Limited First Love Chapter 26

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 26 Missing Him

From Chen Zui's account, Guo Wei roughly understood what had happened.

Wang Tong's statement was slightly different from the actual situation.

Ruan Yiyun had just stepped out of his dorm room in the morning and had not yet had a chance to close the door when he suddenly fainted on the ground. Few people lived in the single-person dormitory, so it was unknown how long he had been lying there before a passing student finally found him and called the dorm supervisor to take him to the infirmary.

He had developed a high fever while in the infirmary. Though regaining consciousness, he remained disoriented and unable to communicate clearly. Not only that, he uncontrollably released a large amount of pheromones, even triggering the nearby pheromone detector, which sprayed a large amount of neutralizer into the air, leaving the scene in a mess.

The detector automatically sounded an alarm, and the police rushed over, immediately calling 120 to take him to the hospital.

As for his cellphone, it may have fallen to the ground nearby when he fainted, and the student who found him sent it back to his dorm room.

Guo Wei was horrified after hearing this. "Which hospital? What exactly happened to him? Is it related to his recent insomnia and sudden growth spurt?"

He asked a long string of questions in one breath, but Chen Zui only answered the first one.

"It seems to be the Second Hospital nearby," Chen Zui said, "but even if you go now, you won't be able to see him. In his condition, it's definitely not safe to visit casually."

"What condition is he in?" Guo Wei asked.

"Didn't I say? Pheromone imbalance. He'll be quarantined as soon as he enters the hospital," Chen Zui said.

Guo Wei furrowed his brow, then quickly added, "It's okay, I'm a Beta!"

He wouldn't be affected by pheromones.

"True," Chen Zui said, "but you'll have to wait a few days before going. Going now will only cause trouble. The doctors won't let you in."

"But he's all alone..." Guo Wei fretted, almost on the verge of tears.

"Don't worry, his parents are on their way," Chen Zui reassured him, "It should be... nothing serious, he'll recover in a while."

"Really? Do you know what illness he has?" Guo Wei asked.

"I don't know," Chen Zui said, "how would I know, hahaha."

Mind  in turmoil, Guo Wei was unable to discern the sincerity in his tone.

He had been out of contact with Ruan Yiyun for a full three days.

During this time, he bombarded Chen Zui with countless messages and made numerous phone calls, incessantly urging him to inquire for the latest developments.

Chen Zui had known Ruan Yiyun for many years. They were once neighbors and Chen Zui had the contact information of Ruan Yiyun's parents. Unable to bear the incessant requests, Chen Zui briefly considered giving Guo Wei the phone number of Ruan Yiyun's family so he could inquire himself, but Guo Wei, after careful consideration, declined.

He didn't know how to introduce himself, nor was he certain if Ruan Yiyun had mentioned their relationship to his parents. He feared causing embarrassment or trouble for Ruan Yiyun.

After all, according to Chen Zui's account, Ruan Yiyun was not in any life-threatening condition and was gradually improving. However, his condition was still not good, necessitating isolation, and his phone was not with him, making it inconvenient for him to initiate contact.

"So what illness did he actually have? Is it related to the medicine he took before?" Guo Wei asked Chen Zui.

Chen Zui remained evasive. "It seems quite complicated. I'm afraid my account might not be accurate. It's better to ask him directly when he's better."

Guo Wei spent these nights sleepless, and during the day, he found himself dozing off in class.

Ruan Yiyun was a well-known figure at school, so when this incident occurred suddenly, it quickly spread throughout the campus. Many people approached Guo Wei to inquire about the specifics.

Guo Wei didn't know much himself, so he could only repeat reassuring phrases like "It's nothing serious," "He'll recover soon," "He'll be back to school in no time."

These were nothing more than his subjective hopes.

It wasn't until the evening of the fourth day that his phone finally received the long-awaited call.

Seeing the word "wife" displayed prominently on the screen, Guo Wei was so excited that he almost dropped his phone.

After pressing the answer button, he was too excited and nervous to speak for a moment.

"Hello?" a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone, "Guo Wei, are you there?"

Guo Wei quickly replied, "Yes, I'm here!"

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder why Ruan Yiyun was calling him by his name again.

Ruan Yiyun's tone when speaking to him sounded slightly different from before, still gentle but with a hint of seriousness. "I asked my mom to bring my phone from school for me. From now on, you can call me if you need anything."

"I miss you so much, I've been so worried," Guo Wei said, forcefully sniffing, "What's going on with you? Can I come see you? Can we video call?"

There was a moment of hesitation from the other end, then a very soft response, "I miss you too, I really do."

After that, he quickly raised his voice again and said, "There's nothing else, I'll hang up for now. You can message me later."

Guo Wei was surprised, but the call had already been disconnected.

What was going on? Ruan Yiyun's attitude towards him had changed so much. He missed Ruan Yiyun so much it hurt, yet Ruan Yiyun was acting so businesslike?

Just as he was about to send a message expressing his confusion, he saw the text bubbles in his conversation with Ruan Yiyun rapidly popping up one by one.


β€”β€”My mom is next to me.

β€”β€”She's staring at me, I feel embarrassed.

β€”β€”I miss you so much.

β€”β€”Husband, mwah mwah mwah mwah


β€”β€”Let's video call after she leaves

Guo Wei felt relieved and couldn't help but smile.

The unease and worries that had been weighing on his mind for the past few days gradually dissipated with Ruan Yiyun's texts and emojis.

His top priority was, of course, Ruan Yiyun's health condition.

β€”β€”What's going on with you?

Ruan Yiyun replied promptly.

β€”β€”It's the pheromone imbalance I mentioned before, but don't worry, I'll recover soon, and it won't happen again in the future.

While Guo Wei felt relieved, he couldn't help but be curious.


This time, Ruan Yiyun took a while before responding.

β€”β€”The situation is quite complex, and it's not something that can be explained briefly. Let's talk about it slowly in the future!

It seemed that every time this topic was brought up, Ruan Yiyun would respond with these few sentences, and the so-called "future" was always postponed. Guo Wei recalled Wang Tong's words that day, realizing with hindsight that there was a hint of evasion.

Just as he was thinking, Ruan Yiyun sent another message.

β€”β€”But this time it has caused some unexpected effects on my body, you may not love me as much as before.

Guo Wei was momentarily unsure whether to first question what kind of effects they were, or to refute Ruan Yiyun's speculation. With a mixture of excitement and confusion, he typed a row of question marks.

Clearly not liking this response, Ruan Yiyun didn't explain further and fell silent.

Guo Wei really wanted to call him, but he was worried it might still be inconvenient for him. After a while, Ruan Yiyun began typing again.

β€”β€”My mom has left, do you want to video call?

β€”β€”I'm a bit messy right now, hope you don't mind?

Guo Wei typed rapidly.

β€”β€”Of course not!!!

Ruan Yiyun sent a video call request. Guo Wei eagerly accepted. On the screen appeared the face he had been longing for these past few days.

"You look really messy..." Guo Wei exclaimed in surprise.

Ruan Yiyun sat on the bed, wearing a hospital gown, his hair including his bangs tied up, but not very neatly. Despite the still beautiful face, there was a hint of exhaustion, his complexion pale, and even his lips lacked color.

Guo Wei stared at his somewhat disheveled hair for a moment, then asked, "Are you not allowed to wash your hair in the ward?"

Ruan Yiyun remained silent for two seconds before ending the video call.

Guo Wei immediately realized he had said the wrong thing. Ruan Yiyun had been sent to the hospital unconscious, and since he couldn't be discharged yet, his body must not have fully recovered, still uncomfortable and facing many inconveniences.

What he had originally wanted to express was, "You don't look well. I'm really worried and concerned," but it came out sounding like he was repulsed.

He hastily sent another video call request, which Ruan Yiyun rejected. He had no choice but to try calling, and finally got through.

"I didn't mean anything by it," Guo Wei hastily explained, "you're not feeling well, don't be angry."

"Not angry," Ruan Yiyun said, "I told you in advance, I know I look messy right now..."

"Yeah," Guo Wei said, "you need to get well soon!"

Ruan Yiyun remained silent.

"I want to come see you, can I come?" Guo Wei said again.

"......No need," Ruan Yiyun said, "I haven't washed my hair, and I can't."

Guo Wei was puzzled. "What's the big deal?"

"Messy," Ruan Yiyun said.

"But I miss you," Guo Wei said, "I want to see you. Auntie was with you just now, so visitors should be allowed, right? I'm a Beta, I won't be affected, let me come over." He said, feeling a pang in his heart, "...That day when I heard you suddenly collapsed, I was really scared. I kept trying to contact you but couldn't reach you. Did you see the messages I sent you?"

Ruan Yiyun seemed to let out a shallow sigh and his tone softened. "It should be possible. I'll ask the doctor. I really want to see you too."

"Then go ask," Guo Wei said, "I'll leave now!"

"Wait!" Ruan Yiyun hurriedly stopped him, "Visiting hours is almost over, even if you come now, you won't be allowed in. Let me go ask now. If it's possible, you can come over earlier tomorrow, and we can spend more time together, okay?"

Guo Wei immediately agreed, "Okay!"

"There's something..." Ruan Yiyun said, "I mentioned it in the message just now, you... When you come tomorrow, I'll tell you in detail. You..."

His tone sounded somewhat grave, as if there were something difficult to express.

"Will there be any lasting effects?" Guo Wei was very concerned.

"No," Ruan Yiyun said, "It's not a health issue."

Guo Wei thought to himself, "Then, it's not a big deal."

"Then don't think too much about it," he told Ruan Yiyun, "And... don't doubt me, okay?"

He didn't like Ruan Yiyun's pessimistic speculations about his feelings.

Ruan Yiyun softly replied, "Okay."

It took Guo Wei a while to snap out of it after hanging up the phone, realizing that he had said quite a few insensitive things just now.

He hurriedly sent a message to Ruan Yiyun.

β€”β€”You look incredibly beautiful no matter what!

β€”β€”Don't even mention not washing your hair, even bald you'd look good!

β€”β€”A crew cut would look good! A pompadour would look good too!

Ruan Yiyun replied with three dots.

Guo Wei looked at it, a strange feeling welling up in his heart.

He couldn't shake the feeling that Ruan Yiyun was acting differently today when facing him, seeming a bit awkward, a little less proactive, and timid.

He must have something on his mind. Could it be related to the changes he mentioned?

Guo Wei silently told himself that even if Ruan Yiyun told him tomorrow that they wouldn't have offspring in the future, he must restrain his feelings of disappointment and not show them in front of Ruan Yiyun.

Apart from that, he couldn't think of a worse scenario.

Perhaps it would be better to first consider how to express his determination well enough to give Ruan Yiyun enough reassurance.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 27


Limited First Love Chapter 25