hit Guo Wei right where it hurt.

Guo Wei looked at the delicate face in front of him, still beautiful despite showing signs of fatigue. In one corner of his brain, a dull ache grew stronger amidst the chaotic thoughts, screaming: How could such a person possibly be an Alpha?!

"I've been so confused these past few days, feeling lost and uncertain how to tell you," Ruan Yiyun confessed, his head bowed and his eyes seemingly reddening. "I mentioned it to you before, didn't I? I always saw myself as a Beta, lacking awareness of being an Omega. But after over two years of differentiation, I've grown accustomed to living as an Omega. Now suddenly being told... it's like I'm not even myself anymore..."

Guo Wei instinctively wanted to comfort him, but as he opened his mouth, no words came out.

Ruan Yiyun's expression seemed as though tears could fall at any moment.

Guo Wei instinctively lifted his hand and gently brushed his thumb over his lower eyelid.

The touch of his skin was soft and dry.

Thankfully, he didn't cry. Guo Wei silently breathed a sigh of relief.

"But, at my most painful and helpless moment, I suddenly remembered you." Ruan Yiyun abruptly lifted his head, locking eyes with him, his gaze radiant. "I remembered you telling me that no matter what I became, you would still love me just the same."

"......" Guo Wei remained speechless.

Ruan Yiyun pressed his hand against his chest, declaring, "In that moment, I felt a surge of strength in my heart!"

Guo Wei opened his mouth, then closed it, silently swallowing, blinking a few times.

"So, I've realized, it's not worth worrying about at all," Ruan Yiyun earnestly gazed at him, speaking affectionately, "I  trust you unconditionally, and I believe your feelings for me. As long as we can still be together like before, these external changes are just trivial things that are not worth taking to heart."

Guo Wei finally spoke, his expression cautious. "Are... are these just external changes?"

Ruan Yiyun grabbed his hand, placing it over his chest. "As long as this remains unchanged, everything else is irrelevant to both of us."

His words sounded reasonable, but Guo Wei couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

His mind tangled. Thoughts in disarray, Guo Wei couldn't find any logic, unsure whether to nod in agreement or not.

He couldn't shake the feeling that his wife becoming an Alpha shouldn't be brushed off so lightly.

While his rational mind wanted to agree with Ruan Yiyun's words, his inner instinct wailed in desperate struggle.

"You said you're going to change... you're not an Alpha yet, are you?" he tentatively asked.

Ruan Yiyun smiled faintly at him. "Soon."

Guo Wei's body trembled uncontrollably, as he asked again, "Is there still time to stop it?"

Ruan Yiyun looked surprised. "Why would you want to stop it?"

Because I want you to be an Omega.

Guo Wei swallowed this statement forcefully.

It felt like his father suddenly telling him, "I'm your mother, and you were breastfed by me," completely shattering his cognition, making him unable to accept or face it.

He just wanted his father to be his father.

And his wife could always remain his wife.

But even with his thoughts muddled, he knew that saying it now would only upset Ruan Yiyun.

"Being forced to become an Omega has many negative effects on my body," Ruan Yiyun said, looking sad. "I only just realized that my unstable pheromones these past few years were due to this. This kind of forced interference not only inconveniences my daily life but may also affect my lifespan in the future..."

As he spoke, he gently sniffed, looking at Guo Wei once again, his tone tinged with tears. "But... if you really want me to, if you want me to remain an Omega... I... I can..."

Horrified, Guo Wei vigorously shook his head. "No, no! Please don't! I'm not! I..."

Amidst his incoherent speech, Ruan Yiyun lightly smiled, a hint of bitterness in his expression. "So, would you be willing to accompany me through this time until I become a true Alpha?"

Guo Wei opened his mouth, lips trembling.

Ruan Yiyun calmly and sincerely looked at him, a hint of moisture in his eyes.

Guo Wei took a deep breath and lifted his head. "I... I'm willing."

As he left, Guo Wei felt disoriented.

Exiting through the glass door, he reached the outer room door and turned the handle several times before remembering the nurse's reminder to stay in the cubicle for two minutes.

After closing the partitioned glass door, devices on both sides of the cubicle sprayed a large amount of gas into the air. Guo Wei guessed it must be a medical neutralizing agent to remove any pheromones he might have picked up.

What kind of pheromones was Ruan Yiyun releasing now, Alpha or Omega? As a Beta, he couldn't tell.

While quietly waiting, he glanced back inside. Ruan Yiyun sat on the bed watching him, and upon seeing him, immediately smiled and waved gently.

Guo Wei smiled back at him.

He still looked so beautiful, captivating Guo Wei's heart.

Guo Wei inwardly protested. This beauty shouldn't belong to an Alpha.

After locking eyes for a moment, Ruan Yiyun opened his mouth, smiling, and mouthed to him, "Husband, I love you."

Before Guo Wei could react, the outer door opened automatically.

He hurriedly rushed out.

Passing by the service desk, he unexpectedly bumped into Mrs. Ruan again.

Upon seeing him, Mrs. Ruan immediately smiled and greeted him, "Leaving so soon? Auntie brought you some food, let's eat together!"

She raised the bag in her hand, and Guo Wei could vaguely see several lunch boxes inside.

Indeed, it was almost lunchtime.

Guo Wei shook his head. "Thank you, Auntie, but I have afternoon classes. If I stay too long, I won't make it in time, so I'll head back now."

"I see." Mrs. Ruan looked disappointed. "Then I won't keep you."

Guo Wei smiled at her, about to bid farewell when Mrs. Ruan added, "If you have time, come and spend more time with Xiaoyun."

Guo Wei, still feeling confused, responded slowly, "Oh, sure!"

"He's been having a tough time lately." Mrs. Ruan looked concerned. "The doctor said the process of redifferentiation will be very painful, unbearable for ordinary people, but he never complains."

Guo Wei was surprised but remained silent.

"As a mother, there's not much I can do to help him at times like this." Mrs. Ruan took a step forward, looking at him earnestly. "Although it's hard, every time he mentions you, he smiles happily. You can definitely give him a lot of comfort. I hope you can provide him with more psychological support, okay?"

Guo Wei licked his lips. "I will."

Mrs. Ruan looked grateful. "It's wonderful that Xiaoyun has met you."

Guo Wei grinned foolishly, feeling touched.

After bidding farewell to Mrs. Ruan, he didn't take the elevator but chose to descend the stairs through the emergency exit, one floor at a time.

There was no one there, allowing him some solitary moments.

Quietly descending from the fourteenth floor to the ground level, he suddenly remembered that he hadn't responded to Ruan Yiyun's words before leaving.

He didn't want Ruan Yiyun to become an Alpha.

But his hope at this moment was untimely and futile.

What could he do? It seemed like there was no way. He could only watch everything unfold and then accept it.

Guo Wei squatted down on the stairs of the ground floor, emitting a pitiful sigh.

Ruan Yiyun still called him "husband." But could he really continue to be his husband?

After squatting for a while, Guo Wei's legs grew sore. He sat down on the ground in despair. Then he took out his phone, opened the conversation with Ruan Yiyun, and began typing.

——I love you too

When someone you love expresses their love to you, you always have to respond.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 29


Limited First Love Chapter 27