Pure Love Translations

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Just in Time Chapter 53

Translated by Sylver (ko-fi)

Chapter 53 Pitiful

Su Qingbai had knocked on the table in front of Shen Zhouzhou, asking with a smile, “Why are you always looking at Yi Chenliang? Do you like him?”

Shen Zhouzhou snorted lightly, glancing at him with contempt, “What’s it to you? You have a problem?”

Su Qingbai twirled the pen in his hand, “Not really, but I heard his family isn’t doing so well. His mother even brought his younger brother to school before, causing a scene and wanting him to drop out and work?”

Shen Zhouzhou frowned at him, “How did you know that?”

“There are so many students in our class, just ask around and you’ll know.” Su Qingbai shrugged, laughing, “He’s so pitiful, shouldn’t we, the students of our class, help him out?”

Although what Su Qingbai said was not wrong, his tone was condescending, which made Shen Zhouzhou’s face darken, “You’re so gossipy and enthusiastic, it’s a pity you’re not working for the neighborhood committee.”

Su Qingbai was a bit annoyed by the retort, jokingly said, “It seems you really do like him.”

“At least I don’t like you.” Shen Zhouzhou huffed, turned her head away from him, and started typing on her phone.

Su Qingbai couldn’t help but glance at it out of the corner of his eye, and saw a line of bold characters on the screen.

[What to do if your deskmate is a big idiot?]

Su Qingbai: “…”


Yi Chenliang and Yun Fang were bent over doing their work, even though they were deskmates, their clothes didn’t even touch.

Ji Shumo, who came to collect the homework, looked at them strangely and asked Yi Chenliang, “Brother Yi, did you guys have a fight?”

“No.” Yi Chenliang lifted his head, his face serious.

Ji Shumo scratched his head, “Hey, Brother Yi, don’t be so serious, it’s quite intimidating.”

Yun Fang said, “Wait a little longer, it will be over soon.”

Ji Shumo looked at them in surprise as they were doing their homework, “Strange, it’s the first time I’ve seen you guys not doing your homework. What were you doing last night?”

“That’s a good question.” Yun Fang looked at Yi Chenliang with a smirk, “Ask your Brother Yi.”

Yi Chenliang stated firmly, “I was studying biology last night!”

Ji Shumo was shocked, giving them a thumbs up, “As expected of you guys, what a passionate attitude towards studying. Look at those dark circles, I will definitely learn from you two in the future!”

Yun Fang: “…”

This class is unbearable.

As soon as Ji Shumo collected the homework, he ran off somewhere else. Yun Fang took out his textbook to read the text, and his leg under the table was lightly touched by Yi Chenliang.

Yun Fang turned his head to look at him, only to find him seriously copying words.

Then his leg was touched again.

Yun Fang turned his head back and ignored him, this time Yi Chenliang’s leg directly stuck to his, the warmth of the other party came through the thin school uniform pants.

“Yi Chenliang, focus on studying.” Yun Fang pinched the pen in his hand, speaking without lifting his head.

The leg that was sticking to him reluctantly moved away, but on the surface, the owner of the leg was still focusing on copying words.

Yun Fang: “…”

Early love really does affect studying.

Having messed around too late last night, Yun Fang was easily sleepy during the day. He laid his head on the table to catch up on sleep during the break, and heard someone crying in a daze. The sharp voice was annoying, and he opened his eyes with a frown.

A middle-aged woman was crying at the classroom door with disheveled hair, “He’s actually suing his own parents! Does he have any conscience left? He’s not letting us live!”

Song Lili saw Yi Chenliang in the corner and rushed up to grab him like a madwoman. She was blocked by Yun Fang’s arm, looking somewhat deranged, “Yi Chenliang! Did you tamper with your dad’s car? How could your heart be so dirty! Your dad almost died in a car accident! Did you hit your third uncle…They all want money from our family!! You come back with me to explain!”

Yi Chenliang frowned at her, “It wasn’t me.”

“It must be you!” Song Lili screamed, “Who else could it be! How can you still have the face to study here? Where did you get the money? Where did you get the money! Your younger brother is in the hospital waiting for money to save his life, and you still have the face to study! On what grounds!?”

In her excitement, she was about to pull Yi Chenliang, but was grabbed by the arm by the security guard who had rushed over. Old Fang wiped the sweat from his forehead, “Parent of Yi Chenliang, we are disturbing the students’ study here. If there is anything, we should solve it in the office——”

“I can’t live anymore——” Song Lili broke free from the security guard and sat on the ground, crying heartbreakingly, “I can’t live this life anymore!!”

Yi Chenliang kept a straight face, just about to speak when he was held by Yun Fang.

“Making a scene here won’t solve any problems.” Yun Fang looked at Song Lili coldly, “Your family almost killed Yi Chenliang, this is not domestic violence, this is murder, everything waits for the court’s verdict.”

Song Lili, like a madwoman, pounced on him, “It’s you! You’re in cahoots with him!”

Yi Chenliang pulled Yun Fang behind him and said to Old Fang, “Teacher, call the police.”

The classroom was in chaos, Su Qingbai watched with interest, “They don’t look like they’re related.”

Shen Zhouzhou gave him an annoyed look, “You should accumulate some virtue in your mouth.”

Su Qingbai stared at her and laughed, “It seems you really don’t like me.”

“You’re not a RMB, don’t be so narcissistic.” Shen Zhouzhou rolled her eyes.


In the office, Song Lili was still throwing a tantrum.

Old Fang was talking to Yi Chenliang in another office, while Old He had been trying to persuade Song Lili for a long time and almost got scratched. He turned his head and saw Yun Fang standing outside the door.

“What are you doing here?” Old He waved his hand to shoo him away, “Go back to the classroom.”

“I’m waiting for Yi Chenliang.” Yun Fang stood at the door without leaving, “I can help persuade this parent.”

“Don’t add to the chaos.” Old He was shouted until he was frazzled.

“I might be able to calm her down a bit.” Yun Fang said this, but his expression was very certain. “I know some things about their family.”

Old He still didn’t quite believe it, but Song Lili was crying so miserably that he hesitated, “You try to persuade her.”

Yun Fang smiled, walking over to Song Lili.

“Auntie, Yi Chenze is still in the hospital.” Yun Fang reached out to hold her arm, but his strength was so great that Song Lili couldn’t break free. “Uncle Yi has suffered such a serious injury, you have to take good care of Chenze.”

Song Lili was stunned at first, then suddenly stopped crying. Under Yun Fang’s gaze, her expression gradually became terrified, “You… it’s you——”

“Auntie, in a society ruled by law, everyone speaks with evidence.” Yun Fang smiled slightly, reaching out to help her up, “Don’t you agree?”

“Chenze’s health has always been poor.” Yun Fang sighed as if he meant it, “I thought you wouldn’t come to trouble Yi Chenliang again, but I didn’t expect you to be so persistent.”

Song Lili’s face turned pale instantly.

Yun Fang spoke softly, and Old He didn’t hear clearly what he said. He only saw that the person who had been throwing a tantrum just now suddenly calmed down after being helped up, which surprised Old He.

Song Lili ran out of the office in a hurry, and Old He couldn’t stop her no matter how he shouted.

The smile at the corner of Yun Fang’s mouth slowly faded.

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