Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 17

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 17 A Stunning Beauty In The World

Guo Wei remembered it again in his dream.

In the dream, he quickly called Ruan Yiyun. Then, for some reason, the two of them sat together, drafted a "Letter to All Students," and solemnly submitted it to the Confession Wall.

Unexpectedly, the submission was rejected, with the reason being "Your writing could improve further. We welcome a resubmission after noticeable improvement."

Guo Wei woke up feeling frustrated.

After waking up, he finally didn't forget this important matter. While having breakfast with Ruan Yiyun, he actively asked for his opinion.

"Are you suggesting you want to submit too?" Ruan Yiyun asked, somewhat surprised.

"Yes." Guo Wei nodded seriously. "Those rumors are too outrageous. It's not good for you or Chen Zui. Anyway, it's not troublesome. Let's just explain it."

Upon careful thought, he realized that despite being criticized in this gossip, he was luckier than the other two victims. Chen Zui, a tall and handsome Alpha, was questioned about size and abilities in that area, with no way to present concrete evidence to refute. Ruan Yiyun, for no reason, was baselessly regarded as promiscuous, with his private life slandered and mocked by some vulgar individuals.

However, it was Guo Wei, who, despite being riduculed for his ordinary appearance and seemingly silliness, was envied by many.

Such an ordinary Beta, surprisingly triumphed over the tall, handsome, and imposing Alpha, successfully wooing a breathtakingly beautiful Omega that seemed to have descended as a fairy. It was truly impressive. Many sought to learn from him, eager for his lessons as if wanting him to open a class.

Guo Wei felt it necessary to explain himself, clearing the names of the other two involved.

"What do you think?" he asked Ruan Yiyun.

"I don't care how others perceive me," Ruan Yiyun said, "but if you think it's better to do so, I'm on your side, of course."

Guo Wei nodded. "I'll show it to you after I finish writing. I'm afraid some parts may not be well-worded or accurate."

Ruan Yiyun smiled at him. "I like your considerate and meticulous nature."

Guo Wei, feeling a bit embarrassed, touched his face, quickly recalling something. "By the way, if this matter spreads, won't everyone know that Chen Zui sneaked out? If it reaches the teachers' ears, could he get into trouble?"

Ruan Yiyun fell into thought at his words.

It seemed that despite his teasing, he had some genuine concern for his friend.

"It shouldn't be a big issue, right?" Ruan Yiyun said. "He hasn't come to complain to me, so he's probably fooled his way through."

"It's also possible that the teachers haven't heard about it yet," Guo Wei said.

"Don't worry, this guy probably put on an act in front of the teachers, speaking all sweet and smooth," Ruan Yiyun said. "Generally, troublemakers like him would have been expelled long ago. There wouldn't be any chance for self-reflection."

Curiosity sparked in Guo Wei, about to inquire further, but Ruan Yiyun looked displeased. "You've only met him once. Why are you so fixated on him?"

Guo Wei was taken aback. "Huh? I just..."

Ruan Yiyun grabbed his hand from the table, intentionally putting on a slightly stern expression with a soft tone. "Miss me."

Guo Wei laughed and held him back, nodding. "Sure!"

That night, he earnestly wrote a thousand-word essay.

The content claimed that he and Ruan Yiyun entered their relationship while being single. He stated that they had been open about their relationship from the start, and that they were both committed to making it work long-term. He asked for people to stop paying unnecessary attention to them. As for Chen Zui, he was just a friend to Ruan Yiyun, and as Ruan Yiyun's partner, he had a harmonious relationship with Chen Zui, with no conflicts. The reason they appeared together at the school gate yesterday was that Chen Zui generously offered to escort him back to campus. This also proved there was no resentment between them, and the relationship between Chen Zui and Ruan Yiyun was aboveboard. The commotion during their parting was just a joke among friends, as some people in the comments noticed at the scene yesterday. Although one photo in the submission was blurry, Chen Zui's expression clearly showed a smile. In conclusion, everything imagined and speculated about them was nonexistent, and he hoped the rumors would stop spreading.

Originally, he wanted to emphasize that Ruan Yiyun's personality was innocent, romantic, pure and flawless, kind and gentle, as tender as water, as pure as a blank sheet of paper, as crystal clear as water. Such a beautiful person should not be harmed by malicious slander.

Unfortunately, after sending it to Ruan Yiyun for review, he tactfully requested for it to be deleted.

"How I am perceived by others doesn't matter. As long as you understand me," he told Guo Wei, "there's no need to emphasize those things to outsiders."

Guo Wei had to regretfully condense the content, ultimately retaining only the simple and pale description of "beautiful person."

After submitting the post, a prompt response was received, and it was quickly published.

The comments section once again buzzed with activity.

Apart from various sentiments and requests for tips on pursuing someone, many questioned the validity of his explanation, deeming it unreasonable.

For instance, why didn't the other contributors yesterday realize they were joking? How could normal people joke about such matters in public? If they wanted to avoid attention, why would they openly kiss when they knew others were watching? Was it reasonable for Chen Zui to sneak out of punishment solely to escort his friend's boyfriend back to school? If there were no conflicts between them, why did Ruan Yiyun forcibly drag him away at the end? Why did he appear so bewildered in the photo?

Every query seemed reasonable and garnered considerable support.

Guo Wei ardently explained in the comments section, but unfortunately, the effect was not satisfactory. Many details from yesterday were already fuzzy in his memory, and recounting them inevitably led to discrepancies, contradicting the submissions. Each additional statement triggered an exponential increase in various questions, overwhelming him.

Many questions were simply impossible for him to answer.

For instance, he claimed to have coincidentally encountered Chen Zui on the road, prompting skepticism about the improbability of such luck.

Another example was his explanation that he was confused at the time because he wasn't acquainted with Chen Zui. He claimed not to understand what the two were up to, leading to questions about why the unfamiliar Chen Zui would go out of his way to escort him.

Overwhelmed, Guo Wei felt a headache, gave up on explanations, closed the webpage, and sought peace.

Wang Tong, who had been observing the entire time, informed him afterward that those people, seeing him no longer replying, declared their victory, earning praise from onlookers for clear logic and meticulous reasoning.

Guo Wei waved his hand, indicating that they could go on with their assumptions.

He had a realization. Spending time and energy arguing with them was less worthwhile than holding hands and exchanging sweet words with Ruan Yiyun. Wasn't that more delightful?

Little did he expect that after blissfully ignoring the rumors for over a week, they became increasingly bizarre, spawning different versions.

"They say Chen Zui was also pursuing you, showering you with various attentions. But one day, Ruan Yiyun accidentally discovered your secret rendezvous," Eldest Brother Jin said, standing in the center of the dorm, gesticulating animatedly. "You were originally navigating smoothly between the two of them, enjoying the best of both worlds. Unexpectedly, that day turned out to be so coincidental, and your clandestine meeting with Chen Zui was exposed by Ruan Yiyun. The two confronted each other, leading to an immediate breakup. After some hesitation, you ultimately chose Ruan Yiyun. People think Chen Zui's declaration was directed at Ruan Yiyun, but that's actually a cognitive blind spot – he was talking about you!"

Guo Wei stared in disbelief.

Eldest Brother Jin walked to the table, took a big sip from his water cup, and continued, "Ruan Yiyun and Chen Zui's longstanding friendship crumbled because of you, truly a heinous act for a Beta!"

"Help! Help!" Guo Wei shouted. "I'm not even acquainted with Chen Zui!"

"I know," Eldest Brother Jin sat down, smiling incessantly. "But now you've become the celestial being manipulating both of them."

"It's too absurd," Guo Wei said with a pained expression. "No one would believe this, right?"

"Indeed absurd. What I heard wasn't like this," Third Elder Brother said. "Considering everything, my version seems to have a higher credibility."

Eldest Brother Jin's interest was piqued. "What, what? Tell us!"

"Regarding Chen Zui," Third Elder Brother lowered his voice, "Isn't it said he has some issues in that aspect?"

Guo Wei felt extremely helpless. "Isn't this all baseless gossip? There's absolutely no such research!"

"Tsk, if there are rumors like these, there must be some basis," Third Elder Brother said. "He and Ruan Yiyun are so close, look compatible, yet can't spark any romance. Don't you find it strange at all?"

Eldest Brother Jin nodded before Guo Wei could respond. "Strange! Extremely strange! Too strange! What's the reason behind this?"

Third Elder Brother, wearing a mysterious expression, raised his eyebrows provocatively. "Because, you see, Chen Zui is actually an Omega."

Eldest Brother Jin sprayed water on the spot, and Guo Wei yelled while wiping his face.

"Is it fake news?" After a while, Eldest Brother Jin finally regained his composure. "Have you never seen Chen Zui? How could there be an Omega who looks like that in this world?"

Guo Wei vigorously nodded on the side.

"Don't doubt it, guys," Third Elder Brother said. "I know a friend, whose high school classmate's current classmate's friend was Chen Zui's classmate in junior high..."

"Isn't this connection too distant?" Guo Wei grumbled.

Unfazed, Third Elder Brother continued, "They say Chen Zui once gave a speech during a middle school class meeting, the theme being 'There shouldn't be gender-based appearance discrimination and stereotypes,' urging everyone not to mock tall Omegas or short, weak Alphas."

Guo Wei thought for a moment, shaking his head. "Impossible. If he truly were an Omega, Ruan Yiyun, knowing him for so many years, would definitely be aware. He also mentioned that Chen Zui is an Alpha."

Eldest Brother Jin pondered for a moment, then turned to look at Wang Tong, who had remained silent. "Why aren't you saying anything today?"

Wang Tong, stroking his chin, wore a mysterious expression. "The rumors I heard are even more absurd."

"What, what?" Both Third Elder Brother and Eldest Brother Jin were highly interested.

"Initially, I thought it was baseless gossip, but after hearing Third Elder Brother, it seems somewhat related," Wang Tong said. "It's about Ruan Yiyun."

Guo Wei sighed. "What kind of nonsensical stuff is this again?"

"Chen Zui's speech may not necessarily be about himself," Wang Tong suggested. "There are rumors that the reason Chen Zui and Ruan Yiyun don't click is because... Ruan Yiyun is also an Alpha."

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