Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 55

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 55 Don’t Even Think About It

The lawsuit was over a month and a half later.

Originally, Yun Fang’s idea was to go out for a meal together to thank him. Just as they were about to leave, they received a call from the hospital.

Zhao Fang had given birth prematurely.

The three of them hurried to the hospital.

Zhao Fang was alone and didn’t know anyone here. At first, Huang Chu helped her with the lawsuit as part of his duty for legal aid. Later, when she was pregnant and had nowhere to go, Yun Fang suggested that she come to the shop to help. At first, the business in the shop was not busy, and it wouldn’t be too tiring. When it really got busy, Yi Chenliang came over and helped her a lot. Later, they wanted to give her a vacation to rest in the rented house, but she refused.

Zhao Fang was a person who knew how to repay kindness. After receiving her salary, she felt it was too much. She often told Yi Chenliang that the boss was a good person, and even asked how much it cost to sue, wanting to give Huang Chu a supplement. She was very practical when it came to work.

So their impression of Zhao Fang was very good.

By the time they got to the hospital, the child had already been born. It was a frail little girl, her skin wrinkled all over, looking dry.

Because it was premature, the little girl was taken into the incubator by the nurse. Fortunately, her body was very healthy and there were no major problems.

Zhao Fang was lying on the hospital bed looking very pale, and she looked at them with embarrassment, “The doctor insisted on calling the family…I…I only remembered Lawyer Huang’s phone number, I’m sorry for the trouble.”

Huang Chu waved his hand and laughed, “No trouble, no trouble, this is a big happy event, today is really a double happiness!”

Zhao Fang said, “Did Xiao Yi’s lawsuit go through?”

“Yes.” Yun Fang smiled, “From now on, there will be no connection with them.”

Zhao Fang looked moved, “That’s really great.”

Zhao Fang was lying in bed unable to move. Because she was brought by an ambulance due to premature birth, many things she needed were not prepared. Fortunately, she was careful and had everything at home. Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang ran a trip to help her bring the things to the hospital. Huang Chu was busy helping her with the hospitalization procedures. By the time all this was done, it was already evening.

Yun Fang and Yi Chenliang were leaning over the incubator looking at the baby inside.

“She’s really ugly,” Yi Chenliang honestly commented.

“All newborns are like this,” Yun Fang said. “She’ll look better in a few days.”

Yi Chenliang gestured, “She’s too small, not even five pounds. Look at the others, they’re seven or eight pounds.”

“That’s why it’s premature,” Yun Fang said, pulling him up by his collar. “Don’t criticize here, she’s a little girl after all, she can’t hear these things.”

The three of them had dinner with Sister Zhao that night.

“I haven’t read much, Lawyer Huang, you guys are knowledgeable, help me name my daughter,” Sister Zhao laughed.

“She’s so tiny, why not call her Xiaoxiao (Little Little),” Yi Chenliang gestured, “Like a little mouse.”

Yun Fang slapped him on the head, “Don’t talk nonsense.”

Zhao Fang was stunned for a moment, “Xiaoxiao is pretty good, and easy to write.”

“Sister Zhao, don’t listen to his nonsense,” Yun Fang apologized.

Yi Chenliang touched his head, glaring at Yun Fang unconvinced, “I’m talking about a nickname.”

Sister Zhao laughed out loud, “Then the nickname will be Xiao Xiao, it’s nice and easy to remember.”

Naming was a big deal, several people checked their phones over and over again, Huang Chu even ran to the next ward to borrow a dictionary.

Several people huddled together and murmured for most of the night, and finally Zhao Fang decided on the little girl’s formal name.

“Let’s call her Zhao Qinghe,” Sister Zhao said with a smile, “In the future, she will live a clean and honest life, find a good family, and live a harmonious and beautiful life.”

Actually, this name was found by Yun Fang and the others from “Jiu Si”, “sound is clear and harmonious”, which meant clear beauty and harmony. But thinking about Sister Zhao’s experience, it seemed that such an understanding was not wrong, it’s all good wishes for the child.

Zhao Qinghe’s name was thus decided by her mother. According to her mother, this was a name that her three uncles racked their brains to find from a dictionary and mobile phone all night–although the name she was called most at home was Zhao Xiaoxiao.

Later, when Zhao Xiaoxiao grew up, she asked why she was given a nickname called Xiaoxiao. Everyone was embarrassed to tell her that it was because at the beginning, her Uncle Yi thought she looked like a hairless gray mouse.

In any case, now Zhao Xiaoxiao was weak and silent, her eyes were not open, and she had no power to resist.


The results of the second monthly exam after the start of school came out, and both of their grades had regressed to varying degrees.

Yun Fang barely scored 602, while Yi Chenliang didn’t even reach 600, scoring 596.

As expected, both of them were called into the office for a talk.

Old Fang was usually quite irritable, not as calm and collected as Old He. He started scolding the two of them right away.

“What do you two do all the time!” Old Fang didn’t hold back when scolding them, “Every time in class, you two are either whispering or passing notes! Where do you two get so much to talk about?”

Yun Fang bowed his head guiltily to take the scolding, while Yi Chenliang touched his nose and dared not speak.

“Yi Chenliang, are you in love?” Old Fang’s expression looked like he was about to eat someone.

Yi Chenliang’s heart skipped a beat, and he subconsciously turned to look at Yun Fang. As soon as he opened his mouth, he stuttered, “No, no.”

“What are you stuttering for if there’s nothing!” Old Fang slammed the table angrily, “You’ve regressed the most, last month’s exam you scored 639, this time you dropped forty points directly! Is it because of that little girl in class eight?”

Yi Chenliang looked confused, “Who?”

“Still pretending here!” Old Fang was so angry that his hair was about to fall out. He sighed heavily, “I know your family situation is troublesome, and you’re under a lot of pressure, but you can find other ways to relax. Puppy love has no benefits for your studies…”

Yun Fang lowered his head and hooked up the corner of his mouth.

“And you, what are you laughing at?” Old Fang glared at Yun Fang, “I put you two together to help each other and make progress. But you, you’re always staring at Yi Chenliang. Is the blackboard on his face?”

Yun Fang: “…..”

“I saw last semester, you two would sit together and do problems and discuss topics after class. This semester, as soon as class is over, you either gather together to chat or lean your heads together to snack. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you two were dating!” Old Fang got angrier the more he spoke, pointing at them and saying, “You never do anything serious!”

Old He, who was sitting on the side, was holding his thermos cup and watching the excitement with a smile. Hearing him getting more and more outrageous, he couldn’t help but interject, “Old Fang, it’s not that serious. Yun Fang looks like a good kid, he definitely wouldn’t be in a relationship.”

Yun “Good Kid” “Definitely Wouldn’t Be in a Relationship” Fang: “……”

“That little girl from Class 8 is called Bei Xingxing, right?” Old He looked gossipy, “That little girl cries as soon as she’s scolded, she admits her mistakes actively, but she’s determined not to change, making Xiao Xu stomp his feet all day.”

The head teacher of Class 8 was a young teacher who had just graduated with a master’s degree not long ago. His teaching level was top-notch, but he lacked experience. He was so annoyed by the students in Class 8 that he wanted to resign every day.

Old He’s words were like pouring oil on fire, Old Fang pointed at Yi Chenliang and said with disappointment, “You might as well be dating Yun Fang, at least his academic performance is better than yours!”

If it wasn’t for the inappropriate occasion, Yi Chenliang would really like to praise Old Fang’s sharp eyes.

Wasn’t he dating Yun Fang?

The two of them were scolded in the office for a long time, and they both breathed a sigh of relief when they came out.

Yi Chenliang muttered, “When did he see it? How does it seem like he knows everything?”

“…” Yun Fang also wanted to know.

Puppy love affects studies, especially when it’s with Yi Chenliang.

He recently dared not send Yi Chenliang upstairs, fearing that he would get carried away and keep pulling him to study “biology questions”. Although he was young and energetic, he had to do his homework during early self-study every time the little b*stard got crazy.

Of course, Yi Chenliang was not the only one who knew the taste. He would occasionally pull Yi Chenliang to study a bit, to make up for the “knowledge” gap.

The two of them were in cahoots, hit it off, and were like dry wood catching fire… “Cough.” Yun Fang dispersed the messy images in his mind and looked at Yi Chenliang with a serious and solemn face.

(t/n: dry wood catching fire-it is a metaphor for a situation that is ripe and about to explode; it is also a metaphor for a man and woman with strong lust together.)

Yi Chenliang looked up at the sky, arguing, “It’s not necessarily because of puppy love.”

“We’ll talk about this issue seriously after school,” Yun Fang said seriously.

“Are you going upstairs then?” Yi Chenliang stared at him with a deep gaze, his wild ambition clearly revealed.

Yun Fang refused outright with righteous words, “Don’t even think about it.”

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