Just in Time Chapter 77

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 77 Return

“Ah——” Yi Chenliang looked up at him, the position made his neck a bit sore. He grabbed Yun Fang’s hand to stand up, stretched out his arm and hugged him. “Don’t be like this.”

Yun Fang let him hold him, but the surge of violence and unknown emotions that rose in his heart suddenly collapsed.

Yi Chenliang sighed, “I’m not afraid no matter how many people you’ve killed, don’t always provoke me with this.”

Yun Fang was stunned.

Yi Chenliang hugged him and reached out to rub his back, “I’m really okay, don’t be afraid.”

“I’m not.” Yun Fang frowned.

“You’re not, then why did you rush back from Beijing to Wu City in the middle of the night?” Yi Chenliang held him without letting go, “The beating I took tonight is not as shocking as the scare you gave me.”

Yun Fang reached out and touched his head, drooping his eyes and not speaking.

Yi Chenliang knew his own problem, when he was unhappy, depressed, or had something on his mind, he liked to shut up and not speak, find a corner to squat in, and ignore everyone.

Yun Fang had never done this in front of him before, he thought he had grown up and changed this bad habit, but now he saw that he hadn’t at all.

Yi Chenliang dragged him to the living room and poured him a glass of water.

Yun Fang had rushed all the way back without even drinking water, and he was indeed thirsty now, he sat on the sofa and drank a glass of water unhurriedly.

“I was also quite scared when you were in the emergency room.” Yi Chenliang sat on the armrest of the sofa with his upper body bare, the bruises on his body were particularly glaring to Yun Fang, “I couldn’t see or touch anyone, I was scared out of my wits.”

“But I already reported safety on the phone, why did you come back?” Yi Chenliang, taking advantage of his high sitting position, reached out to grab his hair.

“You’re not that enthusiastic, sending a child to the police station in the middle of the night.” Yun Fang said, “I knew it was a lie as soon as I heard it.”

Yi Chenliang chuckled, after a while he smoothed Yun Fang’s hair that he had messed up, “Sun Yuan found Li Kai, seven or eight people blocked me on the road, it really wasn’t a big deal.”

“Does it have to be a near-death experience to be considered a big deal?” Yun Fang frowned.

“At least I wasn’t in the emergency room receiving three critical condition notices.” Yi Chenliang irritably grabbed a handful of his hair.

Yun Fang: “…”

Speaking of this, he indeed had no reason, and couldn’t win the argument.

“What about your exam tomorrow?” Yi Chenliang asked, “Is there still time to go back now?”

“The exam is not until tomorrow afternoon, it’s enough to leave in the morning.” Yun Fang said.

Yi Chenliang looked at the clock, it was already one o’clock in the middle of the night, and urged him to go to bed, “Go to sleep.”

Yun Fang lay on the bed, with Yi Chenliang lying next to him. The steady sound of breathing was right next to his ear, and the heart that had been hanging on the road finally settled down.

“Can’t sleep?” Yi Chenliang turned over, a long leg pressing on him.

Yun Fang slapped his thigh, “Aren’t you hot?”

“Not hot, you’re cool.” Yi Chenliang leaned towards him, grabbing his hand in the dark, “What happened just now? Why do you think I would be afraid of you?”

“I’m not a good person, it’s normal to be afraid of me.” Yun Fang paused, “If you’re really scared, I——”

Yi Chenliang pinched his face, “Then what will you do?”

Yun Fang frowned in the dark, his tone heavy, “I won’t let you go either.”

He had quite the demeanor of a ruthless and brutal boss.

It’s just that the boss was now being pinched by the cheek, and his momentum had been reduced by more than half.

“Lock me in a small dark room with chains?” Yi Chenliang quickly added, after a while he sighed with emotion, “Ah, it’s quite exciting.”

“Well… it’s not that bad.” Yun Fang uncontrollably imagined that scene, coughed lightly, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

“If you dare to let me go, I’ll lock you up.” Yi Chenliang poked his face, “Do whatever I want with you.”

“…Watch less of those messy TV dramas.” Yun Fang swatted away his paw.

Yi Chenliang’s arm was draped over his stomach, just when Yun Fang thought he was about to fall asleep, he suddenly spoke again, “You’re not a bad person, you’re the best person to me in the world.”

Yun Fang opened his eyes in the dark.

“I knew it when you blocked that knife for me in Xinnan Alley.” Yi Chenliang hugged his waist, “You don’t like killing at all.”

“Were you scared after you killed Wang Youwei?” Yi Chenliang asked.

Yun Fang was silent for a long time, just when Yi Chenliang thought he wouldn’t answer this question, he slowly said, “Scared.”

Scared to the point where his whole body was shaking, watching a living person convulse and lose breath in front of him, warm blood splashing on his face, his mind blank, wanting to run but unable to lift his legs.

Later, by chance, he met Ge San, he learned how to kill, but he was still scared. Scared to the point of having nightmares every night, being suffocated and waking up, staring into the darkness until dawn.

Even if he had become numb to it later.

But he still despised himself deeply.

The blood that splashed on him was washed clean by water, but it left a bone-eroding mark on his soul that he couldn’t wash off.

The more he liked Yi Chenliang, the more he despised his current self.

Yi Chenliang said to him, “It’s okay, you can talk to me.”

“Don’t listen to these.” Yun Fang reached out and touched his face, “You just need to grow up well.”

Yi Chenliang grabbed his hand, “Big Yi, I’m not just your past, I’m also your boyfriend.”

“There are some things that Little Yi can’t hear, but the boyfriend can.”

Yi Chenliang kissed the back of his hand, “Tell me.”

Yun Fang was momentarily at a loss, “I don’t know where to start.”

“Just start from that night, why did you have to go to Qiushan Orphanage.” Yi Chenliang said, “Why did you want to kill Ge San?”

Yun Fang had never talked about his past with anyone, he would even force himself not to recall, those memories were too dark and bloody, but they had happened vividly, even if he lived another life, they still weighed heavily on him, making him breathless.

At first, he wanted to scare Yi Chenliang away with this, to keep him away from himself, but in the end, he was still selfish and despicable, wanting to leave a not so bad impression on Yi Chenliang, not telling him the whole truth.

After being with Yi Chenliang, he made up his mind to keep these things rotting in his stomach, he didn’t want Yi Chenliang to see such an unbearable side of him.

But Yi Chenliang’s words were too tempting.

Yi Chenliang was not only his past, but also his boyfriend.

Could he also try to take a breath secretly?

“Before I died, I was under Ge San’s hand, and I did a lot of evil things for him…” Yun Fang slowly began to speak, finally trying to lift a corner of his own dark memory.

It was like breaking the shell that was tightly guarded over his heart, awkwardly and nervously exposing the rotten flesh inside to the other person, but still being careful, afraid of scaring the other person away.

Yi Chenliang listened quietly.

It was a strange future for him, and also a unique past for another Yi Chenliang. He was destined not to be able to participate in that memory, but he still pieced together a lonely and silent Yi Chenliang from the other’s words.

“…So I can’t let Ge San escape.” Yun Fang said, “I was close to killing him.”

“But Ge San is still alive.” Yi Chenliang tightened his grip on his hand as if he had a realization, “You handed him over to the police, why didn’t you kill him?”

Yi Chenliang just listened, all with the impulse to hack Ge San to pieces.

“I wanted to come back to see you clean.” Yun Fang pursed his lips, “After I woke up in this body, I haven’t killed anyone again.”

He spoke somewhat difficultly in the dark.

“Yi Chenliang, can you…not abandon me.”

The fear of being left behind, was never just one Yi Chenliang.


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Just in Time Chapter 78


Just in Time Chapter 76