Pure Love Translations

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Limited First Love Chapter 13

Translated by Q the Panda (ko-fi)

Chapter 13 Some People Wish For The Whole World To Be In Chaos

Even before striking up a conversation, Guo Wei immediately recognized this person as an Alpha.

Although he was sitting in the motorcycle with a hunched posture, the person's tall stature was evident. Now, getting off of the bike, he appeared even taller and slender, probably close to six feet. However, he didn't seem bulky. His shoulders were broad, but his waist was narrow and straight. With his long legs, he looked like a model on a street shoot as he leaned against the motorcycle.

Guo Wei, feeling an indescribable sense of oppression, took a small step back and finally shifted his gaze to the other person's face, immediately sighing in amazement.

Damn, he's handsome!

The helmet came off to reveal a face that was breathtakingly handsome.  Combined with his impressive physique, the man was a sight to behold. Guo Wei wasn't particularly fond of Alphas, but for a moment, he couldn't look away.

The other person calmly met his gaze, lips slightly curved in a meaningful smile, and continued, "Hasn't Little Sister Ruan mentioned me to you?"

Guo Wei blinked twice. "...little sister?"

In an instant, he realized something, raised his hand, pointed at the person, and opened his mouth, "You're——"

The Alpha, maintaining the relaxed and natural smile from before, introduced himself, "My surname is Chen."

Guo Wei paused and shouted the second half, "——Zuibao!"

In his line of sight, the once casually natural smile on the other's face slightly stiffened.

Guo Wei vividly remembered the initially peculiar username when adding Ruan Yiyun as a friend. He had secretly speculated about the identity of "Zuibao" and whether it had any connection to the rumored "Alpha surnamed Chen." Now, witnessing the other's reaction, his subconscious guess seemed to be spot on.

"Your name is Chen Zuibao?" While asking, Guo Wei couldn't help but once again assess the tall and handsome figure in front of him.

What kind of parents would give such a handsome son such a rustic name?

"...Chen Zui," the other looked helpless, straightening up, "without that 'Bao.' You don't recognize me?"

Guo Wei hesitated for half a second. "Uh… I do now. Hello?"

Chen Zui was undoubtedly dissatisfied with his reaction. Taking a step forward and standing in front of him, he looked down at Guo Wei and said, "I've heard a lot about you."

Guo Wei nervously tucked in his neck, attempting to force a smile. "Hehe, sorry, I haven't heard Ruan Yiyun mention you."

This seemingly honest statement appeared to be taken as a provocation.

"Oh?" Chen Zui chuckled lightly, a look of interest on his face. "How did you know the nickname he used for me? Are you two telepathic?"

"His previous username," Guo Wei raised his hand and pointed at Chen Zui, explaining seriously, "Your biological father."

The air fell silent for a few seconds.

Chen Zui raised an eyebrow, deliberately slowing down his speech when he spoke, "It seems you have some opinions about me."

Guo Wei was puzzled. "Why would you say that?"

The two silently locked eyes for a few seconds, neither speaking.

Feeling strangely nervous, Guo Wei swallowed and said, "You're friends with him, so naturally, I consider you a friend too. You helped me today, so I'm grateful. Why would I have any opinions about you?"

Chen Zui remained silent, staring at him. It seemed like he was weighing the credibility of Guo Wei's words.

With a considerable height difference between them, Guo Wei found it hard to remain composed under Chen Zui's gaze. He cautiously touched his nose and asked, "…Why do you call him 'little sister'? What's the reason?"

"Any objections?" Chen Zui asked.

Guo Wei hesitated for a moment, shook his head, and whispered after averting his gaze, "…Quite cute."

Just as he finished speaking, for some unknown reason, Chen Zui burst into laughter.

"Right? It suits him perfectly, doesn't it?" Chen Zui turned around, leaning back on the motorcycle again. "Next time, remember to call him that in front of him. He'll love it."

Guo Wei thought it might not be appropriate, considering Ruan Yiyun was slightly older. If he were to use "little sister," it felt a bit lacking in charm, not as cute.

Just as he was pondering this, Chen Zui continued, "His taste is quite unique."

"What?" Guo Wei asked.

Chen Zui didn't answer. Instead, he propped his hand on the seat and slightly lifted his chin in the direction behind Guo Wei. "Speak of the devil."

At his words, Guo Wei turned around and immediately spotted Ruan Yiyun not far behind him.

A day apart felt like three autumns, two days apart felt like six. Guo Wei missed him terribly At that moment, he felt a burst of joy in his heart and hurriedly raised his arms and waved them vigorously. Ruan Yiyun also waved back but with a hint of stiffness in his gestures. Soon, as he approached, Guo Wei noticed a forced smile on his face, suggesting a bad mood.

When Ruan Yiyun approached, he didn't greet them but instead asked, "How did you two end up together?"

Guo Wei was about to respond when Chen Zui beat him to it.

"It was fate," he said, gesturing towards Guo Wei with a smile. "I just finished your call when he struck up a conversation with me."

Ruan Yiyun wore a skeptical expression and turned to look at Guo Wei.

Guo Wei was momentarily unsure whether to nod or shake his head. Strictly speaking, Chen Zui wasn't wrong, but the term "struck up a conversation" was a bit too ambiguous, prone to misinterpretation. After some thought, he decided to offer an explanation.

"I thought he was soliciting clients, so I went up to him and asked him how much he charged," Guo Wei explained.

While Chen Zui's eyes widened, Ruan Yiyun's brows furrowed. "Soliciting clients?"

"Yeah," Guo Wei nodded, "You were sitting on your motorcycle  and waiting near the station. It looked like you were soliciting clients."

"Can't you speak properly?" Chen Zui scolded, amused and exasperated."That's called soliciting passengers!"

"Is there a difference?" Guo Wei was puzzled.

"More than you know," Ruan Yiyun cut in, helping Guo Wei in mocking him. "Do you even understand what 'striking up a conversation' means?"

Chen Zui didn't mind. His gaze flickered between the two as he laughed.

"I purposely gave him a ride back. You should thank me," he said to Ruan Yiyun.

Ruan Yiyun ignored him, approached Guo Wei, and asked in a low voice, "He didn't say anything weird to you, did he?"

Guo Wei, unsure if "little sister" fell into the category of weird things to say, didn't respond.

Seeing his peculiar expression, Ruan Yiyun walked to the side of the motorcycle, frowned, looked up at Chen Zui, and said something with an annoyed expression.

His voice was kept very low. Guo Wei, standing a couple of steps away, couldn't quite make out the words at that moment.

Chen Zui quickly flashed a teasing smile, deliberately casting a glance at Guo Wei.

A sense of frustration welled up in Guo Wei's heart.

Not only because they were whispering in front of him, but also because the two individuals before him seemed incredibly compatible.

He finally understood why everyone assumed their relationship was extraordinary.

Ruan Yiyun, who initially appeared somewhat tall among Omegas, seemed delicate and petite in front of Chen Zui. If Chen Zui extended his arm now, he could probably easily pull Ruan Yiyun into an embrace.

And that scene would undoubtedly be beautiful and harmonious.

Their appearances seemed almost tailor-made, creating an atmosphere of intimacy that outsiders couldn't easily penetrate.

Guo Wei stood on the side, becoming a complete outsider.

After a moment, Chen Zui suppressed a laugh, slightly raised his voice, and said, "Alright, alright, I get it! Let's head off. You go quickly and say goodbye to this little friend."

As he spoke, he opened the motorcycle's storage compartment, took out another helmet, and handed it to Ruan Yiyun.

Guo Wei, belatedly realizing that Ruan Yiyun had arranged to meet Chen Zui here, felt a bit out of the loop.

If it weren't for the chance encounter, he would undoubtedly have missed out.

This realization further dampened his mood.

Seeing Ruan Yiyun glance back at him, he forced a smile and quietly asked, "Do you two have somewhere to go?"

Ruan Yiyun hesitated for two seconds, pushed back the helmet Chen Zui handed over, and said, "Nothing. I'm not going anymore. Have you had lunch?"

Chen Zui protested loudly, "No way! Dude, you specifically called me over, and now you're standing me up? Are you even human?"

Ruan Yiyun clicked his tongue lightly, turned around, and whispered to Chen Zui, "We'll talk later."

"Prioritizing love over your friends," Chen Zui persisted, "playing with me like this, don't you feel guilty?"

Looking fed up, Ruan Yiyun turned around and mouthed a vicious word at him.

He didn't make a sound, but from Guo Wei's angle, he could roughly make out the words he was mouthing.

Ruan Yiyun seemed to be saying, "Fuxx ur mother."

In the midst of shock, Ruan Yiyun looked at him again, revealing the familiar gentle smile. "Let's ignore him. Have you had lunch? Shall we go together?"

Without waiting for Guo Wei's reaction, he grabbed his hand and headed towards the school gate.

"Hey!" Chen Zui shouted from behind, "You, surnamed Ruan, are you just going to abandon me like this?"

Many students passing by in the vicinity turned their heads to look.

"Are both my soul and body just disposable and worthless to you?" Chen Zui's shouts became increasingly bizarre.

Startled, Guo Wei turned around, only to see Chen Zui's expression devoid of any grief, more like suppressing laughter.

Seeing everyone's attention on them, Ruan Yiyun took a deep breath, turned around, and shouted at Chen Zui, "Keep barking, and I'll report you to the teacher now!"

Ruan Yiyun's choice of words startled Guo Wei.

Surprisingly, this unexpected threat worked. Chen Zui sneered, rolled his eyes, shrugged with a smile, then put on his helmet and straddled his motorcycle.

Seeing Guo Wei still looking at him, he raised his hand and gave a light wave towards Guo Wei.

Watching him ride the motorcycle and disappear into the distance, Guo Wei finally snapped out of it and asked, "What were you going to report him for?"

"This guy got grounded at home for a month," Ruan Yiyun said, "If the teacher finds out he's showing off outside, it will be dealt with seriously."

"What did he do?" Guo Wei asked.

"Riding a motorcycle in the school, knocked a streetlamp askew, and fled the scene," Ruan Yiyun said, leaning in close to his ear, using a playful tone as he whispered, "Don't get too close to him. You'll become dumb."

Chen Zui left with flair, but the two of them, relying solely on their legs, temporarily had to endure various ambiguous glances from the surrounding pedestrians, with no place to hide.

"Your conversation just now was strange," Guo Wei remarked.

"People with issues in their heads are like that, hard to understand," Ruan Yiyun shook his hand, "Forget about him. What do you want for lunch?"

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