Limited First Love Chapter 20

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 20 He Smells Sweet And Fragrant

Guo Wei's mind swirled with chaotic thoughts until he stepped into the cafeteria, only regaining clarity then.  Even if Ruan Yiyun did become fragrant, he wouldn't be able to perceive it.

This belated realization made him feel secretly disappointed for being a Beta.

In high school, every school offered a health class to teach teenagers who were close to physical maturity about various physiological knowledge. Because of its special content and exclusion from examination topics, most schools didn't delve too deeply into it, relying on students to read textbooks out of curiosity.

While people grasp the basics of many common knowledge, the absence of having experienced them firsthand created a gap in understanding and empathy.

Just like how Chen Zui, as an Alpha, would instinctively think that Guo Wei, a Beta, could also distinguish second genders through the neck gland area. Guo Wei, as a Beta, also had blind spots in his thinking.

He knew that Omega's glands would emit a special fragrance, and due to physiological differences, almost everyone emitted a different odor.

But it had never dawned on him that he might never have the chance to smell the scent exclusive to Ruan Yiyun.

This made him feel somewhat sad.

After finishing dinner and returning to his dorm, he sent a message to Ruan Yiyun.

——What does your pheromone smell like?

About ten minutes later, Ruan Yiyun replied.

——Wow, that's some classic sexual harassment!

Guo Wei blushed deeply. For an Omega, this seemed like a genuinely intimate question. Even though they were already a couple, asking it without the other person being psychologically prepared seemed abrupt.

Just as he was about to apologize, Ruan Yiyun sent another message.

——I don't know. I can't smell it myself, and I don't want anyone besides you to smell it either.

Guo Wei looked at it, feeling ashamed.

——I can't smell it either. I'm a Beta.

However, Ruan Yiyun had a different perspective from him and replied several times in a row.

——How would you know if you don't try?

——Don't give me common knowledge. Although it's very unlikely, I've heard that there are Betas who can sense pheromones.

——Do you know how to make me emit pheromones?

Guo Wei knew.

When Omegas were emotionally stirred, they unconsciously released their scent into the air from their neck glands. Just like what Chen Zui had mentioned, when the person they like kissed their glands, an Omega's body would surely give the most honest feedback.

Unlike kissing lips, it was an extremely intimate gesture, laden with strong implications.

His face flushed, thinking to himself that Ruan Yiyun now sounded a bit like sexually harassing.

But quickly, he felt that this perception was inappropriate. Unless he was unwilling, didn't like it, felt repulsed, it could be classified as harassment. Otherwise, it was just flirting.

His mind filled with naughty thoughts, and Ruan Yiyun, not receiving a reply for a while, started urging him.

——Where are you?

Guo Wei awkwardly changed the subject.

——I ran into Chen Zui just now.

Ruan Yiyun gave him an unexpected reply.

——I know.

Guo Wei was astonished.

——Did he tell you?

Shortly after hitting send, Ruan Yiyun sent him a photo.

Guo Wei's eyes widened instantly.

It was a distant snapshot. In the corner of the photo, two blurry figures stood at a street corner, one taller figure leaning over towards the other.

Due to the angle, their heads completely overlapped, giving the impression of a kiss at first glance.

——I saw this.

——Someone submitted another one, it's getting quite lively.

Guo Wei hurriedly explained.

——It's fake! It's fake! It's not what it looks like!

——He was showing me his neck! Look, his head is tilted!

——Please don't misunderstand!

Ruan Yiyun still replied promptly.

——I didn't misunderstand.

——I'm just quite curious, why did he want to show you his neck?

Because he wanted to show me his glands.

Guo Wei quickly realized that this was very inappropriate. Speaking it out now would only seem ambiguous.

Another message from Ruan Yiyun came through.

——Was it because of him that you asked me what my scent is?

A cute emoji followed the text. The cartoon character on the image smiled sweetly, but Guo Wei sensed a hint of danger behind it.

Guo Wei decided to be the straightforward Beta that he was and immediately explained the situation in full, hoping to gain Ruan Yiyun's understanding.

——Are you available to take a call?

It was not very convenient to convey through text, and not hearing each other's tone could easily deepen misunderstandings.

——Not very convenient.

Amid Guo Wei's nervousness, he quickly sent another message.

——Tonight, come to my dorm, we'll talk face to face.

Guo Wei's head immediately buzzed.

He had earnestly expressed his thoughts just last night, and Ruan Yiyun had always been understanding. Why would he say something like this to him?

He hesitated in front of his phone, occasionally typing a few words, only to quickly delete them all. After repeating this several times, Ruan Yiyun sent another message.

——Just kidding with you

——I don't doubt you, I trust you

Guo Wei breathed a long sigh of relief. Just as he was feeling touched, new messages popped up.

——But I do hope you can come and accompany me

——I didn't say this earlier because I was afraid you'd worry, but these past few days, I don't know what's been happening, I can't sleep well, and I've been having palpitations at night.

Guo Wei was extremely worried.

——What's wrong? Are you feeling unwell or is something scaring you?

Moments later, Ruan Yiyun sent a voice message.

Guo Wei quickly held the phone to his ear. Ruan Yiyun's voice was soft, different from his usual gentle tone, sounding somewhat fragile.

"I don't know, I just keep waking up startled, tossing and turning unable to sleep. I miss you so much, and I really hope you can be by my side. I'm sorry, am I being too clingy? Do you find me annoying?"

Before he could finish listening, another message arrived. This time, Ruan Yiyun's tone in the voice message was livelier than before, but to Guo Wei's ears, it sounded forced, like he was trying to force himself to sound upbeat.

"It's okay, I understand your concerns, and I'm also very touched that you care. I'll take good care of myself!"

Guo Wei lowered his phone from his ear and noticed Ruan Yiyun had also sent a cute emoji saying "Cheer up."

Guo Wei suddenly stood up, took a deep breath, and solemnly pressed the record button on the voice message, asking in a clear and steady voice, "Tell me, how can I enter without being spotted by the dorm supervisor?"

The method turned out to be unexpectedly simple.

Besides the main entrance used by students daily, there was also a side door in the Omega dorm, usually kept locked. Ruan Yiyun's room was on the second floor near the window, directly above this door. Outside the wall was decorative faux rocks, effectively creating steps.

"My window is in a blind spot of the surveillance camera. As long as you don't go past that tree over there, you won't be caught on camera," Ruan Yiyun told him over the phone.

Guo Wei wore a hat and glasses, and intentionally raised the collar of his coat, looking every bit like a suspicious character. Due to nervousness, he almost stumbled while climbing the faux rocks. When he finally slipped in through Ruan Yiyun's window, he broke the skin on his wrist.

Though it was just a minor scrape with no blood, Ruan Yiyun felt deeply distressed.

"It's okay," Guo Wei wiped it with a damp tissue, "See, it's hardly noticeable now."

"...This wipes doesn't have any disinfectant properties," Ruan Yiyun remarked.

After speaking, he held Guo Wei's hand, pulling it towards himself, examining it carefully.

Guo Wei deliberately changed the subject, "Isn't it unsafe for your dorm window to be so easy to enter?"

"There's a bolt inside, it's usually locked, and there are curtains." Ruan Yiyun leaned in closer "Who says it's not noticeable? It's so obvious, there are even tiny blood vessels."

As he spoke, he lowered his head, extended his tongue, and gently licked the wound on Guo Wei's wrist.

Guo Wei shivered.

Maintaining that position, Ruan Yiyun raised his gaze, glanced at him, and finally pressed his lips against the skin near the wound, deliberately making a slight sound.

"Disinfecting it a bit." He lifted his head, smiling at Guo Wei.

Guo Wei stiffened, holding his breath, afraid to move, yet smiling foolishly at him.

This was Ruan Yiyun's room, and every item placed around belonged to Ruan Yiyun. Guo Wei vaguely wondered, did this include himself standing in the room at this moment?

He hoped so.

"What's wrong?" Ruan Yiyun let go of his hand, leaned closer, stopping at a distance where another step forward would lead to a kiss, and chuckled, "Silly."

The warm breath gently caressed Guo Wei's skin, making him feel slightly itchy.

The itch spread gradually along his facial skin, reaching his shoulders, spine, and arms. He shivered involuntarily.

"What's the matter? It's not like I'm going to eat you." Ruan Yiyun raised his hand, pinching Guo Wei's cheek. "Why so nervous?"

Guo Wei lightly bit his lip, didn't explain, just leaned forward directly, kissing Ruan Yiyun's lips.

It had been a long time since he had his nose bump against Ruan Yiyun's like this.

Ruan Yiyun smiled, tilting his head to the side, hands gripping the back of Guo Wei's neck, and then parted his lips.

Guo Wei soon heard some sounds from him. It seemed like a faint laughter, yet somehow not. But regardless, this sound must have been because of him.

"...I'm sorry," Guo Wei murmured, chastising himself softly, "I just wanted to kiss you, really, just a kiss."

Ruan Yiyun squinted at him for a moment, then leaned his head gently against Guo Wei's shoulder. "Kiss me more."

His slightly longer strands of hair fell down, revealing his flawless, snowy white neck.

Guo Wei lowered his gaze, silently wondering if Ruan Yiyun had become fragrant now.

It seemed like he could smell it, as if every inch of his skin was immersed in a sweet fragrance.


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Pure Love

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Limited First Love Chapter 21


Limited First Love Chapter 19