Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 65

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 65 Moon

“Let him go!” Qi Huo, seeing Chang Ziqi being dragged away by Ge San, didn’t know where he got the strength from, but he swung a fist at Ge San’s face.

Ge San’s agility was far superior to his. He dodged, not even letting Qi Huo touch a hair on his head, and kicked Qi Huo in the back.

Qi Huo stumbled and fell to the ground. He turned his head and glared fiercely at Ge San, his expression changing in an instant.

Ge San sensed the sound of the wind whistling by his ear.

Even though it all happened in a blink of an eye, in Qi Huo’s eyes, everyone’s movements seemed extremely slow.

Yun Fang leaped down from a high place. His blue and white school uniform was billowing in the wind. His face was expressionless, like a calm and composed killer in a game. Without waiting for Ge San to turn around, he kicked Ge San in the temple. The next second, his knee was on Ge San’s neck, and he swiftly twisted Ge San’s gun-holding hand. Ge San let out a howl, and the crisp cracking sound made Qi Huo’s teeth sour.

Yun Fang disarmed Ge San’s gun and looked sharply at Qi Huo, “Go!”

Qi Huo, too surprised to react, carried the nearly unconscious Chang Ziqi on his back, grabbed the dazed Xiao Bao, and ran out.

Ge San was stunned by his kick, but Yun Fang’s physical strength was too small. Ge San wasn’t stunned for long, and with a push, he threw Yun Fang out.

Yun Fang rolled on the ground, holding the gun at Ge San, his voice steady, “Don’t move.”

Ge San grimaced, rubbing his temple and moving his neck. He looked at Yun Fang’s school uniform and let out a scornful laugh, “Kid, do you know how to shoot?”


The bullet grazed his ear and hit the wall behind him. Ge San’s face changed instantly.

“I have more than enough to kill you.” Yun Fang looked at him coldly.

Only then did Ge San notice that the kid was wearing a semi-transparent rubber glove on his hand. He licked his teeth and laughed, “You’re a f*cking expert.”

There wouldn’t be fingerprints left on the gun.

Bang! Bang!

Suddenly, gunshots rang out from outside. Qi Huo, carrying Chang Ziqi on his back, crawled and rolled back inside. Seeing Yun Fang and Ge San in a standoff with guns, he was stunned for half a second, then blurted out to Yun Fang, “There’s another guy with a gun outside!”

Yun Fang didn’t even spare him a glance, his gun steadily pointed at Ge San, “Get behind me.”

Without a moment’s hesitation, Qi Huo, carrying Chang Ziqi and dragging Xiao Bao, moved behind him.

Yun Fang now gave him the feeling of being a completely different person, cold and unfamiliar, but strangely reassuring.

A burly man came in from the door, holding a gun. Seeing the situation, he cursed, “Damn! How did another one pop up!?”

Ge San glared at Yun Fang with a grim expression.

“How long do you think it’ll be before the police arrive?” Yun Fang kept his gun steadily aimed at Ge San, even though he was also being aimed at by another man.

Hearing this, Ge San started to laugh, “Then do you think you can survive until the police arrive?”

Seemingly certain that Yun Fang wouldn’t dare to shoot and kill him, Ge San suddenly lunged at him!

In the instant that Ge San lunged, Yun Fang suddenly turned his gun, using Ge San’s body as a shield, and shot through the hand of the other man who was holding a gun. He shouted, “Qi Huo!”

Qi Huo lunged forward to grab the gun that had fallen to the ground. However, he had been beaten so badly earlier that his physical strength couldn’t keep up. Before he could run, the man grabbed his ankle and dragged him to the ground. Before falling, he threw the gun out.

The gun was thrown near Xiao Bao and Chang Ziqi.

“Xiao Bao, run!” Qi Huo turned around and started wrestling with the man.

Yun Fang’s gun slipped from his hand. He dodged Ge San’s punch, twisted his body, stepped on a table, and smashed his elbow into Ge San’s nose. However, Ge San grabbed his arm and threw him into a pile of tables and chairs.

His internal organs felt like they had shifted. Yun Fang felt as if he had returned to many years ago when he first started boxing. His body’s movements couldn’t keep up with his eyes and brain’s reactions. For a moment, he regretted not having trained his weak body more.

Rolling over to dodge Ge San’s attack, he grabbed the leg of the table beneath him, turned around abruptly, and swung it behind him. Before the other party could react, he kicked him in the chest, and both of them were shocked and took two steps back.

Ge San wiped the splinters embedded in his wound, clenched his fist, and a hint of interest appeared in his eyes, “Good skills, but unfortunately, you lack strength.”

If it had been someone stronger, just that one move earlier could have taken half his life and left him unable to get up from the ground.

Yun Fang stared at him intently. The next second, a whooshing sound came from behind his head. He rolled to the side in a swift motion, and a table with a huge force smashed onto the ground, instantly shattering into pieces.

On the other side, Qi Huo was lying quietly on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. Chang Ziqi had fainted from excessive blood loss, and the little boy had run off somewhere unknown.

Ge San let out a sinister laugh, “Ah Si, kill him!”

Ah Si roared angrily, clenched his fists, and charged at Yun Fang. Yun Fang had nowhere to dodge, raised his arm to block, and was smashed into the wall by the tremendous force.

Ah Si charged at Yun Fang again.

His fighting style didn’t have much technique, but he had brute strength. Yun Fang had some difficulty dealing with him, especially since his own strength was already exhausted. He was hit hard several times, and his mouth was full of blood.

Ge San calmly bent down to pick up Yun Fang’s gun that had fallen on the ground, turned around, pointed the gun at Yun Fang, and slowly pulled the trigger.


Ge San’s face changed. There were no bullets in the gun!

Just then, the sound of police sirens finally came from afar.

Ge San angrily threw the gun on the ground, glared fiercely at Yun Fang, as if he wanted to imprint this face deeply in his mind, “Ah Si, let’s go!”

However, Ah Si didn’t respond, his tall body fell to the ground with his back to him.

Yun Fang looked at Ge San, opened his fist in front of him, and several bullets fell to the ground.

Ge San saw the murderous intent in his eyes, which made him feel a bit ridiculous. He could actually detect a strong murderous intent from a high school student.

“The police can’t even hold me, can you?” Ge San’s chest rose with anger, “I have more than enough time to kill you and then run!”

Yun Fang was already exhausted, but he knew that no matter what, he couldn’t let Ge San run out of this door.

If Ge San ran out, he would live another twenty years.

In those twenty years, not only Qi Huo would die, but many more people would die innocent deaths because of Ge San.

He didn’t care about the lives and futures of others.

If Ge San stayed here, in Yi Chenliang’s future life, he would never see Ge San again, and he could safely pass his 35th birthday twenty years later.

Yun Fang looked at the bright moon outside through the high window.

He just wanted Yi Chenliang to sleep a little more peacefully tonight.

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