Just in Time Chapter 59

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 59 Downstairs

Over the weekend, Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang went to the mall to buy a mobile phone.

Yi Chenliang had never had a mobile phone. The two of them spent all day together, he didn’t have anyone else he needed to contact. Yun Fang didn’t mind, but suddenly on this Saturday, he pulled him to the mall to look at mobile phones.

“I won’t use it even if I buy it,” Yi Chenliang wondered.

“It will be convenient anyway,” Yun Fang said.

The two of them chatted and strolled around. After making their selection, they sat on the sofa in the store waiting for the salesperson to set up the phone. The TV on the wall was broadcasting local news.

[Late last night at around 12 o’clock, a vicious murder case occurred in Xinnan Alley, Dongyang Street, Wu City, resulting in one death and one injury. The victim, Wang*, was a former resident of Dongyang Street, 17 years old, and a high school dropout… After the case, the city’s Public Security Bureau quickly set up a special case team, and the case is currently under investigation…]

The TV was showing a picture of the victim. Although it was pixelated, Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang recognized him at a glance.

“It’s Wang Youwei…” Yi Chenliang turned his head to look at Yun Fang.

Yun Fang’s face looked very bad.

He thought that by blocking Yi Chenliang’s knife, all the things that happened afterwards would not be repeated. But a few months later, Wang Youwei still died in Xinnan Alley.

It was as if he was declaring some unchangeable outcomes to him.

After getting the phone, the two of them didn’t feel like continuing to shop. Yun Fang was somewhat silent all the way, and Yi Chenliang held his hand, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Yun Fang squeezed his hand, “It might just be a coincidence.”

Although he said so, whether this matter was a coincidence or inevitable, no one could say for sure.

“Look at me, I’m still studying well now.” Yi Chenliang couldn’t think of any better words to comfort him, so he could only say dryly, “I won’t cause trouble in the future.”

Yun Fang smiled, “I know—”

He had barely finished speaking when he repressed his smile, looking at the car parked at the entrance of the residential area.

A Hongqi car.

In a small place like Wu City, it was rare to see such a car in a year, and now it was so ostentatiously parked at the entrance of a rundown residential area.

Yi Chenliang didn’t recognize this car, he just found it strange and took a few more glances, saying to Yun Fang, “This license plate number is strange.”

Yun Fang didn’t speak, his face looked very bad. He pulled Yi Chenliang’s hand and walked into the residential area, “Don’t worry about it.”

Yi Chenliang keenly noticed his suddenly deteriorating mood. When they saw the news of Wang Youwei being killed before, Yun Fang was just a bit shocked, but now he saw disgust in Yun Fang’s eyes.

A very clear disgust, Yi Chenliang had never seen him like this since he met Yun Fang.

This was strange.

Most of the time, Yun Fang was indifferent to people and things, polite and distant, even when facing Song Lili, he didn’t show any obvious emotions.

“Please wait, gentlemen.” The door of the driver’s seat was opened, and a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes, who was gentle and amiable, came out, smiling at Yi Chenliang, “Mr. Su wants to see you.”

Yi Chenliang was thinking about Yun Fang all the time, and he rudely said to this suddenly appearing middle-aged man, “Who are you?”

The middle-aged man smiled very kindly, handed him a business card, “My surname is Zhou, I am Mr. Su’s butler. Qingbai must have told you about the Su family before, right?”

Yi Chenliang ignored him, took the gold-embossed business card and glanced at it. The two characters Zhou Ang on it were particularly imposing, “Damn, there really is a luxury and a butler in picking up.”

Zhou Ang seemed not to mind at all, he politely said to Yi Chenliang, “Mr. Su is in the car.”

Yi Chenliang didn’t look at him, he turned his head to look at Yun Fang.

Yun Fang coldly glanced at the closed car window, as if his gaze met with the person inside through the car window, he said to Yi Chenliang, “You decide for yourself.”

Yun Fang’s rare attitude made Yi Chenliang sense a hint of subtlety. He clenched Yun Fang’s hand and said to Zhou Ang, “Don’t come looking for me again.”

After saying that, he pulled Yun Fang and walked into the residential area.

Leaving Zhou Ang standing in place with a surprised look on his face.

The person sitting in the car never showed up from beginning to end. The Hongqi car stayed in front of the residential area for a few minutes, then slowly drove away.

Yi Chenliang pulled Yun Fang up the stairs. After entering the door, he looked at him a bit worriedly, “Are you okay?”

Yun Fang ruffled his hair, “Why didn’t you meet him? Not curious?”

“I am a bit curious, but you seem a bit unhappy.” Yi Chenliang was lowering his head to change his shoes, the shopping bag in his hand hadn’t been put down yet, “I have to coax you first—hey!”

Yi Chenliang was suddenly pressed against the wall by Yun Fang, who leaned in and kissed him.

Yi Chenliang was dumbfounded, thinking that the midterm exam hadn’t been taken yet, but he couldn’t resist Yun Fang’s temptation, which was too great. He quickly forgot about the exam and the agreement, and kissed back in a daze.

Yun Fang’s warm palm cushioned the back of his head, separating him from the wall. His soft lips fell on his thin eyelids, and Yi Chenliang subconsciously closed his eyes.

Yun Fang held him tightly in his arms with one hand, kissing him patiently and meticulously, from his temples to his nose, lingering at the corners of his lips, his voice hoarse, “Yi Chenliang.”

“Hmm.” Yi Chenliang has always been unable to resist his gentle and strong methods, his voice was a bit unstable.

“I told you before, I’m not a good person.” Yun Fang’s gaze at him was deep and dark, carrying an emotion that Yi Chenliang had never seen before, “Do you remember?”

Yi Chenliang swallowed nervously, "I remember."

"I gave you a chance to stay away from me." Yun Fang stared at him intently, exuding aggression, like a predator eyeing its weak and helpless prey, cold with a hint of madness, "I won't give you another chance."

Yi Chenliang was a bit confused by what he heard, but he could clearly sense Yun Fang's restlessness. He leaned in to kiss him, trying to soothe his agitation and unease.

Yun Fang deepened the kiss, his voice carrying a chilling undertone in the ambiguous breath, "You are mine alone."

Regardless of whether he was Yi Chenliang now or what Yi Chenliang would become in the future, this person Yi Chenliang could only belong to him, inside and out, from birth to death, he could only be his alone.

"Hiss... you, you, don't bite me..." Yi Chenliang felt like he might actually have a liking for biting people, a little quirk that he couldn't change even in his thirties.

Yun Fang took him to the bedroom.

Yun Fang's current demeanor was somewhat peculiar, causing Yi Chenliang to feel a bit uneasy, but unable to resist the allure of beauty. Seeing Yun Fang so proactive for the first time, he had no strength to refuse, and could only reluctantly say, "It's broad daylight—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the bedroom door was slammed shut with a loud "bang."



Yi Chenliang’s hand was sore, and he was so tired that he lay on the bed and didn’t want to move.

He was very domineering, hugging Yun Fang’s waist, one long leg pressed on Yun Fang’s waist and refused to take it down. His voice carried a lazy tone, “What happened to you today?”

Yun Fang was playing with his hair intermittently, pretending to be confused, “What happened?”

Yi Chenliang thought back to the scene just now and was a bit embarrassed. He grabbed the hand that was teasing his hair and bit fiercely on his wrist, refusing to let go.

Yun Fang didn’t mind the pain, let him bite, and said softly, “Were you scared?”

Yi Chenliang hummed, Yun Fang was a bit scary just now.

And particularly shameless.

He really didn’t want to bite too hard, so he let go of his mouth in frustration.

Yun Fang ruffled his hair, smiling very happily, “Isn’t it just to make you call me ‘brother’?”

Yi Chenliang knew he was deliberately changing the subject, “Won’t say, forget it.”

He turned around to get out of bed, but was pulled back by the person behind him.

Yun Fang held him in his arms and said softly, “Do you really want to know?”

Although every time he asked this question, it was never good, but Yi Chenliang still nodded firmly, looking at him with clear eyes.

Yun Fang looked at him tenderly and said, “Then I’ll tell you.”

Some things can only be deeply hidden in the heart.

But he had two hearts.


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Just in Time Chapter 60


Just in Time Chapter 58