Just in Time Chapter 91

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 91 Sunshine

—— One week ago.

Yi Chenliang couldn’t defeat those two men. He was forcibly taken into the car, without any chance to resist.

The car traveled through the crisscrossing lanes of Wu City in the night, slowly stopping in front of a villa.

The villa was nestled among neatly trimmed flowering trees. It should have been luxurious and beautiful, but the heavy night made it seem lonely and cold. A pale light emanated from the windows, illuminating a small section of the stone-paved path in front of the door.

There were two dim lamps at the entrance of the front yard. Moths fluttered desperately under the bulbs, chasing the light, but they could never touch the true glowing core inside.

A slender woman stood by the lamp post. She was wearing a fitted light blue cheongsam with intricate patterns embroidered at the hem. Perhaps due to the cool night, she also wore a beige knitted jacket, adding a touch of casualness to her otherwise formal attire.

She stood under the light, her eyes filled with anxiety and joy. Her hands were tightly clasped together, and her beautiful face became somewhat stiff due to excessive tension.

Finally, the car door was opened. A tall man in a suit got out of the car and nodded slightly to her, “Madam Su.”

Chu Xia didn’t give him a glance, her eyes were fixed behind him, “Where is Liangliang?”

Finally, in her anxious anticipation, a teenager who looked about sixteen or seventeen years old got out of the car and stood in front of her.

The teenager in front of her was tall and slender. He was wearing the blue and white uniform of Wu City No.1 High School, with a black backpack on his shoulder. His wheat-colored skin, clear and handsome eyebrows and eyes, his expression was cold, and when he looked up at people, he unconsciously carried a sense of alienation and indifference.

Chu Xia felt as if she was seeing the young Su Shengwen. Just one look, and she was sure that this was her little son who had been lost for sixteen years.

“Liangliang…” As soon as Chu Xia spoke, tears welled up in her eyes. She raised her hand hurriedly to wipe away the tears, trying to show him a gentle smile, but her sadness was too much, so much that she couldn’t even muster a forced smile.

She had trapped herself in the past for a full sixteen years.

Chu Xia had imagined countless scenarios of regaining what she had lost. Perhaps she would be ecstatic without regard for her image, or perhaps she would cry out in heart-wrenching pain. All she could think of was collapsing in joy, but when the moment really came, her heart was filled with countless indescribable sadness.

She had waited too long for this moment.

“Liangliang, I am your mother.” Chu Xia took a step forward, wanting to hold his hand.

Yi Chenliang coldly dodged her hand, his expression distant, “I don’t have a mother.”

He avoided Chu Xia, who didn’t mind. She said anxiously, “I am your biological mother. I gave birth to you. I’ve been looking for you for sixteen years, and I finally found you! I miss you every day——”

Before he was ten, Yi Chenliang often hid in his bed and cried secretly, whispering, longing for this woman, hoping that she could find him and save him.

The woman in front of him was as gentle and beautiful as he had imagined, embodying all the beautiful images of a mother.

But Yi Chenliang only felt strange.

“Liangliang, come in quickly.” Chu Xia looked at him expectantly, “Come in and let mom take a good look at you.”

“No need.” Yi Chenliang felt a bit regretful. He looked at Chu Xia calmly, “I’m going home. There are people waiting for me at home.”

Chu Xia was taken aback, and forced a smile, “But… but I heard that your foster parents don’t seem to treat you very well, and their biological son is still sick——”

“I’ve already severed ties with them.” Yi Chenliang interrupted her, “I have my own family.”

“This is your home.” Chu Xia looked at him blankly, “Dad, mom, and brother are all here. We are your family.”

“You’re not.” Yi Chenliang denied her words, “I’m going home.”

He turned to leave, but the people behind him blocked his way.

“Little young master, Mr. Su has ordered that you can’t go anywhere during this period.” The man said harshly.

Yi Chenliang’s eyes filled with anger, “I have nothing to do with them. Why do they interfere with my freedom?”

“Liangliang, Liangliang.” Chu Xia reached out to grab his arm, her eyes red as she explained to him, “Dad and mom mean no harm. We’re just afraid that it’s not safe for you to live outside by yourself. And you’re not yet eighteen. To make it easier to take care of you, we’ve moved your household registration back here. From now on, dad and mom will be your guardians. You won’t have to be alone anymore.”

After hearing this, Yi Chenliang looked at her in astonishment, as if he had heard something incredible, “Why did you do this?”

“We are your parents!” Chu Xia pleaded with him, “It’s our duty to protect you!”

A surge of anger rose from his heart. Yi Chenliang shook her off and said angrily, “You didn’t even inform me in advance or ask for my opinion! Why?”

Chu Xia said sadly, “Liangliang, don’t be like this…Your dad has a special status. Many people are watching him. We planned to explain it to you slowly later——”

“Explain fart!” Yi Chenliang laughed in anger, “I’ve seen it now. No wonder he despises you so much!”

Yun Fang rarely mentioned his biological parents to him. The only time was when Su Shengwen and Zhou Ang appeared at the entrance of the community, and Su Shengwen didn’t even show his face——but even so, Yun Fang was unusually unable to control his emotions.

Chu Xia looked at him with a pale face, heartbroken, “Liangliang, how could you say that about your parents?”

Yi Chenliang turned to leave, but the two men stood in his way like mountains——


“…I went to call Xiao Yi for dinner that day, but no matter how much I knocked, the door wouldn’t open. So I asked someone for the landlord’s number, and the landlord said he had moved out.” Tang Yi’s voice came from the other end of the phone, “Your dad and I were worried no matter how we thought about it. You didn’t answer your phone and it was turned off. We couldn’t find anyone after looking for two days. We went to the police station to report it, but they wouldn’t take the case because we’re not relatives. On Monday, I went to school with your dad, thinking that Xiao Yi would have to go to school. But as soon as we got to school, your teacher He said he had transferred. It seemed that his family had come to do it for him…”

Yun Fang clenched his phone.

“But I remember you and Xiao Yi both said that he was an orphan and had severed ties with his foster parents. How did his family suddenly appear?” Tang Yi was also anxious, “We’ve been looking for a week and still haven’t found where he went. Sugar, don’t panic, let’s look slowly.”

“Mm, I know.” Yun Fang hung up the phone, then called Huang Chu. As soon as Huang Chu answered the phone, he exclaimed, “Ancestor, you finally turned on your phone!”

“Yi Chenliang——” Yun Fang had just started speaking when Huang Chu interrupted him.

“This matter is too damn tricky!” Huang Chu was angry, “I just received a notice the day before yesterday. It was a notice of the second trial verdict of Xiao Yi’s previous lawsuit! Without me and Xiao Yi knowing anything about it, Song Lili and Yi Mingzhi filed an appeal. The court directly provided legal aid to Xiao Yi’s lawyer…By the time I received the news, the case was over!”

“What was the result?” Yun Fang asked.

“Song Lili and Yi Mingzhi won, it’s just outrageous! Are they all blind!” Huang Chu was still angry when he spoke, “But what’s even more outrageous is that I asked my classmates in the court to help me inquire. Song Lili and Yi Mingzhi won the lawsuit and immediately went to cancel the adoption procedures. Then someone immediately followed up with the adoption. All the procedures, household registration certificates, and even Xiao Yi’s informed consent were all in order. I’ve been looking for Xiao Yi for the past two days and haven’t found him. I asked my friends at the police station to help check. Xiao Yi’s household registration was moved out of Wu City that night——”

“Is what they did illegal?” Yun Fang’s voice cooled down.

“That’s where it’s damn tricky!” Huang Chu cursed, “This family definitely has a legal big shot behind them. With this combination of punches, it’s completely legal and reasonable, and you can’t pick out a single mistake. But this matter is just not right! Xiao Yi was obviously forced…”

“I know.” Yun Fang said to Huang Chu.

“The main thing now is to find Xiao Yi first. I’m always worried that he’s been tricked by someone.” Huang Chu was very worried, “Do you know where he is now? I asked at your school, and they said Xiao Yi had transferred.”

“I know.” Yun Fang’s voice became heavy.

He knew who was behind this.

Dominant and arrogant, clean and decisive, not allowing refusal, and not letting people pick out a single mistake.

Yun Fang stood in the empty room, his head throbbing with pain.

[You’re still young…I hope you won’t regret the decision you made today.] Su Shengwen’s confident voice echoed in his mind again.

——In the cold and narrow interrogation room, he hadn’t closed his eyes for several days, and the police across from him kept repeating the previous questions.

“Qi Huo is dead, no one can prove that what you said is true!”

“You and Qi Huo have always been in contact alone!”

“…Ge San is already dead! He and Qi Huo died in that explosion, so many people at the scene, only you ran out by yourself, what exactly happened that day!”

“Qi Huo’s superior has gone in! No matter what they promised you before, you just need to explain everything truthfully!”

“I’ll ask you one last time, why did you do this? What is your purpose!”

He sat at the table, his mind seemed to have rusted, he spoke numbly, the hoarse voice didn’t sound like his own, “I just want to come back.”

He just wanted to find a place to live quietly for a few more years, and then die quietly.

“Don’t make excuses anymore! How much have you done with Ge San?”

“Explain everything you know, don’t miss a single thing! Strive for lenient treatment!”

“The innocent people who died because of you are watching you!”


In the end, he couldn’t remember how long he hadn’t slept, he couldn’t even remember what he was saying, he just wanted to close his eyes, even if he died like this, it would be fine.

He didn’t know how many days had passed, just when he thought he couldn’t hold on, someone shouted at him. “Yi Chenliang, someone has bailed you out!”

He temporarily regained his freedom, and as he saw the sunlight, he also saw Zhou Ang in a suit and leather shoes.

Zhou Ang was polite and courteous, smiling at him, “Mr. Yi Chenliang, I think you only have one choice now.”

He stood in the sunlight in a disheveled state, his eyes gloomily looking at the car window behind Zhou Ang.

That window never fell——

Whether it was twenty years ago or twenty years later, Su Shengwen could always easily defeat him.


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Just in Time Chapter 92


Just in Time Chapter 90