Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 9

Translated by Sylver

Chapter 9: Monthly Exam

Yun Fang felt that he couldn’t finish this physics exam paper.

He thought back to what happened at noon, and upon self-reflection, he realized that he was impulsive. Even if the other person was Yi Chenliang, he should apologize.

So Yun Fang put away the test paper, got up directly from the waiting seat, and faced Yi Chenliang.

Yi Chenliang stepped back warily.

Yun Fang deliberately softened his tone, “I was wrong to yell at you earlier.”

Yi Chenliang sneered coldly, then looked him up and down, wanting to say something but hesitating.

Yun Fang thought that kids were easy to coax. He recalled the scenes of father-son interactions he had seen in TV dramas before, cleared his throat and said, “I saw a bruise on your neck and wanted to check the injury on your back, that’s why I touched you. It won’t happen again.”

Yi Chenliang looked at him as if he was looking at a pervert, “You still want a next time?”

Yun Fang was taken aback by his retort, and managed to pull out a gentle smile, “As long as you don’t fight.”

Yi Chenliang looked at the other’s mocking expression, almost punched him directly, but in the end, he was wary of the other’s strength and held back. “Whether I fight or not is none of your business!”

Yun Fang said earnestly, “I like you very much, so I want to be with you—”

“Holy crap!” Yi Chenliang stepped back in horror, “I don’t like men!”

Yun Fang, who was suddenly interrupted, saw him about to retreat into the rain, reached out and grabbed his collar, and added with a wry smile, “I want to be friends with you.”

But obviously, Yi Chenliang didn’t believe it, and firmly believed that he had finally found the real reason why this lunatic suddenly approached him.

He said where did the bullshit mutual help among classmates come from, this pervert just fancied him!

“I can’t even rank in the top fifty in the grade!” Yi Chenliang said solemnly, he had never been so proud of his poor academic performance, “I can’t meet your requirements!”"

Yun Fang was speechless for a moment, trying to explain the misunderstanding, “Actually, it’s not about ranking in the top fifty in the grade, it’s actually—”

The horn of the bus pierced through the rain curtain, and Yi Chenliang didn’t give him a chance to finish, stepping over the seat with one foot.

Yun Fang subconsciously grabbed, but caught nothing. The corner of the blue and white school uniform slipped through his palm, and the faint scent of laundry detergent lingered on the tip of his nose.

He turned his head, and Yi Chenliang had already run out of the rain shelter and got on the bus.

Yun Fang’s apology failed, and even made the other party’s misunderstanding heavier. He was still a bit depressed until dinner time.

Tang Yi was making a phone call in the bedroom, her voice fluctuating. Yun Heyu was cooking, breaking open the just-cooked corn and sticking it with chopsticks, handing it to Yun Fang, “Come, eat a piece of corn to fill your stomach first.”

Yun Fang took the head of the chopsticks, took a bite of the corn, and the sweet and soft taste made him feel a little better, “Dad, do you know how I’m doing in school?”

“Isn’t your performance always pretty good?” Yun Heyu was serving rice, “Are you thinking about the last monthly exam again?”

“Ah.” Yun Fang responded vaguely.

Yun Heyu went to the kitchen to get chopsticks, sat next to Yun Fang and said, “It’s okay, you should know that whether you rank first in the grade or last, you are the child of your mother and me. We don’t ask you to be very capable in the future, we just hope you can live happily and healthily for a lifetime.”

Yun Fang didn’t say a word with his eyes down.

Tang Yi had said the same thing to him before, but at that time ‘Yun Fang’ had just been saved from suicide not long ago, and he didn’t take it to heart.

“Your mother and I are not highly educated, and we haven’t managed you much in your studies. If you feel happy, you should study well. If you’re not happy, you don’t need to put so much pressure on yourself.” Yun Heyu patted his shoulder, “During this period, your mother and I saw that you always seemed to have a lot on your mind. We wanted to have a good talk with you, but we were afraid you would resent it.”

“I don’t resent it.” Yun Fang shook his head.

Actually, he was quite envious.

He envied Yun Fang for having such good parents, who respected Yun Fang’s own choices no matter what he did. Even if there were disagreements on the issue of sexual orientation, they chose to compromise once Yun Fang’s life was at stake.

It’s not because Tang Yi and Yun Heyu were so open-minded, but because they hoped Yun Fang would be happy—even if they themselves were distressed and worried about it.

Tang Yi finished her phone call and came out, only to see the father and son sitting on the sofa with serious faces, and couldn’t help laughing, “What’s wrong, you two look like you’re meeting with a leader.”

Yun Heyu laughed, “I had a talk with Sugar.”

Tang Yi looked at Yun Fang very cautiously, “Sugar, Mom knows an aunt, she is a psychologist, if you have time…do you want to go see her?”

Yun Fang pursed his lips, “I don’t have any psychological problems.”

Sexual orientation was not a mental illness, and besides, he was not the real Yun Fang, he wouldn’t really like men.

“Mom doesn’t mean that.” Tang Yi said, “It’s just that you seem to be under a lot of pressure, and there are some things you can’t say to Dad and Mom. It might be better to talk to a doctor. Psychologists won’t casually reveal the content of your conversations, even Mom won’t know what you talked about, how about it?”

Seeing this, Yun Fang couldn’t bear to let these parents be so careful, so he nodded, “Wait until this monthly exam is over.”

Tang Yi obviously breathed a sigh of relief, “Good, good, let’s eat first.”

The second monthly exam came as scheduled.

The first exam was Chinese. Before the exam, Yun Fang was still looking at the textbook, trying to remember a few more ancient poems.

Subjects like Chinese were important for accumulation, unlike mathematics and science which could be quickly improved with methods and techniques, so Yun Fang was not in a hurry to cram. He just wanted to see what his level was.

The bell rang, the invigilator urged the students to put away their textbooks and review materials, and then began to distribute the test papers.

The moment he got the test paper, Yun Fang’s somewhat irritable heart finally calmed down.

Not just for learning and scores, he just wanted to choose a path completely different from his previous life, try his best, and see if he could find another kind of life.

He didn’t know what he wanted in this life, but as long as he kept going, he would always find what he wanted.

The sound of writing calmed Yun Fang down. As he was writing the test paper, the image of Yi Chenliang rushing into the rain suddenly flashed in his mind.

He couldn’t help but laugh.

The three-day exam passed quickly. The top students in Class 3 had already asked the teacher for the answers to each subject, estimated their scores, and started correcting their mistakes.

Wu He was holding the physics test paper and wailing, “It’s over, it’s over, I only got about eighty points in physics, I’m dead, I’m dead!”

Chen Qianyang was also not in a very good mood, “You’re fine, what’s your total score after conversion?” 

Because there was yet no division of arts and sciences in the first year of high school, besides Chinese, mathematics, and English, other subjects had to be converted, so that the total score was the same as the college entrance examination, which was 750.

“About six hundred and eighty points.” Wu He said.

“Scram, scram, scram! You’re ten points higher than me! What are you howling about!” Chen Qianyang couldn’t help but roll her eyes.

With a total score of 750, 680 was almost enough to get into the top ten or twenty in the grade.

Wu He couldn’t help but turn his head and ask Yun Fang, “Study god, have you estimated your score?”

Chen Qianyang also turned her head with interest, “How many, seven hundred?”

“It must be either more than seven hundred and twenty or thirty!” Wu He chimed in, “Brother Yun’s level has always been good, if he keeps it up, he can go straight to Tsinghua and Peking University!”

Yun Fang said expressionlessly, “Five hundred and four.”

“I’m going, it’s actually seven hundred and four!” Wu He was excited for a moment and didn’t hear clearly, “Bro, you’re legendary!”

Yun Fang didn’t want to talk to him.

Chen Qianyang did hear clearly, “Yun Fang, how much did you just say?”

“Five hundred and four.” Yun Fang said very calmly.

There were actually quite a few people eavesdropping on the side, and their faces cracked when they heard this.

“Are you kidding?” Someone muttered quietly.

“What are you pretending to be!” The class monitor, Qi Xian, came over and looked down at him, “You’re too modest, if you can score five hundred and four, I’ll call you father!”

Yun Fang usually didn’t argue with kids, but he wasn’t in a very good mood after estimating his score. Hearing this, he nodded and looked at Qi Xian, “Okay, don’t forget then.”

Qi Xian glared at him and left.

“Don’t bother with the idiot.” Wu He frowned, “He’s always been jealous that you do better than him, this time you drop another twenty points to frustrate him.”

Yun Fang: “….”

Hmm, the average score of Class 3 might be more than a hundred points higher than his.

The results would be announced next Monday, and the students were looking at the score rankings posted by each class, one by one they were shocked.

“Damn! The first place is not Yun Fang!”

“The second place isn’t either!”

“What’s going on? Did Yun Fang not take the exam this time?”

“Hey wait! Wait! Ranked five hundred and eight, Yun Fang!”

“Damn, damn!”

“Ah ah ah ah——” Wu He exploded, “Yun Fang, what’s going on! How did you really score five hundred and four! Your grades have dropped too much! Did you do it on purpose?”

Yun Fang nodded, in the midst of the explosive vortex, he was more calm than others, “No, I tried my best.”

“Yun Fang! Old Ban is calling you to the office!” Someone was shouting at the door, “Old He’s face is all black, be careful.”

Yun Fang went without fear, leaving a group of people in an uproar.

In Class 10, Yi Chenliang looked at his report card and yawned, with a total score of five hundred and fourteen, ranking five hundred and ninety-six in the grade, hmm, normal performance.

He was about to lie down on the table to take a nap, when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a name not too far from him—Yun Fang, with a total score of five hundred and forty, ranking five hundred and eight in the grade.

“F***!” He looked at Yun Fang’s score in disbelief, his face getting worse and worse.

Even if Yun Fang’s left hand was disabled, it wouldn’t affect his right hand writing, how could his grades drop so much?

Yi Chenliang remembered the terrible requirement of being in the top fifty in the grade to be a boyfriend, and remembered his own words of rejecting him because he didn’t make it into the top fifty, and suddenly he didn’t feel very well.

Yun Fang wanting a boyfriend in the top fifty in the grade was very likely because he wanted the two of them to be in the same class. He was firmly seated in the first place in the grade, so he could only let the other party try hard. But now he had actually scored five hundred and eight in the grade, this was certainly not his true level, he must have done this on purpose.

Thinking of a certain terrible possibility, Yi Chenliang shook his head. No, it couldn’t be, how could it be.

“Classmates!” The class monitor of Class 10 suddenly rushed in and shouted excitedly on the podium, “The study god is transferring to our class!”


Yi Chenliang’s hand shook, and the report card was torn in half.

This lunatic actually took the exam with a score just to be in the same class with him!

What a terrifying pervert!

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