Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 25

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 25 Lost Contact

Until the end of class, Guo Wei had not received a reply from Ruan Yiyun.

This was highly unusual.

Ruan Yiyun always responded to his messages promptly, even if it was just idle chatter, always taking the initiative to open up topics to keep the conversation going smoothly.

Before parting ways, he had specifically reminded Guo Wei to contact him once he reached the classroom.

Could it be that Ruan Yiyun went to class and forgot to bring his phone?

The two did not make an appointment to have lunch together in advance. After class, Guo Wei went to the cafeteria with Wang Tong, but he was absent-minded the whole time, taking out his phone to look at it from time to time.

Was it possible that Ruan Yiyun felt sleepy again after he left, went back to bed, and hadn't woken up yet?

If so, he must be starving when he wakes up. Should Guo Wei bring him something to eat?

Guo Wei hesitated, afraid that he was just overthinking. If Ruan Yiyun wasn't there, he wouldn't be able to enter the dormitory, wasting his effort.

He sent several more messages to Ruan Yiyun.

——I'm having dinner, how about you?

——If you haven't eaten yet, do you want me to bring you something?

——Are you available to take a call now?

Still, there was no response.

"What's wrong?" Wang Tong furrowed his brows, assessing him. "Your complexion looks terrible. Is it related to Ruan Yiyun again?"

"He's not replying to my messages," Guo Wei said. "It's so strange."

Wang Tong hesitated, then sighed after a moment. "He must be busy. Don't cling to him too tightly. If you don't give each other any freedom, it's easy to get tired after being together for a long time."

This was wisdom gleaned from a senior's love experience, surely there was truth to it. Guo Wei nodded, but still couldn't completely ease his mind.

"We're at school, there's no real danger here. If he's not responding, he must have his reasons," Wang Tong said. "Stop worrying needlessly. Instead, why not consider..."

"Consider what?" Guo Wei asked.

"Instead, consider whether there are any issues between you two," Wang Tong said.

Guo Wei felt bewildered.

Wang Tong sighed. "It's just... is it possible that he's not satisfied with you in some way, or perhaps there are some grievances you haven't noticed."

Guo Wei shook his head. "I don't think so?"

Wang Tong clicked his tongue and shook his head as well. "It might be difficult for you to see."

"There really isn't," Guo Wei said. "We're doing great!"

Just last night, they had cuddled together in sweet slumber. In Ruan Yiyun's eyes, he was the best Beta in the whole world.

Wang Tong remained skeptical, tapping his fingers on the table as if finally coming to a decision. "Some things might be hard to hear, but we're good brothers. I feel like I need to say it."

"...What is it?" Guo Wei asked.

"You've always been slow to catch on, you think little, and you're straightforward. You're always just laughing and being silly," Wang Tong said earnestly. "There are many obvious signs that something's not right, but you're not willing to think about it. That's not really... good."

Guo Wei was filled with question marks. "What are you trying to say?"

"Don't you find it strange, your relationship with Ruan Yiyun from the start?" Wang Tong said. "You fell for him at first sight, but what about him? You two didn't know anything about each other, yet you ended up together in a flash. And about what happened with Chen Zui, you explained everything online, but what about him? Did he come out and say anything?"

Guo Wei pondered for a moment. "He actually advised me not to explain because it's useless, because the more you say, the more confusing it gets. Turns out, he was right."

"You see, you unconditionally believe whatever he says," Wang Tong said. "He's meeting up with Chen Zui behind your back, and you believe any excuse he gives."

"It's not just an excuse, it's the truth," Guo Wei countered. "He even showed me his medicine!"

"What medicine?" Wang Tong asked.

Guo Wei gestured. "Vitamins and calcium pills."

Wang Tong looked at him speechlessly, shaking his head repeatedly.

"It's true!" Guo Wei said, feeling helpless.

"This is unbelievable," Wang Tong said sorrowfully. "How can I save you, my brother!"

"Do you think he's lying to me?" Guo Wei said. "Let's think logically! If he wants to deceive me, he must have some benefit, right? What benefit could he possibly gain from me?"

Wang Tong couldn't think of anything for a moment. After pondering for a while, he said, "Maybe he's having a disagreement with Chen Zui and wants to make him jealous by finding someone else..."

"That's impossible!" Guo Wei said firmly.

Leaving aside how sincerely Ruan Yiyun treated him, Chen Zui even asked him to kiss Ruan Yiyun's neck to see if Ruan Yiyun would smell fragrant. If it was him, he would never say the same thing to anyone else.

Guo Wei labeled the emotions he felt towards Ruan Yiyun's relationship with Chen Zui as "rational jealousy". He cared a little bit, and occasionally felt sour, but he also knew that he shouldn't overthink about it.

"Anyway, you just believe he shouldn't like me," Guo Wei said, sounding a bit upset. "You believe he couldn't possibly be interested in me."

"That's not what I mean. Of course, I hope the best for you," Wang Tong patiently explained. "But... you really, completely let him lead you by the nose."

Guo Wei thought, "What's wrong with that?" He liked Ruan Yiyun, he wanted to do everything Ruan Yiyun wished, he wanted to believe everything Ruan Yiyun said. If that was what it meant to be "led by the nose", he didn't mind continuing.

After all, he was his wife.

"Look at you now, all anxious and restless," Wang Tong said earnestly. "And him? He's even ignoring you. You have no idea where he is or what he's doing with whom."

"It's precisely because he's ignoring me that I'm worried," Guo Wei said. "It's very unusual!"

"Forget it. If you're going to get annoyed with me,” Wang Tong shook his head, "anyway... if you have any difficulties or unhappiness in the future, come find me, I'll treat you to a meal."

Guo Wei pursed his lips, furrowing his brows, and after a moment, he sighed. "I'm not annoyed with you. But... but he's really good."

Wang Tong nodded with a wry smile. "Mmm-hmm."

The atmosphere wasn't great, both of them feeling a bit upset. They left the cafeteria without speaking, walking in silence.

Guo Wei wasn't angry. He knew Wang Tong was just concerned about him, but that lingering discomfort was hard to dispel for the moment.

After walking towards the Beta dormitory for a while, Guo Wei stopped in his tracks and said, "I'm not going back to the dormitory right now."

Wang Tong glanced at him, then glanced in the direction of the Omega dormitory. "Oh, okay. Take care."

Before turning away, Guo Wei gave him a hard pat on the shoulder. "Nothing will happen, really! Stop worrying!"

After saying that, he ran off, leaving behind Wang Tong's angry curses. "Damn it hurts! Have some restraint, will you!"

On the way to Ruan Yiyun's dormitory, he tried to make a phone call.

Soon, he heard the ringing tone, but it was never answered. After the call automatically ended, he reopened the chat box with Ruan Yiyun.

The entire screen was filled with the messages he had sent to Ruan Yiyun alone.

Since they started dating, this had never happened before. Guo Wei couldn't help but quicken his pace, while at the same time, Wang Tong's words from earlier echoed in his mind.

As he carefully reviewed the entire conversation, Wang Tong's implication became clear: Ruan Yiyun didn't seem to be completely open with him, maybe keeping some things from him. And he, being naive and overly trusting, never thought to doubt. Their relationship was unequal.

After a few more steps, Guo Wei quickly overturned this thought in his mind.

Their relationship was equal, and that was enough. Ruan Yiyun's sincerity in front of him couldn't deceive anyone. And he indeed had no value in being deceived.

So, what else was there to be cautious about, what was there to worry about?

Guo Wei picked up his pace. No, he still had to worry.

What was really going on with Ruan Yiyun, why couldn't he be reached at all?

The Omega dormitory area was certainly not accessible at will.

Guo Wei walked to the side door, looked up at the window of Ruan Yiyun's dormitory. The window was tightly shut, with the curtains drawn, nothing could be seen.

Guo Wei tried calling again, but still, there was no answer.

He wandered around the Omega dormitory area, occasionally peeking inside, quickly attracting the attention of passersby.

To avoid being caught and questioned by the dormitory supervisor, he had to run to a slightly more distant location. After hesitating for a moment, he opened the chat box with Chen Zui.

They had added each other as friends after their chance encounter a while ago. But since then, they had never contacted each other. The chat box was empty except for the initial system default greetings.

——Do you know what Ruan Yiyun is doing right now? I can't seem to reach him.

Shortly after sending the message, a voice request came from the other side.

"Aren't you two together?" Chen Zui's tone sounded strange. "I thought he wanted to have alone time with you, that's why he's deliberately ignoring me."

"No," Guo Wei said, "since we parted ways this morning, he hasn't responded to my messages or calls."

"Since this morning?" Chen Zui asked.

Guo Wei blushed, avoiding the topic. "I thought you would know what he's up to."

Chen Zui was silent for a few seconds, then his tone became very anxious when he spoke again. "Does he have classes this morning?"

"I think so," Guo Wei said, "he has classes starting at ten, just like me."

"Wait for me, I'll go ask. I'll contact you later."

Before Guo Wei could respond, Chen Zui had already hung up.

Guo Wei, infected by his attitude, became anxious, a slew of negative speculations flooding his mind.

He was about to go directly to the Omega dormitory supervisor to explain the situation and ask for help to confirm, when his phone rang again.

Expecting it to be Chen Zui, he picked up, but to his surprise, it was Wang Tong.

"Have you reached your Ruan Yiyun?" Wang Tong's voice on the phone was fast and urgent.

"No," Guo Wei said, "I can't find him."

"I just heard from someone downstairs," Wang Tong said, "he fell down the stairs in the dormitory this morning!"

Guo Wei's eyes widened instantly. "Where is he now?"

"I don't know, maybe in the infirmary?" Wang Tong said.

"I'll go find him!" Guo Wei said, turning around and running towards the direction of the infirmary.

Halfway there, his phone rang again. This time, it was indeed Chen Zui.

Answering the call, they both said simultaneously, "I know where he is!"

After speaking, they both paused simultaneously.

"Is he in the infirmary?" Guo Wei asked.

"He was just there," Chen Zui said, "but now he's been taken to the hospital."

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